

3268 Uppsatser om Political relevance - Sida 65 av 218

Tio år i EU - En jämförelse över tid av EU-medelmskapets påverkan på den svenska myndigheten

Sedan Sverige blev medlem i den Europeiska Unionen 1995 har integrationen inom EU påverkat den svenska förvaltningen allt mer. Syftet med vår uppsats är därför att belysa vilka förändringar som skett inom den svenska myndigheten på grund av EU-medlemskapet över tid och knyta an dessa förändringar till europeiseringsdebatten. För att möjliggöra detta har vi valt att undersöka hur Naturvårdverket och Kemikalieinspektionen påverkats av EU-medlemskapet över tid. Vi gör en tidsjämförelse genom att utgå ifrån två tidigare undersökningar av EU:s påverkan på den svenska myndigheten från 1998 och 2000. De områden vi studerar är påverkan, styrning och samordning samt organisation.

Frihamnen - en ny stadsdel i centrum av Göteborg

Social housing in Northern Europe and the importance of social and political consideration in planning. Focus of the essay lies on the "burning suburbs" of France, based on literature studies combined with a study visit to Les Minguettes outside of Lyon..

Designated Operational Entities. En legitim form av offentlig-privat governance inom ramarna för Clean Development Mechanism?

This thesis investigates the Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. The DOEs serves as independent third-party auditors with the task of validating, verifying and certifying projects under the CDM. The majority of the DOEs are private entities. This is in line with the CDM objective of including the private sector in the climate change combat. The introduction of private entities in the role of DOEs can be questioned from a legitimacy point of view, but is corresponding to a development in international environmental governance where private actors are increasingly involved in governance arrangements.The thesis concludes the DOEs to be a form of public-private partnership and investigates the legitimacy of this form.

Nationalism som en kvasireligion : En studie av British National Partys politiska texter

There have been various results in research focused on why people are attracted to religion and religious movements. This is also the case with the reasons why people are attracted to far?right nationalist movements. The focus of this thesis is to analyze British National Party?s political documents after nationalistic quasi-religious elements.If nationalism was to be seen as a form of religion or as a substitute for religion the result could be a better understanding of why people are attracted to nationalist movements in general, and also to far-right movements.

Återuppbyggnad av en kollapsad stat - En fallstudie av återuppbyggnaden av staten Afghanistan

The purpose of this thesis is to explore and analyze the processes and efforts involved in rebuilding the war-torn state of Afghanistan. The examined period span from the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001, to the elections in 2005. This period, commonly known as the Bonn-process, sets out the initial time for the reconstruction of the state.A theoretical framework, which considers the necessary mechanisms for successful state-building, will be used to analyze Afghanistan's re-building process. The mechanisms include the prerequisite of a stable security environment, emerging from a cease-fire, together with the development of a well-functioning economy, re-introduction of rule of law and rejuvenating civil society.The failure to establish a secure environment has had a devastating impact on all analyzed aspects of the re-building process. It is therefore crucial that the international society continuing to assists the Afghan government in its efforts to strengthen its capacity, in order to improve the security situation.

Ådalen 1931 - Göteborg 2001: en jämförelse av två händelser som skakade Sverige

Ådalen 1931 - Göteborg 2001, A comparison of two incidetns that upsett Sweden. An essay about how the press in Norrbotten wrote about the incidents in Ådalen 1931 and Göteborg 2001. The main questions are: Is there any parrallells in how the swedish state acted? Is there any parrallells in how the press acted? In what way have the state and the press acted different 2001 compared to 1931? What does eventual differences in their actions depend on? The so called biträdesteorin is used to answer theese questions. The essay includes three big newspapers in Norrbotten: Norrbottens Kuriren, Norrländska socialdemokraten and Norrskensflamman.

Tjänstemäns informationssökning: en intervjuundersökning vid Regeringskansliet

This thesis examines information seeking and information needs at the Swedish Government Offices. The Government Offices comprise the Prime Ministers Office, the Government Ministries and the Office for Administrative Affairs. Approximately 4 500 members of staff are employed, of whom around 120 are political appointees. For this study, interviews have been conducted with 15 senior officials and political appointees at the Government Ministries and the Prime Ministers Office. The interviews have been supplemented with literature studies based on user studies research in library and information science.

Ett lyckat integrationsarbete? - en fallstudie av Botkyrka kommuns integrationsarbete

AbstractAuthor: Josefine KostinTitle: A succesful work of integration? ? a case study of the integration work within the Botkyrka municipalityThe last decades, Sweden has become more ethnic heterogenetic. Generations of immigration have affected the Swedish society in many ways; the language that are spoken at work and in schools, culture and the political agenda etcetera. In 2008, Botkyrka municipality was chosen to be the second best at working with integrating immigrants. On the other hand, Botkyrka has been referred to as a municipality which has failed with the integration of immigrants; for example, unemployments amongst the immigrants and segregation.

Jonatan - tronföljaren som inte blev kung : om en relation och dess konsekvenser

The story of Jonathan and David is a part of the deuteronomical view of Israels history from the occupation of the holy land all the way to the exile in Babylon. I am aware of that this is not true history, but it is nevertheless interesting to ask oneself: Why are those people a part of the deuteronomical history? What was the meaning in telling the story in this way?Exegetes and researchers are trying to give the relationship between Jonathan and David a place in the political realm, but here I have used several sources to show that it is not only a political story, but a loveaffair, where Jonathan is pictured as a submissive woman and thereby excludes himself from the throne of Israel. David on the other hand, acts as the perfect man, who is in command in spite of his youth. He does not break the rules of the patriarchal society, where the relation between two men was accepted as long as the older one did not play the womans role.

EUropa och den konstruerade identiteten - En analys av den hegemoniska diskursen

In this thesis the construction of identity within the EU is discussed. A thesis problem in three dimensions is used to explain the purpose of the construction, its realization and the consequences of such identity. These aspects show the complexity of the problems related to identity construction on a structural level.By using a post-modern and a social constructivist theoretical approach identity is presented as socially constructed by discourse. The theory of discourse makes it possible to analyze the development of an identity forming discourse within the EU and its status today.With an approach inspired by critical theory, we use discourse analysis as a methodological tool to illustrate the ideas that govern discourse, and in what way it is related to the social reality.The analysis states that the purpose of identity constructing is the striving for legitimacy. Without identification, the legitimacy is threatened.

Svensk skola i förändring - är detta slutet på gemenskapen?

Denna uppsats är en idéanalys av den mediala debatten av friskolor i dag. Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att förstå den uppsjö av debatter om friskolor som uppkommit de senaste åren. Vi menar att media spelar en stor roll i skapandet av den bild svenska folket har av friskolor. Vår utgångspunkt är att analysera hur skolans funktion och valfrihet diskuterats i media.Tomas Englund, professor i pedagogik menar att synen på skolan har gått från att fokusera på likvärdighet och jämlikhet, till profilering och individuell anpassning.Så vad säger politikerna? Vår studie belyser att debatten om skolan är begränsad utifrån vissa normer, exempelvis att friskolan ska finnas men samtidigt vara under stark statlig kontroll.

Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers och deltagande

The failure of Structural Adjustment Programs and its neoliberal policies to effectively reduce poverty have led to the creation of Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) by The World Bank and International Monetary Fund. PRSP, connected to both the Comprehensive Development Strategy and the HIPC initiative, are built on the notion of national ownership and stakeholder participation and thereby expand potential conditionality to include matters of governance. This thesis examines the evolution of PRSP and how the process of participation affects national governance structures. By analyzing the role of rules and norms within the World Bank and IMF from a historical point of view the thesis explains why the participation process has developed the way it has. It concludes that neoliberal norms, still at heart within the World Bank and IMF, have an impact on the process of participation within nation states and thereby its governance structure.

Vän med verkligheten? En diskursanalytisk studie av hemvärnets utveckling

Studiens syfte är att undersöka varför hemvärnet har överlevt, baserat på hypotesen att en stark organisation- kultur spelat en betydande roll för dess fortlevnad. I uppsatsen används diskursanalytisk metod och teori, med inslag av andra relevanta teorier, såsom institutionell teori. Uppsatsen består av en analys av tidningen Hemvärnets ledare och framsidor, SIFO: s undersökningar om hemvärnets folkliga förankring samt överbefälhavare Håkan Syréns böcker om Försvarsmakten idag. Fokus ligger på hemvärnets identitet och funktion. Vårt resultat visar att hemvärnets identitet i huvudsak har bestått.

Utspelstratt och nyhetsjakt ? en kvalitativ intervjustudie av relationen mellan journalister och politiker/pressekreterare

In this study we have explored and investigated how journalist experience the relationship with politicians/press secretaries in the making of political news. The study examines how journalists see the balance of power between them and their political sources in the setting of the news agenda. To do this we have used a qualitative interview analysis. Our theoretical starting points have been based on the social exchange model. The social exchange model has a social psychological and sociological perspective that explains the interaction, social exchange and stability as a process of negotiation exchanges between parties and operators.

Den politiska diskursens inverkan på (o)säkerhet och identitet: En diskussion om säkerhetisering och desäkerhetisering med rasfrågan i Sydafrika som fallstudie

Med Köpenhamnsskolans säkerhetiseringprocess som analysverktyg kan man tolka institutionaliserandet av apartheidpolicyn som en följd av att rasfrågan i Sydafrika under tiden efter andra världskriget säkerhetiserades. Den vita identiteten formades, med ett postmodernistiskt perspektiv, i och med denna process. Den samtida politiska diskursens konstruerade föreställningar om ?vi? och ?dem? blev en förutsättning för samhällets uppfattning om apartheidsystemets legitimitet. I och med apartheidregimens fall reverserades emellertid rasfrågan i säkerhetiseringsprocessen och introduceras åter som politisk fråga.

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