

2347 Uppsatser om Policy programs - Sida 32 av 157

Applikationsintegrering : en analys av metoder och teknik

Abstract In the contemporary world of information technology you find a multitude of applications and systems covering a broad spectrum of areas of need in different companies. One effect of this multitude of programs is the difficulty to make them exchange information with each other or to collaborate, since they are developed by different programming languages for different platforms, with different standards and different data formats. Our aim with this work is to describe how it is possible to tie these programs together to make them actually communicate with each other in order to exchange information, share their native methods and also to become a part of the overall business processes. In this integration task you will, among other things, find different levels of application integration such as data level, method level, application interface level and user interface level integration. Application integration also involves hardware components, called middleware, that facilitate the physical connection between applications.

?E-mobbning finns inte på vår skola?- En kvalitativ studie om e-mobbningens plats i skolans antimobbningsprogram.

The purpose of this study was to highlight cyber-bullying and its place in today?s schools. Our aim was to research how schools with bullying prevention programs are equipped to handle and take action against cyber-bullying. Furthermore this study focuses on whether or not schools are responsible for cases of cyber-bullying. We also aimed to present teachers? general views and knowledge regarding this phenomenon.

A Swedish national forest programme ? participation and international agreements

Sweden is in the initial phase of forming a national forest programme (nfp). The establishment of an nfp has been evoked by international policy developments and a national debate questioning Swedish forestry and forest policy. National forest programmes are participatory processes for the development and implementation of forest-related policies and international commitments. Hence, the aim of this master thesis is to assess the stakeholders? acceptance of participation and integration of international issues within the Swedish national forest programme.

Sverige, Förenta Nationerna och Polisens utlandsstyrka : En fallstudie av policy och praktik i freds- och säkerhetsfrämjande arbete

Sverige har alltid uttalat ett starkt stöd till Förenta Nationerna, FN. I den allmänna debatten har det på senare tid dock handlat om att Sveriges och i-ländernas allt mindre deltagande i FN-ledda missioner gör att FN:s insatser tappar i trovärdighet och legitimitet. För att se om det finns fog för kritik om minskat deltagande i FN-ledda insatser i Sveriges internationella freds- och säkerhetsfrämjande arbete, så undersöks i denna uppsats om Polisens utlandsstyrkas deltagande i internationella insatser har förändrats över tiden 2001-2011. I uppsatsen undersöks även hur Sveriges uttalade policy om stöd för FN samspelar med vad som sedan implementeras i praktiken genom regeringens uppdrag till den svenska polisen. De som förvaltar och genomför regeringens beslut på området är Polisens Utlandssektion och dess utlandsstyrka.

Befolkningsförändringar : Ett hinder för landsbygdens utveckling

Syftet med uppsatsen är att visa vilken effekt befolkningsförändringarna inom landsbygdsregionerna har på den regionalpolitik som förs idag. Samt vilka de samhälleliga konsekvenserna blir. För att detta syfte ska uppfyllas krävdes det tre stycken frågor. Dessa frågor är: Vilka effekter får befolkningsförändringarna på glesbygdsregioners socioekonomiska förutsättningar? Vad säger forskningen om den landsbygdspolitik som förs idag? Vilka är det stora dragen inom landsbygdspolitiken efter inträdet i EU?The aim of this thesis is to show what effects population changes in rural areas may have on the regional policy which is used today and what are the consequences.

Sida ur ett lilberalfeministiskt perspektiv : Finns jämställdhetsidéer av liberalfeministiskt slag i Sidas bistånds - och utvecklingspolitik?

AbstractEssay in Political Science, C ? level, by Ylva Björkegren, spring semester 2008. Tutor: Anna Spånning. ?Sida from a liberal feministic perspective.

En bro mellan teoretisk och praktisk kunskap : En fenomenografisk studie baserad på lärares uppfattningar kring teoretisk och praktisk kunskap, metod och lärande- miljöer

This thesis is intended to respond to the extent to which South African textbooks on the subject of history is linked to the governmental policy documents and whether they are producing and reproducing national identity. The two textbooks are aimed at students in grade 10. Both books were produced in 2008 but published by different publishers.The essay is based on Norman Faircloughs critical discourse theory which has been supplemented by Michael Billings theory Banal Nationalism, which assumes that it is the national words that remind us daily of our homeland that is producing and reproducing national identity.  The survey shows that both textbooks are closely tied to the government policy document for the teaching of history. The textbooks refer to the policy, both explicitly and implicitly. The two textbooks reproduce a common national identity in South Africa based on the discussions taking place in society.

Gallring av böcker på svenska folkbibliotek idag ? hur kan den se ut? Några exempel

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how books are weeded in some Swedish public libraries today. It tries to shed light on some of the problems and obstacles that may arise, and on the criteria used by staff for weeding. I also hope to build a model for weeding, based on the results of my investigation. The method I have chosen for my work is qualitative interviews. The results of my thesis indicate that weeding is not the top priority of the staff at the investigated libraries.

BROTTSPREVENTION I EUROPA En kritisk komparativ diskursanalys av brottsprevention riktat mot ungdomsbrottslighet i England och Sverige

This thesis investigates how crime prevention is represented with the aim of preventing and reducing youth crime in two crime prevention strategies for Croydon in England and Stockholm in Sweden for the period 2022-2026. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to increased knowledge and deeper understanding about how crime prevention is represented by prevailing discourse in policy documents against juvenile delinquency in Europe by conducting a comparative analysis. The study was conducted based on Carol Bacchi?s theory ?What?s the problem represented to be?. Three adapted questions from the WPR approach were translated to critically discourse-analytically examine two policy-oriented strategies against youth crime on local level in Croydon and Stockholm.

Hur påverkas tillväxten av den offentliga sektorns storlek i förhållande till utbildningsnivån i samhället? En utvidgad Lucas modell

I denna uppsats har förhållandet mellan statligt kapital, humankapital och ekonomisktillväxt undersökts genom en utvidgning av Lucas modellen. I utvidgningen specificeras hur statligt kapital har en positiv effekt i teknologin för utbildning och en negativ effekt i teknologin för privat produktion. Utvidgningen sker genom att staten fördelar sitt kapital mellan offentlig konsumtion i produktionssektorn och investeringar i utbildningssektorn. Produktionsteknologierna antas sedan bero på kvoten mellan genomsnittligt humankapital och andelen statligt kapital i respektive sektor..

På EU:s gränser Den nya nordliga dimensionen

In this paper I attempt to analyze the ways the European Union defines its external borders in cross-border co-operation with its neighbours. The analysis is based on case study examining the founding components of a updated version of the Northern Dimension policy of the European Union.The analytical framework of the study is composed of three different perceptions on the cross-border co-operation; regionalisation, integration and flexible integration. I conclude that the model of cross-border co-operation laid by the Northern Dimension policy would have an impact on the EU's external border with Russia, making it more flexible and vague.As far as the geographical terms of the co-operation are concerned, they seem to shift from regional co-operation to greater emphasis the role of networks as basis for co-operation instead of traditional regions..

Illegal rovdjursjakt : en rättsekonomisk analys av rovdjursproblematiken i Sverige

In this essay a model of a potential illegal hunter?s decision-making is created and presented in order to provide an overview of important parts of the complexities associated with the current Swedish predator policy. A comparison is made between a livestock owner?s economic incentives, and the expected costs faced by the potentially caught lawbreaker. In accordance with economic theory the benefits and costs of illegal hunting are compared and thus the optimal choice is determined where marginal costs and benefits are equal.

LVM - VÅRD - hur väl implementeras överhetens policy vid ett LVM - hem till de intagna klienterna

AbstractDenna uppsats fokus ligger på klienter intagna på ett LVM ? hem i Hessleby, som ligger 2 km utanför Mariannelund i Eksjö kommun. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur väl Hesslebys behandlingshems policy eller grundläggande handlingsprogram implementeras hos de intagna klienterna. Att se om den behandling som Hessleby säger sig stå för överhuvudtaget är möjlig att realisera så att klienterna upplever den på ett likvärdigt sätt som behandlingshemmet. Hesslebys policy är i korthet, att skapa tillit mellan kontaktperson och klient.

Den reflekterande chefen - Ledarutveckling och chefers reflektioner

The essay examines managers reflection after attending a leader development program. When examining their thoughts the author starts out from the assumption that leader development programs with reflecting elements can create reflection on management/leadership and the organisations management behaviour. The examination is done whit help of a case study on a company in the paint industry. To test the assumption the author uses a combination of questioners and interviews on eight managers who has finished a leader development program. The result is analysed by bringing forward the managers general assumptions an by finding relations between opinions on needs, existing norms and preferred management/leadership.

Att optimera samhället inför klimatförändringar : Sårbarhet och anpassning på dagordningen

This thesis examines the ways in which adaptation and vulnerability are framed in national and sectorial policy-documents dealing with expected societal impacts of climate change. By using theories of discourse and ideology, the analysis aims to find and understand important ideas and presuppositions that are explicitly or implicitly expressed in these documents in order to make possible and tangible the institutional production of policy within the potentially far-reaching problematique of climate change adaptation and vulnerability. The analysis shows that there are two main perspectives through which vulnerability and adaptation are framed; one focusing limits to societal robustness; and one contesting the institutional capacity to implement adaptations. The author understands these framings as complementarily optimizing preconceived social and economic relations, something that might, in fact, reduce the response capacity of people..

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