

5513 Uppsatser om Primary education - Sida 7 av 368

Vilka av Skolverkets aspekter tycker du är viktigast i din språkinlärning? : En studie om vad somaliska unga vuxna anser är viktigt vid språkinlärning

Diagnosis of adhd, the cause and consequence. A study about the teachers thought about it.The purpose of this study was to examine teachers experience and views about children diagnosed with adhd, and what implication and effects it gives to the pedagogy strategies in the classroom.This is a qualitative study based on the experience of six teachers from primary school. My results have been compiled and compared to special educational research about adhd, from three different perspectives.The results showed that the teachers who have been working as teachers for a longer period, think that the problems of adhd occur primarily due to environmental causes, but then also say that they think the individual causes matters. It is also these teachers that talks very well about medication as a treatment to cure adhd symptoms. The teachers who have worked the shortest time, most of them have some special education from the teacher education.

Stol och bord för balkong bruk : Utfällbara balkong möbler

Balcony Art is an idea for a new kind of furniture group for those who have limited space on their balcony. This report will discuss conceptual and part of primary construction of the chair and table for use on balconies, how the products developed from an idea to primary, preliminary products.In the conceptual design part, the report will discuss how product requirements and specifications are developed and how these controls the design.In the primary construction, the report will discuss the products journey from sketch to functional CAD models and how the products of individual parts are designed and how the durability calculations affect the design..

Kristendom och islam, eller vi och de andra : En analys av två läromedel i religionskunskap för grundsskolans senare år

The aim of this study is to analyze how two different education books produce christianity and islam. The analyzed books is from 2003 and 2008 and the books are adapted for the last years of primary school. The meaning and translation of words is often a problem and can get the reader wrong understaning of the religion. The analyze include the perspective of this meaning and how the sacred things are described in each religion.The textanalyze is made with different criterias; the context, the pre- understanding and if the text is objectiv is some of the most important. The language is important too.

Läs- och skrivutveckling i grundskolan

This essay deals with how the development of society, the media society in particular, has an impact on the teaching of the subject of art. In the society of today, we are bombarded with more images than ever before. As an effect of this, the curriculum of 2011 emphasises the importance of the ability to orientate oneself in the modern society. Furthermore, it describes art not only as a practical subject, but also as a verbal and community-orientated subject. Because of sparse and dated research, the subject of art is in danger of marginalization as a school subject. The purpose of this study is to illustrate art teachers? conception of the aim of the subject of art.

Diskursteori möter idrott och hälsa

Through a discourse theoretical apparatus, this study examines Sweden's national curriculum, which is constructed for primary schools, pre-school class and leisure time classes. The study also examines the syllabus in physical education and the supplied comment material to the syllabus, the above mentioned material all valid from 1 July 2011. Using cultural researcher Marianne Winther Jørgensen's and communication researcher Louise Phillips interpretation of the political theorists Ernest Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's discourse theory, the study identifies several discourses in the new curriculums. The analysis shows that the curriculums writers construct their expectations through a rhetoric that is perceived as instructional and descriptive. The analysis identified eight discourses, woven into three "orders of discourse", the body, health and physical education.

Nätbaserad utbildning för en hållbar besöksnäring

A system to regulate both quality and sustainability regarding Swedish tourism industry is under way. In order for the system to be successfull it needs to be accompanied by an education, in this case a net based education is studied.High requirements are demanded for a successful net based education for a sustainable tourism industry. This is valid both for the didactic area,  which is how an education is structured and planned and in the organisational area, which is how and education best is implemented in a company. The aim with this study is to increase the understandings of which aspects that are important for  developers  if this net based education. The study was conducted at three hostels in Stockholm with surrondings. Both managers and  employees participated in the study.  The managers where interviewed and got to answer a questionniare.

Teknik- finns ett medvetet arbete med teknik? : En enkätstudie av pedagogers arbete med ämnet teknik i grundskolan, år F-5.

The purpose of this degree project is to study if there is a intentional work with technology in the elementary school, preschool to fifth grade, in a municipality. The work will also study what conditions there are in the schools in order to work with technology. 95 questionnaires were distributed to the responsible teachers in all primary schools in the municipality, from preschool to fifth grade. The results of the survey show that more than half of the respondents do not consider themselves to work with technology in the school. The conditions, in order to work with the school subject technology in the municipality, are primarily external such as: material, facilities and the ability to divide students into smaller groups.

Skolutveckling med ett neurodidaktiskt perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie med skolledare, specialpedagoger och en utvecklingsledare.

AbstractThe overall purpose of this thesis was to investigate to what extent new research findings, in neuroscience and learning, may be useful in a school improvement context. In a qualitative interview study combined with questionnaire, we have investigated the approach to school improvement that exists in a municipality. Informants have been head teachers in preschool and primary school, special education teachers in a student health team and a development manager. The outcome of the study showed that all of the study participants, all of which have a formal mandated to work for school improvement occurs. It also shows that informants, according to their professional position, express different goals when relating to school improvement.

?Ibland rolig & Ibland tråkig? : En studie om elevers syn på matematikundervisning i grundskolans senare år

The purpose with this study is to gain understanding about student´s view of mathematical education, in the later years of nine-year compulsory school, and the motivation factors that can be identified when student´s gives opportunity to express their own thoughts due to the mathematical education. From experiences we have gained during the practical part of our teachers education we got the impression that student´s think that the mathematical education is boring and uninteresting. Through qualitative methods such as survey and discussions in focus group we have analyzed student´s views of mathematical education and pointed out witch motivation factors that are expressed when student´s gives opportunity to influence over their own education. The results are shown from the answers and comments that student´s gave, during the survey and focus group, and is divided into two main parts, both with focus on motivation ?Mathematics and motivation? and ?Student´s influence and motivation? and also a summery part ?Motivated for mathematical education when the student is given influence over the education?. The study showed that student´s wants to have more difference in the work methods that are used in their mathematical education such as problem solving, games, more work in groups and pairs and more use of IT. In conclusion the study also gives suggestions to other studies that can be made in the same genre as this study in the way that IT can be used in mathematical education and how student´s interest can be used in the education to gain more motivated student´s..

Små mängder primärprodukter : vad innebär det?

In article 1.2 c) EC regulation 852/2004 it says that the regulation is not applicable to producers who directly supply small quantities of primary products to the final consumer or to the local retailers who in their turn directly supply the final consumer. An almost identical regulation can be found in article 1.3 c) EC regulation 853/2004. The supply by a primary producer of small quantities of primary products, of animal origin or not, are consequently excepted from these two hygiene regulations. In article 1.3 EC regulation 852/2004 and article 1.4 EC regulation 853/2004 it says that the member states are to establish national rules in their national legislation as to the regulation of exception for small quantities. The aim of this study was to investigate the handling of small quantities of primary products distributed locally in Sweden but also the handling of these products in other countries.

Drama inom den obligatoriska skolan

In this paper, I have conducted a study of what perspectives educational drama has in theory and practice. The study aims to show an example of how and out of what perspectives educational drama is a part of the school?s activity at a geographically distinct school, from kindergarten on to primary and secondary school years. The general attitude of the faculty and their arguments for and against drama constitute the major aspects of this study, which has been carried out through qualitative interviews at a school in Skåne. The results were that pre-school focuses on teaching drama to develop communicative abilities amongst the students (art educational perspective) while secondary school seemingly abandoned this approach and focuses more on using it for personal development, increasing empathy and understanding of other people by taking it to a more emotional level in order to affect for example moral values of the students.

Förskolechefers syn på specialpedagogens yrkesroll : En studie av specialpedagogikens funktion och specialpedagogens yrkesroll i förskolan

AbstractThe aim of our study was that from a Preschool Manager?s perspective to describe, analyze and understand the function of special education and the Special Education Teacher?s profession within preschools. We conducted twelve interviews with Preschool Managers in two northern Swedish municipalities. From a theoretical base, we used both the relational and categorical perspectives. All answers from these interviews have been analyzed from these perspectives.

I don´t know, I just like it : En studie av ett antagningsarbete på en konsthögskola

This thesis examines how a jury on an artistic education adopts next year's students to a BA program at an art school. My intention is to explore how we established artists who are involved in education as professors, teachers (or students) in art education affects who will be released to the exclusive educational path as an art school represents our work in the admissions jury. My ambition is to create an awareness of what it might mean for the reproduction of the artist..

"Jag menar inte alls att dom måste bli som svenskarna!" : En diskursanalytisk studie av lärares syn på socialisation och undervisning inom sfi-utbildningen

This essay is a comparative research between pupils' experience of how the headmaster, teachers and other school staff interpret and apply the democratic education. The results are based on a survey carried out in senior high school, as well as interviews with the school staff. The democratic education charge has a long history of Swedish school system and is the basis for the maintenance of a democratic society. Both policy paper of state investigations and researchers in the field, regard to school as the primary and unique instance in order to promote and develop democratic skills in children and young people. However, it is shown that those who come out from school lack of knowledge and awareness of democracy and the will to speak their mind.

Elevers självkänsla : Hur stärker vi den i skolan?

The overall aim with this study is to elucidate outdoor education as an education method and on the basis of that illustration to examine active educators vision on it as a way to motivate students' learning. This study is based on a literature component and a qualitative study through interviews five teachers.The results of the interviews show how to interpret the motivation and how to work with students' motivation. As well as outdoor education as part of the activity.  The interviews show the importance of outdoor education can be to increase students'motivation for learning. They also show the importance of outdoor education is for student learning and test scores have shown the effectiveness of student learning through outdoor education.

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