

3172 Uppsatser om Positive changes - Sida 26 av 212

Mind-mindedness och kommunikativ utveckling : Samband mellan moderns mentaliseringsyttranden och barnets senare språkliga och kommunikativa utveckling

Mind-mindedness refers to the mother?s ability to treat her child as an individual with a mental life of his or her own. In the present study, the purpose is to investigate the relationship between the amount of mind-related comments the mother produces when the child is 9 months of age and the child?s development in language and communication at the age of 15 months. The hypothesis is that the amount of mind-related comments the mother produces has a positive affect on the child?s language abilities as well as his or her ability to initiate joint attention.

Lärarstudenters erfarenheter av förhållandet mellan modersmål, identitet och inlärning

ABSTRACT Our main objective with this essay is to provide a description of old people?s stories about aging. The essay is based on the empirical source of four qualitative interviews with older people over the age of eighty years young. The main goal is to inquire answers about; their time in the workforce; retirements; healthissues; media/advertisements; adolescence/youthfulness and attitudes. The following main questions have been dealt with: What do the elderly emphasize when they describe ageing? Are healthissues the prime subjects the elderly talk about? Do the elderly experience positive or negative attitudes towards ageing? What is their point of view of younger generations? In what way do they describe their years as workers? In what way do they describe aspects about their retirement? We reserved to consider the opinion of their own, to be the most valuable source in our study.

Bookcrossing ? Ett äventyr! En fenomenografisk studie av bibliotekariers uppfattningar av bookcrossing

The purpose of this investigation is to study how librarians experience bookcrossing. We focused on the two following questions: Which variations are there in librarians conceptions of bookcrossing as literature exchange and reading support activity? Which variations are there in librarians conceptions of bookcrossing compared to other methods of literature exchange and reading support? Bookcrossing is an international book club where you share your books by leaving them at public places. The thesis is focused on librarians? conceptions and not the conceptions of members of bookcrossing.

Urban odling : möjligheter för framtiden

By exploring different forms of urban cultivation and looking into future gains of sustainability, I want to focus on unconventional and perhaps necessary ways of building, living and making a living. This will be made through study of literature on the topic.Urban cultivation could be anything from a pot of basil in the kitchen window to a city farm. The core of the concept is that the food is produced where it is eaten, in or in direct vicinity to the city and that it is produced ecologically. There will be many benefits, ecological, economical and social.The world is at a turning point right now where consumption patterns and the industry processed food are questioned and it is important that the things we consume are genuineand authentic. We want food that is locally and ecologically produced; food that we can trust.

?Antingen f?r man sitta ensam och vara nykter och drogfri, och det ?r ju ingen som orkar det ?ver tid. Eller s? f?r vi skapa sammanhang d?r man kan g?ra p? ett annat s?tt? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av sociala n?tver

This study examines the opinions of social workers regarding the social networks of people with a substance addiction. The intention was to get a more nuanced understanding of what characterizes a positive or negative social network, as well as which functions different types of social networks serve. Data were collected through qualitative interviews with seven social workers. More specifically the social workers were oriented towards working for social services with clients that struggle with substance abuse. The empirical material has been analyzed with a thematic analysis.

Att arbeta för ungdomar på folkbibliotek: Hur visar sig bibliotekariens synsätt och kunskaper?

The aim of this thesis is to explore how librarians approach to and knowledge of young people can be seen in their work methods and in activities arranged for young people. I also want to investigate other factors that librarians think can affect how they work. Five interviews were carried out with five librarians who worked with young people at public libraries. The literature review covers; young peoples needs and leisure activities, young peoples attitudes to libraries, activities arranged for them and towards departments for young people at public libraries. Literature dealing with librarians` attitudes and knowledge of young people was also included.

Bland figurer, gubbar och mutanter : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på populärkultur i förskolan

The purpose of the study is to investigate educators? attitudes and didactic positions on popular culture as a form and a means of children?s learning in preschool. The questions posed in the study are:? How do the educators define popular culture, which examples of popular culture do the educators give?? How do the educators describe the spoken and unspoken rules and positions regarding popular culture in preschool practice?? What are the risks and benefits when including popular culture in preschool, according to the educators?In this qualitative study four educators from different preschools have been interviewed. The preschools take as a starting point different educational philosofies.

Styrning mot förändring: En fallstudie rörande organisatorisk förändring i offentlig sektor

This paper examines and analyzes effects of the introduction of a new management control system tool within a Swedish public health organization, the Södra Älvsborg hospital, and its possible effect on organizational change. The new management control system tool, known as the SÄS-model, has been widely criticized for being too costly and with too small positive effects to be shown. Our approach has with that as a background been to examine whether the implementation of the SÄS-model and its balanced scorecard has been able to result in effects regarding organizational change. We have through a case study aimed to analyze how a management control system, much alike one that is typically used within foremost private organizations, can promote organizational change. Our results suggest that the implementation of the SÄS-model and the balanced scorecard has given the organization clearer visions and goals.

Human-cattle interactions and attitudes within dairy farming in Sweden and The Netherlands

Human-animal interaction is suggested to be a main feature within livestock production. The quality of handling, for instance, appears to be greatly depending on the attitudes and behaviour of the stock people. Various studies have been conducted on relationships between human and animals, but few have looked upon differences in human-animal interaction and attitudes between countries. Two countries often discussed in livestock production are The Netherlands and Sweden. It would be of interest to compare these two countries to find out whether (assumed) differences are reflected in the attitudes between animal handlers.

Arbetsrelaterad stress och dess inverkan på möjligheten till att vara fysiskt aktiv, hos ett urval av grundskolelärare : Intervjuundersökning

The main purpose of this study was to determine the self-estimated levels of knowledge about doping for a group of strength training young adults, and also to get an idea of their attitudes regarding the subject. A part of the purpose was also to investigate the potential associations between knowledge and attitude. Method: To collect information a questionnaire was constructed that was inspired by a similar study and in consultation with the tutor. Questions regarding background, doping and training experiences together with self-esteemed attitudes and knowledge about doping were included. Questionnaires were handed out at gym facilities in central Sweden, and were answered by men and women ages 18 to 35 years.

Possibilities for, and attitudes towards, a potential reintroduction of wild forest reindeer Rangifer tarandus fennicus Lönn. to parts of Sweden.

AbstractThe wild forest reindeer is a subspecies of the reindeer. Wild forest reindeer earlier had awide distribution range in Sweden, but it was extinct in the middle of the 19:th centurybecause of extensive hunting. In Finland, the w.f.reindeer was extinct a few decades later bysimilar reasons. Later they migrated back to the eastern parts of Finland in the middle of the20: th century. Around 1980, the w.f.reindeer was actively rentroduced to western Finland,and there the population has had a positive development.

Oxytocin-Ett risktagande eller en tillförlitlig behandling vid långdraget förlossningsförlopp hos förstföderskor

Background: Breastfeeding frequency decrease in Sweden and infants born preterm is a particularly vulnerable group to not be breastfed according to current recommendations. Mothers of preterm infants have an extra need of support from the health care system. Mothers' self-efficacy in breastfeeding affects the outcome of breastfeeding. Health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding have an impact on the breast feeding support they provide to the mothers.Aim: To investigate whether an intervention could strengthen self-efficacy in breastfeeding among mothers of premature babies. A further aim was to investigate whether the intervention influenced health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding.Method/Design: An experimental study with quantitative approach in the form of questionnaire survey was conducted.

Stockholms stolthet: Stockholm Pride : En undersökning om Stockholm Pride festivalens påverkan på Stockholms besöksnäring.

In this thesis the survival and development of a yearly recurring event will be examined. The purpose of this work is to examine how the festival Stockholm Pride has developed and to find out what underlying factors and conditions that lays behind the development. Also being examined is how the event affects Stockholm city?s tourism industry. To be able to fulfill the purpose of the thesis a qualitative research has been used and two persons with allot of knowledge about Stockholm Pride and Stockholm?s tourism industry has been interviewed.

Clinical and subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle in Kampala, Uganda

Dairy farming in Uganda provides a source of food, employment and income. Previous studies have revealed high frequencies of bovine mastitis, a costly disease for the dairy farmer. The aims of this study were to investigate the bacteriological panorama in milk from udder quarters with clinical (CM) and subclinical mastitis (SCM) and to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility in staphylococcal isolates. Further, we intended to establish the prevalence of subclinical mastitis and to investigate some environmental factors and animal properties that might influence the frequency of mastitis. For CM, farmers made contact with the members of this study when recognizing an animal with CM.

Färgkonnotationer i spel : Hur val av färg påverkar hur vi upplever en spelkaraktär

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to identify the relationship between color and semiotics and how a person?s opinon, regarding a game character?s different characteristics, can be affected by the use of various colors. Prior to this study people were asked, through an online survey, to write down words that they associated with different colors. The colors were then divided into four different groups depending on whether they had been associated with positive-strong words, positive-weak words, negative-strong words or negative-weak words. In order to further shed light on the effect of colors, the four palettes, consisting of the colors associated with the different words, were then used separately to give color to two characters: a man and a woman.

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