

1584 Uppsatser om Planned behavior - Sida 9 av 106

Att skada sig med sex : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas syn på och arbete med unga som har ett destruktivt sexuellt beteende

The aim of this study is to shed light on the phenomenon of destructive sexual behavior among youth from the perspective of professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To examine this, we used a qualitative method; we interviewed professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To analyze our results we used gender theory and empowerment theory. Our main results are that the professionals view this behavior as deliberate self-harm, such as cutting, as they do it to achieve relief from anxiety. Also, the professionals think that gender norms affect young people with destructive sexual behavior in that it imposes guilt and shame, which inflicts their already low self-esteem and makes them feel inferior.

Anställdas tankar om miljöarbetet : Inflytande, förutsättningar, hinder och en ny metod på arbetsplatsen.

I detta arbete undersöks attityder, motivation och tankar kring miljövänligt beteende på arbetsplatsen bland anställda inom skola och omsorg i tre Dalslandskommuner. Två av dessa har infört en arbetsprocess som låter de anställda, tillsammans i arbetslaget, sätta sina egna mål för miljövänliga arbetsrutiner på arbetsplatsen. Inspiration till studien kommer från Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci 2000) och Value-belief-norm Theory (Stern 2000). Data samlades in och analyserades med både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Kvantitativa data från 169 frågeformulär som behandlade motivation och attityder användes främst som bakgrundsdata till fem stycken intervjuer.

Sexuellt våld hos unga - En litteraturgenomgång om unga som skadar sig genom sex och metoder för att förebygga den form av sexuellt våld

SEXUAL VIOLENCE AMONG ADOLESCENTS A literature study about adolescents who harm themselves through sex and measures to prevent that form of sexual violence Abstract Adolescents can harm themselves through sex by taking sexual risks such as sexual exposure on the internet, having unprotected sex and put themselves in situations where the potential for sexual violence is great. This type of sexual risk-behavior can create negative consequences and result in physical and mental sexual abuse. The aim of this study is to raise knowledge about youth who harm themselves through sex and measures to prevent that form of sexual violence. To accomplice this we made a general literature study on national and international research. Our study shows that despite the negative consequences, adolescent?s sexual risk-taking continues.

Sjuksköterskestudenters uppfattningar av betydelsefulla omvårdnadsbeteenden för att ge patienter en god omvårdnad.

AbstractThe aim with the study was to describe and to compare nurse students' views about importantcaring behaviors in order to give good caring. An empirical comparative study wasimplemented on a college in the middle of Sweden. Nurse students in the beginning and at theend of their education sorted and prioritized 50 caring behaviors (CARE-Q). The result showedthat the students' description of important caring behaviors has many similarities. However, theresult also showed that there were significant differences between the student-groups where thestudents at the beginning of their education rated several caring behavior as significant moreimportant than the students in the end of their education.

Behandlingspedagogiska reaktioner : En granskning av programmet pedagogik med inriktning ungdoms- och missbruksvårds inverkan på studentens beteende gentemot personer med missbruksproblematik

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka programmet Pedagogik med inriktning ungdoms ? och missbruksvårds påverkan på studenters subjektiva beteende gentemot personer med missbruksproblematik. Som metod i denna kvantitativa uppsats användes frågeformulär för insamling av data. Respondenterna var utexaminerade behandlingspedagoger samt förstaårsstudenter vid programmet pedagogik med inriktning ungdoms- och missbruksvårds. Resultatet pekade på en påverkan av attityder, sociala normer samt tron på den egna förmågan, vilka tillsammans utgjorde grunden till beteende, bland majoriteten av de utexaminerade studenterna.

Hur gymnasieelever resonerar kring rökning och prevention av rökning : fokusgruppintervjuer med rökare och ickerökare

The aim of the present study was to investigate high school students? ways of discussing smoking and prevention of smoking. A total of eight high school students participated in the study. Two focus groups were used to collect data, one of smokers and one of nonsmokers. Data were analyzed with inductive content analysis.

Antimobbningsplaner : Åtgärder och strategier mot mobbning

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out how educationalists who are currently working in school-environments feel about antibullyingprograms. Do they think that the programs are working and do they feel that the measures that they use work as planned? The reason why I choose to investigate this topic is that it will always be at topic interesting to study. Bullying will unfortunately always exist in some way. The whole survey is made in a small/medium seized municipality in Sweden with about 12 000 inhabitants.

Certifierat kaffe - En tolkningsbaserad studie i konsumentbeteende

Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att identifiera attityder och intentioner som ligger till grund för konsumentbeteenden gentemot certifierat kaffe. Med hjälp av konsumentteorier ska vi tolka detta samt kategorisera konsumenter. Metod: Med hjälp av en tolkningsbaserad ansats genomför vi en kvalitativ studie i form av fokusgrupper. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Vidare använder vi oss av Theory of Planned behavior och ABC-modellen kopplat till hierarkier av effekter för att tolka vårt empiriska material. Empiri: Vi har använt oss av fokusgrupper där respondenterna är kaffekonsumenter uppdelade efter ålder och kommer från Lund och Stockholm.

En stark och betydelsefull händelse Barnmorskors upplevelse av att arbeta med planerad hemförlossning

I Sverige är det en kvinna på tusen som väljer planerad hemförlossning. Med planerad hemförlossning menas en förlossning som planeras ske i det födande parets hem med stöd av en legitimerad barnmorska eller läkare. Då hemförlossning idag inte ingår i det svenska hälsovårdssystemet får kvinnan själv se till att ordna ett avtal med barnmorska eller läkare och även bekosta vården själv. Det finns forskning om hemförlossning i relation till medicinsk säkerhet och kvinnors upplevelser. Vidare finns ett fåtal studier om barnmorskor som bistår vid hemförlossning dock inga från Sverige.

Att arbeta med rörelse i förskolan : Ett utvecklingsarbete

The purpose of my study is to explore which possibilities there are for movement activities and how to use those possibilities. From this study, I will help the pedagogues recognize how to work more or different with movement activities.I have used participant observations and interviews as methods for my study. I did this at one preschool, because it is a development-study. The observations lasted for two weeks and the interviews were made with the majority of the pedagogues at the preschool.  The results of my study showed that the preschool teachers think that movement activities are an important part of children?s lives.

viljan att dela med sig : En undersökning i svenska användares delningsvanor på Facebook.

This thesis work researches what motivates swedish Facebook users to pass along and shareinformation on Facebook, their attitude towards shared information and what affects this behavior. The goal of this thesis is to research todays behavior and motivations to enlighten  what makes information worth sharing to others on Facebook, instead of simply attracting attention. By using a web survey we have collected data by sampling a part of the actual population  of  swedens Facebook users.Our results show that swedish Facebook users main reason for using Facebook is to socialize with offline friends and share information to show otherssomethingtheybelivetheywillhaveuseforand/orwillappriciate.WecompareourfindingstoexistingresearchandtheFIROtheoryabouthumaninterpersonalneeds.Wefindthatuserssharinghabitscanbeidentifiedasmotivatedbyinterpersonalneedstomaintainsocialbonds,influenceothersopinionaboutthemselves,feeluniqueandstandoutinthecrowd.WeconcludethathumanneedsarecontributingtosharingactivityonFacebookandinfluencethesharinghabitsoftheSwedishFacebookusers.Theusersshowacriticalviewonsharingbehavioringeneralbutdonotbelievethattheyshareforthesamereasonthemselves..

Hjälpen till ett drogfritt liv! : En kvalitativ studie om återfall och återfallsprevention.

AbstractTitel: Hjälpen till ett drogfritt liv- En kvalitativ studie om återfall och återfallsprevention.Writers: Jonna Håkansson och Louise Hag.Keywords: Abuse, addiction, relapse, relapse prevention.   Abuse is a major problem and leads to negative consequences for the individual, such as illness, criminality and death. It?s also a big problem in the society, because the most common crimes are drug-related and the consequences lead to high economic costs. In order to overcome an addiction, treatment is often required.

Flytta eller stanna?: orsaker till Luleåungdomars intentioner

Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka orsaker till ungdomars framtidsplaner med avseende på att stanna i, eller flytta från, Luleå inom fem år efter avslutad gymnasieutbildning. De faktorer som undersöks är attityder, subjektiva normer och upplevd beteendekontroll, vilka ingår i Icek Ajzens (1991) teori om planerat beteende (TPB). Undersökningen genomfördes med en enkät utformad i enlighet med Icek Ajzens (2002) och besvarades av 85 elever vid Luleå Gymnasieby. Alla gick sitt avslutande år vid gymnasiet och var i åldern 17-19 år. Resultaten visade att upplevd beteendekontroll hade störst effekt på intentioner om att stanna kvar i Luleå.

Uppskovsränta och retroaktivitet : - en analys av HFD:s domar

The aim of this study is to shed light on the phenomenon of destructive sexual behavior among youth from the perspective of professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To examine this, we used a qualitative method; we interviewed professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To analyze our results we used gender theory and empowerment theory. Our main results are that the professionals view this behavior as deliberate self-harm, such as cutting, as they do it to achieve relief from anxiety. Also, the professionals think that gender norms affect young people with destructive sexual behavior in that it imposes guilt and shame, which inflicts their already low self-esteem and makes them feel inferior.

Hur fungerar egentligen ko?pbeslutsprocessen inom e-handel? : En kvalitativ studie om konsumenternas beteende vid konsumtion pa? Internet.

Title: How does the buying decision process really function within e-commerce? - A qualitative study of consumer behavior when they consume on Internet.Institution: School of Economics, Linnaeus University, Va?xjo?.Course code: 2FE16E.Authors: Sara Hja?rne, Mathilda Perem, Ewelina Wallin.Tutor: Dan Halvarsson.Examiner: A?sa Devine.Key words: Buying decision process, purchase decision process need recognition, information search, evaluation, purchase decision, postpurchase behavior, consumer decision making, E-commerce, E- commerce channels, online shopping, online purchase, e-retail, internet shopping, electronic shopping, consumer behavior, online appereal shopping, social media, decision making, online retailing, website design, customer satisfaction, webshopping, perceived risk, convinience, price, online consumption behavior.Background: Buying decision process is a model that marketers use to get a better understanding of their customers and their behavior when purchasing a product. This process consists of five different steps; need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and evaluation. Buying decision process has for a long time been an accepted model but scientists argue that the introduction of Internet as a channel for consumption has changed this process. The Internet has also led to a change of power in which customers today have greater influence, which greatly affects the buying decision process in e-commercePurpose: The purpose is to explore how consumers perceive their behavior when they consume through e-commerce.Research questions:How do consumers perceive the buying decision process they experience when they consume through e-commerce?How do consumers perceive different factors that are important to them when they consume through e-commerce?Methodology: Qualitative study, cross-sectional design, semi-structured interviews.Conclusion: This thesis shows that the traditional model of the buying decision process is not consistent with consumers' perception of how they are undergoing the process when applied to an e-commerce context.

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