3172 Uppsatser om Positive changes - Sida 54 av 212
Dynamiken mellan sändare och mottagare- en studie av Acne Jeans, Filippa K och konsumenten i Stockholm och Göteborg
The consumer today is affected by a considerably larger number of world surrounding factors than she used to be, borders between different cultures and other consumer differences are being erased to a growing extent. The consumer can easily get its inspiration from many different directions which become clear in the common life. We eat sushi for lunch, we?re driving German cars and we?re having dinner with international business partners. The community also exposes the consumer for a more intense noise from offers, impact and marketing.
Alternativa verktyg, tillgänglighet och måluppfyllelse för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En fallstudie i årskurs 8 och 9
This study investigates how assistive technology tools are used in the classroom by students in reading and writing disabilities in the school years immediately prior to moving to gymnasium. Through observations and interviews with two students and two teachers this study also considers if the use of these tools can lead to increased accessibility and goal fulfilment, and whether these elements are prerequisites for success. The result shows that the students use laptops in the classroom, primarily for writing longer texts, and that in order to be successful, an early start, equipment, time and positive attitudes towards the tools are important. The students use the tools in the classroom, but they have very different feelings about how included they are in the class. The participants see a clear link between the use of assistive technology tools and increased goal fulfilment. .
"goda influenser utifrån" : En textanalys av hur fo?resta?llningar om feminism och nationalitet konstrueras i ett kommentarfa?lt pa? Newsmill
In ?goda influenser utifra?n? (positive effects from abroad) the purpose is to explore how ideas about feminism and nationality is created within the commentarys on Newsmill (swedish websight for debate). The questions which is directed on the basis of my purpose is drafted to enable my enquiry. On intersectional premisses, and with the help of a textanalysis, i will dress the data which i collected from one field of commentarys. The analysis is divided into themes in which and everyone i tend to immerse on that particular theme..
Marketing tools in grocery retailing, do they affect store loyalty?
The purpose of this study is to provide a longitudinal examination, within grocery retailing, of four marketing tools and their impact on enhancing customer loyalty. The study examines whether the relationship between the four marketing tools and customer satisfaction has a positive effect on attitude and behavior loyalty. The findings from this study show that the marketing tools have not helped enhancing loyalty between 2004 and 2007. Between these years, service quality has the most affect on loyalty. Self-scanning as an effective marketing tool could be questioned, the relation in this study is not supported.
Aktiv lastbilsstol för bättre förarergonomi och hälsa
The project concerns a predevelopment work for Scania AB, a leading manufacturer of heavytrucks, and was performed as a master thesis work for the program Design and ProductDevelopment at KTH. The purpose of this work was to examine how the work situation of truckdrivers, especially long-haulage drivers, can be improved with respect to prolonged sedentaryoccupation. Mental fatigue and under-stimulation due to low cognitive load during long drivescan be major risk factors for traffic accidents. Physical strain injuries to both the skeleton andmuscles are common for this working group and minimal opportunity for daily exercise alsoincreases the risk of developing blood clots in the legs, which can have serious consequences forthe driver's health.An extensive background study, both theoretical and exploratory, was performed to identify thedrivers' concerns and comfort needs. Various treatments such as massage and active sitting wereinvestigated and existing products within the area studied.
Jag var hopplös innan, men sen jag började här känner jag att jag förstår varför jag ska lära mig saker : En studie om ungdomars upplevelser om pågående vistelse på resursskola
In this essay our starting point was the question:? How youth experience their ongoing sojourn in the resource school?? We did a qualitative study with interviews. We interviewed totally eight youth with different backgrounds. The head question was youth´s positive and negative experiences about ongoing sojourn in the resource school compared with their home school. In the result, we came until that most of the youth were pleased with their sojourn in the resource school.
Större svartbagge Upis ceramboides i norra Hälsingland : förekomst, substratkrav och effekter av skogsbrukets naturvårdsåtgärder
Many wood living insects are considered threatened by modern forestry due to the reduction in amount of dead wood. During the last decade various methods have been used to enhance the quantity of dead wood in managed forests. However little is known how and if these methods are aiding saproxylic insects. The threatened tenebrionid beetle, Upis ceramboides, is already extinct in southern Sweden. It develops in white rotted dead birch (Betula spp) and requires sun-exposed sites.
Sjukgymnastik i skolan - behövs det?: en kvalitativ studie
The aim of this study was to investigate physical education teachers (PET) view of the needs of physiotherapy in compulsory school. Semi structured interviews were conducted with five PET. The study was carried out as a qualitative content analyse study. The interviews were coded in categories independently by the two authors. The categories were then brought together in four major categories: PET work situation, pupil health, physiotherapy and cooperation.
We got in contact with Marco AB, who we?ve had contact with before concerning earlier projects, to find out if they were interested in arranging a larger project for our last class (Examensarbete 15hp). They were very positive to this proposition, and soon they offered us a project regarding reconstruction of their current mechanical device that absorbs all the force from the lift itself when it is at a predefined level (sv. sjunkspärr). The current solution does fulfill the requirements that are given, however it is not a solution that gives a high level of satisfactory.
Förskolechefens beslut- att välja inskolningsmetod
I have written an experiential essay about my role as a preschool director and the important work decisions that I face. What is best for the child? That is something that I think is important to take into consideration.In the narrative, I describe how an induction occurs at my preschool. We use an "old" tried and true method which spans two to three weeks, which I believe is best for children under the age of two. They need to first connect withone educator who they are comfortable with before they are secure enough to play and explore the environment of the preschool.In recent years, another method has emerged which is shorter and which has quickly became popular in many preschools.
Vägen till produktionsanpassade arbetsinstruktioner
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the need of working instructions in Derome Träteknik ?s industrial house-building factories. Furthermore we wanted to determine an appropriate way for developing working instructions adapted to the conditions in a certain production environment. In the construction industry today prefabricated building elements are frequently used. With this come repetitive work tasks that need to be carefully planned.
Psykologiska mekanismer och miljöperspektivet : sambandet mellan attityder och beteendeintentioner inför samhällets miljöpåverkan
Syftet med studien var att pröva vilka psykologiska mekanismer som påverkar sambandet mellan attityder och beteendeintentioner inför miljöpåverkan hos individer i konsumtionssamhället. Hypotesen var att det finns ett miljömedvetande hos människan, men att det är en skillnad mellan attityd och beteendeintention. Även emotioner inför miljöpåverkan hos deltagarna undersöktes, för att fördjupa studien. Undersökningen har gjorts kvantitativt via en webbaserad enkät, genom utskick via Facebook till vuxna individer i Sverige mellan 18-65 år (N=49). Svarsprocenten var 46 procent.
Befolkningstillväxtens mosaik i Umeå kommun
The purpose of this thesis is to present and analyze population developments within Umeå municipality during the period 1992 to 2012. The study also aims to discuss growth trends presented in previous papers to seek common factors and get a deeper understanding.Data for 1992, 2002 and 2012 on a sub area level supplied by Umeå municipality was used. The study shows a continued positive development across almost all sub areas, but a differing growth rate from centre to periphery, and also a diversified medium age among the inhabitants.While the city center continues to have the highest growth of population during the studied years, a recent trend seems to point to a growing popularity to settle in the outskirts of the municipality, primarily near the coast..
Professionalisering : Föräldrars åsikter om en organisationsförändring av den svenska barnidrotten
The Swedish way to organize sport has a long tradition and the parents play an important role in ways to organize sport. Without the thousands of adults who voluntary work the sport associations would have problems to survive. However, there are tendencies to that commitment is reduced, which means that the activity is exposed. The purpose of this study was to examine parents opinions about a nonprofit children´s sport respective professional children´s sport. The study was based on questionnaires which were distributed to 83 parents in four different sports; equestrian sport, track and field sports, ice hockey and soccer.
Strategiskt CSR-arbete i den svenska modebranschen - en studie av fyra företag
The concept Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) describes a company's social and environmental work. More and more companies have embraced the concept of CSR and for some businesses, it has become equally important to present its efforts within CSR as to present its latest profits.The purpose of this essay is to establish an overall picture of a company's CSR efforts and to discuss the potential conflict between CSR and the aim for profit We investigate how businesses can improve their CSR effort so that it contributes to a positive development for the society while still creating economic value for the company. The study is based on a qualitative study of four Swedish companies in the fashion industry: Kappahl, Gina Tricot, Åhlens and Indiska. The results show that according to the theoretical framework, the four companies do not reach a complete strategic approach to CSR. To achieve this it is necessary for the companies to change their current CSR-activities..