

364 Uppsatser om Prenatal diagnosis - Sida 12 av 25

Dubbeldiagnos : Att arbeta med människor i ett mellanrum

Syftet med denna C-uppsats har varit att få en ökad förståelse i hur vårdgivare arbetar med människor i ett mellanrum mellan två kategorier samt att belysa den problematik som finns med att kategorisera människor som dubbeldiagnos. Dubbeldiagnos är en kategorisering som ibland skapar problem som gör att dessa klienter hamnar i ett mellanrum mellan kommunen och landstinget. Denna studie är baserad på en kvalitativ metod med grundad teori som forskningsdesign. Intervjuer har gjorts med respondenter från psykiatrin, boendeverksamhet, öppenvårdsverksamhet och socialtjänsten. Resultatet tyder bland annat på att det som är viktigast i arbetet med dubbeldiagnoser är samverkan mellan vårdgivarna.

Seroprevalens av antikroppar mot Encephalitozoon cuniculi hos friska tamkaniner :

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies against the intracellular protozoan Encephalitozoon cuniculi in healthy pet rabbits. Encephalitozoonosis is an important differential diagnosis to ascending infection with Pasteurella multocida in the ears since a common symptom is vestibular syndrome. Samples were collected from healthy rabbits that were brought to an animal clinic in Stockholm for some kind of prophylactic procedure. The samples were analysed by an India-ink Immunoreaction test / Carbon Immunoassay. Of 106 rabbits 7 (6.6%) were seropositve.

Syskonupplevelser : att växa upp med ett syskon som har diagnos Aspergers syndrom

Title: Sibling experiences ? to grow up with a sibling with Asperger syndromAuthors: Anna-Lena Hedlund and Monica OlofssonKey words: Asperger, siblings, relations, supportTo grow up with a sibling diagnosed with Asperger syndrome may differ from what is considered as normal. It can be challenging, but also instructive in some ways. This study examines how it is experienced by the siblings with no diagnosis. The aim is also to investigate how many of them who acquired some kind of support or, if not, would have wished that.Qualitative data are collected by means of five interviews with non-diagnosed siblings.

Kan probiotika förebygga atopiskt eksem hos högriskbarn?

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Can probiotics prevent atopic dermatitis in children with high risk?Author: Laura Pienihäkkinen and Max OlinSupervisor: Heléne Bertéus ForslundExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 22, 2012Background Allergic disease is today common, this including atopic dermatitis, which is the most common inflammatory skin disease in the world. Heredity has been shown to play a major role in the development of this disease. It is therefore of high interest for both the individual and society to find effective methods for preventing atopic dermatitis in individuals with high risk profile. Probiotics are beneficial for the bacterial profile in the intestine and it is therefore of interest to study if they through their anti-inflammatory effect could prevent atopic dermatitis.Objective The aim was to study whether administration of probiotics to the mother and the child (directly or via breast milk) could prevent atopic dermatitis in children with high risk profile (at least one first degree relative with a diagnosed allergic disease).Search strategy A systematic literature search was done in databases PubMed and Scopus with search terms maternal, prenatal, probiotics, allergy, atopic dermatitis, prevention, and children.Selection criteria Randomized, controlled human studies and original articles in English were included.

I skuggan av pojkarna : En kvalitativ studie om flickor med ADHD

Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to illuminate and analyze what girls with ADHD say they experienced during their school time. The study will also answer the questions of issues; how did the girls say they were treated by their teachers and classmates and which pedagogical experiences can we learn from their statements?Method: In order to investigate this, six semi structured interviews were carried out. I decided not to interview girls in their school age, but women with ADHD who has already graduated, since I believe it can be very sensitive for young girls to talk about the subject and they are not able to give the overall perspective on their school time that I was looking for.Result: The results of the interviews shows that all of the women felt misunderstood during their childhood and they all had bad experiences from school.Conclusion: One of the conclusions of this study is that there are not sufficiently knowledge about girls with ADHD and many of them are not diagnosed until they are grown up which leads to that the girls does not get the support they need in school..

Sexualeducation for young people with autism

This essay is about the sexual- education at special schools for young people in the ages thirteen through sixteen with the diagnosis autism. The study aims to identify, describe and understand the teachers? experiences in how the education is practiced in their daily work with these children. The way of procedure we have used in the study is qualitative interviews with teachers at special schools. The result show that how the teachers practice the education depends on how the student group is constructed and the students? qualifications.

Vårdpersonalens uppfattningar om fibromyalgi

Aim Our aim is to highlight perceptions of fibromyalgia among health care personell.MethodsA systematic literature review conducted with a deductive approach.FindingsHealth care personell felt insecure because of a lack of understanding which lead to avoiding contact with these patients. Many felt that the fibromyalgia patient was categorised and that they would have been better served with another name of their disease. There was a great distrust against the diagnosis and its aetiology. The patient was perceived as troublesome, illness-fixated and draining the personell of energy. The paradox that the patient is looking so healthy but bearing so much pain was confusing for the health care personell.Conclusions Communication and an empathic encounter was identified as important elements for patient care.

Faktorer som påverkar deltagande : Psykosocialt stöd vid prostatacancer

Aim: The aims of this essay were first to see if there were any factors that could have an inpact on participating in supportive care groups and activities after a prostatic cancer diagnosis. The second aim was to examine what kind of support the patients would chose. Methods: Data was collected with a survey handed out to the prostate cancer patients visiting the urologist reception at the hospital in Uppsala, during two weeks in the fall of 2011. Main Results: Men show very little interest in participating in supportive care groups and activities. When asked to chose which kind of support they could consider, individual sessions and group sessions were the most common choice. Conclusion: Men diagnosed with prostate cancer chose not to participate in supportive care. Further studies are required to determine what may be the reason to that..

Särskild undervisningsgrupp : En undersökning om upplevelser och tankar kring en särskild undervisningsgrupp

The purpose with this essay is to explore how pupils in a special group of education experience how it feels to be part of this kind of group. Further I want to examine a special educationalist view of this kind of groups. To perform this essay I choose to interview four pupils and one special educationalist. Through the interviews I want to discover the pupils and the special educationalists thoughts and experience. The result has been compared with earlier research and the essay has its basis in different theories.

Hopp som i hare : Om undanträngningens roll i arbetet med min diktsamling

AbstractThe aim of this essay is to analyse what roll repression has had in the making of my unpublished collection of poems entitled Hopp som i hare. I examine how the autobiographical subject abortion has influenced the writing process and the outcome of the poems. By presenting literature that?s been important in the making of the collection I show some thoughts and ideas about Post Abortion Stress Disorder, a diagnosis without scientific grounds. In a discussion I go through the whole writing process from subject and genre choice through the revisions till the final version that were sent to be commented by the class in creative writing at Växjö University 2008.

Barn med autism : En studie i hur skolarbetet kring barn med autism ser ut

This essay is about how working with children with autism works with the laws and regulations that fall under the Compulsory School Ordinance and Lgr11 (Compulsory for primary school, preschool classes and kindergarten). The aim of this work was to examine various educators thoughts, experiences and practices related to children with autism in primary school. The study is based on three questions: what kind of rights regarding support do children with autism have in the Swedish primary school, according to the primary regulation and Lgr11? How do the selected primary schools work with the support of children with the diagnosis of autism? And how well does the affected educator?s think that the support works?To answer these questions, four qualitative interviews with various educators, were made. My results show that all four educators believe that inclusive labor of children with autism is a good thing for everyone, as long as it is done properly and with the right order, so that the child with autism gets the opportunity to be part of a social group.

"...att kunna studsa in när det händer någonting..." Kuratorers arbete med och samverkan kring elever med ADHD

The purpose of this essay is to study seven different school counsellors? way of working and collaborating with students with an ADHD diagnosis. The informants we met come from different high schools in southern Sweden. The study is based on a qualitative approach and the primary knowledge was established through semi-structured interviews. The secondary knowledge is accounted for the form of previous research and theories.

Vuxenstuderande med funktionsnedsättning

More and more people in our society take part in adult education. In this study, eight students in adult education, the majority with a diagnosis such as ADHD and/or reading- and writing disorders/dyslexia,have been interviewed about their current study situation. The interviews have so party treated topics related to earlier schooling and the future. Earlier studies and available literature is to a large extent written from the perspective of children?s and adolescents? study situation and the question is if this is applicable to students in adult education.

Kompetenta och opartiska domare i Sverige : Behovet av etiska regler

This study examined parenting in relation to ADHD. The key point of the study was to let parents who experience an ADHD diagnosis share their view on parenting. The research required a comprehensive literature search, partly to examine earlier research in the particular field but also to gather information on parenting. One focus group interview and three semi structured interviews were used to gather relevant information. Informants were recruited from a project for individuals with neuropsychiatric disabilities.

The experience of MS-related fatigue

Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that mainly strikes young people in working age, twice as many women than men falls ill. Approximately 85 % suffers from MS-related fatigue that divides itself from common fatigue in that way that it is persistent and does not disappear in spite of sleep. This fatigue is experienced of many as one of the most difficult symptoms, which has considerable impact on the everyday life. Aim: The aim with the study was to elucidate how MS-related fatigue was experienced by persons with MS. Method: The study has been implemented as a literature study through systematic review of scientific articles.

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