

3894 Uppsatser om Prehospital emergency care - Sida 4 av 260

Sjuksköterskors bedömningssitutationer inom prehospital sjukvård : en intervjustudie

Syftet med studien är att belysa sjuksköterskors bedömningssituationer inom prehospital vård. Metod: I studien medverkar fyra män och fyra kvinnor med olika lång arbetslivserfarenhet inom prehospital vård. Alla arbetar i en region i mellan Sverige. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med hjälp av intervjuer. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehålls analys.

Teamtriage : sjuksköterskors upplevelser av teamtriage på akutmottagningen på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala

The purpose of this study was to investigate registered nurses experiences about the current model for triage at the emergency department at Uppsala University Hospital. The study is descriptive with qualitative approach. The data collection was made in the form of semi structured interviews. The interviews took place at the emergency department. The sample consisted of eight registered nurses with varying work experience of emergency care.

Att bli värdigt bemött : En tvärsnittstudie om bemötande på akutvårdsavdelningar ur patientens perspektiv

Previous research and patient complaints to the Swedish Patient Support Committee shows that there is a lack of substance in the patient-nurse relationship. This may suggest that it can be difficult for health care to live up to health-care law which requires it to be of good quality, based on dignity and respect and designed so that the patient is an active participant and can make their own decisions when it comes to their health care. For a better understanding of what a dignified patient-nurse relationship is, this study aims to clarify what the patient values as good patient-nurse relationship and describe how they have experienced the patient-nurse relationship during their stay at an emergency care department. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, where the population consisted of patients who were cared for at an emergency care department in the County of Västmanland, Sweden during 2007. The sample consisted of 93 patients which were asked to answer a questionnaire.

Erfarenheter bland omvårdnadspersonal av att bemöta personer med missbruks- eller beroendeproblem på en akutmottagning : En intervjustudie

The number of persons with problems of abuse or addiction seeking care has increased during the last years in Sweden. Recent international studies show stigmatizing attitudes among nursing staff, which affect the treatment and care negatively. The purpose of this study was to describe experiences among nursing staff of treating persons with problems of abuse or addiction at an emergency department. The participants were six nurses and one assistant nurse who worked at an emergency department. The interviews were analyzed through qualitative content analysis.

Patienters och närståendes upplevelser av Äldrevårdsenheten i landstinget Uppsala län

Background: Home health care means that patients receive care in their home. Äldrevårdsenheten in Uppsala County treats people, over 65 years, in the patient's home and because of the fact that the quality of care from the patient´s perspective not have been studied previously, this study as part of the quality control of the business.Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how patients, and family members, who receive care within the Äldrevårdsenheten in Uppsala County experiencing the care provided in the home.Method: Interview study with qualitative analysis.Results: Patients who are cared for within the Elderly Care Unit in Uppsala County Council has a positive experience of home care. Being cared for in the home creates a sense of security and calm in the patients rather than the stress and fear of long waits in the emergency department and planning advice from medical appointments . In contrast, perceived lack of physicians in home care and accessibility to health care staff.Conclusion: In general, patients in the Elderly Care Unit in Uppsala County Council very pleased with the opportunity to the treatment they received at home. However, there are some weaknesses that need improvement. .

Prehospital vätskebehandling vid stort trauma ur en sjuksköterskas perspektiv : En systematisk litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to determine which type of fluid to use in trauma care to improve patient survival. The method used was a systematic review, where a total of 18 studies were reviewed and 13 included in the results. The inclusion criteria used in this study were Randomized controlled trial, or studies relevant for the purpose, written in English and published during the last ten years. The studies were identified in the PubMed data base. The results showed that in trauma with hypovolaemia, colloid infusion has a better effect than infusion of crystalloid fluid on blood pressure and colloid infusion reduced the body's cascade systems in a beneficial way. Colloid infusion administered to head injury patients lowered their intracranial pressure more than crystalloid infusion.

Patienters erfarenheter av bemötande inom ambulanssjukvården och på akutmottagning : En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: För att kunna ge en tydlig beskrivning av patientperspektivet gällande erfarenheter av bemötandet inom ambulanssjukvården och på akutmottagning är det viktigt att ta hänsyn till människors förväntningar på bemötande inom ambulanssjukvården. En ambulanssjuksköterska måste kunna visa engagemang och empati och kunna tolka och förutse patienters olika behov.Syfte: Att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av bemötande inom ambulanssjukvården och på akutmottagning.Metod: En litteraturstudie med systematisk ansats där studier (n=20) med kvalitativ metod inkluderats. Artikelsökningarna gjordes i databaserna CINAHL och PUBMED.Resultat: I resultatet framkommer tre teman; "det första upplevda bemötandet på akutmottagningen".Slutsats: Vid ett behov av akutsjukvård är ambulanssjukvården och akutmottagningen på ett sjukhus de första vårdinstanser som patienter kommer i kontakt med. Hur patienterna upplever bemötandet inom dessa instanser är avgörande för hur deras förtroende påverkas för deras fortsatta vård..

Möten mellan gömda flyktingar och sjukvårdspersonal

The purpose of this essay is to understand meeting between hidden refugees and health professionals through interviews with refugee in hiding and health professionals. The implantation of the essay has been made by social science research methods which I have used as a qualitative survey. The material that I have used in this paper is to interview with hidden refugee and health care workers. I have used the different sources such as literature, internet and different laws which relates to the topic of this easy. I am using the power of theories to analyze the work.

Ambulanssjuksköterskans grad av följsamhet till att utföra ambulant bedömning i prehospital bedömning av patienter.

Ambulanssjukvården i Sverige har de senaste 20 åren utvecklats från att vara en transportorganisation och köra in sjuka och skadade patienter till sjukhus, till att ambulanspersonalen utför kvalificerade medicinska bedömningar och behandlingar prehospitalt. Inom Svensk ambulanssjukvård används ett beslutstöd Rapid Emergency Triage and Treatment System (RETTS). Nya arbetssätt behöver skapas för att den prehospitala sjukvårdens kapacitet används optimalt till bedömningen av patientens kontaktorsak till rätt vårdnivå. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga ambulanssjuksköterskans grad av följsamhet till att följa riktlinjer för att utföra ambulant bedömning. Metoden var kvantitativ, prospektiv journalgranskning med datainsamling under fyra månader vilket inkluderade 100 patientjournaler. Materialet beskrevs kvantitativt med beskrivande statistik och bearbetats i statistikprogrammet SPSS.

Smärtbedömning ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Background: To wait on an emergency department is a reflected and well-documented problem. Thou it´s mainly due to a patient perspective should also nurses' perspectives be significant to obtain a faceted perception of the phenomenon.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses perceive the phenomenon of anticipation of a somatic emergency department.Method: The analysis was performed using a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted in a medium-sized hospital in southern Sweden, during the latter part of 2005, and had a qualitative approach based on a lifeworld perspective. Data collection consisted of written stories from twelve nurses.Results: The results indicated that the waiting was the scene of the expectations. These expectations led to dilemmas, powerlessness and frustration, the more the phenomenon was allowed to stand.

Vårdtyngdsmätning inom allmänkirurgisk vård

Background: To wait on an emergency department is a reflected and well-documented problem. Thou it´s mainly due to a patient perspective should also nurses' perspectives be significant to obtain a faceted perception of the phenomenon.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses perceive the phenomenon of anticipation of a somatic emergency department.Method: The analysis was performed using a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted in a medium-sized hospital in southern Sweden, during the latter part of 2005, and had a qualitative approach based on a lifeworld perspective. Data collection consisted of written stories from twelve nurses.Results: The results indicated that the waiting was the scene of the expectations. These expectations led to dilemmas, powerlessness and frustration, the more the phenomenon was allowed to stand.

Psykometriska egenskaper och prediktiv validitet hos den svenska versionen av Reumatoid Arthritis ?Work Instability Scale (RA-WIS)

Background: To wait on an emergency department is a reflected and well-documented problem. Thou it´s mainly due to a patient perspective should also nurses' perspectives be significant to obtain a faceted perception of the phenomenon.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses perceive the phenomenon of anticipation of a somatic emergency department.Method: The analysis was performed using a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted in a medium-sized hospital in southern Sweden, during the latter part of 2005, and had a qualitative approach based on a lifeworld perspective. Data collection consisted of written stories from twelve nurses.Results: The results indicated that the waiting was the scene of the expectations. These expectations led to dilemmas, powerlessness and frustration, the more the phenomenon was allowed to stand.

Remittera till akutmottagningen eller inte? : Sjuksköterskors uppfattning av beslutsfattandet på vård- och omsorgsboende.

Background: High demands are today placed upon Swedish elderly care nurses as more elderly live with multimorbidity while the hospital bed capacity is becoming lower. Aim: The aim of the study was to explore nurses? perception of decision-making in situations with acutely ill patients in nursing homes and which factors may influence the decision about transferring patients to the emergency department or not. Method: This is a qualitative study with a phenomenographic approach. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with 11 nurses working in nursing homes. The data analysis was based on Dahlgren and Fallsberg (1991) data analysis. Result: Three different description categories were presented, which describes variations of the nurses? perceptions.Feeling comfortable in making the decision; which involved the nurses feeling confident in the decision-making about transferring patients to the emergency department or not.Hesitant in making the decision; which described how nurses perceived the decision-making as problematic, with regard to transferring patients to the emergency department.Many wishes to consider in taking the decision; which explained how nurses? decision-making was influenced by requests from the patients or from people close to them.Conclusion:  The study reflected how  supporting and aggravating factors could influence how nurses in nursing homes perceived the decision-making and how nurses have to take in consideration different opinions concerning the decision making process of transferring patients to the emergency department or not.

Väntan på en somatisk akutmottagning : utifrån sjuksköterskans perspektiv

Background: To wait on an emergency department is a reflected and well-documented problem. Thou it´s mainly due to a patient perspective should also nurses' perspectives be significant to obtain a faceted perception of the phenomenon.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses perceive the phenomenon of anticipation of a somatic emergency department.Method: The analysis was performed using a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted in a medium-sized hospital in southern Sweden, during the latter part of 2005, and had a qualitative approach based on a lifeworld perspective. Data collection consisted of written stories from twelve nurses.Results: The results indicated that the waiting was the scene of the expectations. These expectations led to dilemmas, powerlessness and frustration, the more the phenomenon was allowed to stand.

"Inte så att jag har lust att inte ge dem vård bara för att de är gömda..." : Sjukvårdspersonals upplevelser av att vårda gömda flyktingar

 The number of hidden refugees in Sweden is estimated to be at least 15,000. The law, which only allows this group a very limited access to health care, can be considered to clash with the human rights and the ethical codes related to the health care professionals.The aim of the study was to examine how the personnel in public health care may experience treating hidden refugees and which ethical conflicts that may be connected to this. The study, which is of a qualitative descriptive design, is based on eight semi-structured interviews. The interviewees were trained nurses and mid-wives in an emergency room, a maternity ward and a health care centre for asylum seekers.The experience of treating hidden refugees amongst the informants was limited. The study proved that the knowledge of laws and guidelines regarding hidden refugees amongst the interviewed health care personnel was poor.

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