

3172 Uppsatser om Positive changes - Sida 27 av 212

Healt Locus of Control i relation till hälsa : - en studie om motionsvanor, matvanor och självkänsla hos lärarkandidater

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Health Locus of Control, Exercise habits, Food habits and Self-esteem (Personal self and Physical self) between two groups of student teachers at a university in the south of Sweden. Is health such as exercise, eating and self-esteem something that is controlled by internal or external factors? Student teachers that participated in Physical and Health programme and student teachers that participeted in other programme were investigeted. The participants (N = 160) answered the questionnaire. The Health Locus of Control scale and Tennessee Self-Concept Scale were used.

Folkbibliotek som tredje plats ? Café, informationslager eller något mitt emellan?

This bachelor?s thesis describes a qualitative case study of a public library as ?third place?, a place besides from home and workplace visited frequently for conversation. The subject is chosen because of the many roles of public libraries. The main query of the study is ?What view does the public library have of its role as third space and how does that relate to the way utilization of the public library as third place is seen??.

Upplysningar om risker och osäkerhetsfaktorer

Uppsatsens syfte är att förklara skillnaden i varför företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen lämnar olika upplysningar om risker och osäkerhetsfaktorer. Studien baseras på företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen OMX, Large-, Mid-, och Small Cap. Sammanlagt granskas 200 noterade bolag utifrån dess årsredovisningar. Undersökningen delas in i fyra olika riskkategorier; finansiell risk, affärsrisk, operationell risk samt strategisk risk. Varje kategori, med sina beroende variabler, analyseras var för sig.

Mötet med lärare : - En studie om elevers upplevelser av lärares påverkan av självkänsla och självförtroende

This study is about how students view the effects teachers have on their self-esteem and self-confidence. The theoretical background covers the consequences of success and failures, and the interaction between students and teachers, in regards of self-esteem and self-confidence. The purpose of the study was to examine what had in-fluenced the students? self-esteem and self-confidence in the interaction with teachers. To reach the goal of the study, several qualitative interviews were made with the following questions as base:? Which factors does the student consider to be of importance for their self-esteem and self-confidence in the interaction with teachers?? How does the student feel that these factors were affected concerning their self-esteem and self-confidence?During the analysis and systematization of the transcribed interviews, five factors emerged that effects self-esteem and self-confidence.

Finns det ett samband mellan graden av upplevd arbetsrelaterad stress och copingstrategi hos grundskolepedagoger?

The purpose of this study was to examine whether there was any connection between coping strategies; emotional and cognitive strategy and perceived level of stress among primary school teachers in primary and middle school. It was also investigated whether there was a difference between full-time and part-time employees and perceived level of stress. As a theoretical background Lazarus' transaction theory of stress was used as an explanation of mental stress, Lazarus coping strategies for stress and Karasek?s and Theorell?s model of psychosocial work environment was used to explain unhealthy at work. To measure coping we used Coping inventory resources and to measure the stress we used Percieved stress scale.

En kvantitativ studie om lärares inställning till och arbete med Nationella Prov : En enkätstudie i syfte att beskriva lärares uppfattning av huruvida NP bidrar till likvärdig bedömning och ökad måluppfyllelse i mellan ? och högstadiet.

The level of increased central government that we have experienced during the last decades in school, for the purpose of increasing equality and to adapt the Swedish school to a certain international standard, clearly shows that increased control scarcely leads to improvement.The aim of this paper is to examine whether teachers believe that national tests contribute to equivalent assessment and increased goal attainment. Furthermore the teachers? attitude towards and work with national tests is described. The paper is written from a school improvement perspective, where good examples from current research on what creates increased quality in school meaning increased goal attainment and equivalent assessment are related to research on school effectiveness and increased testing in schools. The study builds upon a quantitative survey among teachers in upper primary - and secondary school in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden.The result shows that the teachers have a somewhat more positive than negative attitude towards national tests, as a whole.

Ett meningsfullt deltagande? - En fallstudie av medborgerligt deltagande i det kommunala pensionärsrådet i Skara kommun

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the extent of the civil rights political participation on a municipality level. The starting-point is the participatory democratic theory. I have chosen to make a case study of the extent of participation among KPR ? the board of the pensioners in the municipality of Skara. KPR is represented by fourteen members from the seven existing associations for pensioners.

Habitat diversity and composition among growing wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) populations in Sweden

The wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) has expanded across Europe and Sweden in the last decades. It is a generalist species which utilizes a variety of habitats, and its presence has been shown to have both positive and negative effects for people and the landscape they are in. The abundance and increase of wild boar has previously been shown to differ between counties in Sweden, but there have been few explanations as to why. In this study, I investigated correlations between the per capita rate of change (r) among wild boar populations in Sweden and a variety of different habitats on the county level. I also investigated if fragmentation per se or in certain habitats could be associated with the wild boar?s per capita rate of change. My results show that fragmentation/diversity per se was not correlated with wild boar r.

Matematiksvårigheter : Värför och vad kan vi göra

During my practical training period I observed that many of the students have a negative attitude against mathematics. I also observed that these students have a difficulty reaching the goals in the subject. In my opinion there are different factors that can be the reason to why these students experiences mathematics as a difficult subject in school. This is the reason why I wanted to find out which factors that lies behind the difficulties and how the pedagogues work to support these students. It is also significant that every single student get their rights to develop a positive attitude against mathematics and that the pedagogue supports the students in their development.The point with this degree project is to find out, with the help of three pedagogues, which factors that could lead to difficulties in mathematics with students.

Sex, drugs & rock n? roll : En undersökning av generationsromanen utifrån Fantomerna och The Catcher in the Rye

This study is about how students view the effects teachers have on their self-esteem and self-confidence. The theoretical background covers the consequences of success and failures, and the interaction between students and teachers, in regards of self-esteem and self-confidence. The purpose of the study was to examine what had in-fluenced the students? self-esteem and self-confidence in the interaction with teachers. To reach the goal of the study, several qualitative interviews were made with the following questions as base:? Which factors does the student consider to be of importance for their self-esteem and self-confidence in the interaction with teachers?? How does the student feel that these factors were affected concerning their self-esteem and self-confidence?During the analysis and systematization of the transcribed interviews, five factors emerged that effects self-esteem and self-confidence.

Kunskapsläge och attityder till vildsvin (Sus scrofa) och dess förvaltning i Sverige

The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is since its recent establishment and increasing density a controversial species in Sweden. But the attitudes towards the wild boar are poorly documented so far. To improve this knowledge, a questionnaire was sent out to chosen people (n=400) connected to the management and/or land use activities. The study got 162 replies (reply frequency 40,5%) and the results show varying attitude trends among organizations and individuals, with some aspects coherent within groups and some not. Farmers and their organization showed the most negative attitudes towards wild boars, which was expected due to the practical and economic problems they suffer from this species. People involved with forestry were more positive to wild boars, probably because the species does not affect forest growth etc severely, and may even promote plant establishment by the rooting.

Vilken inverkan har socialt nätverk på äldres hälsa? En litteraturöversikt om socialt nätverk och äldres hälsa

An individual's social capital consists largely of the social networks that may consist offamily, friends and acquaintances. The social network is of great significance on olderpeople's physical and mental health. Aim: The overall purpose is to examine the knowledgeof social network and the health of the elderly. Method: Litterature review, using threedifferent databases, CINAHL, PubMed and Scoupus for searching of articles, with differentcombinations of keywords. Results: Different types of social networks have both positive andnegative effects on health.

Biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorgen - mellan behov, lagar, riktlinjer och handlingsutrymme

This study is about care managers, who process in the care of the elderly, regarding to needs, rules, regulations, guidelines and their freedom of space. The purpose with this study is to understand how the care managers process out of the basis from the needs of the elderly, the municipal guidelines in relation to the caremanagers freedom of space.The study has a qualitative approach and is based on semistructured interviews with five different care managers.To analyze our interview material we have use the street-level bureaucrat theory by Lipsky and Johansson and the theoretical idea empowerment. Before we started our research about care managers we had an understanding in that the organization had an influence in the judgment of the needs of the elderly. Now we have an understanding in that the relative to the elderly is the one who wants to affect the care manager during the judgment of needs in what effort to make. Our study indicates that it exist insecurity regarding to the municipal guidelines, which was surprising. We thought that the guideline was something positive and a help full tool for the care managers.The result in our research points out that the guidelines makes insecurity instead of comfort.Our study shows that the care managers are contradictory regarding to their freedom of space. In the other hand they consider that their freedom of space is positive, but on the other hand when the municipal guidelines don´t work, they become worried and insecure.It´s the none working municipal guidelines who gives the care managers a huge freedom of space. Which leads to that the care managers is afraid of doing misjudgments. Our result don´t distinguish from other studies made in this subject area. .

Erfarenheter, samarbete och ansvar kring orosanmälningar : En kvalitativ studie med tre förskollärare, två förskolechefer och en socionom

The purpose of this essay is to find out what experiences three preschool teachers, two preschool directors and a social worker (BSc) from the social service have of reporting suspicion of child abuse done by preschools. What perceptions do these individuals have of each other, what experiences do they have regarding cooperation and how do they perceive their responsibilities regarding filing reports on suspicion of child abuse? This investigation is based on qualitative interviews with open ended questions on the basis of an interview guide. The theoretical approach of the essay lies in the phenomenology philosophy, which revolves around the individual?s experiences and perceptions of a phenomenon.

Gorbatjov ur ledarsidors synpunkt : en undersökning om 10 svenska dagstidningars ledarsidor ändrar åsikt om Gorbatjov före, under samt efter Augustikuppen 1991

The aim of this essay was to examine whether 10 Swedish newspapers editorial pages and their leader writers changed their view on Mikhail Gorbachev before, during and after the August Coup in 1991. Moreover, the aim was also to see if the editorial pages used the same sources when they wrote about Gorbachev.In this essay four main questions were asked:- How is Gorbachev described before the August Coup?- How is Gorbachev described during the August Coup?- How is Gorbachev described after the August Coup?- What sources did the editorial pages use when they wrote about Gorbachev?Ten newspapers and their editorial pages from the period of 1-31 August and 1-6 September, as well as 10-31 December 1991 and 1 January 1992 were examined. It was discovered that most of the editorial pages changed their view from being negative in August to being more positive in December.As a conclusion it can be stated that the examined editorial pages did not write much about Gorbachev in the beginning of August and if they did mention him it was in a negative tone. One of the reasons for the lack of mentioning during the August Coup could be that the leader writers were not sure whether Gorbachev would return back to power.

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