

1584 Uppsatser om Planned behavior - Sida 28 av 106

Starkt butikskoncept - ur unga kunders perspektiv

I dagens samhälle kretsar shopping inte bara kring själva produkterna som säljs, utan även om hur butiksmiljön är uppbyggd. Den visuella miljön och hur produkter presenteras har stor påverkan på kunders beteende och inköp. Ljus, ljud och färger påverkar våra sinnen både positivt och negativt, vilket butiker utnyttjar på olika sätt. Syftet med detta uppsatsarbete är att beskriva vad unga kunder (18-25 år) anser ska ingå i ett attraktivt och starkt butikskoncept. Syftet är också att undersöka hur unga kunder upplever likheter respektive skillnader gällande butikskoncept för butikskedjor och produktutvecklande varumärkesleverantörer.

Mind the gap : the possibilities of the public space in the contemporary city

Mind the gap encourages you to beware of the interspaces. The project seeks to defend the gaps that occur in time and space and encourages the reader to care about the interruptions of the routine-like and planned, whilst also opening up a discussion about interaction and participation. Mind the gap is a project about the many opportunities the public space has in the contemporary city. What you have in front of you is the result of this project. As society constantly changes, new and different needs arise in the city and it is necessary that architects and planners understand and adapt to these changes. They have to be able to develop new ways of thinking and to challenge established perceptions of what the public space is and should be. This means being able to see that the public space could be different and to recognize the potentials for it to change. This project examines the underlying ideals of urbanism and investigates the potentials of the City when shaped by these ideals.

Hushållning med resurser; producentens ansvar

?Det var bättre förr? är ett uttryck man ofta får höra när diskussioner om produkters hållbarhet kommer på tal. Om produkter håller sämre idag än ?förr? och detta leder till att jordens ändliga resurser töms, är detta miljörättsligt korrekt? Vilka krav har egentligen producenter vad gäller hushållning med resurser?Det jag kommit fram till med denna uppsats är att även om dagens lagstiftning medför krav på producenter att hushålla med resurser och att detta krav medför att produkter bör ha en så bra hållbarhet som det är möjligt anser jag att miljöbalken saknar specifika regler som skulle kunna reglera denna hållbarhet bättre..

Arbetsmotivation på patienthotell Vistet: Ett psykologiskt perspektiv

Människor spenderar en stor del av sin tid på arbetet och därför är arbetsmotivation viktig för att de anställda ska trivas på arbetet. Enligt Amabile (1993) anses hög arbetsmotivation öka individens välmående och anses bidra till arbetstagarens kreativitet och produktivitet. I detta examensarbete har patienthotell Vistet i Sunderbyn, ett komplement till vårdavdelningarna på Sunderby sjukhus som strävar efter en hälsofrämjande miljö för att uppmuntra läkning undersökts (Norrbottens läns landsting, 2015). Syftet är att få en inblick hur patienthotellet har skapat en arbetsgrupp, undersöka hur sammansättningen av arbetsgruppen bidragit till arbetsmotivation, samt undersöka vad de anställda på patienthotellet motiverades av. Arbetet baseras på 11 intervjuer; verksamhetschef, sjuksköterskor, undersköterskor och servicemedarbetare ingår.

Förskolans matematik : pedagogers arbete med de yngsta förskolebarnen

The study´s main purpose is to examine how three educators who work with children ages 1-3  in three different preschools working with mathematics in preschool. I have used a qualitative research in the form of interviews to obtain educators perspectives on their working. The educator´s stories about their working methods are the most important findings and it turned out that the interviewed educators was working fairly similar in terms of mathematics learning with the youngest children  in preschool. They both schedule mathematics in various activities and work with it in everyday situations. Their different approaches can be divided into five different categories which are: planned theme work and experiences, body and play, interaction and conversation, environment and materials, visualize mathematics..

Budskap i förändring : En studie av internkommunikationen vid Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

This thesis tries to explore how different strategies of internal communication are used in actual situations within an organization. Specifically, the purpose is to investigate how the internal communication within the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) has been carried out during their work to change their organizational structure, and, how this can be understood in terms of existing theories for strategic communication. The research questions explored are:What are the chosen strategies used to communicate the changes internally?How can these strategies be understood in terms of existing theories?What are the views of the employees on the communication and what are the relations between their views, the chosen strategies and existing theories?The theoretical ground work chosen is mainly the work by Cornelissen (2008), Dalfelt (2005), Johansson (2011) and Larsson (2008). The method chosen for the empirical part of the study is semi-structured qualitative interviews.

Exponering av trägolv och lister i butik och på mässor : en jämförande studie mellan sport- och bygghandeln

The business cycle of the wood flooring branch is currently high however that situation may not be sustainable. In a possible future weaker business climate, the importance of marketing becomes accentuated for firms that aim to maintain their sales levels. We can see trends that competition among the Swedish and foreign manufactures is already stepping up. The intent of this study is to establish marketing guidelines for floor- and molding manufacturers, so they can establish a clearer brand image in DIY retail outlets. By comparing the approach of sports- and DIY stores to brand and product placement, this study aims to bring new knowledge to the DIY branch for improved consumer and product handling.

Att lyckas när oddsen talar emot : Hur lämnar man gängkriminaliteten-den enda gemenskapen?

The purpose of this study was to create a deeper understanding for, and shine a light on the exit process for former criminal gang members. Which conditions appear to be important and what may constitute the enabling and inhibiting factors of an exit process? The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with respondents who themselves have experience of a criminal lifestyle and gang affiliation, and with professionals in social work. Our theoretical approach is based on Helen Ebaugh?s definition of an exit process, labeling theories, strain theory and control theory.

Specialexponering är ett värdefullt verktyg, En studie om Specialexponerings påverkan på försäljningen av snus.

The current legislation on marketing of tobacco products creates problems for Swedish Match, and obstruct its marketing communications. The purpose of this paper is to investigate Swedish Match's marketing strategy of product category snuff, through a special exposure. In store placement has a great affects on customer buying behavior and studies have shown that 70-80 percent of all purchasing decisions are made in the store, which in turn provides great opportunity for retailers to use their marketing tools for influencing customer buying decisions.Our thesis study is to test a double exposure of snuff with the help of three special exposure. These three special exposures are fridge, fridge with a sign and sign. The purpose of the study is to test which of these three special exposures that have the greatest impact on sales.

Pica-beteende hos katter (Felis catus): påverkan av ras och miljö?

Pica is a behavior that can be seen in several animal groups. In cats, it means that they are eating, chewing or licking on material that is non-food. In this study the data was collected through an online survey. In total 522 responses, of which 26% of the cats were exhibiting pica. It was found that 28% of the housecats and 26% of purebred cats exhibited pica.


Schönherr Qwick, R-M Öronakupunktur. Upplevelser och känslor av öronakupunktur i samband med rökavvänjning. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng, D-nivå. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2009. Bakgrund Tobaksbruket medför stora hälsorisker och för många en för tidig död. Många rökare önskar inget hellre än att sluta. Att sluta röka är ofta svårt, då nikotinet är en stark drog och abstinserna kan vara svåra, även om evidens baserad hjälp finns i form av metoder och hjälpmedel.

Tillståndsprövning - för lantbruk med djurhållning : en intervju undersökning med länsstyrelserna i Kalmar- och Hallands län.

The task of making a correct application for B- activities is the foundry time consuming task. Information and facts concerning your entire business activity shall be attached into a description of environmental consequences, which will be the basis for the decision making whether the activities shall be granted a permission to practise environmentally hazardous actions or not. When the Environmental Act were established 1999, the permission process became more extensor. With this study I want to give an insight about how these applications are made. The methods I have used to collect information are a study literature where the Environmental Act has been the focus, and qualitative interviews with two County Administrative Board. I used the Environmental Act to understand why permission is needed and the interviews to give me insight in how the work is done. My conclusion is that it is very unusual that an application is granted without complements.

Vägen till produktionsanpassade arbetsinstruktioner

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the need of working instructions in Derome Träteknik ?s industrial house-building factories. Furthermore we wanted to determine an appropriate way for developing working instructions adapted to the conditions in a certain production environment. In the construction industry today prefabricated building elements are frequently used. With this come repetitive work tasks that need to be carefully planned.

Att utforma den perfekta skandalen : En studie av hur Expressen rapporterade  om SD-skandalen i november 2012

Title: How to Construct the Perfect Scandal ? a study of the news reported by Expressen concerning the SD-scandalAuthor: Linnea IvarssonThis C-paper presents the incident concerning the political party Sverigedemokraterna in Expressen in November 2012. The newspaper was the main source of the news reporting with the mobile phone camera film from the occurance and led the way of the news reporting in Sweden about three party members.The paper investigates how the story telling of the so called SD-scandal was constructed, using Critical Discourse Analysis as the analysis method combined with selected parts from the analysis method of critical linguistics. The theories that have been used to establish the results of the analysis are Critical Discourse as a theory based on Norman Fairclough and Teun A. van Dijks theoretical keystones combined with Sigurd Allerns and Ester Pollacks theories and schematic point of view on the constructions of political scandals in media.With the theories and analysis methods above mentioned the results turned out to confirm the theory about how political scandals in media are constructed and designed with certain strategies and agenda.

"...som ett trappräcke i en brant, brant trappa" : En religionspsykologisk studie av riter och kultur i copingprocesser hos drabbade av tsunamikatastrofen i Thailand 2004

Coping theory asks what the cognitive and behavioral patterns of individuals dealing with stress are. This essay includes, besides the perspective of the psychology of religion, theories of culture and ritual in exploring two Swedes coping with the natural disaster in Thailand year 2004. The vacation paradise was struck by an enormous flood wave, called a tsunami, causing vast destruction and the death of over 200.000 people. Among these 543 were Swedes on vacation. When a disaster of such measures happens, what kind of stress does it cause? How do you cope? Are religion and ritual important? What is the function of the culture in the copingprocess? Using hermeneutical analysis this essay interprets the material from two books by Swedes, who not only experienced the disaster, but lost two children and husband and wife in the flood wave.

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