52 Uppsatser om Polishögskolan - Sida 3 av 4
Hur upplever kunder värde och förtorende av CSR? : En studie om tre olika CSR- initativ
Magisteruppsats i fo?retagsekonomi, Handelsho?gskolan vid O?rebro universitet, Marknadsfo?ring, HT 2011 Författare: Dell´Uva, Valentina och Sandberg, LindaHandledare: Pia Lindell   Titel: Hur upplever kunder värde och förtroende av CSR?- en studie om tre olika CSR-initiativ.Nyckelord: CSR, Cause  related marketing, filantropi, sponsring, värde, förtroende samt relationer.Problem: Hur påverkar CSR-initiativen; filantropi, sponsring och CRMkunders upplevda värde och förtroende.Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera  kunders uppfattning  och attityder till de olika CSR-initiativen som företag kan arbeta med samt identifiera vilket värde och förtroende det tillför kunderna.Metod:  Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie där vi har kombinerat semistrukturerade intervjuer med  en visuell kortsortering. Vårt syfte med intervjuerna var att öppna upp för diskussion och ge de åtta respondenterna möjlighet att reflektera över deras uppfattningar om CSR-initiativen samt nyckelorden värde och förtroende.Slutsatser: I vår slutsats har vi kommit fram till att de olika initiativen skiljde sig åt och  respondenterna hade även olika åsikter för samma initiativ. Filantropi gav högst förtroendekänsla till respondenterna, sponsring gav medelhögt värde och förtroende och CRM det högsta värdet men lägre förtroende. Det höga förtroendet ansåg de flesta respondenter berodde på det icke-kommersiella syftet. Respondenterna upplevda högt värde när de själva fick vara med och engagera sig.
Riskidentifiering inom elektronisk kommunikation i Hallands län : Vilka hot föreligger den elektroniska kommunikationen och vilka risker innebär det?
Den elektroniska kommunikationen a?r idag en stor och viktig del i vardagen, da?rfo?r beslutade sig La?nsstyrelsen i Hallands la?n fo?r att starta ett projekt da?r de i ett samarbete med Ho?gskolan i Halmstad skulle utfo?ra en fullsta?ndig risk- och sa?rbarhetsanalys inom sektorn elektronisk kommunikation, tillsammans med kommunerna och regionen i Hallands la?n. Som en fo?rsta del i en risk- och sa?rbarhetsanalys, ma?ste en riskidentifiering go?ras och det a?r det som a?r syftet med rapporten. Resultatdelen i rapporten bygger pa? en sammansta?llning av svar fra?n intervjuer med ansta?llda inom kommunerna och Region Halland.Riskerna som fo?ranletts av de identifierade hoten a?r relativt ma?nga och a?r av olika form och allvarlighetsgrad.
Två sidor om korset : En studie om olika nationalismer i Polen
In the 10th of April 2010 the Polish Presidential plane crashed outside of Smolensk in today?s Russia. 88 passengers and 6 crewmen died a tragic death, among them the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczy?ski. A national week of sorrow was proclaimed and citizens all over Poland went out on streets and markets to honor the newly deceased President.
Matematikundervisning i två olika länder : En jämförelse mellan polska och svenska pedagogers arbetssätt på lågstadiet
Mathematics is a central topic in today?s society. There are many different approaches each teacher has their own way. In this essay, I compare four teachers? mathematics teaching in two different countries with regard to ways of learning, particularly in the four operations.
Konstruktion av kolfiberarmerad motorcykelram
The project description is to draw an extension or annex to the existing Nationalmuseum building from 1866.The annex is designed to complement Nationalmusems activities and contain internal and public functions. Artentering the building must not be crossed by public visitors. Art and staff must be able to seamlessly move betweenthe extension and the main building. The new building includes a public study room for scholars working withthe collection of art on paper, workshops, conservation studios, art spaces and warehouses. Additionally, theannex is designed to host a large number of office spaces.With the renovation of Nationalmuseum they intend to open up the today built in south atrium.
Kartläggning av musikrelaterade förmågor hos personer med grav intellektuell funktionsnedsättning : musikterapeutisk metodutveckling
Musikterapeutisk metodutveckling, av Linn Johnels a?r en studie inom ramen fo?r Magisterprogrammet i musikpedagogik med profil musik- terapi vid Kungliga Musikho?gskolan i Stockholm.Syftet med uppsatsen var att ta fram och utva?rdera ett instrument fo?r att kartla?gga olika musikrelaterade fo?rma?gor hos individer med grav intellektuell funktions- nedsa?ttning. Detta a?r en eftersatt grupp i musikterapeutisk forskning, trots att det finns indikationer pa? att musik kan fungera som ett viktigt medel fo?r kommuni- kation, ka?nslouttryck och socialt samspel. Uppsatsen tar sin utga?ngspunkt fra?mst i den biologisk-dynamiska utvecklingspsykologiska inriktningen av musikterapi.
SJ:s hantering av fordonsfel- analys ur ett helhetsperspektiv
The project description is to draw an extension or annex to the existing Nationalmuseum building from 1866.The annex is designed to complement Nationalmusems activities and contain internal and public functions. Artentering the building must not be crossed by public visitors. Art and staff must be able to seamlessly move betweenthe extension and the main building. The new building includes a public study room for scholars working withthe collection of art on paper, workshops, conservation studios, art spaces and warehouses. Additionally, theannex is designed to host a large number of office spaces.With the renovation of Nationalmuseum they intend to open up the today built in south atrium.
Kartläggning av order- och leveransprocessen för höghastighetsseparatorer hos Alfa Laval Tumba AB
The project description is to draw an extension or annex to the existing Nationalmuseum building from 1866.The annex is designed to complement Nationalmusems activities and contain internal and public functions. Artentering the building must not be crossed by public visitors. Art and staff must be able to seamlessly move betweenthe extension and the main building. The new building includes a public study room for scholars working withthe collection of art on paper, workshops, conservation studios, art spaces and warehouses. Additionally, theannex is designed to host a large number of office spaces.With the renovation of Nationalmuseum they intend to open up the today built in south atrium.
Regional Styrningsproblematik i ett Utvidgat Europa - en komparativ fallstudie av Frankrike och Polen
The aim of this comparative study is to analyse the French and the Polish regional governance in order to see if there are any differences in their regional ruling systems. Further more I will study their different possibilities in taking part in the European Union regional political market. The shape of the regional systems will be explored both organisationally (study of the institutional entities of the regional construction) and functionally (study of the competencies of the regional body etcetera) to focus on its cause on the regional development. My over all focus will be to find out whether regional rule means differently in the countries France and Poland.Several questions are dealt with and the two main ones are as follows; How do the different structures of the form of government in France and Poland influence the governance on the regional level? Do Poland, as a new member state of the European Union, have what it takes to face the challenges of the new membership; or are there a complex of problems arising from the admittance that prevent its regions from fully taking part in the European regional political market?Some of my conclusions are as follows;There are major differences between the two countries when it comes to their regional ruling systems leading to different abilities in taking part in the European regional political market.
Kartläggning av Känslan av Sammanhang bland personal inom äldreomsorgen
  ?this Unpleasent klientel?A study on refugee care in Växjö between the years 1944 and 1947.The purpose of this study was to examine the treatment of sick refugees in Växjö in the 1940s. To achieve this a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The material found in the local archive and local newspaper was then put together and analyzed from the theoretical perspective, gender, class, ethnicity and social status.The result of this study shows that there were two main treatment wards for refugees, one that was supposed to treat women and children with active tuberculosis and the other ward treated refuges with ?epidemic diseases.? Foreign citizens were also taken care of in other words that were also not meant for refugees only, like the Epidemic hospital, which treated about 80 patients of a foreign nationality between 1944 and 1946.
Tillbyggnad, Nationalmuseum
The project description is to draw an extension or annex to the existing Nationalmuseum building from 1866.The annex is designed to complement Nationalmusems activities and contain internal and public functions. Artentering the building must not be crossed by public visitors. Art and staff must be able to seamlessly move betweenthe extension and the main building. The new building includes a public study room for scholars working withthe collection of art on paper, workshops, conservation studios, art spaces and warehouses. Additionally, theannex is designed to host a large number of office spaces.With the renovation of Nationalmuseum they intend to open up the today built in south atrium.
Degraderade städer - En studie av urbanitet hos städer i Polen som förlorat sina stadsrättigheter
Using the example of 55 former towns in Greater Poland, the author investigates the belief thattowns formerly deprived of town privileges are the most likely to be qualified as future formalurban entities. This paper approaches the subject of urban deprivation and restitution with amultiaspectual study of the concept of urbanity. Since a preponderance of Polish degraded townspossess a prominent urban physical structure, the study focuses mainly on urban morphology as acontributing factor to urbanity. Other approaches include the central place theory, demographicconditions and the role of urban perception. Taking into account Poland?s shifting geopoliticalhistory the study also seeks to identify and explain spatial patterns of varying degrees of urbanityamong the studied towns.
Modeller för utvärdering av set-up för återvinning av lastlister inom IKEA
Reverse logistics is getting more and more attention both from companies and the public. It is an area with the possibility for companies to do good in the eyes of the public. This work focus on the return system of a one-way handling material called the loading ledge. The loading ledge is developed by IKEA as a substitute for the EUR-pallet in transports from suppliers with a long distance and even flow and in transports from suppliers with short distance and uneven flow. The loading ledge is made out of 100 % recyclable plastic.The purpose of this work is to find the most efficient set-up for recycling of loading ledges within IKEA on a European level from a transport and handling point of view considering aspects like cost, environment, time and, from an administrative point of view, user-friendliness.Who will the participants of the set-up be, where will they be located, which transports are needed and which income and costs does the set-up generate, are questions that will be answered.
?detta Otrevliga klientel? : En studie av de flyktingar som vårdades i Växjö mellan åren 1944 -1947.
  ?this Unpleasent klientel?A study on refugee care in Växjö between the years 1944 and 1947.The purpose of this study was to examine the treatment of sick refugees in Växjö in the 1940s. To achieve this a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The material found in the local archive and local newspaper was then put together and analyzed from the theoretical perspective, gender, class, ethnicity and social status.The result of this study shows that there were two main treatment wards for refugees, one that was supposed to treat women and children with active tuberculosis and the other ward treated refuges with ?epidemic diseases.? Foreign citizens were also taken care of in other words that were also not meant for refugees only, like the Epidemic hospital, which treated about 80 patients of a foreign nationality between 1944 and 1946.
Internetmobbning - en del av ungdomars vardag
SAMMANFATTNINGTitel:Â Internetmobbning, en del av ungdomars vardag.Fo?rfattare: Edeblom, Susanne; Winther, KarinInstitution:Â Institutionen fo?r Ha?lsa och La?rande, Ho?gskolan Sko?vdeProgram/kurs:Â Magisterexamen i omva?rdnad, OM854A, 15pHandledare:Â Brovall, MariaExaminator:Â Hammarlund, KinaSidor:Â 21Nyckelord:Â internetmobbning, ungdomar, skolsko?terskor, ka?nslor, upplevelserBakgrund: I Sverige har idag de flesta ungdomar tillga?ng till internet och ma?nga fo?redrar att interagera o?ver internet. Detta har medfo?rt att mobbning o?ver internet har o?kat bland ungdomar. Internetmobbning leder till o?kad risk fo?r oha?lsa och sa?mre studieresultat.