

1584 Uppsatser om Planned behavior - Sida 39 av 106

Virtuella Arbetsmarknadsdagar : En kvantitativ undersökning om mervärdeskapande och prissättningsstrategi på traditionella Arbetsmarknadsdagar

Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva, tolka och analysera framgångsrikt agerande vid påtvingade brytpunkter i karriärutvecklingen. Fem personer har fyllt i ett formulär samt intervjuats angående deras känslor, erfarenheter, motivation och nätverk relaterat till jobbsökandet. Resultatet visade att en mängd olika tillvägagångssätt använts, t.ex. att berätta för bekanta att de söker jobb, kontakta potentiella arbetsgivare samt risktagande. En del av handlandet utfördes med syftet att skaffa jobb, andra handlingar utfördes av andra anledningar, men hade ändå betydelse för framgången i att skaffa jobb.

Den yngre generationens delaktighet i det lokala utvecklingsarbetet : En fallstudie av dialogprocessen i utvecklingsarbetet "Skellefteå 2030"

The ambition to involve younger people in future planning processes in order to get full participation of all groups in the society requires a deep and well-planned dialogue. Although, participation not always means inclusion. The purpose of this study was to analyze how the younger generation in the society is included in the future work. This is based on a case study of the developmental work in the municipality of Skellefteå.Questions that were answered were how the municipality has made the participation possible? To what extent has the younger generation been involved? How did this group experience their participation? The methodology consisted of mixed methods that include observations, surveys to the session leaders and to the participants in the dialogue and three interviews with two participants and one municipal civil servant.The result showed that the open information didn´t reach the younger generation to the open dialogues although the dialogue design gave good conditions for participation.

Kunskaper, attityder och beteende gällande kost och motion ? en enkätundersökning bland elever för vidareutveckling av ett överviktsprojekt i Svedala kommun

The proportion of overweight children is increasing rapidly in Sweden. International and National goals of public health aim to improve diet and physical activity. Health promotion consists of preventing illness and promoting health. Within the school a well planned health promoting work proceed from students, parents and teachers. The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitudes and behaviour pertaining to diet and physical activity among students from 6th to 9th grade at Klågerupskolan in the community of Svedala.

Planering av en del av Vätterstranden i Jönköping

This essay will discuss the process of drawing a restaurant ? the position of the house lot, requirements from the authority and architectural quality.During the summer months are many people celebrating their spare time in the beach in Jönköping, by the shore of Lake Vättern. There is some existing buildings in this area that is not used by a general public. In cooperation with the municipality of Jönköping and a person who wants to operate a restaurant on the beach, is this essay a proposal of how this part of the shore of Lake Vättern can look in the future.The focus of the work is to design a restaurant. This is made on the basis of the interviews that have been made with the operators of the area and a thought building, and from the existing rules of the performing and designing of a restaurant.The planned restaurant is placed in an area where it today is a public toilet.

SJ-syndromet - en fallstudie om en intensiv medierapporterings inverkan på en organisations anställda

Media and social media have been proved to occupy an increased amount of time in people's everyday lives and affect how individuals interpret reality. This phenomenon is referred to as the medialization and its implications on organizations and their members become important to understand. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine how members of an organization under intense scrutiny from the media are affected by this exposure in their everyday work. To gain knowledge about the area a qualitative case study was performed on the Swedish train operator SJ AB - one of the most media exposed organizations in the country. A theoretical framework is developed for the study and discusses organizational identity, stigmatization and motivation.

New Public Management i praktiken: En fallstudie i en av Stockholms stadsdelar

In the present thesis, we have studied the management control system in Enskede-Årsta-Vantör, one of Stockholm?s municipal districts, with focus on theories about New Public Management (NPM). When NPM was introduced, a number of complications arose. Some of these, along with the district?s solutions of the complications, are described and analyzed using e.g.

"Hörre ni grabbar" : En studie om hur pedagoger bemöter pojkar och flickor i ordningsskapande siuationer.

Previous research studies have shown that teacher?s attitude towards girls and boys rather reinforces, than counteracts behavior as stereotyped gender concepts. Order and discipline seem to be important parts of the daily routines in school context and to maintain discipline a constant communication and dealing with pupils are in order. The purpose of our examination aims to study how teachers respond to boys and girls in situations like creation of order. The analysis is based on observations of the interaction that takes place verbally and none verbally between pupils and their teachers in creation of order situations.

Dynamiken hos ett EU-system för handel med gröna elcertifikat

In electricity markets evolving towards liberalisation and internationalisation, green certificates are seen as an important tool to promote production of renewable energy. In a green certificate market producers sell certificates received per unit of electricity generated from renewable energy. Trade in renewability is thereby decoupled from the the physical electricity trade. Tradable green certificates in combination with renewables obligation are implemented or planned in several EU member states. Integration at EU leveland the creation of a common certificate market seem like a possible next step.

Djur i Alzheimers- och demensvården

I Sverige är demens den fjärde största sjukdomen och i världen förväntas nästan en fördubbling av incidensen ske till år 2030. Det är därför viktigt att finna alter-nativa, kostnadseffektiva behandlingsformer som är effektiva på denna specifika grupp. Syftet med studien var att undersöka djurs hälsofrämjande effekter i vården av individer med diagnosen Alzheimers eller annan demenssjukdom. En litteratur-studie gjordes där tio artiklar redovisas i resultatet. Djur inom Alzheimers- och demensvården visar på positiva effekter i form av minskad agitation och oro, ökad verbal förmåga, ökad kroppskontakt och kontaktsökande samt förbättrad nutrition hos dessa individer.

Är dagens studenter morgondagens företagare? : En studie om studenters attityd till företagande

In this paper I study how the repeal of the Swedish wealth tax (1 of January 2007) has affected people´s labour supply behaviour. This particular issue is relevant because it may help us understand some of the effects of the earnings tax changes that have taken place in Sweden. Accoring to standard economic theory a repealed wealth tax is similar to an income effect for the persons who previously paid the tax. That means that they theoretically will want to consume more leisure, that is decrease their labour supply. The method I am using to test this hypothesis is a difference-in-difference approach where the treatment group consists of persons who previously paid the tax and the control group of comparable persons who did not pay the tax.

Brunstbeteendets relation till gyltans intag av genistein

Many scientists agree that phytoestrogens could have an effect on the reproduction of an animal. The question is now why and what mechanisms that play an important role. This paper has been focusing on the estrus behavior of gilts by use of a behavioral study. Some of the gilts were given additional feed with the phytoestrogen genistein which commonly occurs in the feed as a part of soybean products. Blood samples were collected and analyzed for progesterone and estradiol concentrations.

På jakt efter den produkt som flytt - en studie om uppskjuten produktlansering och dess effekter

Many product launches are postponed today, however very little research regarding to customer responses to such events has been carried out. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how people react to a postponed product launch. An experimental study of responses to a postponed launch of a mobile phone, a mineral water and a music album is used to investigate customer reactions. The respondents exposed to the postponed launch showed a higher value of reactance. This reactance affects the attitude, purchase intention and perceived quality of the product in a negative way.

Ekonomiska konsekvenser av förändrad röttolerans vid Bravikens Pappersbruk :

The competition for Norway spruce pulp wood in Central Sweden increases, forcing the supply-structure of Holmen to face two important challenges. Firstly, it is of the outmost strategically importance to secure the long-term supply of Norway spruce pulp wood to the industries. Secondly, Holmen desires to increase the obtainable volume of Norway spruce pulp wood. This would enable the company to choose volumes in the lower price-segments and thereby decrease the dependency of costly marginal volumes. As this work shows, one part in managing these challenges could be to lower the quality standards concerning root rot (Heterobasidium annosum). Facts presented in the work shows that: 1. Technically, the TMP-industry of Braviken can handle a much more rotted pulp wood than that used today, although the cost of refinement increases.

Kvinnors upplevelser av anorexia nervosa : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Background: Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a complex condition with high mortality. AN has increased within the last fifty years and it?s associated with considerable suffering.Aim: To describe women?s experiences of AN.Method: This study was made as a systematic literature review. Articles were searched in Chinal, PubMed and PsycINFO. Eleven articles were used.

Informella sittplatser i det offentliga stadsrummet : applicerat på gråbrödersplatsen, en ny plats i Lund

This thesis is about informal seatings, those which are planned to merge into the city core environment and to supply a flexible public space. The thesis discusses how a diverse range of elements could result in different functions and social meanings. These are illustrated with visual examples and conceptual drawings. The position of the seating in a small public place is important, as well as its location in the city. Furthermore, the detail design of the seating, such as the form and dimensions have to be considered in order to create an informal seating appropriate for the user. This leads to the broad scope of this thesis which deals with the small scale - how the seatings can create a good environment in a small place; and the big scale - how a site can influence the city. This thesis suggests the physical design of some informal seatings and also investigates how these seatings can strengthen the place through their function and how they relate to their surroundings.

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