

2360 Uppsatser om Planning lessons - Sida 52 av 158

Gatans teater - en studie av stadens offentliga rum

Syftet med arbetet är att studera och analysera det offentliga rummet, hur möten mellan människor uppstår och vad rummet används till. Kandidatarbetet belyser begreppet offentligt rum och vad detta har inneburit och vad det innebär i nutid. Arbetet belyser även teorier om vad ett offentligt rum innehåller för aktiviteter och vad rummet bör innehålla för att locka till sig människor. Arbetet resulterar i ett gestaltningsprogram för Deltavägen på Backaplan i Göteborg, där fokus ligger på strukturen av gaturummet och de offentliga ytorna längs gatan. Arbetet baseras på litteraturstudier samt inventeringar av två gator och dess offentliga platser i Göteborg. Arbetet inleds med en beskrivning av det offentliga rummet och dess innebörd.

Vilka mål och behov har olika typer av skogsägare kring sitt skogsägande? :

The NIPF (Non Industrial Private Forest) owners in Sweden have very differentiated goals and needs with their forest. They have different backgrounds and some of them live at their forest estate while other live in an urban environment, and some are economically dependent on their forest estate while others are not. The heterogeneity among these forest owners creates problems for market actors that want to aim marketing messages to catch their interest. This is the problem background to the task that was provided to us as an investigative masters thesis for us. Their request was a plan for ensuring a successful marketing towards different segments of the NIPF owners. We commenced with a literature study based on market information and previously carried out similar investigations. We summarized the most important market information from the literature and created some hypotheses regarding goals and needs of the NIPF owners.

Ensemblespel : Ett socialt redskap främjar såväl interaktion som integration

Being an immigrant in a Swedish school today might not be easy. It´s quite difficult to be accepted and becoming a part of an already functioning group. Difficulties with the Swedish language doesn´t make it easier. Besides that the requisites of the school curriculum program are very demanding and Swedish students are often in advantage already being a part of the system for many years.By following five immigrant boys in grade 6 during ten ensemble lessons, one concert and individual interviews with the boys as well as with their teacher, this study aims to investigate how ensemble playing can function as a social tool and promote interaction as well as integration.The results in this study show that ensemble playing in fact can function as a social tool. The boys developed abilities in playing an instrument as well as cooperating and analyzing by using the social tool of ensemble playing.The results even show that ensemble playing can promote interaction as well as integration.Above everything was the concert where the boys acted in front of their classmates and were treated with great respect and acceptance..

Nivågruppering i grundskolans tidigare år : Hur och varför används den i matematikundervisningen

The aim of this essay is to examine why and how three teachers who work in elementary classes choose to use ability grouping during math lessons and what they think of ability grouping as a method to individualize the activities according to the pupil?s needs.I chose one main question for this study that is the following:What is the teacher?s point of view and experience of ability grouping in teaching mathematics?And three sub-questions:What are the motives behind the choice of ability grouping?What are the advantages of ability grouping?What are the disadvantages of ability grouping?In order to be able to answer my questions, I used the qualitative method. I interviewed three teachers who work in the elementary classes (First to fifth grade) to find out what they think about ability grouping and how it is experienced in mathematic teaching.The result shows that the common thing between these three teachers is that they don?t use ability grouping as the only teaching method. They all agree that the whole class teaching has many benefits for the pupils.

Alexanderteknik - olika tankar om alexanderteknik och om metodens inverkan på sångrösten.

Title: Alexander Technique - Different thoughts on the Alexander Technique and its effect on the singing voice. Does singing lessons cause tension in the student? What should you as a teacher consider to avoid situations that cause tension? This examination is based on interviews. The persons who have been interviewed are singing students, singing teachers and teachers in the Alexander Technique. The literature and the interviews describe the Alexander Technique as a method that, with support of a teacher of the Alexander Technique, helps you to recreate the balance between the cranium, neck and spine.


District heating covers around 80 % of the heating demand in apartment buildings and 10 % in single-family homes in Sweden. In the year 2010 the total input of energy to the Swedish district heating grids was about 70 TWh, which corresponds to 11 % of the total energy input to the whole energy system in the country. Through the combined production of heat and power the CHP-plants often reaches an efficiency of 90 % from energy in the fuel to produced heat and power. In order to keep the efficiency high it is important for the owners of the plant to have good knowledge about the plants performance at different operation points. Strängnäs Energi AB initiated this diploma work together with FVB Sverige ab in order to come up with a program for short term planning of the production of heat and power at the company´s CHP-plant.The work consists of three main parts.

Externhandel - Abborravikens handelscentra - ett projekt utifrån fysiska planeringsförutsättningar samt andra kommuners erfarenhet på området.

Detta examensarbete tar upp viss problematik kring externhandel. Det belyser även hur ett externt handelsområde kan bli ett fungerande komplement till stadskärnan när den inte har möjligheter till att växa sig till det som dagens invånare kräver och förväntar sig att den ska innehålla. Handeln har i alla tider varit en av stadens viktgaste funktioner som gett staden liv och gjort den attraktiv. Under 1960-talet började stormarknader etableras i perifera lägen utanför staden.Konkurrensmedlet som användes var stor säljyta och voym. Butikerna sålde inte längre enbart livsmedel - stormarknaden var här. Stormarknaderna och varuhusen etablerade sig i billigare lokaler utanför staden, i äldre industriområden, i bilorienterade lägen. Överskådligheten har gått förlorad i de svenska städerna till följd av bilens genomslag. Idag fi nns det tre områden som kan pekas ut i staden, bostads-, industri- och serviceområden.

Green-urban balance : a proposal for balancing green area preservation and urban development in the city of Uppsala

Rapid urbanization causes competition over land use between green area preservation and urban development in cities and greatly affects ecosystems as well as human well-being. This conflict is significant all around the world as many cities are now replacing existing green areas with new developments. The area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg in Uppsala is currently experiencing the same conflict, as the need that the city has for new housing represents a threat for the many valuable green areas that are in the site. The purpose of this project was to understand how the need of urban development and the preservation of green areas could be balanced. This understanding would thereafter be used to make a design proposal for the area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg.

?Läsa för livet!?: En studie rörande sambandet mellan presentation, genomförande och uppföljning av fiktionstext i gymnasieskolan

The object of this study has been to establish whether there is a correlation between a teachers efforts in presenting, working with and creating a connection to ?real life? when working with fictional texts. A further hypothesis is that presentation, realization and the follow up activities has a correspondence to how well the goals for the lesson are achieved. In order to achieve the presented objects the methods of observation and interview are chosen. Firstly classroom observations are made and subsequently interviews with teachers that struggle with these questions on a regular basis are conducted.

Klassning av renbete med hjälp av ståndortsboniteringens vegetationstypsindelning :

During thousands of years, reindeer have adapted to living under harsh conditions with large seasonal variations in climate and forage availability. This adaptation implies that body functions and nourishment needs are strongly bound to the season. In the summer the reindeer has to maximize food intake to build up fat and protein reserves for the winter. More than 200 different plant species are included in the reindeer diet, but since reindeer have an unique ability to use the nourishment in lichen, different lichen species make up a large portion of their winter diet in many areas. Fundamental for reindeer husbandry is access to natural grazing during most of the year.

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid införande av affärssystem - Behovet av ett holistiskt förhållningssätt

Idag används affärssystem inom de flesta verksamheter. Syftet med att använda sig av ett affärssystem är att det ska stödja verksamhetens handlingar och bidra till effektivitet inom organisationen. I dagens läge har de flesta verksamheter infört eller tänkt införa/byta ut ett affärssystem vilket ibland inte är så lätt. Införandet och användandet av ett affärssystem kan potentiellt leda till många förändringar. Jag kommer att med denna studie påvisa vilka faktorer verksamheter behöver ha med sig för att lyckas med ett affärssystemsinförande men samtidigt ta upp vilka fallgropar man ska se sig för vid införandet.

Funktion och upplevelse : faktorer för en god boendemiljö applicerade på en plats i Tierp

This thesis is a study of residential environments and a design concept for a proposed housing area in Tierp. The industrial era created a need for the central planning of housing. The confined environments that arised in cities during the 19th century, together with modernistic and democratic ideas, led to regulations in planning and housing. Though the overall goal has been the same: to create a good standard in living, the ideas of how to achieve that have varied. The starting point for following generations has been to attend to the insufficiencies of the earlier planning periods.

Utomhuspedagogik : En studie om utomhuspedagogik i samspel med svenska

AbstractThis study deals with outdoor education together with Swedish language teaching. In my future profession as a teacher I want to be able to offer my pupils varied, discovering and exploring lessons focused on nature. The aim of this study is to throw light upon outdoor teaching, hoping that more people will discover nature as the right place to learn.In my study I have asked these questions:? What is outdoor education?? How can Swedish be taught out of doors?? Why is this method a good complement to the traditional teaching in the classroom?With these questions in wiev I made three qualitative interviews with teachers with different backgrounds. In addition I have planned, taught and evaluated the lesson that is the basis of the result.Outdoor education should be given increasing time in school and be used as a complement to the traditional teaching in the classroom.

Lärares använding av formativ bedömning i matematikundervisningen : En observationsstudie av lärare i årskurs 4-6

The aim of this study was to investigate what formative assessment means and get information about how teachers? assessment practice in formative assessment can look like, based on five key strategies. I have observed five teachers in grade 4 to 6 during a week of their mathematics teaching. Formative assessment is assessment for learning and has the purpose to support students? knowledge development.

Elevers motivation för att delta i ämnet idrott och hälsa. En intervjuundersökning bland gymnasieelever med särskilda behov på IV-program

The purpose of this thesis is to explore pupils' motivation for participating in Physical Education. The thesis also investigates the definitions of sport and health and to what extent pupils make any connection between the school subject physical education and their own physical and health status. A semi-structured interview was carried out with thirteen upper secondary school pupils with special needs on the Individual Programme. The interviews were recorded digitally and then analyzed. The results show that there is no unified definition of the school subject among the pupils.

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