

1419 Uppsatser om Post operative muscle str - Sida 8 av 95

Val av kommunikationsmedia i en affärskontext

Vårt syfte är att undersöka huruvida det är möjligt att identifiera variabler som påverkar valet av kommunikationsmedia där kontexten utgörs av en affärsrelation. Vi strävar efter att i vår slutsats kunna presentera en viss vägledning i valet av kommunikationsmedia. I denna studie har ett kvalitativt angreppssätt använts. För att skapa en teoretisk förankring har vi behandlat relevant och aktuell litteratur bestående av i huvudsak vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker. Som metod för att besvara vårt syfte har vi även använt oss av intervjuer.

Fl?ckreducering ? Bl? Vinranka En j?mf?rande studie av tv? efterbehandlingsmetoder vid reng?ring av glaserad keramik

This study explores the effects of two different post-treatment methods on stain reduction in glazed creamware from the late 20th century. The objects stains have been characterized by type one and type two stains which is the result of prolonged contact with food residues, were subjected to the same initial stain reduction. The two post-treatment methods examined are soaking the objects in deionized water and surface rinsing with deionized water. The comparative analysis included photographs under normal and UV-light exposure to assess stain visibility, weight measurements before and after treatments to monitor the absorption and evaporation of liquids, and observations throughout the experiment. The results revealed that while type two stains showed significant alterations after treatments, specifically after soaking, type one stains remained unaffected by both methods.

Aktör - Struktur : Förslag till utgångspunkt för studier av samverkansprocesser i förvaltningsområden med naturresurser

The focus on this essay is derived from an international and national dialogue for sustainable development. The recommendation from international level has been to find solutions for governments to implement strategies for sustainable development between local and regional level. This initiative is to improve and stimulate the dialogue between the local inhabitants, officials, entrepreneurs and stakeholders in the communities together with the authorities on the regional level. The purpose is to share knowledge and find ways to learn about the natural systems and how to co-operate in the work of preserving the natural resources and developing different processes for a sustainable development. Many scientists? today stress the importance that ecosystem resilience is promoted by biodiversity conservation and that we need to find solutions for local ecosystem management practices.This essay aims to find theoretical approaches and perspectives that can be used in a wider framework to study co-operative processes between the local (agent) and regional (structure) level.

Effektsekvens på hal is

Detta examensarbete handlar ?Verklighetstrogen Effektskomposition?. Målet med arbetet är att undersöka och utnyttja alla de olika aspekterna som gör att en film med specialeffekter känns så verklighetstrogen som möjligt. Arbetet handlar om de olika delarna i en filmproduktionsfas så som pre-production,production och post-production. Filmen som skapas är en specialeffektsbaserad hemmavideo som har som syfte att vara så chockande som möjligt i förhållande till vad man förväntar sig när man börjar kolla.

Påverkar anestesisjuksköterskan risken för postoperativt illamående och kräkning (PONV) genom att reversera muskelrelaxantia?

Postoperativt illamående och kräkning (PONV ? Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting) är den mest frekventa komplikationen efter anestesi och är ett problem där orsakerna är många och skiftande. Ursprunget är multifaktoriellt med patientrelaterade, medicinska, anestesiologiska och kirurgiska faktorer. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka om reversering av muskelrelaxantia ökar frekvensen av PONV. Metoden var en litteraturstudie baserad på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar.

Upplevelsen av e-postrelaterad stress vid tillämpning av särskild rutin för hantering.

Att ständigt vara tillgänglig och hantera inkommande e-post under en arbetsdag kan skapaupplevelse av stress. Syftet med studien var att se om skattningen av stressen minskade om enprocedur som liknar traditionell postmottagning tillämpades. Studien genomfördes som ettexperiment på en IT-avdelning. Deltagarna delades upp i en kontrollgrupp som arbetade somvanligt med sin e-post och en försöksgrupp som arbetade enligt instruktion. Studien pågickunder 8 veckor och stressmätning genomfördes vid tre tillfällen, innan start av experimentet,efter 4 veckor och efter ytterligare 4 veckor.

Finns preventiva strategier mot muskelskada i lårets baksida hos fotbollsspelare i allsvenskan? : En enkätstudie

AimThe aim of this study was to investigate if the Swedish elite soccer teams, both males and females, have preventive strategies to reduce the risk of muscular injuries in the posterior thigh.MethodA survey was created and sent by mail to all (n=28) Swedish elite soccer teams in allsvenskan (both males and females) to be answered by the head of physical exercise within each team. A pilot study regarding the survey was performed by two soccer coaches on elite level and was revised afterwards. The survey was conducted between May through July 2013. In total, 18 soccer teams participated in this survey.Results10 soccer teams did not respond to the survey, which resulted in a drop out of 36%. Preventive strategies to reduce the risk of muscular injuries in the posterior thigh existed in 16 of the teams.

Beskrivning av patienters postoperativa vårdförlopp tre dagar efter kolorektalkirurgi enligt ERAS vårdprogram

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe the post-operative care during the three first days for patients who have undergone colorectal surgery according to ERAS care programs with a focus on the variables nutrition, elimination, activity, type of analgesia and the number of hospital days documented in the patient record and patient log books. ERAS means "Early Recovery After Surgery" and the purpose of the health care program is to accelerate recovery after colorectal surgery. The study had a descriptive design and a quantitative approach, in which 51 patient records were included. Log books and patient records were reviewed postoperatively. According to the log books estimated most of the patients, who had documented, that they ate and drank very good or good.

Sexuallivet efter en radikal prostatektomi - upplevelser, information och stöd hos opererade män och deras partner

The aim was to describe the experiences of couples where the male partner had undergone radical prostatectomy due to prostate cancer. Furthermore, the study explored how the operation had affected their sexual life, whether the couples had received enough post surgical support and information concerning these issues, and to describe the kind of support and information these couples desired. Twenty men and ten partners participated. All the men experienced a varying degree of post surgical erectile dysfunction and only five men had received support concerning their sexual life. Eleven men desired professional visiting support activities.

Effekten av hormonsubstitution hos äldre män med åldersrelaterad testosteronbrist: en litteraturgranskning

Background: Testosterone is the most important androgenic hormone in the male. Aging is closely associated with reduction of serum testosterone which can lead to reduced muscle mass, muscle strength, bone density, and depression. These symptoms may be counteracted by administration of testosterone. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hormone replacement in men with age-related testosterone deficiency. Method: We performed a systematic review using Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT).

Muscle Dysmorphia : en kvantitativ studie på gym i Stockholm respektive gym i Lidköping

Syfte och frågeställningStudiens syfte:Muscle Dysmorphia (M.D.) är ett syndrom som kännetecknas av en störd kroppsuppfattning och låg självkänsla. Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att studera förekomst av M.D. bland styrketränande män i två olika stora städer.Studiens frågeställning:Finns det någon skillnad i förekomst av M.D. bland män i ålderskategorin 16-50 år som styrketränar på gym i storstad (Stockholm) kontra medelstor stad (Lidköping)?MetodUnder vår B-uppsats kartlades diagnoskriterier och definition för M.D.

Slöja eller inte slöja? - medborgarteoretiska utmaningar för Frankrike och Sverige i kölvattnet av 11/9 2001

The aim of this paper is to perform a comparative study between France and Sweden analyzing the veil debate that took place in 2003 and 2004. This debate has been one of the central features of the renewed conflict between the West and Islam post 9/11, and has the presumed oppression of the Muslim veil in focus. With help of critical theory and a differentiated citizenship theory, including gender and post-colonial perspectives, I analyse the veil in a Western context in the arguments presented and the actions taken. Through that I try to distinguish the potential problems posed for the Muslim minorities living in the two countries.Three main areas are covered: the different political actions in the two countries, the consequences for this sidestep in liberal citizenship theory and in what way the view on equality splits the two parties. I conclude: that the French secularism and the Swedish equality have played key roles; the ideal of liberal citizenship is being abandoned for a more partial state; and the view of the veil as simply oppressive is part of a colonial heritage that can be challenged..

Myten om nudlarna : Hur ser bilden av studenten ut?

This study is based on interviews with six students from Stockholm that have shared their feelings/opinions about how they experience their identity as a student. The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how the identity of students is constructed but also how the post modern society affects the life that the students are living. With a higher demand on education and responsibility of making the right decisions, the student?s main concern is not only her studies, but also the goal to succeed in her life.

Samarbete med hjälp av informations- och kommunikationsteknologier: hur studenterna samarbetar och upplever informations- och kommunikationsteknologier i distansutbildning

Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en bild av på vilket sätt informations- och kommunikationsteknologier (IKT) används och hur dessa teknologier stödjer studenternas samarbete på distans. Vi har genomfört en fallstudie på Luleå tekniska universitetet på avdelningen för Systemvetenskap. Denna studie utfördes från ett användarperspektiv. Resultatet av undersökningen visar bland annat att de flesta studenter föredrar att arbeta med uppgifterna självständigt. När studenterna samarbetar väljer de ett kooperativt sätt framför ett kollaborativt.

Svenska veteraners upplevelser av livssituationen efter genomförd internationell insats

The main focus of this study was to investigate how Swedish military veterans experience that events during an international service affect them after completed mission. This also includes the contact with their relatives. Secondly, this study deals with the course of the crisis, personal defense mechanisms, cumulative stress and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).The study was performed using a qualitative method and comprises individual interviews with six Swedish veterans. The responders were all men of different military positions, who participated in one or more international missions during 1993 to 2011.The results of this study show that, according to the veterans, the return back home is the most strenuous part of an international mission. With all the new experiences that an international service brings fresh in their memories, it is hard to re-adjust to the life of a civilian.In connection with the return back home, different degrees of stress reactions were also commonly seen, for example sleep disturbance, restlessness and exhaustion.

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