2456 Uppsatser om Position - Sida 16 av 164
Automatiserad detektering och utvärdering av skalstreck
Examensarbetet syftar till att finna lämplig utrustning och lämpliga metoder för att automatisera detekteringen av olika typer av skalstreck. Med skalstreck avses exempelvis den gradering som återfinns på vanliga kontorslinjaler. Skalor tillverkas i en mängd olika storlekar. De objekt som är aktuella i examensarbetet har streck med en bredd mellan 2 mikrometer och 100 mikrometer. Streckens kanter är av skiftande kvalitet.
Hur upplevs rollen som chef?Sex enhetschefer om sin position ur ett rollperspektiv
Mitt syfte med denna undersökning är att, genom en kvalitativ ansats, få en upplevelse samt ökad förståelse om chefskapet, i min undersökning representerade av enhetschefer, samt hur denna roll som chef upplevs. Min frågeställning berör dels hur de själva ser sin Position ur ett rollperspektiv, men även vad de hade för förväntningar innan tillträdandet av chefsPositionen. Den berör även liknelser och skillnader i förväntningarna och den faktiska verkligheten, samt hur förväntningarna motsvarade denna, när de väl hade börjat arbeta i sin Position.Frågeställningen tar även upp hur cheferna upplever sin roll gentemot den underordnade personalgruppen samt de överordnade cheferna.Jag har valt en kvalitativ ansats i denna undersökning, eftersom mitt syfte hänger samman med att få en ökad förståelse samt att sträva efter att bilda sig en uppfattning av intervjuobjektens livsvärld angående frågeställningen. När jag tolkade materialet använde jag mig av det hermeneutiska synsättet, eftersom detta fokuserar på just tolkning och förståelse av innebörden i texter. Vidare har jag en deduktiv ansats, där jag utgår från en del tidigare forskning samt valda teorier som berör mitt område, exempelvis rollteorier, som jag sedan kopplar till mitt material i analysen.Ur mitt resultat kunde man främst utröna att de flesta av respondenterna upplevde sin roll som komplex.
En studie av en industrirobots beteende vid borrning
In the assembly process of airframe structures there are many drilled holes and on some parts the holes are mainly drilled manually with pneumatic handheld drilling machines. During conventional drilling in metal, burrs appear. To remove these burrs the parts of the structure must be separated and deburred before they can be put together for fastening. This is a time consuming measure and therefore expensive. To facilitate this process and lower production costs some parts of the process needs to be automated.A part of this thesis was a project in co-operation with Saab, Novator, Specma Automation and the University of Linköping.
Du Vet Inte : En kvalitativ studie om hur en ung kvinna tar plats i det nya medielandskapet
Vår kandidatuppsats tar avstamp i Henry Jenkins teorier om mediekonvergens, Pierre Lévys teorier om kollektive intelligens och Pierre Bourdieus teorier om det sociala rummet. Syftet med denna uppsats är var att undersöka hur en person, med hjälp av en blogg, kan ta sig in i dagens medielandskap och skapa sig ett utrymme. För att undersöka detta valde vi att utgå från Melika Zakariaes blogg, Du Vet Inte. Vi gjorde även en intervju med Melika för att få en så övergripande bild som möjligt av hennes arbete med bloggen. I analysen har vi använt oss av Bourdieus teorier om fält, kapital och habitus som verktyg för att se hur hon tar plats i det nya medielandskapet.Det vi kom fram till i vår undersökning var att Melika, i och med dagens medielandskap, lättare kan skapa sig en viktig Position och bli en inflytelserik person i hiphopfältet.
Sitt rak i ryggen!
Forskningen har visat att meditation fo?r med sig stora fo?rdelar fo?r uto?varen men det saknas helta?ckande kunskap om vad det a?r i meditationen som a?r sa? gynnsam. Vi testade da?rfo?r zen- buddhismens pa?sta?ende om att ryggens Position gynnar va?r koncentrationsfo?rma?ga. Detta skedde genom att underso?ka sambandet mellan kroppsPosition, koncentrationsfo?rma?ga och minne.
Notes Towards a Mental Breakdown : det teknologiska traumat i J.G. Ballards The Atrocity Exhibition
This study examinates technology's traumatic impact on the male subject in The Atrocity Exhibition by J.G. Ballard. In my analysis I show how the protagonist uses a fetischistic strategy in order to make sense of the trauma that technology embeds. Paradoxically it proves to be the agent of his trauma, but also functions as his shield. The machine is thus in a Position of the hinge, the point in a structural system that both enables and deconstruct the system.
En studie om kommunerna Malmö, Lund och Landskronas mångfaldsarbete "Det du inte vet - kan du faktiskt ha ont av"
This paper investigates the level of consciousness regarding to the diversity work in the municipalities of Malmö, Lund and Landskrona. The study focuses on persons in a middle management Position connected to various spheres of activities in each municipality. A survey concerning each municipality's diversity plan, diversity work, recruiting process, education and knowledge was used to investigate the participants' consciousness. The survey poses similar questions regarding equality between the sexes to compare the results from each field. The paper presents an overview of the development of Sweden's labour market and society, and gives an account for the differences between immigrants and natives Positions in the labour market.
Plötslig spädbarnsdöd, ett känsligt ämne : En litteraturöversikt om risker, förebyggande åtgärder och sjuksköterskans roll vid SIDS
Background:The sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has always existed. In the early 1990's, researchers discovered that prone Position was associated with a significantly higher risk for SIDS. This resulted in a lowered incidence of SIDS in the world. The campaign showed the value of risk knowledge and risk reducing methods, that's why new information campaigns about other risks regarding SIDS must occur.Aim:The aim was to describe the risk factors and preventive actions for SIDS, and the nurse's role regarding the preventive work. Method: A literature review based on 16 articles based on qualitative and quantitative studies.
Vision Enhancement System : Vilken betydelse har displayplaceringen?
At night, the visibility is reduced and the demands on the driver increase. A safety system that enables the driver to discover warmer objects in the surroundings when the visibility are reduced, such as the Vision Enhancement System (VES) contributes to safer night-time driving. Since the benefits of this system are established, it is of interest to investigate different design aspects. The VES display has in earlier studies been Positioned in front of the driver but different display Positions such as peripheral placement should be evaluated. The present simulator study is an investigation of the effects of different display Positions inside the car.
Kan en periodiseringsbaserad investeringsstrategi effektiviseras med hjälp av fundamental analys?
This paper investigates whether the traditional accrual based trading strategy first documented by Sloan (1996) can be refined using fundamental analysis. Specifically, this is done by implementing the composite signal F_SCORE introduced by Piotroski (2000) to identify financially strong or weak firms. We find that by applying both investment models simultaneously, in a model we call P_KOMB, the mean market-adjusted return earned by an investor exploiting the accrual anomaly can be increased by 14.8% annually. This is achieved by taking a long Position in strong firms (as defined by the composite signal) in the lowest accrual portfolio, while an offsetting short Position is taken in weak firms in the highest accrual portfolio, repeated annually between 1997 and 2007. Consistent with prior studies, positive market-adjusted returns can be attained through assessment of accruals as well as key value drivers found in historical financial data.
Globalisering : Att möta en ny marknad
Title: Globalization ? Meeting a new market Author: Anna Nubäck Supervisor: Anders Nilsson Institution: School of Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Course: Master in business administration, 15 credits (FED006) Purpose: The purpose of this essay is partly to create an understanding of the decision to establish a branch in Japan and especially to look at if and how the Swedish company in this study has adjusted its corporate culture to suit the Japanese market. Method: Data is collected thru a number of semi constructed interviews. A first telephone interview was followed by an interview made face to face that was also followed up by interviews performed over telephone. E-mails have been used to clear and correct collected data.
Strategier för positionering av kontorslokaler
The report aims to examine how property owners Position themselves to reach their targetmarket, and which strategies they use when Positioning their product. The investigation has beencarried out mainly in the form of a case study in which a number of interviews with Stockholmreal estate companies has been conducted, focusing on commercial property market segment.The interviews have resulted in identification of common and specific strategies among thecompanies. These strategies have been analyzed in the light of the theory by Philip Kotler andKevin Lane Keller, focusing on how an offer should be designed to reach a competitive Position.It can be concluded that Positioning is a key activity for successfully addressing the targetmarket. Successful Positioning mandates three key requirements to be met; determining thecategory to which the offer belongs, identifying similarities and differences compared to thecompetitors and developing a brand mantra. The result of the case study concludes that theproperty companies work similar in many ways.
Deadwood in piles or distributed : does it make any difference to saproxylic beetles?
Piles of deadwood are often retained in forests after management to support the biodiversity ofsaproxylic organisms which depend on deadwood to survive. Any knowledge about the crucial role ofpiles as suitable habitat of saproxylic organisms compared to single distributed deadwood objects thatare around the piles would help conservation actors to motivate more forest owners to supportsaproxylic organisms during their management. Therefore to give facts to this the saproxylic fauna ofdifferent pile Positions (up and low) was studied and compared to distributed deadwood samplesaround each pile. Our study was focused on saproxylic beetles. Some other parameters such asdiameter, deadwood volume, pile volume and decay stage were assessed to define any effect.
GPS-baserad virtuell geografisk inhägnad för mobil enhet
The aim of this paper is to find an algorithm to establish and maintain a virtual enclosure around a mobile unit. The area may take any form and should be scalable up to and including national borders. The enclosure is managed on the mobile unit. The target system is Android. Smartphones, tablets and more recently, cameras is examples of mobile units.
Effekter av instruktion på transversus abdominis vid stabiliseringövningar
AimThe aim of this study was to evaluate the activity recorded with electromyography (EMG) fine-wire electrodes, in transversus abdominis (TrA) and rectus abdominis (RA) while performing various stabilization exercises, and to investigate how the level of activation was affected by specific instructionsMethodTen physically active women (27.1 ± 5.5year, 1.74 ± 0.05 m, 67.1 ± 8.6 kg) performed six different stabilization exercises (four lying supine with bent knees and hips and two in four point kneeling). They performed two sets of exercises, the first without and the second with specific instructions. The specific instruction was ?abdominal hollowing to activate? TrA. The fine-wire electrodes were inserted bilateral into TrA and RA with an injection needle with guidance from an ultrasound.