

364 Uppsatser om Prenatal diagnosis - Sida 13 av 25

Depressionsdiagnosens betydelse för patienten ur terapeutens synvinkel

I de flesta fall är diagnosen en välkommen orsaksförklaring till individens symtom men den kan också komma att bli en mall med förväntningar som individen anpassar sig efter. Det finns risk att individen låter sig påverkas negativt av diagnosen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur terapeutiskt verksamma personer upplever att patienten påverkas av att få diagnosen depression. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med deltagare som valdes målinriktat utifrån följande kriterium: kliniskt verksamma terapeuter med minst fem års erfarenhet inom utredning och/eller behandling av patienter med depressionstillstånd. Resultaten visade att den formella diagnosen enligt terapeuterna sällan upplevdes negativt av patienten utan att den istället normaliserade och förklarade individens tillstånd.

Elever med ADHD i klassrummet : hur påverkas vi?

Today there are many students in schools with a wide variety of different behavioral disorders. Among these disorders you can find ADHD. We have selected to research how pedagogues respond to students with ADHD. The essay will address the issues concerning the pedagogues own knowledge about ADHD. This essay will problematize if pedagogues find their knowledge about ADHD sufficient enough to respond to students with ADHD and other students without diagnoses of one of the class equivalent manner.

Prognostisk betydelse av radiologiskt detekterad gasförekomst i tunntarmen hos katter utsatta för fysiskt trauma :

The aim of this study was to see if an increased amount of gas could be seen in the small bowel of cats subjected to trauma and if measuring the amount of gas could be of any use in the clinical evaluation of the patient. When the peristaltic waves in the small bowel decreases due to neurological damage or chock the microorganisms of the gut grow in number and possibly produce more gas and toxins. When the cat is stressed it can swallow more air then usual, and the air that is in solution with the chyme in the lumen of the gut separates from the ingesta. When the bowel isn?t moving it becomes easier for bacteria and toxins to penetrate the wall of the gut, and then get access to the bloodstream.

Öga-nacke/skuldra problem hos en grupp synskadade män och kvinnor i åldrarna 17-92 år : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe the prevalence of self-reported visual and neck/shoulder complaints among individuals with a low vision diagnosis. The study also aimed to examine whether there was an association between the degree of self-rated visual and the neck/shoulder complaints. There was a questionnaire survey that was conducted on patients that visits an eye center in a county in central Sweden. There were a total of 18 people participated in the survey, between 17-92 years old. The questionnaire contained 22 questions and was analyzed with SPSS.

Skolan: en arena där normalitet och avvikande görs

This essay will analyse how Asperger?s syndrome and autism spectrum disorder is made in two municipal high schools. I have interviewed school personnel and analysed the schools? policy documents and diagnostic manuals. In this essay AS and ASD are being deconstructed as political and ideological object and I analyse techniques in school, that makes these objects to subjects.The school?s mission is to foster and educate pupils to become desirable citizens and at the same time its aim is to provide an equivalent school.

Ledarskap - ett kollektivt fenomen : effekten av Värmlands landstings stödinsatser för chefer

Diagnosis of adhd, the cause and consequence. A study about the teachers thought about it.The purpose of this study was to examine teachers experience and views about children diagnosed with adhd, and what implication and effects it gives to the pedagogy strategies in the classroom.This is a qualitative study based on the experience of six teachers from primary school. My results have been compiled and compared to special educational research about adhd, from three different perspectives.The results showed that the teachers who have been working as teachers for a longer period, think that the problems of adhd occur primarily due to environmental causes, but then also say that they think the individual causes matters. It is also these teachers that talks very well about medication as a treatment to cure adhd symptoms. The teachers who have worked the shortest time, most of them have some special education from the teacher education.

AS-bra arbetskraft : En studie om personer med Aspergers syndrom (AS) och arbete

The purpose of this study was to highlight the type of actions that can facilitate people with Asperger syndrome to get and keep a job in the regular labour market. Four interviews were done with people who have been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and who got a job in the regular labour market. The study shows that efforts from society and friends at work have played a role when they had got their jobs and when they managed to keep it. The study shows that these efforts have strengthened their self-image and confidence. The study also shows that adaptations in the work, the ability to control over social contacts and the importance of having a job may have contributed to the respondents stayed in the workplace.

A school?s policy, documentation and support of pupils with a diagnosis.

Syftet med min uppsats är att undersöka vad SET-programmet och Livskunskap som ett schemalagt ämne är. Men även hur det är utformat och hur dess pedagogiska metod används i skolan. Med hjälp av kvantitativa enkäter och kvalitativa intervjuer ska jag ta reda på elevers i årskurs 7-9 och lärares inställningar till SET-programmet. Jag har kommit fram till att elever och lärare är positivt inställda till Livskunskap, men att det krävs ett långsiktigt arbete och välförbereda lärare för att uppnå tillfredsställande resultat. Många elever svarade att Livskunskapen inte hjälpte till att få en bättre arbetsmiljö, eftersom att många elever inte tar det på allvar.

Diagnosis and molecular epidemiology of bovine rotavirus and coronarvirus in Brazil

Rotavirus and coronavirus are the two most common viral causes of neonatal calf diarrhea and their presence causes a lot of economic damage to the farmers as well as suffering to the animal. By getting better knowledge about the viruses we may help in tracing transmission and in producing new vaccines. This paper served to study the molecular epidemiology of rotavirus and coronavirus in fecal samples collected from two different farms in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. These samples have been studied with focus on the gene VP4, VP7, NSP4 in rotavirus and the gene S1 in coronavirus. From the first farm the screening PCR showed that 12/48 samples were positive for rotavirus and 4/48 positive for coronavirus.

Mjölk, gluten och ADHD : En litteraturundersökning om mjölk och glutens påverkan hos barn med ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is becoming a more common diagnosis of younger children. In recent years the perception that some ingredients in our food may have a negative effect regarding the symptoms in children with ADHD has grown stronger. Children with ADHD often suffer from irritated bowel syndromes which affect their ability to digest food. This may result in malnutrition as well as a release of substances that are harmful.The purpose of this report is to compile and illustrate the knowledge of how special food, particular milk protein and gluten, may affect the symptoms of children with ADHD. Also, the report aims to evaluate if there should be changes made in Kindergarten to increase the well-being of these children.

Sorg och glädje: en kvalitativ studie om fem kvinnors upplevelser och hanterande av att bli kroniskt sjuka i samband med att de fick barn

This essay aims to investigate how women who fall ill in Rheumatoid Arthritis, during or just after their pregnancy, experience and cope with this. The main questions were 1. What experiences did the women have from receiving their diagnosis? 2. How has the motherhood and the sickness affected one another? 3.

En känsla av trygghet : Patienters perspektiv inom palliativ vård

Background: Every year 56 million people die around the world and it is estimated that 60% of these people are in need of palliative care. It has been shown that patients in the palliative care experienced their situation as uncertain. When life no longer was certain, the patients tried to live their life day by day and make the best of it. Problem: When patients were diagnosed with an incurable disease the future became unsure, because their life would come to an end. Therefore patients with a palliative diagnosis could be in need of experiencing feelings of security.

Det finns hopp och möjligheter: levnadsvillkor och reflektioner från kvinnor som behandlades för dubbeldiagnos för tio år sedan

The purpose of this essay was a follow-up of four female drug abusers with several mental problems ten years after my initial meeting with them at Korsaröds Behandlingshem. Using a qualitative method and interviews with the women, knowledge was obtained regarding their current vital conditions and their subjective experiences of the treatment at Korsaröd. Their perspective on the ethical as well as their desired relationship with staff within social services was also accounted for. When contacted the women lived a content and drug free life in their own flats. The women stayed at Korsaröd approximately five years, and they said that without the treatment they would not be alive today.

IKT för elever med ADHD : Nytta eller nöje?

The aim with this study was to see how a few teachers with experience of young students with ADHD looks upon the need of special support through ICT and from which perspective of special needs education the support is formed.I related the informants? answers about their views on special needs support based on a relational and categorical perspective and came to the conclusion that all of the informants uses a bit of both depending on each individual students needs. Therefor I could see that the dilemma perspective is current in schools today. The most important need for the students with ADHD in general is, according to the informants, structure and routine.The result from this study also shows that general knowledge about ICT is lacking and needs to increase. This could in most cases be explained by the schools economic resources as that partly prevent purchase of new and more equipment but also forces the school to keep larger groups of students in each class.

Bemötande av patienter med fibromyalgi

Background: Fibromyalgia is a disease wich involve cronic pain and fatigue. The disease has appeared for a long time, but it has resently become possible to diagnose. It is still unclear what cause the disease, and the treatment of it is therefore still diffuse. The lack of knowledge leads to a lot of discussions and the diagnosis is questioned. Purpose: To study how patients with fibromyalgia experineces the attitudes from staff in hospitals and health centers.

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