740 Uppsatser om Principal-Agent - Sida 25 av 50
Beteendevarierande agenter med stokastiska tillståndsmaskiner
Tillståndsmaskiner var en av de första teknikerna som användes för att skapa AI (Artificiell Intelligens) i dataspel och är fortfarande än av de vanligaste teknikerna. Men under senare år har flera nya tekniker, såsom ANN (Artificiella Neurala Nätverk), börjat användas för att skapa mer avancerad AI i dataspel. Många anser att tillståndsmaskiner inte kan skapa tillräckligt smarta agenter och att agenterna ofta blir förutsägbara. Generellt är tillståndsmaskiner inte lämpade att använda när man vill ha många agenter med olika beteende eftersom det ofta kräver speciell kod för varje unik agent. Detta arbete undersöker möjligheterna att skapa beteendevarierande agenter, utan att behöva skriva unik kod för varje beteende genom att endast använda stokastiska tillståndsmaskiner och mallar för att styra beteenden.
Riskhantering i svensk köttindustri : analys av slakt-, styckning- och charkföretag
The changes in the Swedish meat- and meat processing industry have been substantial in recent years. These changes will alter the business environment for many companies. In order to be prepared to face new threats and new opportunities, companies should be actively working on these issues. Risk awareness and by developing of risk management strategies companies can act quickly and effectively when the conditions changes. The objective of this study is to analyse whether and why companies in the Swedish meat- and meat processing industry use various forms of risk management strategies.
Påverkar animerade agenter minneskapaciteten hos användaren?
Under de senaste åren har det blivit allt tydligare och fler resultat pekar på att kroppsliga tillstånd, såsom ansiktsuttryck, och människans informationsbearbetning är sammankopplade. Det har även visat sig att människor härmar varandras ansiktsuttryck och därigenom förändrar sina emotionella tillstånd. På senare år har det även börjat dyka upp allt fler animerade agenter som ska hjälpa användaren med datorprogram, hemsidor och lärande datorspel. Härmar en användare då även en animerad agents ansiktsuttryck precis som en verklig människa? Den här studien ska undersöka huruvida användaren till ett datorspel härmar den animerade agentens ansiktsuttryck och om det i sin tur påverkar dennes informationsbearbetning.
Framtiden börjar i skolan : Rektorers erfarenheter av att leda skolsocialt arbete i grundskolan
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur fem rektorer beskrev sina erfarenheter av att leda skolsocialt arbete i grundskolan. Detta är viktigt att studera då elevers skolproblematik har ökat både pedagogiskt och socialt. Med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med rektorer från både kommunala och fristående skolor undersöktes vilken betydelse rektorers erfarenheter hade för hur de såg på det skolsociala arbetet. Studien omfattade även hur rektorer beskrev sin komplexa yrkesroll och om rektorerna hade upplevt någon förändring inom det skolsociala arbetet över tid. I litteraturen som låg till grund för denna uppsats framställdes det skolsociala arbetet som komplext och tidskrävande.
Agent eller assistent? : En studie om kvinnors inflytande i musikbranschen
This paper examines women's positions in the music industry. By quantitativelyinvestigate ten major companies on the swedish music market, the authors have beenable to mapp positions that are dominated by women and as well as men. The essaydiscusses several theories of both gender in organizations and gender in society inorder to analyze the quantitative results.The aim of the paper is to highlight the current segregation of careers in the musicindustry as well as to lay a foundation for further research on why it is segregated.Clear graphs shows the gender distribution between women and men in business butalso the distribution of gender in occupations / positions in similar companies. In theanalysis the authors reflects on the results using relevant gender theories. In theconclusion, the authors explain the result generated by the analysis and illustrates theprevailing segregation that exists in the music industry.This paper has concluded that a seemingly even distribution between men andwomen in business organisations can sometimes be misleading.
EU och folkomröstningarna En undersökning om de europeiska ländernas skiftande karaktär och hur dess väljare agerat i förhållande till detta
33 referendum has taken place in european states regarding the European Union since the fall of the Berlin wall. This thesis aims to initialy identify potential patterns in this group of referenda to launch and test a theory/hypothesis anchored in this pattern.The european states are differing in nature and the standard of living is chosen as the factor that can potentially have affected the outcome of the referenda held. The carrying thought here being that the voters in states with considerably lower standard of living than the european average would have a more positive attitude towards a deepened cooperation among european states.To try this connection between standard of living and how european citizens have placed their votes a main and principal quantitative test is undertaken. It is followed by discussion and arguments about the result of the test.The argumentation goes from being hopefull of the strenght of the hypothesis, to a more ciritical view of its' strength. The thesis is wrapped up in some argumentation about how and why it fails to explain what it was initially intended to do.
IT-kompetens - utveckling av ett mätinstrument
Problem: In society of today corporate competence is an important factor for
survivor and development. IT is developing rapidly and can not be ignored by
companies. Then need for people with IT-competence is conquent increasing. A
survey of corporate IT-competence is therefore of interest for companies as
well as for local authorities.
To determine the IT competence within an organisation, this competence has to
be measurable.
Get Rich or Die Tryin' : En undersökning av kapitalismen som modern mytologi i samtida självhjälpslitteratur
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether or not capitalism, viewed here as the system that is currently the dominant economic system in the Western world, can be seen as a modern myth or not. An author, Brian Tracy, of several popular self-help books is the target of this investigation and the language he uses in his books have been scrutinized in order to see whether or not he uses a religiously influenced, and more importantly, myth-creating language. In order to do so, Bruce Lincolns theories of myth have been used in correlation with Stefan Arvidssons definition ov myths. Also of interest is whether or not Tracy in his books uses any of the instruments of power defined by Michel Foucault to support his claims.The investigation shows that capitalism indeed can be seen as a modern myth. This claim is supported by the facts that Tracy not only uses a language heavily influenced by Christian texts and belief but furthermore because he descirbes himself and the people he claims to have helped in a way that strongly resembles the narratives of myths.
Förtolkning inför skogsbruksplanläggning med laserdata (NNH), eller traditionell flygbildstolkning?
The purpose of this study was to investigate produced laser data from the new national height model's airborne laser scanning in Sweden, what quality it has and whether it can be used for forest management planning. From airborne laser scanning one can obtain information on forest variables such as tree species, height, diameter and basal area. Norra skogsägarna is the principal employer of this project and they wanted know to the quality of the laser data which needs to cope with their standards. If the laser data the quality required it can replace some of the operations performed by field planners.
To examine the quality of the produced laser data a control tax assessment has been performed in 30 forest departments. This was done in an objective manner.
Kvinnor i Rapport : Kvinnorepresentationen i Sveriges mest seddatv-nyhetsprogram
This study is based on the feminist belief in the importance of a reorganization of the existing gender hierarchy, where women have less power than men. Since news media reflect as well as contribute to create the reality we live in has the purpose with this study been to shed some light on how the gender structure is expressed in Sweden?s most popular television news program. I chose to examine one broadcast per day from the Public Service SVT news program Rapport during January 2010 using quantitative content analysis and the result was as follows:65 % of the news programs was presented by a woman news anchor 36 % of the news reports was carried through by a women journalist 31 % of the interviews contained a female participant The representation of female participants in interviews did not depend onif the journalist was a woman or a manThe representation of female participants in interviews did not depend on if the report was from Sweden or abroadWomen were more often than men interviewed in the role as nursing staff, development aid worker, teacher or principal, parent of a son, retired and sick or sick leaveOnly men were interviewed in the role as rescue worker, custom staff, member of the armed forces, house owner and tourist..
Prestationsbaserad stimulansersättning inom sfi-utbildningen ? ett incitament för snabbare studier?
The aim of this study is to analyze the justification of a financial incentive that rewards students who rapidly finish their studies within the language education ?Swedish for immigrants? (sfi). Thereby, we want to see what assumptions are made about the students, and relate this to experiences of the education at a local level. We applied a text analysis on a government bill about the incentive, which showed that the deficiencies in the education are said to be caused by the students? lack of effort.
Hepatit E - en zoonos?
Hepatitis E virus, HEV, is a frequent causative agent behind, especially waterborne, infections in developing countries such as India. However, during the last years the number of non-travel-associated infections in industrialised countries, for example US, Germany and Sweden, has increased. The symptoms vary from mild with nausea to icterus and it can even be lethal. There are four different genotypes of HEV and many studies consider HEV infection to be a zoonosis. Scientists have by using phylogenetic analyses found great genetic similarity between strains isolated from humans, pigs and food, such as pork and liver, especially among viruses belonging to genotype 3.
Private Equity - En kvalitativ studie om hur bolagsstyrning skapar värde i portföljbolag
Purpose: To examine the governance mechanisms and the competence PE-firms adds to theirholding companies through an active ownership in order to create growth.Methodology: A qualitative study with interviews as its main source of data.Theoretical perspectives: Corporate governance and relevant theories within that subjectsuch as agent theory, board of directors and management. Previous research within the subjectwill also be presented.Empirical foundation: The empirical foundation consists of three conducted interviews anddata collected from the chosen PE-firms as well as six different holding companies.Conclusions: The governance mechanisms used in the PE-firms we have chosen are stronglyrelated to both theories within corporate governance as well as previous research on thesubject. The governance mechanisms being used are an explicit owners agenda and strategy, athorough acquisition process, usage of external competence, active ownership through theboard of directors and the insertion of incentive systems..
Karnevalisk lek och agentisk realism : Vild lek i förskolan
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka möjlighetsvillkoren för barns karnevaliska lekar och subjektskapande i förskolan. Studien är kvalitativ med avseende på insamlingmetod och utgår från det postshumanistiska perspektivet agentisk realism. Studiens empiri har samlats in med hjälp av videoobservationer och fältanteckningar. Studiens resultat visar att karnevaliska lekar är vanligt förekommande i de förskolor där studien utförts och fokus i studien ligger främst på hur miljön i förskolan möjliggör för eller förhindrar de karnevaliska lekarna. Studiens resultat pekar vidare mot att de karnevaliska lekarna kontinuerligt sker i samverkan mellan mänskliga och icke-mänskliga aktörer.
Förvaltningsrevisionens framtid i aktiemarknadsbolag - En studie ur revisorers och institutionella ägares perspektiv
Uppsatsen har till syfte att beskriva och analysera vilken funktion förvaltningsrevisionen fyller i aktiemarknadsbolag som tillämpar Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning, samt ge förslag på hur förvaltningsrevisionen bör förändras i dessa bolag. Uppsatsen är till största del deduktiv då den tar sin utgångspunkt i teorier. Vidare grundas uppsatsen på en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med revisorer och institutionella ägare. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av en egen analysmodell som tar sin utgångspunkt i agent- och principalteorin samt förtroendeteori och institutionell teori. Revisorernas och de institutionella ägarnas svar har beskrivits och analyserats utifrån fyra områden, nämligen förvaltningsrevisionens innehåll, behovet av förvaltningsrevision, den svenska bolagskodens påverkan på förvaltningsrevisionen och förvaltningsrevisionens framtid.