3172 Uppsatser om Positive changes - Sida 55 av 212
Återköp av Aktier : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Kina
Share repurchases in Sweden has since legalization in 2000 gained momentum. Similar to other corporate events, there are studies that examine whether this affects the share price performance. With studies in the U.S. that measured excess returns of approximately 3,5 percent on the announcement day; Swedish buybacks, holding a tighter regulation is of interest to study. The Stockholm Stock Exchange regulation regarding reporting is also similar to the Stock Exchange in Hong Kong.
Humorstilar, Emotionell Perception och Kön ? Vem skrattar mest och vem skrattar sist?
The main aim of this research was to investigate four humour styles, affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating humour, and compare these with emotional perception. Forty-eight persons took part in the research, 27 women and 21 men living in the southern part of Sweden. Two humour tests were used: the Humour Scale Questionnaire ? HSQ, with 32 items, and a newly composed video test, assembled after pilot testing from 26 video clips, the Humour Video Questionnaire ? HVQ. To measure perception and interpretation of emotion, the revised version of the ?Reading the Mind in the Eyes? Test was used.
Den tredje våldtäkten : En narrativ analys av fyra friande våldtäktsdomar
The purpose of this study was to create an environment that stimulates children?s communication via language in a preschool called ?The Flower?. The environment should encourage and challenge the children to interact and communicate more with each other. That in turn will further the children?s language acquisition.
"Alla människor har en fasad och man vet aldrig vad som döljer sig där bakom" En undersökning om hur det går att påverka elevers attityd till lyrik genom undervisning
The study is ethnographic and the collected material consists of questionnaires, interviews andconducted practical exercises. The purpose of this study is to examine whether it is possible tochange boys attitude to poetry and poetry teaching through practical exercises. The questionswhich the study is based on concerns how frameworks for tasks can enhance the creativity ofthe students, the standards students have as a reference point and what attitudes boys have topoetry. The study shows that students feel that they are more creative if there is a frameworkfor the task, it has also been shown that boys do not have any special attitude to poetry,because they do not know what the word means. One of the most important results in theresults section is that boys have a positive attitude to poetry as long as the teacher gives themthe right tools to work with..
Språkutvecklande miljöer i förskolan : En studie om hur barn tillägnar sig språket genom ökat samspel
The purpose of this study was to create an environment that stimulates children?s communication via language in a preschool called ?The Flower?. The environment should encourage and challenge the children to interact and communicate more with each other. That in turn will further the children?s language acquisition.
Uppföljning och analys av Stockholms stads solcellsanläggningar
During 2007 the City of Stockholm installed five grid connected photovoltaic systems. The aim of this master thesis is to quantify the amount of produced energy and recommend routines to collect and analyse production data, to make production data accessible by the public and to gain experience for future installations.The total amount of produced energy until March 2009 is 227 000 kWh, with an annual rate of 150 000 kWh. The expected annual rate was 148 000 kWh.All system owners are positive about their plants and see economical benefits in scaling up such systems.The installations need very little attendance and maintenance, however it is recommended that an alarm function is installed for automatic feedback in case of a system failure. All future systems should be inspected during full operation to determine if the actual capacity is matching the installed capacity..
Den moderna världens feminism ? en kunskapsöversikt om västcentristisk feminism och globaliseringen av nyliberalism
AbstractThis literal review intended to assess and shed light upon if west-centric feminism justifiesthe neoliberal globalization that reproduces the reproduction of inequality in the world.The result indicated that sex is not sufficient to categorize a universal group of women andthat other aspects of social structures such as class, caste, ethnicity, race, religion and ageshould be included in transnational feminism, and that this discourse needs to becharacterized by contextual understanding of culture and power. Neoliberalism has createdspace for personal freedom and choice, but all do not possess the same conditions to utilisetools to attain positive progress in regard to these choices. Furthermore, this study hasrevealed that feminism is subordinate to the globalization of neoliberalism and that thepost-feminist trend could be perceived as being discrepant with a progressive transnationalfeminist movement..
Populationsstruktur och genetisk analys av exteriöra egenskaper hos svensk ardenner :
The purposes of this study were to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for conformation traits in Swedish Ardenner, a heavy draught horse, and to investigate the inbreeding status of the population. Additionally, a breeding scheme proposal was created, based on the results achieved in the study.
The data studied were obtained from the Swedish Horse Board and from the Swedish Ardenner Association. The data included 1632 three-year-old horses, mainly mares, and 356 stallions, judged between 1986 and 2005 at conformation shows. The traits studied were type, head-neck-body, legs, walk and trot at hand, total score and height at withers.
Alkohol på idrottsevenemang : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan vuxnas alkoholkonsumtion på idrottsevenemang och gymnasieungdomars attityd till alkohol
The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relation between sporting events, where alcohol is served, and the attitude towards alcohol among adolescents. We conducted a survey with 195 respondents, all of whom was students of Swedish upper secondary school. The respondents were between 15 and 18 years of age. The data were analyzed using theories of attitudes and norms. We also analyzed the data using previous research.
Är Marknaden Varse om Varsel? : En studie om den svenska kapitalmarknadens reaktion på varsel om uppsägning
The purpose of this study is to examine the capital market reaction generated by layoff announcements. The study takes place in Sweden and tests 138 news concerning layoffs which are categorized according to a content analysis. They are divided as: positive or negative news. The layoffs are also divided into three subgroups with varying sizes: 0,98 percent or less, between 0,99 and 4,49 percent or 4,5 percent or larger. The study uses an event study method to measure the reaction of the capital market.
Event Marketing : En alternativ väg till kund lojalitet
Marks do not only work as an acknowledge of the effort that has been made under a long period of time, but also as a receipt for eligibility to further studies. Within the political debate, marks have often caused a big discussion among the political parties. That is due to the obvious difference between the political parties on the left, and their counterparts on the right. However, there is one thing that they all have in common. Everyone of them have plans of measure within their political agenda, regarding the use of marks.The aim of this study has been to try to understand the way pupils think about marks.
Kulturkrockar i skolan. : Hur kan pedagoger förebygga kulturkrockar i skolan?
The purpose with this essay is to contribute with knowledge on how pedagogues in Swedish schools can prevent cultural clashes between themselves and their pupils and between pupils from different cultural backgrounds.The survey is done with qualitative interviews with three pedagogues.The result shows the importance that the pedagogues are positive to cultural meetings and that they acquire intercultural competence. The result also shows that the interviewed pedagogues acquired competences through direct meeting with students and their parents, courses, lectures and literature.The conclusion of this essay is that if pedagogues obtain more knowledge about their own and other`s culture, it would prevent cultural clashes in school.I believe that if the pedagogue teaches his/her students that there are different ways to think in the world, fewer cultural clashes would occur between the students.Key words: culture clash, education, communication.
En-till-en på gymnasiet: En kvalitativ studie kring vad elever i behov av stöd anser att datorn har stöttat dem med i skolan angående språksvårigheter
The purpose of this study was to examine what students themselves think about using computers in school. The study was conducted in a school in central Sweden. The students in focus were students with reading and writing difficulties, dyslexia or language difficulties such as an other native language. A total of eight students were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis.
En studie om individers upplevelser av arbetslöshet, mindfulness och stress
The aim of the study was to examine individuals' experiences of participating in 5 week mindfulness program as a tool for job seekers. Qualitative methods were used to interview three students and two mindfulness educators. The informants were asked to answer questions about their experiences of having participated or practiced mindfulness in the project. The results showed that all respondents experienced the project as positive. The participants describe that the project helped them to get out and meet other people and with routines in their life. The participants also said that unemployment caused alienation and they felt themselves to have poorer health when they were unemployed.
Motivationsarbete i skolan och lärarens roll som motivatör i klassrummet. : En intervjustudie om motivationsskapande
This qualitative review concerns motivation out of a teacher?s perspective. The aim of this study is to illuminate how a few teachers work with motivational work in school and elucidate which traits and competences the teachers consider important for them as motivatiors to possess. The result is based on semi-structured interviews with four active teachers with junior school qualifications. The objective was to learn more about the teacher?s own experiences and opinions regarding the construct of motivation, motivational work and their own role as motivators.