2347 Uppsatser om Policy programs - Sida 59 av 157
Behandlingsmetoder mot övervikt och fetma hos barn
Overweight and obesity among children and adolescents is increasing. Diseases which earlier occurred exclusively among adults are now also observed among children. There is an urgent need for new treatments that can change this negative trend. The aim of this study was to describe existing treatments for obesity among children in the age of 6-12 and the effect of those treatments. This descriptive literature study is based on 17 research articles published between 2000 and 2007 from different parts in the world.
Tvärkraftsdimensionering av armerad betong : En utredning av beräkningsförfarandet
This report is about the shear force design of reinforced concrete according to Europe?s common dimension rules, Eurocode. The purpose is to describe the calculation procedure and the background to the formulas and expressions that occurs. Furthermore results from different calculation methods (hand calculations and computer calculations) will be compared to see how they differ.The goal with this is to go through the parts of Eurocode dealing with shear force and that this will lead to a clear review of these. You should also be able to see how results and the calculation procedure differ between different calculation methods.
Frontlinjebyråkraten : en studie om de byråkratiska villkoren för yrkesrollen, den inomorganisatoriska kontrollen och samhällets påverkan
The purpose of this essay was to further develop the discussion around the street-level bureaucrats and the dilemmas that they meet in their work environment. The paper will try to accomplish this by putting the spotlight on the professional role, the organizational control of the street-level bureaucrat and the effect of society on the work environment. Something that also will be discussed is the well-known difficulty of implementation of new programs and methods, especially when street-level bureaucrats are involved. The street-level bureaucrats that this paper focuses on are caseworkers within Försäkringskassan and handle benefits and take decisions about the need for rehabilitation for people who are ill and unable to work.I have used a qualitative method for this study. The empirical material consists of six interviews at two different offices.The main cause of the dilemma of the street-level bureaucrat is that there is a conflict between the human side and the professional role.
Mobbning inom föreningsidrotten
Denna studie omfattar mobbning inom föreningsidrotten, vi har valt att undersöka om Malmös idrottsföreningar har någon nedskriven antimobbningspolicy och/eller ? handlingsplan och därutöver har vi intervjuat tio föreningar om hur de konkret arbetar med mobbningsfrågor. Vi har också valt att titta på samverkan mellan skolan och idrottsförening vid mobbnings incidenter. Studien bygger på kvalitativ forskningsmetodik, totalt 14 intervjuer. Anledningen till varför studien grundar sig i kvalitativ metod är för att vi vill se orsaken bakom fenomenet, ej generalisera svaren samt att den är mindre resurskrävande.
Rättigheternas politik -en diskursanalys av riksdagspartiernas program hur funktionshinder omskrivs
This thesis studies the subject on how disabilities are written about in Swedish politics, the programs of the seven parties in the parliament are studied. The thesis is divided into two parts; where the first part is a content analysis to see how often disability are mention in each programme. It differs between one (the Left Party) and 33 times (the Christian Democrates). This first part also works as a backround to the second part of the study. This part of the thesis is built upon a discourse analysis.
En undersökning i datasäkerhet för hemanvändare - Är det nödvändigt att använda brandvägg?
The emphasize of this study is to evaluate security issues for home users
having a personal computer connected to the Internet. It focus on the usage of
advantages and disadvantages when using a firewall while connected to the
The hypothesis is that it gives a better protection to install and use a
firewall compared not to do so, due to security flaws in the operating system.
The prediction was tested on a home user's personal computer. The testwork was
divided into two major tests, each of them performed with, respectively
without, a firewall. These major tests were divided into five smaller semi
tests. The first semitest without a firewall suffered from a virus or worm
attack resulting in loss of data and log files.
Trettio år av jämställdhetspolitik : Från kvinnor i arbete till jämställdhetsintegrering
Thirty years of gender equality politicsFrom women?s work to gender mainstreamingThis Bachelor thesis examines how the Swedish state has practiced gender equality as a political project during 1972 until 1999 through the budget bills, using a ?What?s the problem represented to be?? approach aiming to uncover which discourses policies are based on. The method also studies what assumptions underlie policy problems, what is left as unproblematic within the policies and what effects are produced by specific problem representations. A central question for the thesis is what has remained and changed within Swedish gender equality politics. The history of the Swedish welfare state is presented as a background on how gender equality policy has affected the everyday life of women and men.
Sorgenfri industriområdes vitalisering: Ett betänkande ur småföretags perspektiv
Det här arbetet utgör en av fyra delar i ett projekt om Sorgenfri industriområde. Detta examensarbetes undersökningsobjekt är småföretag (0-49 anställda). Syftet har varit att undersöka hur småföretag som hyr lokaler inom Sorgenfri industriområde vill att området skall vitaliseras samt vilka möjligheter dessa småföretag tycker att de har att påverka stadsdelen Sorgenfri. Arbetets övergripande slutsats är att problemet i första hand gäller hur kapaciteter som redan finns i Sorgenfri industriområde kan organiseras till en sammansatt policy (strategi), inte om resurserna som sådana är tillräckliga..
Från Policy Till Praktik -en studie om textilföretags uppfattningar om utmaningar vid implementering av CSR-policies
From policy to practice - a study of textile companies view about challenges with implementing CSR policies examine the textile companies awareness of which challenges there are with the implementation of codes of conduct in a global supply chain, as well as to analyze how the companies deal with the challenges. With increased globalization many companies have chosen to outsource entire or parts of the production in various developing and newly industrialized countries. However, the working conditions in these countries do not always fulfill the labor standards that are defined in various conventions. The society began demanding companies to take social responsibility. The social responsibility goes under the term Corporate social responsibility (CSR).
En undersökning i datasäkerhet för hemanvändare : Är det nödvändigt att använda brandvägg?
The emphasize of this study is to evaluate security issues for home users having a personal computer connected to the Internet. It focus on the usage of advantages and disadvantages when using a firewall while connected to the Internet. The hypothesis is that it gives a better protection to install and use a firewall compared not to do so, due to security flaws in the operating system. The prediction was tested on a home user's personal computer. The testwork was divided into two major tests, each of them performed with, respectively without, a firewall.
Artificiell insemination av får
AbstractThe purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe the use of artificial insemination (AI) in sheep and discuss the possibilities for AI in Sweden. Male and female fertility, heat detection, semen handling and insemination techniques in sheep are described. Advantages and disadvantages of AI are discussed. In order to achieve genetic progress it is important with well planned and implemented breeding programs. The Swedish Sheep Recording Scheme and computer software from Elitlamm are the basis for sheep breeding in Sweden.
Går det att förebygga mobbning?
These days, schools are obliged by the law to prepare an annual plan for the prevention of bullying and degrading treatment. The purpose of my work is to investigate the 2 schools efforts to prevent bullying and abuse and how they live up to legal standards. But I have also examined how students in school are experiencing anti-bullying work in their school. I have also examined how much funding schools put on to prevent bullying I school. In this study, I have done interviews with school principals and students to have a clear picture about the school?s anti-bullying work.
Resonemang omkring motivation : En undersökning av elitsatsande gymnasieelevers motivationsfaktorer i fotboll vid en NIU skola i Sverige.
Abstract: Elite soccer in combination with education is a unique and demanding task. The path towards a glory career in sports takes hard mental and physical training. The objectives in this study are 6 elite focused high school students studying high school education programs in combination with football profile. They are 3 of each gender. The purpose of the study was to find out more about their perspective of motivation and what makes them keep going towards a career in football in beside their education.The study is of empiric hermeneutic survey used qualitative method and interviewing to collect data.
SILO 72 : Ombyggnad av Lantmännens silo i Östra Hamnen, Västerås
This project includes a small study of Västerås city's housing needs, and a proposal on theuse of the property 1:207, Lantmännens silo in the Eastern Harbour, Västerås.The project intends to produce a basic study of the useful systems for this rebuilding projectwith regards to sustainable development and energy saving light buildings.The end result, which consists of a detailed visualization of the proposal, intends to becomean iconic natural focus for the Eastern port of Västerås and an example of the use andadaptation of existing structures.The property must also link the eastern parts of Västerås with the center through anextension of Mälarleden.The work has been performed through literature studies, site visits, contacts with the City ofVästerås and by calculations.The proposal consists of architectural proposals drawings and visualizations.Furthermore, a suggestion is given of how the property can be used and fitted into theoverall plan for urban density development currently underway in the city of Västerås.Computer programs used have been Microsoft Office Excel, AutoCAD and ArchiCAD..
Hedgefonder i Sverige och utlandet - Vad händer i bear market?
Uppsatsen beskriver vad hedgefonder är och undersöker likheter och skillnader mellan svenska och utländska hedgefonder under perioden 2002-2006. Därefter jämförs amerikanska hedgefonder med index samt riskfria tillgångar under perioden 2000-2003 med syftet att undersöka vad som händer med hedgefonder under en period när börsen sjönk..