3172 Uppsatser om Positive changes - Sida 50 av 212
Beröringens betydelse för patienters upplevelse av smärta, oro och känsla av välbefinnande
Touch that is performed in a sensitive and gentle way can be a good complement in caring. To be stricken with illness can involve that the individual feels powerlessness and to have no control over the own body. This could lead to both psychical and physical suffering. To strength health is one of the nurses' responsibilities and to touch can be one way. The aim of the study was to describe patients' experience of the effects of touch.
Alltså vi är ju inte barn : En studie om ungas erfarenheter och upplevelse av IKT
The purpose of this essay has been to seek understanding of how young people in high school and adult education experience the use of educational media tools in teaching. Examples of questions submitted material has been: What are the positive and negative experiences of ICT in the classroom?The essay is of a qualitative nature, in which five students were interviewed about their experiences of ICT in the school environment. The result is analyzed from a sociocultural perspective and from an inward-student perspective.The results showed that students felt that it was difficult to absorb many of the ICT facilities as sources of knowledge in the school environment. Due to lack of quality in teaching material and difficulties of the pupils to sort out the important information of the injected..
Prevalens av Chlamydophila psittaci hos papegojor i fångenskap
Chlamydophila psittaci is a common cause of diseases in parrots ranging from being less serious to more serious. It is also a zoonotic disease which poses serious health problems to humans. The disease is highly under diagnosed. The symptoms in birds are nonspecific and may be indicative of many different diseases which make it harder to diagnose and treat. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of C.
Webbsida med WEB 2.0
The consumer society exploits the earth?s resources more than the earth itself has capability to produce. This over-consumption causes a mass production of products, which mean that more greenhouse gases are being emitted to the atmosphere. This is one of the reasons why the earth?s temperature is rising, where the result of it is worldwide disasters.
Miljonprogrammets Rosengård: den avbildade verkligheten
The purpose of this thesis is to cast light on the residential area Rosengård in Malmö which during the years between 1965 to 1975 was part of a programme known as "Miljonprogrammet", a project which was supposed to put an end to the housing shortages. The purpose of this thesis is also to investigate the social consequences in Rosengård, which arose as a result of Miljonprogrammet. Rosengård is one of many immigrant-dense suburbs in Sweden that by the media is given an exaggerated negative portrayal. Through our work, we also want to bring out and highlight the true image of Rosengård. The questions that have served as our starting ground include; what were the thoughts behind Miljonprogrammet? What were the consequences of Miljonprogrammet? What does the true image of Rosengård look like? What can the new government do in order to improve the situation in Rosengård? In order to answer these questions, four interviews were conducted with specifically chosen people.
Flöjtglädje : En undersökning om vad flöjtelever tycker är roligt med sitt spel och sina flöjtlektioner.
This is a study of how young flutists experience playing their instrument and having music lessons, especially what they think is most enjoyable. 27 flutists between the ages of 8 and 19 years old, from three different municipal schools of music in central Sweden, were interviewed during spring 2000.Some of the conclusions are that enjoyment coincides with meaningful when you are in a musical context, and when your progress is confirmed by the teacher.The study is to be seen as some examples of different things that young flutists find enjoyable. It is not an enumeration of recommended items in teaching, rather some thoughts about the positive experiences of playing the flute, and how teachers may relate to that..
Mäklaryrket ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv
The Profession of Real Estate Agents has by tradition been a male profession. However during later years the profession has changed. It is now many young women that are pursuing a career as a Real Estate Agent.In the light of this background we have researched how Real Estate Agents employed by Fastighetsbyrån and Svensk Fastighetsförmedling perceive their profession from an equality perspective.The investigation has been limited to include the counties of Värmland and Närke and have been conducted by interviewing Real Estate Agents of different age and sex and the managers of the firms.The study show that the Real Estate Agents perceive their profession in a positive way and that the work is divided equal. However it emerged that there were a division regarding different real estate types in certain agencies. The Real Estate Agents believe that the gender of the manager is of no importance.
Ett socialt nätverk anpassat för äldre : En studie av det sociala nätverket Modernfamilies
In this paper we analyze a social network specifically designed for the elderly, people with Dementia and people with generally low computer experience. This is a relatively unexplored use for such software, and our goal is to find out whether the technique to be used is simple enough to use for the intended user group, and generally how the whole situation is experienced by the users. To achieve this we conducted an expert evaluation and interviewed a number of users at two separate occasions during their first weeks with Modernfamilies. We came to the conclusion that this software generally is simple enough to use for the intended target group. Some of the users we came in contact with experienced the software as a positive addition to their daily lives, while some could not see any reason for a further use.
En framgångsrik linjeutvidgning
The purpose of this thesis is to highlight the work with line extensions by companies in the media industry. To obtain this purpose a case study was performed to learn about Norrbottens Media?s actions regarding their new launch of the magazine Extra. Information was gathered through an interview and media observations and was analyzed and compared to previous studies on the subject. Results of this case study show that the main reasons for the company?s line extension were new trends on the market and that the company had unexploited recourses to make use of.
Inverkan av nederbörd, temperatur och frost på årsringens egenskaper hos boreal tall (Pinus sylvestris L.) :
The wide distribution range of our boreal pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) provides a great variation in growing conditions and climate/weather factors that influence the wood development of the trees. A great number of extensive studies have been conducted over the years in order to clarify growth trends of this and other species over more or less wide-ranging areas.
In this thesis effects of weather factors were instead compared between different forest stands from the about same geographical location. The effects of precipitation, temperature and frost on the year ring characteristics of pine were studied in the research forest of Svartberget Vindeln, in northern Sweden. The stands differed in site index and silvicultural treatment; fertile ? high stem density, fertile ? low stem density, poor ? high stem density and poor ? low stem density.
Ekologi som kommersiell vara
Organic cotton has been in the medias field of vision for quite some time. This interestalso reflects in a growing awareness in the textile industry where more and morecompanies today offer organic cotton in their product range. With this in mind wequestion whether organic cotton has become a viable commercial product. We alsoacknowledge there is a lacking of understanding the complex problems that organiccotton manufacture involves, for example the huge effort and cost required for a transitionfrom conventional to organic cotton farming.The purpose of this paper was to study how textile, ecology and competition today arebeing combined by companies. We wanted with our investigation to find out whethercompanies in the textile industry use ecology as a competitive advantage.
Soliditetens betydelse för goodwillnedskrivning under ekonomiskt ansträngda perioder : En studie av den svenska finans- och industrisektorn 2008
Background: The international accounting standard regarding goodwill gives opportunities to several accounting procedure choices, as goodwill is a complex, intangible asset. The valuation of goodwill affects equity/asset ratio and income statement, which gives that the stakeholders? impression of the group?s financial statement is affected by the valuation of this asset. It has been pointed out that difficult economic times bring impairment loss to the fore. During financial crisis, equity/asset ratio may be significant as the economy of the groups is expected to be strained.Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to explain the appearance of the possible relationship between a group?s impairment loss for goodwill and their equity/asset ratio, during financial straits.
Detektion av kolvläge i hydraulcylinder med elektromagnetisk metod
The purpose of this study was to examine what students themselves think about using computers in school. The study was conducted in a school in central Sweden. The students in focus were students with reading and writing difficulties, dyslexia or language difficulties such as an other native language. A total of eight students were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis.
Do grizzly bears use or avoid wellsites in west-central Alberta, Canada?
The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the self-monitoring for scarification which Stora Enso is using and this study deals with the effects and importance of scarification. A comparison is made in this study with the purpose to highlight any differences between some of the leading forestry companies and significant forest organizations in Sweden. The companies represented in this report are Korsnäs, Mellanskog, SCA, Sveaskog and Södra.
In the beginning of this study an interview form was set up together with Daniel Forsberg at Stora Enso. Stora Enso is the head object of this report and seven interviews were made within that company. At the other companies only three interviews were made within each one, with an exception to Mellanskog who wished four.
Light or Voice ? make your choice! : Plocktekniker för tillverkningsföretag
Companies constantly strive for the perfect order which enables them to satisfy and retain their customers. This is a difficult process that can be facilitated by using different picking technologies. In this study, a research of the picking technologies Pick-to-Light and Pick-to-Voice have been made to investigate when each technology is suited.In order to collect relevant information and data to be able to answer the question formulation, a qualitative study with interviews have been made. The purpose of this essay was to investigate Pick-to-Light and Pick-to-Voice to see when each technology is best suited and to see what the differences between the technologies are. With our essay we wanted to help manufacturing companies to make the right decisions when implementing a picking technology.The results showed that those picking technologies give companies a higher picking quality and an increased work efficiency since the order picking is faster to perform, and that picking errors are reduced.