

110 Uppsatser om Plantation spot - Sida 4 av 8

Differentierade externa effekter och utsläppshandel: Det svenska jordbrukets externa kostnader vid bruk av handelsgödsel

Studiens målsättning var att undersöka förutsättningarna för att utsläppshandel skulle kunna vara ett samhällsekonomiskt effektivt alternativ för att internalisera ex-ternaliteterna vid bruk av handelsgödsel. I studien fokuseras förutsättningarna för utsläppshandel med kväve i de svenska jordbruken. Utgångspunkten ligger i kväveutlakningens geografiska variabel, något som leder till att utsläppen orsakar differentierade externa kostnader. Tillvägagångssättet bygger på en redogörelse för de faktorer som bidrar till att kväveutsläppen orsakar differentierade externa kostnader och konsekvenserna för inrättande av styrmedel utifrån miljöekonomisk teori. Dataunderlaget utgörs av en kartläggning av jordartstyper, redogörelse för skillnader i vattendragens retention i Sverige och effekterna av reningsinsatser i Östersjön.

Är det lönsamt att ta hänsyn till temperatursvängningar? : En fallstudie om prognostisering på Karlstads Energi

Being able to predict the future had been an invaluable competitive advantage for any corporation. Forecasting is a vital part of any business, hence a good forecast allows enterprises to invest in a beneficial way. However, there are several ways to prepare forecasts and the forecast methodology can vary. An industry that is dependent on forecasts is the energy industry. By predicting consumers' energy consumption, Swedish energy companies can hedge on the Nordic power market Nord Pool.

Biblioteket i centrum : Ett utvecklingsprojekt för bibliotek och landsbygd

The structure of the Swedish public library field has been evolving during the last decades. The traditional mission of educating the citizens to become responsible, democratic and knowledgeable members of society has in a way led to the integration between public and school libraries. Lately new co-operational models have been under debate and a sense of resistance has arisen because of the economical and market influences. In parallel with closure of library branches new libraries have evolved in malls and wash houses and some with self-service with no use of librarians. This work shows how co-operation in rural areas finds the common goals for the people living there who are concerned about keeping the service needed including the public library and thus using existing means and crossing borders of commercial thinking.

Risk för bostadsägare - en analys av risken vid förändringar av ränta och elpris

Since 1996 the Swedish households have ten folded their volume of loans for own homes that is attached to a floating interest rate. Also in 1996 the Swedish electric market was deregulated. These two facts have increased the volatility in the household expenses for these two commodities. This thesis studies the risk for homeowners attached to the exposure against the electric and the credit market. The risk model used is Cost-at-Risk which is usually used by public authorities for analysing the risk involved with national debt.

Bakom Ladan : En skiss eller två på en hälsoträdgård på Wij Trädgårdar

AbstractThe research in the interdisciplinary field of natural-human-health-design has in recent decades gainedmomentum and led to new or new-old ways of thinking and acting in terms of planning and design of outdoorenvironments with the aim of health promotion. Concrete concept models and design guides have begun toemerge as a result of this research.The purpose of this work is to use these guides to develop a design proposal for a supposed health garden,with Wij Trädgårdar in Ockelbo as a base. This has been done in the form of a process description. The targetgroup for the design proposal is long-term unemployed and people who have come to Sweden as refugees.Since the specific design recommendations could not be found for the selected target group, the main materialwas general guidelines for health gardens in combination with guidelines for health gardens directed to targetgroups with stress-related problems, which is a broad target group for which there are relatively much currentresearch.The result is a process description of the progression towards a sketch on a health garden, designed for aspecific spot on Wij Trädgårdar, but available for use in other locations, provided adjustments is made to thespecific location. The sketch is supplemented with plant suggestions to different parts of the garden.

Contortatallens odlingsvärde i Götaland

The third most common conifer in Sweden is Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine). It originates from the western part of North America and was brought here in the end of the 1920s. The lodgepole pine is today allowed for commercial plantations in central and northern Sweden, excluding high altitude locations. Since 1979 only plantations with scientific purpose are allowed in south-central and south Sweden. This document is focused on how lodgepole pine manage perform compared with Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) in the southernmost part of Sweden, Götaland. The idea came from the fact that the Swedish government is evaluating a notification from the National Forest Agency that suggests lodgepole pine to be allowed for commercial plantation even in southern Sweden.

Thuja plicata - etableringsförsök av jättetuja med fyra olika provenienser

Future climate changes may lead to an interest of alternative and foreign forest tree species in order to spread the risks in forestry. Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, Freemont cottonwood and hybrid aspen are examples of popular foreign tree species that along with western red cedar could have a future in the Swedish forests.Södra Skogsägarna and SLU have collaboration in establishment of foreign species in Swedish forests.The purpose of this study was to analyze and present the establishment of western red cedar, and to survey and illustrate injuries of freeze drying and other damages like deer browsing, vegetation and insect attacks. The study included four different provenances, and spruce as a reference, planted in two locations ? Asa and Släne.Western red cedar is despite its name a conifer of the cupressaceae family with defined secondary characteristic and gets along well with an overstory. Western red cedar grows often in mixed stands with similar conifers and its natural habitat is within and in the area near to British Columbia.The study included two series of field inventories, one made in the summer and one in the autumn 2013, three growing seasons after plantation.

Yoga; spiritual balance of contemporary consumers

This research study constitutes a critical stand, which departure from the increase in welfare, and decrease in quality of life, and is further directed to the sphere of consumption. Contemporary consumers appear to seek for components to construct their self with through consumption, consumerism has become a sphere of life, and has consequently also become a victimizing force steering the identity and self construction of consumers. The alarm bells however are echoing in Western society, and consumers are experiencing dilemmas such as fragmentation, powerlessness, uncertainty and meaninglessness.In this respect we have presented spiritualism as an applicable path of escape or alternative to the scheme of the material oriented consumption sphere. We intend to broaden the scope of the interplay between spiritualism and consumerism in the act of yoga, and we have therefore been researching: what yoga is doing to consumers, and what consumers are doing to yoga. The study is based on an existential epistemology paradigm, which emphasis on the meaning of the yoga experience attained from the subjects of research; the yoga practitioners, and therefore we have carried out three focus group discussions.

Raä 977 - En lokal och tre aktivitetsytor. : En tvärvetenskaplig undersökning av Raä 977 vid Vojmsjön i Vilhelmina socken

This candidate thesis concerns the ?all but forgotten? material from the bronze age site named ?Raä 977, Hansbo 1:3, Vojmsjön, Vilhelmina?. During 1975-76, an archaeological dig was carried out by Västerbottens museum led by Ulla Walukiewich in an attempt to preserve the information the site held, before it was destroyed by the erosion brought on by the recently regulated sea ?Vojm? (Vojmsjön). The archaeological dig yielded a stunning amount of finds, samples and information previously unknown.

Rum i förändring - en studie av Stapelbäddsparken sedd ur ett genusperspektiv :

By doing a study of Stapelbäddsparken from a gender perspective I have been investigating and analysing physical planning and landscape architectural design. My intention with this thesis is to reflect on what a gender perspective in physical planning means and what kind of consequences and effects it could have on physical planning and outdoor design. Gender is something that is created, moulded and transformed by social and cultural processes. And it also includes a dimension of power concerning the knowledge of the relationships between women and men where the standard in today?s society is still men?s interests. To implement gender in my analysis of the park I have been observing how the park is used and who is using it. I have also been investigating who?s needs and wishes that has been provided for in planning and design.

Utmattningsbedömning av hyttfront

Denna rapport behandlar utmattningsbedömning av en hyttfront. Wöhlerprovning av sammanlagt 12 stycken hyttfronter har genomförts på lastnivåer mellan F kN och 0,6F kN. Proven styrdes på last och som utfallskriterium sattes en fördubbling av spannet hos lägesgivaren. Livslängderna för proven varierade mellan 14825 och 811953 lastcykler och en Wöhlerkurva har sammanställts för resultaten med hjälp av programvaran UTM1. En jämförelse har gjorts av utfallen hos skakriggarna H och K och den Wöhlerrigg som använts i detta examensarbete.

Koldioxidutsläpp vid sticklingsproduktion av pelargonium x hortorum i Kenya jämfört med Sverige :

Long transport of products is an environmental issue discussed to an increasing extent. The consumers are increasingly aware of how far our comestibles really have been transported. The increasing levels of environmental emissions are something that concerns people. The question is nevertheless delicate and many choose to ignore it. This is no longer an option.

Är kunden lojal eller spontan? :  En studie om lösviktskonfektyr i Sverige

An impulse or unplanned purchase is a decision taken on the spot without further consideration or reflection. It is the spur of the moment that influences the purchase rather than a deliberated decision. Being loyal to a particular brand means a mutual relationship between customer and company created over time which may result in the customer experiencing a higher value and thus prefer a particular brand before another.Bulk confectionary can be characterized as an impulse product because it is purchased at times without any time of consideration or planning. The question that arises is whether all bulk confectionary purchases are unplanned? Through this study it shall be examined whether any brand loyalty actually exists regarding bulk confectionary; does the customer plan its confectionary purchases in beforehand or do most of them occur through impulses? Furthermore, the study will highlight who the customer is of bulk confectionary in Sweden.The survey was conducted through a combination of a quantitative and qualitative method.

Skogstillväxten ca 20 år efter plantering på Flakmossen : dikningens och gödslingens betydelse vid beskogning på en avslutad torvtäkt i Värmland

This study was performed in an afforestation experiment established 1982 on an abandoned peat harvesting area, Flakmossen, in the province of Värmland, SW Sweden. The experimen-tal design include planting with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), in combination with various drainage intensities (20, 30, and 40 m between ditches), and fertilizer doses 0, 100, and 200 g PK per seedling applied at the date of planting. The aim of this study was to achieve more knowledge about the conditions on afforestation of peat harvesting areas, especially regarding drainage intensity and fertilization requirements, by means of determining the stand growth and yield in the Flakmossen trial. The forest growth did not differ significantly between the drainage intensities tested when the same amount of phosphor and potassium fertilizer was added. Thus, shorter distances between ditches than 40 m can not be recommended. When no fertilization was carried out seedling survival was very low, and the growth of sur-vived seedlings was poor. The largest diameter and height growth were observed in the areas where the highest dose of phosphorus and potassium (200g/seedling) was given.

Skiktning och strukturell utveckling i unga naturlika skogsplanteringar: :

Multilayered woodland types are an important part of the urban forest. The knowledge how to establish and maintain such plantations are not as deep as other knowledge fields concerning forestry. Therefore this study has looked upon how to achieve multilayered structures in young nature-like woodland plantations. As a theoretical base for the study three different major knowledge culture have been studied that concerns the subject, ecology, forestry and landscape management/design. This three theoretical framework concludes that many natural processes strive in the opposite direction of multilayered structures in their youth.

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