966 Uppsatser om Popular fiction. - Sida 56 av 65
Informationsöverflödets dystopi : En intertextuell diskursanalys från Future Shock till The Shallows
Today it is common to state that we are living in an information overloaded society. But there are many different definitions of what can be said to constitute Information Overload and there is a lack of substantial research on the subject. Conclusions in the available literature on Information Overload are often drawn on anecdotal evidence and carries a dramatized picture of the causes and effects of the phenomenon.With the tools of discursive analysis this two years master?s thesis explores how the phenomenon Information Overload is portrayed in six popular science books that deals with the subject: Alvin Toffler (1970) Future Shock, Orrin Klapp (1986) Overload and Boredom, Richard Wurman (1989) Information Anixety, Andrew Keen (2007) The cult of the amateur, Maggie Jackson (2008), Distracted and Nicholas Carr (2010) The Shallows. The result of the analysis shows that there is a common discourse of how the subject of Information Overload is represented, which stretches in and between the books intertextually.
Uppvisande av agitativt beteende hos hund under buprenorfinpåverkan
The intention of this study is to investigate possible excitation on dogs due to buprenorphine treatment. The reason for it to be about buprenorphine and not any other opioid is due to its relevance being one of the most popular opioids in animal care, as well as the authors own experience with what seems to be buprenorphine induced excitation in her own dog. The study consists of a literature review and an internet based survey containing thirty questions sent out to twelve animal clinics and animal hospitals. Significant agitative effects on behavior has been found in studies on horses, sheep, goats, rats and mice, but no one shows the effects of buprenorphine on dogs. The literature on opiod effects on dog behavior seems sparse.
Tjejers och killars läsning : En undersökning av högstadieelevers syn på läsning
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka högstadieelevers syn på läsning, både allmänt och skönlitterärt. Syftet är även att försöka utröna om eventuella skillnader och likheter kan identifieras vad gäller tjejer och killar, där frågeställningarna rör synen på läsning och resultatets didaktiska värde. Uppsatsen bygger på två teoretiska utgångspunkter, vilka är litteracitet och genus.Begrepp av värde, litteracitet och genus presenteras före bakgrunden. I enlighet med genusteorin betraktas tjejer och killar som en grupp individer framför två separata grupper. Bakgrunden koncentrerar på läsning kopplat till skolan, samt tidigare forskning på litteratur och skola med ett genusperspektiv.Undersökningsmaterialet består av tre undersökningsgrupper från tre olika skolor.
Hur skapas läslust bland högstadieelever med annat modersmål än svenska? : En undersökning gjord på en prisbelönad högstadieskola i en Stockholmsförort
Syftet med min uppsats är att redogöra för och diskutera hur en lärare arbetar med läslust och språkutveckling, samt hur hennes elever upplever denna undervisning. Läslust handlar om mycket mer än att bara tycka om att läsa böcker, såväl i skolan som på fritiden. Elever med läslust kan ta upp en bok att läsa som avkoppling, lika gärna som de kan se på tv.För att undersöka mitt syfte har jag studerat en klass i en Stockholmsförort. Jag har intervjuat en lärare, samt fyra av hennes elever, för att ta reda på hur läraren arbetar med att skapa och upprätthålla läslusten hos eleverna, och hur eleverna uppfattar lärarens undervisning kring läslust. Jag har även gjort en enkätundersökning med alla elever i klassen, för att ta reda på hur de upplever läslust, och vad de tycker om lärarens arbetssätt för att skapa läslust.Resultaten av min undersökning visar att det är skillnad mellan flickors och pojkars läsning.
Brygder och besvärjelser : En arkeobotanisk studie av medicinalväxter och den medeltida staden Nya Lödöse
The study of medicinal plants is a popular subject that, at least in the archaeological sciences, has met a lot of criticism due to the lack of physical data. It is problematic to distinguish the medicinal plants from local flora since many herbs that were used often could be found in the nearby vegetation. The purpose of this essay is to archaebotanically analyze samples from the medieval town Nya Lödöse and compare the data with a previous analysis from the site and a literature study. The herbs meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria), lady?s mantle (Alchemilla sp.), sweet gale (Myrica gale), hop (Humulus lupulus), common tormentil (Potentilla erecta), St. John?s wort (Hypericum perforatum), henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), catnip (Nepeta cataria) and motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) have been selected for closer analysis since they occur with frequency in the historical medicinal texts and in previous analysis made on the site.
Finansiering via Crowdfunding : En kvantitativ studie om ägarbilden i små företag
One year Master's thesis, Degree of master in Business and Economics, School ofBusiness and Economics at Linnaeus University, Management, 4FE10E SpringSemester 2014.Author: Johanna Björklund and Sarah Gustafsson.Mentor: Magnus Forslund.Title: Lean in the public sector - Potential barriers to a long-term Lean work.Background: Organizational changes are something that is constantly done inorganizations, and in the last decade, there has arisen a plethora of different changemodels. A reorganization that is popular among companies today is Lean. Lean is aconcept that was developed within the Japanese automotive industry, but has evolvedfrom the Japanese shop floor and is now a concept that can be found in, for example,several Swedish municipalities.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of why the conceptLean may have difficulty getting a hold in the in the long term.Methodology: The study was done with a qualitative research approach and through anabductive approach. As we intended to create an understanding, of what potentialbarriers that may affect that a Lean work, in some cases, does not become a long-termcondition, it seemed natural to choose a hermeneutic approach to knowledge. Theempirical data collected via individual unstructured interviews, through a groupinterview, and by non-participant observations.
Arvsförordningen : En analys av hemvist och dess innebörd
Organizational democracy has been a popular research area in recent decades but the implementation in real organizations is slow (Kokkinidis, 2012; Verdorfer, Weber, Unter Rainer & Seyr, 2013). Several researchers (Schön Jansson, 2012; Falkheimer, Heide & Johansson, 2013) argue that communication practitioners have a key role in democratic processes and that because their job role is under constant change there are only a few modern studies regarding the subject. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how communication practitioners in private and public organizations experience their role in the process of internal communication and to what extent they are aware of, and work with internal organizational democracy.The practitioners we interviewed had a strong feeling that they were a support function for the business and the organizational management. As a result of the study it is clear that communication practitioners are very loyal to their employers and to the organization they work for. They are, therefore, not neutral in their professional role and argue that their task is to represent the management's interests.
Pappan, mamman och fyren : Manligt och kvinnligt i Tove Janssons Pappan och havet och Muminpappans memoarer
Tove Jansson was born in 1914 and died in 2001. She was a Finnish, though Swedish-speaking, novelist and painter. She wrote many books of which the Moomin books were the most popular. She wrote in total eight Moomin books (picture books not counted) of which some were rewritten one of more times. The first Moomin book appeared in 1945 and the last as late as 1970.
Överskottsinformation från hemliga tvångsmedel : en ny reglering?
Organizational democracy has been a popular research area in recent decades but the implementation in real organizations is slow (Kokkinidis, 2012; Verdorfer, Weber, Unter Rainer & Seyr, 2013). Several researchers (Schön Jansson, 2012; Falkheimer, Heide & Johansson, 2013) argue that communication practitioners have a key role in democratic processes and that because their job role is under constant change there are only a few modern studies regarding the subject. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how communication practitioners in private and public organizations experience their role in the process of internal communication and to what extent they are aware of, and work with internal organizational democracy.The practitioners we interviewed had a strong feeling that they were a support function for the business and the organizational management. As a result of the study it is clear that communication practitioners are very loyal to their employers and to the organization they work for. They are, therefore, not neutral in their professional role and argue that their task is to represent the management's interests.
Lean inom den offentliga sektorn : Tänkbara hinder för ett långsiktigt Lean-arbete
One year Master's thesis, Degree of master in Business and Economics, School ofBusiness and Economics at Linnaeus University, Management, 4FE10E SpringSemester 2014.Author: Johanna Björklund and Sarah Gustafsson.Mentor: Magnus Forslund.Title: Lean in the public sector - Potential barriers to a long-term Lean work.Background: Organizational changes are something that is constantly done inorganizations, and in the last decade, there has arisen a plethora of different changemodels. A reorganization that is popular among companies today is Lean. Lean is aconcept that was developed within the Japanese automotive industry, but has evolvedfrom the Japanese shop floor and is now a concept that can be found in, for example,several Swedish municipalities.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of why the conceptLean may have difficulty getting a hold in the in the long term.Methodology: The study was done with a qualitative research approach and through anabductive approach. As we intended to create an understanding, of what potentialbarriers that may affect that a Lean work, in some cases, does not become a long-termcondition, it seemed natural to choose a hermeneutic approach to knowledge. Theempirical data collected via individual unstructured interviews, through a groupinterview, and by non-participant observations.
Kassa- och bankmedel under företagsrekonstruktion : Hanteringen av kassa- och bankmedel som inflyter under en företagsrekonstruktion och som härrör från hypoteksegendom för bevarande av hypoteksborgenärers förmånsrättliga ställning i konkurs
The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.
Mozzarella : En djupdykning i ostmassan
Worldwide consumption of cheese has increased over the years. The average Swede consumes somewhere around 20 kilograms of cheese per year, which is an increase of a 100 % over the past 50 years. One of the most popular kinds of cheese during the past decades is mozzarella, due to its? use as pizza cheese. Flavor and consistency differ between the traditional kind, made out of buffalo?s milk, and the industrially made kind, made out of cow?s milk.
Lärplattformar : En fallstudie av lärplattformarna vid Umeå universitet
Umeå University currently uses two Course Management System, Moodle and Sakai (Cambro). Both Moodle and Sakai are based on open source code and are today the two more popular choices among Swedish Universities. They both have different strengths and weaknesses both from a technical perspective and a user perspective. This can create problems for a course responsible/teacher when it comes to planning the course structure at a distance course but also when planning the course structure on a campus course that uses a Course Management System. With this as my starting point my formulations of questions become:How do the Course Management Systems that Umeå University uses differs, both from a technical perspective and user perspective?What possibilities is there in the Course Management Systems to use a different Course Structure?Is there a noticeable difference on the view of Course Management System of teachers and students at different departments?The purpose with my essay is to create a basis that course responsible/teacher can use to plan the course structure.
?On the Side of the Angels?? : Representationer av kristendomar i TV-serien Arkiv X
The X-Files (svensk titel Arkiv X) är en TV-serie som producerades mellan 1993-2002. Serien har gått till historien för att fånga tidsandan och dess postmoderna misstro mot myndigheter och intresse för nyandlighet. I ett flertal avsnitt kommer huvudpersonerna i kontakt med den kristna religionen. Uppsatsen undersöker hur olika former av kristendom gestaltas i The X-Files. Frågeställningen berör de bikaraktärer som dyker upp i serien och som kan beskrivas som representationer av kristendomar.
Nya Möjligheter för Kontroversiella Varumärken-En studie kring kontroversiella varumärkens framfart i sociala medier
As commonly known, Social Media is a rapidly growing area. Since consumers to a great extent are present in Social Media, this new internet environment is increasing in relevance for consumer marketing. For controversial brands that are regulated in conventional marketing channels Social Media is an extra ordinary marketing opportunity, since social media is a legal grey area. More and more controversial brands are taking advantage of this opportunity, but the effects of these marketing activities are fairly unknown. Therefore there is an interest in examining the controversial brands marketing progression in Social Media.