

396 Uppsatser om Platform - Sida 7 av 27

Social Software Roadmap : Implementering av sociala verktyg internt i organisationer

Today more and more companies are looking out to adopt a new generation intranet, a social intranet where all employees can engage to express themselves and share information. There are large expectations on these new services, which have the opportunity to create high business value if used actively and qualitatively. However, there is a large challenge in knowing how to best implement these services in an organization in order to achieve this. This paper has investigated how an implementation should be made by defining obstacles for the implementation and adoption, discussing how they could be overcome, investigating what incentives could be used to foster usage and finding common success factors for an implementation.By a qualitative research method, consisting of five case studies and two focus area interviews we found a number of steps that must be followed for an implementation to be successful. First the conditions of the organization must be investigated in order to see whether or not social tools are suitable.

Framtidens mobilnät

The purpose of this project was to study how the interference between two antennas in a MIMO system affects the linearity of the power amplifiers powering the antennas. For the MIMO system, two power amplifiers and twoantennas were constructed and designed using the software ADS and a software defined radio was constructed using the Platform USRP and the software LabVIEW. The result was that the interference between the antennas affectsthe linearity of the power amplifiers powering the antennas adversely and a reasonable theory was that the interaction decreases inversely proportional tothe square of the distance..

Migrating Mesh SkinningDeformation Functionality fromRSX to SPUs on thePlayStation ® 3

In game development, performance is everything and the Playstation 3 provides a unique Platform for utilizing parallelization of code to achieve extremely high performance. In this master?s thesis the issue of animation with smooth skinning is migrated from being a GPU process to becoming a parallelized and 358% faster process. This method is incorporated in an existing commercial game engine and integrated in a currently in development title for the Playstation 3. An in-depth study covers parallel processors, the CELL processor, used in the Playstation 3, and how contemporary industry leading game developers are utilizing the same unique architecture to increase their own games? performance..

Konstruktion av Industriellt Vibrationsmätningssystem med signalbehandling baserad på Digitala Vågfilter av Lattice-struktur

In this bachelor thesis a complete prototype of an industrial vibration measurement Platform has been developed. By measuring a number of variables such as acceleration, temperature and speed conclusions can be drawn on machinery health. The aim is to evaluate hardware and software solutions for a possible future product. Based on a requirement specification a proper hardware design has be developed. The hardware consists of a four-layer PCB with an ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller and about 250 other components. The PCB was designed, assembled, tested and finally housed in a box.

Mobila hybridapplikationers prestanda : En experimentell studie

Syfte ? Studiens syfte är att undersöka hybridapplikationers prestanda i olika situationer för att ta reda på varför de upplevs som långsamma. För att uppnå syftet besvaras följande frågeställningar:Hur presterar hybridapplikationer jämfört med nativapplikationer beräkningsmässigtÄr JavaScript-biblioteken anledningen till hybridapplikationers sämre prestanda, och vilket av de bibliotek som undersöks är det mest lämpade för bästa prestanda?Kan hybridapplikationer hantera stora datamängder med IndexedDB utan att bli oresponsiva?Metod ? Studien använder sig av en experimentell forskningsmetod där hypoteser och förutsägelser formuleras och sedan testas för att besvara frågeställningarna.Resultat ? Resultatet från studien visar att prestandan för mobila hybrid-applikationer är i de flesta fall, vid utförande av samma uppgift, underlägsen den för dess motsvarande nativapplikationer. Resultaten visar även att prestandan påverkas av vilket JavaScript-bibliotek som används men att biblioteken inte är anledningen till hybridapplikationers långsamma prestanda.

Implementation av fältbuss ASIC i FPGA

HMS Industrial Networks AB is in need of changing a communications solution that iscurrently based on an ASIC. This will be achieved by moving the communications solution toa FPGA with the help of the programming language VHDL. By doing this, it is possible toreduce the need for specific circuits, get a more flexible Platform and thus get a cheapersolution.This report describes a solution for how to move a network protocol from an ASIC to anFPGA. The report shows that the network slave device is working under the guidelines forthis project. This means that it is quite realistic to implement a fieldbus protocol on an FPGA,using VHDL and to maintain the same functionality as the earlier communications solution..

En IT-baserad plattform för skolförbättring : En kvalitativ studie av lärares informations- och erfarenhetsutbyte

This thesis has created an image of the exchange of information among teachers in the Swedish upper secondary school. The study indicates that the exchange of information seems to be limited at all levels and the exchange that takes place outside the own teaching team occurs mainly through teachers personal networks. The study also shows barriers that may exist and the opportunities that an increased exchange may generate. From the picture that the empirical material provides and the theory that is presented a discussion is made around how IT can best support the organizational learning in schools. A concrete proposal is that at national level an IT Platform should be created, which primarily focuses on materials that are created by its users and has an open architecture with a single login..

Crescendo Online: en programsvit för kollaborativ musikproduktion

Collaborative music making on the Internet is not a new phenomenon, but no applications have yet caught on with the vast number of laptop and bedroom studio musicians active today. This is strange considering the inherent social and interactive nature of music, especially amongst trends like Web 2.0 where collaboration and user-generated data is key. In this paper I study the problems these applications face, and why they do not have a greater appeal to musicians. With the results I develop and evaluate my own framework, known as Crescendo Online: a multi-user sequencing and modular synthesis environment, intended to pave the way for a new type of online music creation Platform..

Nätverksbaserade informationssystem : Standardprotokoll ANSI Z39.50/OSI SR

This master thesis examines the development of the two earlier independent IR protocols Z39.50 and SR (Search and Retrieve, ISO 10162/10163), now Z39.50/SR, from the beginning of the 80s to 1996 and their functionality in the client/server environment.Z39.50 applications in library systems will allow easy access to information regardless of Platform or location. The use of Z39.50 will create a new user environment. Almost all the library systems of the market support the Z39.50 and surprisingly the use of it in Sweden lied on a very low leve! in 1996. This thesis was followed-up by an interview and a questioner among the Swedish Z39.50 users. They could see a huge potential of development concerning the future IR process.

Det industriella byggandets betydelse för skapandet av de estetiska egenskaperna i bostadens arkitektur - En fallstudie på företaget JM AB

The study aims to investigate the impact of industrialised homebuilding in the creation of the aestheticproperties of the dwelling architecture.The concepts of industrialised homebuilding and the aesthetic properties of the dwelling architecture aredefined by previously developed models. In these models, industrialised homebuilding is described byeight characteristic areas. The aesthetic properties of the dwelling architecture are described by sevenaesthetic qualities.The study was conducted as a qualitative study, and in-depth interviews were conducted. The companyJM AB is the analysed unit that the author of this report has chosen to study. JM employees and by JMhiredarchitects were interviewed.The report concludes that characteristic area planning and control of processes are considered to havepositive impact on the aesthetic qualities if the process is designed in such a way that the creations ofthese are admitted.

Testdriven utveckling för mobila applikationer/Android

Android is one of the leading software Platforms for the new generation of smartphones. The market for applications is growing rapidly. So to be able to compete with such large competition the applications need a solid and stable development methodology. Therefore have we created an application based on a test-driven development, to investigate if the methodology was applicable on the Android Platform. The conclusion is that Android?s suitability for test-driven development is dependent on the application that is being developed and if difficulties concerning the testing framework can be avoided.

Sitecon : En utvärdering av en mobilapplikation

I detta examensarbete har jag fått i uppgift av Consultec Byggprogram AB att utvärdera olika utvecklingsverktyg för cross-Platform utveckling samt utveckla och utvärdera en mobilapplikation som kan ersätta eller komplettera deras webbversion av projekthanteringsprogrammet Sitecon. Kraven på applikationen var att den ska kunna ta emot push-notifieringar, kunna ringa de telefonnummer som visas i applikationen, kunna lagra data direkt i den mobila enheten, använda kameran samt lokalisera en byggarbetsplats med hjälp av en inbyggd karta.Efter en utvärdering av både utvecklingsverktyg samt utvecklingsmetoder, utvecklades mobilapplikationen som ett proof of concept och uppfyller alla de satta kraven..

Balancing packaging complexity by introducing platforms - A study at Carlsberg Breweries

Many consulting firms offer tailor-made solutions within complexity management, but these are not general frameworks built upon theories. Carlsberg are dealing with a large complexity within their one-way glass bottles, as they are growing by acquisitions, and are not attained enough economies of scale. This thesis balances the packaging complexity, with Platform theory as a foundation. Twelve Platforms were developed at Carlsberg, containing 21 bottles, and the calculated savings potential for applying these are EUR 28,9 million..

MoPho -enkla lösningar för SMS och MMS

Our project is divided into two parts, one production and written report. The main focus was the production part, were we used PHP to create simple solution for handling SMS and MMS with direct communication with the mobile operator server. We communicate with sockets and can handle CIMD2 and MM7 protocol. To get our components easy to use we have created two classes to handle SMS and MMS. To demonstrate our technical Platform we created a website were you can create an account.

Utvärdering av möjligheten att införa en plattform för djurägarinitierad dödsfallsrapportering av hundar samt därpå baserad forskning och avelsurval

There are about 700 000 dogs in Sweden. Roughly 70 % of the dogs are purebred and registered in the database at the Swedish Kennel Club (SKC). The database includes records of birth date, pedigree, offspring and results from e.g. veterinary examinations related to genetic health programs.Every year approximately 10% of the dogs die; most are euthanized by a veterinarian. Dog mortality data is stored as digital medical records at animal clinics and in insurance databases.Dog owners tend to register their puppy in the SKC, but they rarely report that the dog has passed away.

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