

3227 Uppsatser om Priority scoring systems - Sida 42 av 216

Kartläggning av arbetsmiljön: en fallstudie vid BAE Systems
Bofors AB i Karlskoga

BAE Systems Bofors AB är ett svenskt försvarsmaterielföretag som ligger i Karlskoga. Bofors ägs av BAE Systems AB. BAE Systems AB ägs i sin tur av BAE Systems som är ett multinationellt försvarsmaterielföretag. Tidigare tillverkade Bofors försvarsmateriel, så som vapensystem, kanoner och ammunition, för den svenska och internationella marknaden. Nu ligger fokus på att utveckla försvarsmateriel.

Aspect Analyzer: Ett verktyg för automatiserad exekveringstidsanalys av komponenter och aspekter

The increasing complexity in the development of a configurable real-time system has emerged new principles of software techniques, such as aspect-oriented software development and component-based software development. These techniques allow encapsulation of the system's crosscutting concerns and increase the modularity of the software. The properties of a component that influences the systems performance or semantics are specified separately in entities called aspects, while basic functionality of the property still remains in the component. When building a real-time system, different sets of configurations of aspects and components can be combined, resulting in different configurations of the system. The temporal behavior of the system changes and a way to ensure the predictability of the system is needed.

Utveckling av mobilapplikation

The company System Andersson is developing systems for controlling materials and production in industries. They want to add a new service, where parts of those systems are accessible through cell phones.In this paper we are investigating which technology are best suited for this kind of application. And then we describe how we are developing a prototype fort this application, based upon that technology. After investigating technologies such as Java ME, Microsoft Silverlight, and web applications we settled upon building the system as a web application, customized for a mobile environment.To build a web page which is readable by many different cell phones we use the markup-languages which are developed for cell phones. We put much effort in reading about the standards and recommendations for the mobile web, produced by the organizations W3C and OMA.

Utveckling av kyl- och smörjsystem för ekobilen Agilis HCCI motor

Every year, KTH participates in the Shell Eco Marathon, a competition whose goal is to design a vehicle that can go as far as possible using only the equivalent energy of one liter of petrol fuel. This year, one of KTH?s contributions to this race is the Agilis prototype; a car powered by a uniquely configured HCCI-engine developed at the university. The engine is dependent of several subsystems in order to work properly, among other, systems for cooling and lubrication.Combustion engines are in need of a cooling system that reduces the heat developed during the combustion. In general, two main types of cooling systems are employed; either air cooling, where the outside of the cylinder is exposed to a flow of the surrounding air, ore water cooling, where water flows in tubes around the engine, and the heat are transferred by the water to the surrounding air through a heat exchanger.The purpose of the lubrication system is to prevent the friction that builds up in the interference between moving parts in the engine.

Kvalitetschefens Roll och Kompetens Inom Svenska Organisationer och Företag

The role of the quality manager has evolved from being a quality controller to work with a more global business. Within many organizations in Sweden, however, the traditional role of the quality manager's remains and the tasks categorized as quality control still takes up most of the quality manager's time. The survey conducted as part of this master thesis shows that the quality manager in most businesses has multiple roles in addition to the role of quality manager, which can create a role conflict. One consequence of this is that each improvement is not given priority due to time constraints. Although the importance of a clear and committed leadership is the key for succeeding as the quality manager.

Skånes landskap - ett industriminne? : en betraktelse med utgångspunkt i Findus ärtodling

This paper argues that the food industry in general and the one taking place in Scania in particular, are disregarded in the official management of industrial preservation carried out in Sweden today. Despite the articulated ambition of a cultural heritage that as many as possible could identify with, the practice tend to create an industrial heritage based on stereotype ideas about the landscape in Sweden and the characteristics of industry. The way the open land of Scania differs from the traditional image of the appearance of Sweden, is used as one possible way to explain why the food industries of Scania are overseen in the management of industrial heritage. It is also argued that the high number of female employees might bee a reason why the food industries in general are given low priority in the practice of cultural heritage. By putting the Findus pea industry and the cultivated landscape that provides the factory with primary products against the official criteria for industrial memories, it is examined what values for preservation the food industry contain..

Nationella prov- som stöd eller som tidstjuv? : En kvantitativ studie om lärares uppfattning av nationella prov

In recent years, more of high stakes (National exam- NP) have been introduced in Sweden and now (2015) the government has decided that the NP in social sciences- and natural science in 6th grade is optional in order to reduce teachers' administrative burden. Based on these reforms, to have more tests in more grades and also on the decision to remove the test, the purpose of this study is to examine how teachers perceive the work of the (NP).A quantitative research was done in the form of questionnaires. The study was based on questionnaires regarding the time for working with the NP and of the intention that the NP should be a support for teachers.The result of the study is linked to school development and the constructivist theory of learning. The results show that teachers perceive work with NP takes a lot of time, where as the time for administration seems to take slightly lesser time than the time for assessing the exams. The results also indicate that teachers perceive NP as supportive, mainly in relation to the curriculum.

Belöningssystem och engagemang : ? En studie av Eniro 118 118, Ernst & Young och Henses Herrmode.

Title: Reward systems and Commitment-A study of Eniro 118 118, Ernst & Young and Henses men'sfashion.Authors: Marlene Backlund, Vida Miraftab & Marcus SvenssonSupervisor: Arne SöderbomCourse: Dissertation 15 ECTSKey words: incentive programs, commitment and justicePurpose: The purpose of the study is to learn about the relationship betweenrewards and employee commitment in the case companies.Method: We have chosen to design the study, from a hermeneutic visibleway, and the essay approach is abductive. Study research methodis qualitative. We have chosen the method of interview in the casestudy. Theory: The thesis theoretical framework is separated into two main parts,incentive systems and commitment. The chapter is summarized ina model.Empirical method: A total of nine interviews conducted, three interviews in three casecompanies.

Public Welfare vs Return on Shareholders´Equity -A Case Study of the Translation & Implementation of the Management Control Systems in Systembolaget

Background and problem: Higher and other demands are made on management control systems in organizations which have a superior non-financial objective. Systembolaget, a state-owned company with monopoly to sell alcoholic beverages in Sweden, combines two main objectives which can be considered as conflicting, one financial target and one superior non-financial public welfare target. The research questions are focused on the translation of information through the organization?s levels and if the management control system makes it possible to run the organization according to both of the two main conflicting objectives.Purpose and Delimitations: To describe, analyze and evaluate how management control can be used in an organization, which is not profit maximizing and has both non-financial and financial objectives. The essay does not try to describe or draw generalized conclusions regarding general perspectives on Systembolaget?s assignment and objectives.Method: A qualitative and evaluative case study based on interviews with five employees at different levels in Systembolaget has been carried through.

Gränsöverskridande fusioner : Hur stor betydelse kommer det tionde bolagsdirektivet att kunna få?

Det råder i dagens läge en hård konkurrens mellan såväl bolag på den inre marknaden som mellan olika regioner. Möjligheten till ökat samarbete mellan bolag från olika EU-länder är en viktig del i att stärka Europas och de europeiska bolagens konkurrenskraftighet, vilket exempelvis kan göras genom gränsöverskridande fusioner. Det tionde bolagsdirektivet är således tänkt att möjliggöra och underlätta sammanslagningar av bolag från olika medlemsländer. Den 13 december 2005 kom det dock en dom från EG-domstolen som i viss mån kan tänkas underminera tanken bakom det tionde bolagsdirektivet. I Sevic Systems-domen, uttalar nämligen EG-domstolen att det ändå, trots att det tionde bolagsdirektivet ej ännu trätt i kraft, är möjligt att genomföra en gränsöverskridande fusion mellan två bolag, även om ett sådant förfarande ej är möjligt enligt de berörda ländernas lagstiftningar.

Socionomutbildning i internationellt perspektiv : En komparativ studie av Sverige, Tjeckien, Italien och Skottland

The aim of this study was to compare educational systems in Sweden, Czech Republic, Italy and Scotland. In the light of the Bologna Declaration signed in 1999, I was particularly interested in comparing social work educations in these four countries. Especially to clarify how far they have come to fulfill the goals of the common European educational policy.Central questions asked were: How do the educational systems look like in each of the four countries? How are the social work educations organized in each of them? In what ways do the social work educations differ? How can we explain such differences?Each country in this study represents a different welfare regime, and therefore I was challenged to find out if this has an impact on the implementation of the incentives of the Bologna Declaration. By studying various documents from the European Union, documents from each country and presentations of various social work programmes, I have come to the conclusion that the differences found mainly depends on the historical and socioeconomic traditions in the countries.

Erkännande och verkställighet av utländska domar : Kommer det komma en tid för full implementering av principen om ömsesidigt förtroende?

The economical and judicial cooperation that EU constitutes results in that there is an increasing amount of international disputes arising. These international disputes in turn result in questions concerning private international law. The principle of mutual trust is not only an important principle in the entire judicial cooperation but especially important in the area of private international law. The principle means that the member states have to trust each other and the different legal systems. The aim of the principle is to ensure a well functioning internal market that is permeated by free circulation and freedom of establishment.

Gas som bedövningsmetod vid slakt av slaktkyckling :

Electrical stunning is the method that has been used in Sweden to stun broilers prior to slaughter. However, for reasons of animal welfare and meat quality, research has been made in the EU to develop new stunning methods. Gas stunning is now regarded as the best alternative. In this study literature has been reviewed with focus on different gas stunning systems and observations have been made at two different slaughterhouses regarding animal welfare before, during and directly after stunning. At one slaughter plant carbondioxide was used in a two-stage system where the birds were standing on a conveyer belt during the stunning procedure.

Storbankerna på den svenska bankmarknaden : Argument för och emot infrastruktursamarbetet enligt 19 § KL

The retail banking market in Sweden is highly concentrated and oligopolistic. This has been confirmed by numerous reports from different competition authorities within the EU, for example the Swedish competition authority. A considerably high number of different sorts of competition barriers has been pointed out in these reports. The competition barriers are mainly directed to the smaller banks and the potential competition. The retail banking market in Sweden is dominated by four major banks, which together has over 80 percent of all market shares.

Varmhållen och kyld skolmat : En jämförelse med fokus på energianvändning mot bakgrund av livsmedelssäkerhet och näringsretention

The aim of this report has been to investigate the use of electricity energy before and after a conversion of foodservice. The ambition was also to highlight the food safety and the retention of nutrients in relation to the conversion. The methods being used were qualitative interviews, case studies, study visits and literature. The equipment and the use of energy was the same in 2008 as in 2011 for hot-holding of the tested component, sauce with ham. The chilled system used more than three times the energy and cost for one portion than one portion in the hot-hold system.

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