

2360 Uppsatser om Planning lessons - Sida 53 av 158

Den täta och glesa stadens grönstruktur utifrån ett trygghetsperspektiv

Examensarbetet har till syfte att undersöka hur diskussionen om aspekterna trygghet, grönstruktur samt den täta och glesa staden förs av forskare, myndigheter, författare och kommuner.

Åseda, en trist håla - eller?

Sverige har 1936 tätorter (Boverket, 2006) varav flera av dem är orter med mindre än 2000 invånare. Alla vet hur dessa mindre orter ser ut och vad man menar med en stad eller landsbygd. Stad och land är väldokumenterade och analyserade, planering i städer finns det mycket skrivet om. Men det som finns mitt i mellan dessa är den lilla tätorten och om den finns det mindre skrivet. Arbetet tar upp vad den lilla tätorten är och vilken slags planering och livsmiljö som finns där. Att leva i en liten tätort är ett annat sätt än vad det är i staden eller på den rena landsbygden.

Att kommunicera idéer och visualisera information i 3D :

In order to respond to a more complex community planning with increased cooperation and public participation, a common language and a common model to be used as a base for the communication process is needed. The thesis behind this dissertation for a master's degree is that a virtual 3D planning portal would respond to this need. Why and how are explained and described through studies of communication- and perception theory as well as technology and recent research. The introduction concludes that a broad participation and a transparence towards underlying information are important foundations for the coming work with the model. The first four chapters of the theory part show the benefits of using natural signs in our mixed cultural society, instead of the more arbitrary symbols. Using visual landscapes for storing information is motivated by the flexibility of our visual memory and its ability to understand complex connections.

MyMusic ? e-shop för musik i Flash

This is the end report of my final exam at Medieteknik. It covers the planning, work process and review of a Flash based web application that I set out to do. The goal was to create a user friendly, interactive e-shop with embedded functionality for playing music, displaying rich media content and researching possible payment solutions, to enable buying music files online. The project involved creating the user interface, the programmatic functionality of a Flash client (an SWF file). Also, setting up an Apache HTTP Server and establishing a working ?bridge? between the Flash client and the web server with Flash Remoting components and AMFPHP.

Integrerade folk- och skolbibliotek. En studie av två tänkbara organisationer.

The aim of this master's degree dissertation is to compile examples of different ways of planning, implementing and following up the organisation of two integrated libraries, which serve both the general public and the school. In order to respond to this, we formulated the all-embracing question: How best can the integration of libraries for schools and the general public be planned, implemented and followed up? This formulation gave rise to four further questions. In order to answer these questions, the problem formulated and our basic aim, we have studied the relevant literature on school libraries, libraries for the general public, and integrated libraries. These sources comprise official reports on this theme, dissertations, and more topical articles.

Metod för användning av Geografiska Informations System vid långsiktig vägplanering : en studie genomförd på Sveaskogs marker i Norrbotten

The forest industry is one of the most important industry branches in Sweden. Since the demand of high precision wood deliveries has increased, the demand on a well constructed forest road net also has increased. A good road net gives the wood-supplier competition advantages and also increases its service level towards its customers, lumber-mills and pulp-mills. In some parts of Norrbotten, the road net is still insufficient and not yet built out enough, and that is why it is important to know how to act and where to improve the road net in these areas. The purpose of this thesis was to create a work-model for long term road planning in areas with no road net or a not yet complete road net. The model has been created in an ArcGis environment, where a long chain of tools has been tied together with the program ?Model builder?.

Vad sker i elevers parskrivande vid datorn? : Observation av fyra elevpar i årskurs ett

The aim with this study is to explore if and how linguistic learning takes places when four pairs ofstudents in grade one writes on the computer. Observations of eight students took place duringtwelve lessons to investigate what happened during their writing processes. This study isimportant because students? computer writing is a relatively new phenomenon in the Swedishprimary school.It is clear that the peer collaboration creates a complex interaction that becomes the platform, andalso the prerequisite, for successful language training. The method can clearly give students profitsin their linguistic development.

Hela världen i en matris

Of all observable societal trends, the proliferation of standardizing processes is striking. Auditing standards are an illustrative example of this. Not only privately owned companies must today make available numbers and key figures to satisfy needs of information and knowledge. Government agencies are increasingly conforming to this trend, adopting standards for quality assurance and monitoring, producing numbers and annual reports ? despite their somewhat ambiguous task and role.

Göteborgs blå struktur : med studie av Osbäcken

Gothenburg municipality has a lot of natural water. This paper enhances the function and importance of water in the city. It also deals with the problems of sewage water and flooding. Gothenburg has reached an advanced stage of water planning. By developing a Waterplan, the municipality highlight that water has an important position in the urban planning.

Att göra demokrati : En kartläggning av forskningen om Botkyrkas demokratiarbete

By studying a place or a phenomena research contributes to the creation of the image of the thing that he or she studies. Also, planning is seen as a democratic tool, a way to ?make? democracy. In order to see what democratic ideals that is being express it becomes important to study the research about democracy in Botkyrka. It is from this thinking this study about democracy and research has been formed.

Skolsituationen på fem särskilda ungdomshem : En studie utifrån intervjuer med pedagoger

The purpose of this study is to examine the situation of the school for boys 15-21 years of age lacking compulsory school attendance and is being located at five residential care units from the pedagogues? point of view. The study was conducted by interviewing four pedagogical leaders and two teachers. The results demonstrate that the boys can choose the subjects they study as well as the amount of time they spend on studying each week. The teachers include non-learning activities during their lessons.

Staten och Kommunerna: En undersökning av landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära läge inom område för riksintresse

Det övergripande planeringsproblem som behandlas i detta arbete är polariteten mellan stat och kommun i den fysiska samhällsplaneringen. Detta undersöks genom att studera hur områden för landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära läge (LIS) tillämpas inom områden som är av riksintresse enligt 3 och 4 kap, Miljöbalken. Genom att peka ut områden för LIS i områden av riksintresse bryter kommunerna det statliga monopolet. Det som undersöks i detta arbete är alltså förhållandet mellan statens och kommunernas intressen, som blir extra tydlig eftersom strandskyddet och riksintressen härstammar från olika paradigm, miljö- respektive planeringsparadigmet, och därmed två olika lagområden trots att de båda, numer, finns i Miljöbalken. Syftet med arbetet är att analysera förhållandet mellan stat och kommun genom att studera de problem som kan uppstå vid utpekande av LIS i områden av riksintressen. Arbetet syftar även till att studera skillnaderna mellan miljö- och planeringsparadigmen inom den fysiska planeringen. För att undersöka detta har arbetet följande frågeställningar: ? Vilka avvägningar görs mellan utpekade områden för strandskyddsupphävande och riksintresseområden? ? Vad baseras invändningar från länsstyrelserna i yttrandena på? ? Hur fungerar relationen mellan länsstyrelsen och kommunerna i realiteten? ? Vilka konflikter kan skönjas i planeringens praktiska tillämpning mellan miljö- och planeringsparadigmen? För att kunna studera planeringsproblemet och besvara frågeställningarna har olika metoder använts.

Att hamna rätt

Kryssningstrafiken växer kraftigt i Skandinavien och Göteborg är inte ett un-dantag. Göteborg har det senaste decenniet gått från att vara en relativt obetydlig kryssningsdestination till att bli en av de medelstora i Östersjö- och Nordsjöområdet. Utöver denna ökning finns ett mål om att dubblera antalet anlöp till 2020. Samtidigt växer Göteborgs centrala stadsdelar och särskilt de i vattennära lägen vilket gör att konkurrensen om marken i dessa områden är stor. Vad kryssningstrafiken och egentligen all hamnverksamhet har för roll i den framtida staden är en relevant fråga som bör behandlas.

Lärare och digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen : En kvantitativ studie om lärares inställning och kompetens kring användningen av digitala verktyg i årskurserna F-3

The purpose of this study is to examine in what extent primary school teachers, teaching children in the age of 6 to 9, choose to use digital tools in their teaching of mathematics. I also want to examine what these teachers think, in terms of advantages and disadvantages, about using digital tools on their mathematics lessons. Finally I want to examine what skills they possess about digital tools.I am using a quantitative method to collect my data. The quantitative survey consisted of a questionnaire survey of ten questions that 38 primary school teachers have answered.The results of my study show that the teachers to some extent use digital tools when they teach mathematics and that the availability of various digital tools are generally good. But it turns out that the availability of tools is not a guarantee that they are used in teaching of mathematics.

Klistret i klustret : En undersökande studie av ansamlingen av GIS-relaterad verksamhet i Gävleregionen

Recent years there has been discussed how the critical situation in the housing market threatens the Stockholm region's growth. The thesis objective is to examine whether there is a scientific link between the lack of housing supply and growth. The thesis also intends to identify solutions for increased housing construction, for instance by examining the conditions for a greater regional perspective and influence on the region's housing supply. The thesis empirical study is based on semi-structured interviews with representatives from the Government, municipalities and the housing industry.In Sweden, research on the relationship between housing shortages and growth has not been conducted to that extent it can be said to exist scientific evidence regarding the growth threat. However, in Britain and the U.S, empirical studies show that a lack of housing supply has hindered growth through negative impact on countries' gross domestic product.

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