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Dataspel, en naturlig del av folkbibliotek? ? En fallstudie på Helsingborgs stadsbibliotek
This paper aims to investigate how Helsingborg?s city library?s visi-tors feel about computer games being available for lending and in which way computer gamers see Helsingborg?s city library as a resource. This was examined first with a study of 100 of the library?s visitors and then with five interviews with computer gamers and an interview with the librarian responsible for purchasing games.The study showed that most visitors were neutral to having games at the library and of the ones that were not neutral many more were positive than negative. Of the five gamers who were inter-viewed, there were several who had borrowed games in the past.
"Du pratar som dom i Sommarpratarna" : Om gymnasieelevers respons på argumenterande tal och attityder till respons
The aim of this study is to investigate oral peer review on argumentative speech and to study the attitudes towards this peer review. The investigation was performed in an up-per secondary school class, and it focused on the different types of oral responses students give each other. In addition, the study investigated in what way the students experience this type of peer review. The results show that students reflect on form and performance as well as content, but they place more emphasis on form and performance than content. Students are positive about peer review and its importance for their progress.
Blogg + Svenska = SANT? : Bloggande i undervisningen i svenska på gymnasiet
AbstractIn this text the attitudes towards and using of blogs in teaching Swedish toteenagers will be explored. The results are based on a survey made amongst 17teachers and 58 students from all over Sweden. The end results show that theusage of blog still hasn?t found a permanent way into the classrooms, but has anappeal to and is being used by predominantly younger teachers both, male andfemale, with a positive response from students regardless of gender. Theconclusion is that using web tools like the blog is an easy first step for schools toconnect to the digital society of the 21stcentury and take advantage of the perksavailable in the digital classroom.Svensk titel:Blogg + Svenska =Sant? ? Bloggande i undervisningen i svenska.Engelsk titel:Blog + Swedish =True? ? Blogging in teaching Swedish.Ämnesord: Blog, Web 2.0, digitalt klassrum, svenska, undervisning,kompetensutveckling.
Argument för prissättning av skogsfastigheter
The world economy of today is in an extensive financial crisis which has lead to the fact that people seek well placed investments and securing of capital, something that by many people can be found in forest investment. The price of forest estates has increased with 90 % during the last 5 years and marketing polls indicate a positive belief in the future among forest owners. The development of timber prices has not increased to the same extent as the forest property prices which implies that the property price not only reflect the yield value from the forest but also that the lumber value does not have such a meaningful role in the pricing of forest properties as proven earlier. This fact means that forest owners either invest their capital in forest in a speculative point of view or that the purchasers of forest properties invests in non monetary benefits that lacks a direct yield value. The purpose with this degree thesis is to increase the understanding of the pricing of forest properties with focus on the above mentioned fact.
Elektronisk handel och självreglering -möjligheterna att via självreglering skapa ett förtroende för och främja utvecklingen av elektronisk handel?
To business owners and consumers electronic commerce means new conditions and possibilities. Often and specially at the Internet information between consumers and sellers is asymmetrically distributed. Among the consumers there is a shortage of confidence in electronic commerce. In order of a positive development of electronic commerce it´s important to find a solution to the shortage of confidence. Confidence may be created by legislation or by self- regulation.
Transformativt ledarskap - en förutsättning för produktivt teamklimat och egeneffektivitet?
In the faster growing pace of changes and competition in the global economy, factors promoting group effectiveness are of interest. How do components of leadershipstyle, especially transformational, team climate and selfefficacy correlate? To answer this question 3 questionnaires regarding leadershipstyle (MLQ), team climate (TCI-Short) and selfefficacy (self developed) were distributed to employees of a Swedish installation company (108 participants). Moderate positive correlations were found between climate and selfefficacy and between varying elements of leadership and selfefficacy. The leadership behaviour Contingent Reward correlated moderately with all climate dimensions and strongly with selfefficay.
En uppsats om kontraheringsplikten för dominerande företag
In organizations today Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming a common means to try to gain legitimacy and credibility for their business. A successful CSR strategy has the potential to generate positive outcomes for a company and reaching out to stakeholders about the corporation?s contribution in the field is an important part of the work. In this study I examine how the employees at Max Hamburgare receive the corporation?s efforts within sustainability, how it is perceived and what this means to the employees.
Communicating ethical sourcing : the case of palm oil in the Swedish food industry
Palm oil has been used in processed food commodities since the 19th century. An increasing demand for regulating and ensuring a more sustainable palm oil production has resulted in various initiatives. However, these initiatives have received critique due to lack of compliance and insufficient revisions of palm oil plantations. The initiatives for creating an ethical, social and environmentally sustainable production are not sufficient for the Swedish industrial users of palm oil. As a result, stakeholders such as Swedish food processing companies, commit to ethical sourcing codes of conduct that go beyond the international palm oil initiatives.
Gestaltning av en takträdgård
Gastric ulcer is a common disease among pigs in the whole world where an intensiveproduction occurs. It is mainly the upper region, the nonglandular region of the stomach thatis affected. Gastric ulceration is a disease with several risk factors. The factor that seems tohave the largest impact on the development of gastric ulceration is a small particle size of thefeed. The reported prevalence of gastric ulceration differs from 5 to 100 % and it is a largeherd-to-herd variation.
Barns och tonåringars välmående
This paper examined if childrens wellbeing affected their social and academic competence. The data was collected through an anonymous study using questionnaires, where the measuring instruments GHQ12 and EQ was used, and also a number of questions concerning academic competence. The population concisted twentytwo eight grade students, both girls and boys. The population had both Swedish and foreign ancestry. The result showed that wellbeing and the academic competence had a positive correlation.
Skåne - en stark dryckesregion?
The aim of this study was to examine consumers and producers view on beverages and it?s meaning for Skåne (a region in southern Sweden) and how to create a strong culinary region using beverages. It gets more common to connect food and tourism, where food and beverages can be used to attract visitors. The research methods used were qualitative and quantitative and the data was collected by survey and semi-structured interviews. The respondents weren?t aware of current beverage projects in the region.
Bibliotek, Finkultur och TV-spel : En diskursanalys av debatten kring TV-spel och bibliotek
This bachelor´s thesis analyzes the debate in a number of Swedish media regarding the introduction of video games as a new medium in the public libraries. The theory and method used is discourse analysis. Three questions were asked: how the introduction of video games as a new media in libraries is discussed, how is it motivated and in what way the authors of the articles analyzed are speaking about new media and the mission of the library. The selected articles were divided into four themes and the analysis resulted in the identification of two main discourses, one which is positive to the introduction and integration of new media in the libraries? collections, and one which has a more negative approach and uses quality and culture as an argument. The conclusion is that video games are a medium so widely used that librarians have to decide whether or not they want to include it in the libraries? collections, and by deciding this they reveal their attitude towards the mission and purpose of the public library..
Arbeta inteam(t) : En studie om team och teamarbete
AbstractThis is the paper you should read if you want to know more about working in team. Teamwork is a way of working and it increases more and more among societies and companies today, but it is not quite clear what the diffrences is from working in groups. We have in this paper tried to clear out the differences between groups and team, and we have also tried to give an oversight of how to work in team in organizations. Cultures of organizations, leadership and power and also development of qualifications are big parts of an organization´s daily work, and we have explained these concepts from a teamperspective.We have, in this paper, done interviews with people that have been in contact with the central consepts that we use. And then we have analyzed their answers with help from litterature, which we have closely studied, thereafter we have presented our results.
Ett attraktivt snittblomssortiment från perenner odlade på friland :
The production of cut flowers has diminished in Sweden and the remaining growers produce mainly in greenhouses. This situation could be changed if hardy, garden perennials suitable for Swedish conditions were to be used as cut flowers. A grower with suitable equipment as plastic tunnels or houses would be able to provide florists with an attractive assortment of perennials for cutting, during an extended selling period compared with the natural flowering period for these cultivars. This assortment would be based upon imported perennials already used by florists, but would also contain new products. To investigate the demand for locally field grown perennials as cut flowers, an inquiry took place.
Jord i portföljen : jordbruksmark som en del av en investeringsportfölj
People who invest capital in promising projects as a profession are called venture capitalists. They are constantly looking for new investment opportunities. Recently, media have observed a growing interest in forest land as capital investment. This is because several fund and investment company market the possibility of safe return through investment in woodland, both in Sweden and abroad. When an investment in forests is seen as an acceptable investment option, focus turns to nearby areas, namely agricultural land.