

3805 Uppsatser om Positive psychology - Sida 2 av 254

"Det löser sig" - en explorativ studie av killars syn på vikten av prestation i grundskolan

Denna undersökning är ämnad att utforska högstadiekillars syn på de bakomliggande orsakerna till det faktum att deras grundskolebetyg är sämre än tjejernas, och att denna skillnad ökar. Analys av intervjuer med de 31 medverkande killarna gav ett antal möjliga förklaringar, bland annat; bristande planeringsförmåga, en odefinierad optimism om framtiden samt en instrumentell-strategisk inställning till betyg..

Gränsen mellan positiv särbehandling och diskriminering

Positive action is measures that usually constitute discrimination but which are justified when achieving the purpose of an effective equality between people of the society. Positive action regarding gender is regulated in primary law, secondary law and case law of the EU whereas positive action regarding other discrimination groups is regulated in secondary law and negligible regulated in case law.There is a boundary between positive action and discrimination. Primary law gives little guidance on determine that boundary. Secondary law provides more advanced guidelines of how to determining were the boundary is.When determining were the boundaries lays between positive action and discrimination the guidelines given by the European court of justice in case law can be used. The majority of these guidelines are focused on positive action regarding gender.

Hälsoutbildningens påverkan på psykologiska resurser hos chefer och anställda

This study is a quantitative study designed to examine whether training in health issues may have contributed to the increase in head managers' psychological capital (PsyCap). Construction consists of the following components: self confidence, hope, optimism and resilience. A high PsyCap considered beneficial in organizational change and steer towards the positive development and helps individuals in stressful situations. The results show an increase of characteristics such as hope and optimism among managers (N = 15) who have undergone training in health issues compared with managers who have not undergone training. However, the tests show no significant difference in head managers' attitudes to health breaks, not the severity of granting health breaks in the groups as a result of training.

Allmänsjuksköterskans problematik kring bemötandet av den HIV-positiva patienten i den somatiska vården

The number of HIV- positive is increasing all over the world and it's very likely to meet these patients as a nurse. The interaction between the nurse and the patient is characterized by experience and knowledge and at the same time the nurse is expected to act professionally. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the nurse's complex of problems regarding the treatment of the HIV- positive patient by exploring the attitudes against HIV among nurses and how the nurse can maintain the integrity of the HIV- positive patient. Antonovsky's salutoqenic model, sense of coherence, has been used as theoretical frame. From 14 articles five topics have been found that influence the nurse's attitudes against HIV-positive patients.

Bibliometrisk kartläggning av det idrottspsykologiska fältet

Objectives: The aim in this thesis has been to generate information relevant for strategic positioning and future evaluations within the scientific field of sport and exercise psychology. This has been done by request, and in collaboration with The Group of Sport and Exercise Psychology at the Institution of Psychology at the University of Umeå.Research questions:  (1) How does the cognitive structure within the field of sport and exercise psychology take shape with respect to research topics in current sport-psychological research, i.e. the research front? (2) How does the social structure within the field of sport and exercise psychology take shape with respect to formal scientific collaboration?Data: 879 articles published between 2008-2011 were used in this study. The population of articles were collected from a set of 5 core journals: International Journal of Sport Psychology, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, The Sport Psychologist, Psychology of Sport and Exercise.

"Vem sätter sin kille i ridskola?" - En kvalitativ studie om tonårskillar som rider

Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga en grupp tonårskillars ridintresse samt att se hur detta intresse kan ha påverkat deras identitetsutveckling. Deltagare i studien var sex tonårskillar i åldrarna 17 till 19 år. Datainsamlingen skedde med hjälp av öppna, explorativa tematiserade intervjuer. Resultaten visade att det framförallt var två saker som var viktiga för killarna med deras ridintresse, dels att prestera genom tävlande och dels kontakten med hästen. Andra saker som också hade viss betydelse var det sociala umgänget med andra människor som rider samt utövandet av en idrott.

Glappet i den svenska vargattityden - en fråga om närhet till naturen?

Humans attitudes towards different animals are very complex were culture, genetic, psychology and evolution are some of the factors that influence. The order of animals that can provoke the most intense and extreme attitudes, both positive and negative, are the carnivores. Wolves are a constant debate in Sweden and even though a big part of the population are neutral towards the wolf, a clear friction of the attitudes can be seen. Some factors that have been seen to influence the attitude are age, education and the size of the hometown. The aim of this study is to investigate whether outdoor activities, time spend in rural areas, and time spent in a weekend cottage, also correlate with attitude towards wolf.

Vad påverkar och karaktäriserar positiva personer

People with positive affect seem to have great advantages in life. Goal achievement, the main cause of well-being for all organisms, seem to be a typical trait of these people. The purpose of this study was to examine (i) what influences positive affect, (ii) the relation between positive affect and goal achievement, and (iii) characteristics of individuals with positive and negative affect. Five individuals with self-rated positive affect and two with negative were interviewed. The responses were classified in fifteen themes.

Formuleringens betydelse vid intervjuer av utgruppsmedlemmar - kan bristande diagnosticitet leda till diskriminering?

Vilken betydelse har en arbetssökandes etnicitet och beslutsunderlagets diagnosticitet (informationskvalitet) för en granskarens benägenhet att rekommendera anställning? 172 studenter fick läsa en utskrift från en anställningsintervju och skatta hur pass anställbar den arbetssökande (svensk eller utländsk) var utifrån den information som erhölls (diagnostisk eller ickediagnostisk). Hypotesen om att sämre information om den sökandes personlighetsegenskaper medför lägre skattad anställningslämplighet för sökande med invandrarbakgrund (p.g.a. av negativa stereotyper) men inte för svenskar kunde inte bekräftas. Tvärtom skattades den utländske sökanden som mer anställbar än den svenske när informationen var ickediagnostisk (p = .03).

Konflikter -En kvantitativ studie om effekter av konflikter och konfliktstrategier på arbetsplatsen.

A quantitative study was conducted with the aim to investigate whether individuals use a specific conflict strategy when they are in a task conflict or a relationship conflict in their workplace. The study also examined whether individuals experience positive or negative effects of a task conflict or a relationship conflict when a specific conflict strategy have been used. Previous research explains the effects of task conflicts and relationship conflicts at the workplace (De Dreu, 2008) Likewise lifts the effects of the conflict strategies interaction, avoidance, and power and coercion (Hoerr, 2005; Meyer, 2004; Trudel & Reio Jr., 2011). However it does not tie together what the conflicts and conflict strategies have for effects together. This also means that it is impossible to discern if there is a strategy that is frequently used in a specific conflict type. The study group consisted of 62 participants from different workplaces that responded to a survey.

POSITIV PSYKOLOGI PÅ ARBETET : -Karaktärsstyrkors samband med psykologiskt välbefinnande, arbetstillfredsställelse, harmonisk- respektive tvångsmässig passion och stress

Over a long time psychology was focusing on human frailties and mental diseases. In 1998, Positive psychology was introduced - the scientific study of strengths, well-being and optimal functioning. Theory and research in the area has identified 24 character strengths, in which each individual owns and celebrates a number of top strengths, signature strengths. These strengths have been shown to be important in achieving happiness and well-being. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between character strength and psychological well-being, job satisfaction, harmonious- and obsessive passion and stress.

Attityd och användning till cannabis bland studenter på Linnéuniversitetet : En kvantitativ undersökning

The aim of this study was to explore the students? use of and attitudes towards cannabis at Linnaeus University. Social psychology and gender perspective was used as theories to explain the use and attitudes among the students? and how the use and attitudes could change through social influence. The study operates from a quantitative approach and is based on an online survey which includes answers from 126 respondents.

Den informella kommunikationens betydelse för de anställdas välbefinnande på Tetra Pak Packaging Material AB på Tetra Pak i Lund

Work is an important part of the lives of humans, fulfilling several functions; it establishes possibilities to interaction and to feeling as belonging to a context, it gives structure to time and space, creates common goals and it leads to a general well-being in individuals. For the well-being of employees it is essential with recuperation in a pleasant environment where you under relaxing and informal forms have a chance to interact with colleagues. The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent the employees of Tetra Pak Packaging Material AB at Tetra Pak in Lund experience that the informal communication during the coffee-break contributes to their well-being. The aim was also to distinguish if this potential well-being effects how the employees experience how work in general makes them feel. The hypothesis of the study is that the coffee-break effects the well-being in a positive way, and that it has a positive effect on how work in general makes the employees feel.

Arbetsbelastning hos flygledare: utveckling av belastningsenkät för flygledningsarbete på mindre flygplatser.

In this thesis, it is investigated if it is possible to create a common factor of the work tasks done by an air traffic controller, which then can measure workload. This will lead to the development of a tool to measure workload at small airports. In the research project a questionnaire is created to measure the different tasks an air traffic controller has. The same questionnaire will also measure the number of environmental factors that exists around the air traffic controller. To measure the validity of the questionnaire, the authors are using NASA-TLX.

Kollektivistiska individer i en individualistisk kultur: en fenomenologisk studie om hur muslimer och jezidier från mellanöstern upplever livet i den svenska kulturen

The purpose of this study is to examine if Muslims and Jezidier from the Middle East experience changes in them self when they live in Sweden and how they feel about apply for work in the Swedish labour market. The study uses the individualistic - collectivistic dimension to describe the differences between the Swedish culture and the participants home culture. A phenomenological, theoretical and methodological approach has been followed, with self-reports as the instrument for data collection. The information where analysed through the softwares MCA - Minerva and Sphinx-Lexica. The analyses show many different outcomes.

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