

7298 Uppsatser om Physical activity in school - Sida 44 av 487

?Här ska det stå nåt smart, typ på riktig svenska? : Om att vara flerspråkig ungdom i en mångkulturell skola i förorten

This research shows and analyses how pupils in ninth grade in the nine-year compulsory school look at being multilingual, at the Swedish language and at Swedish as a second language. I also want to know if language and culture knowledge are taken care of in school as it says in official documents for the Swedish school and as it also is desired in an intercultural education. For my research I do eight interviews in a suburb school south of Stockholm.My work includes a limited account for the current research about being multilingual, Swedish as a second language and about the close relationship between language and culture. The applied theory is a social constructivist theory which in short can be explained like that we construct social structures that have consequences on the individual as well as on the society.I show in my research how the view of the world around the pupils influences their view on their languages, their school and their neighbourhood. I also draw conclusions from my interviews that language knowledge is little appreciated in school and that Swedish as a second language has a low status..

Definitioner av mobbing : Menar kuratorn samma sak som forskaren och eleven?

Bullying can have serious consequences on everyone involved. Consequently it is important that school counselors are able to intervene. Thereby they need an unambiguous definition and knowledge about bullying that has been produced from research so they do not make mistakes that could lead to further damaging of the students. Thus the aim of this study was to examine how school counselors define bullying compared to the views held by scientists and students in secondary school. Through a review of previously done research the definitions of scientists and schoolchildren was summarized.

Fibulas vikingaby på Åland - En undersökning om hur man kan förbättra, utveckla och tillföra nya idéer till en nutida vikingaby

In this essay I try to look into how to bring a new concept to an already established Viking village and how to develop the existing one. This essay also sheds light on some negative sides that a Viking village can experience in their activity.I have interviewed responsible persons at three different Viking villages: Foteviken Museum and Viking Reserve, Fornföreningen Fibulas Viking village and VikingaTider. I have also examined different kinds of literature dealing with my chosen Viking villages.I came to the conclusion that I should have chosen an other Viking village than VikingaTider because a lot of VikingaTiders activity hasn´t really started yet. On the other hand it has been interesting to see how they are trying to start the activity and which their plans are. I could have chosen an other already established Viking village to get a more varied material.There are a lot of things that Fibula can do to improve, develop and bring new aspects to their concept.I have found both advantages and disadvantages with the different Viking villages activity and strategi.

Tre skolor i en mindre kommun : En kvalitativ studie av grundskolerektorers syn på skolbiblioteksverksamhet

The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine what attitudes the administrators of the selected elementary schools have towards school library media centers in general but also towards their own respective library media centers. Furthermore, it is to examine the administrators? views on their school librarian?s role in the library media center as well as an integrated part of the school activities. A branch in this purpose is to examine if there is any differences in staffing the library media centers with a library media specialist or a teacher-librarian.

Fysikundervisningenoch fysikaliska föreställningar ur ett elevperspektiv.

This thesis is supposed to make teachers and teaching students aware of the educational problems in physics during comprehensive school. The editor has interviewed pupils and studied literature in the physical education. Also the pupils conceptions in some basic physics have been studied. The pupils agree in the interviews, that their previous knowledge in physics is not satisfying. The reason of this is further discussed and compared with the literature..

"Svergies bästa hus!" : En kvalitativ studie om hälsofostran och demokratisk värdegrund i ungdomsverksamheten Rapatac

På grund av ett intresse för de olika metoder som använts för att kunna arbeta på ett effektivt sätt med barn och ungdomar, valde jag en specifik ungdomsverksamhet. Verksamheten är, på grund av sina avskiljande metoder, unik jämfört med andra ungdomsverksamheter. Stränga och klara regler samt direkta åtgärder är några av de avskiljande metoderna. Då syftet med undersökningen var att undersöka Rapatac?s syn på hälsofostran, och tillämpningen av demokratisk värdegrund i praktiken, gjordes studien i form av en kvalitativ undersökning inspirerad av narrativ teori.

E-faktura till alla? : En historia om hur det bästa kan bli det godas fiende när användbarheten glöms bort.

The purpose of this project is to examine the development of the upper secondary school physics course and from this get a better understanding why the course is organized the way it is today. The timeless argument for studying science in school will begin this essay. After that the reader will be aware of when important discoveries in physics were made. Then school history is presented. In this part we are told when the first school started in Sweden, but the focus lies on the upper secondary school and the physics course.

En grupp ungdomar i tvångsvård: bakgrund, begåvning och självbild

The aim of this study is to describe a group of youths in compulsory care at a SiS institution in the south of Sweden. The study focuses on intelligence (measured with WISC-III) and self-report, i. e. what the youths think of themselves (measured with Jag tycker jag är). Attempts were made to see if background factors (based on information from the standardized ADAD-interview) seem to be coherent with intelligence and/or self-report and if so, what those background factors are.

Att vara elev på en resursskola : Barns uppfattningar och erfarenheter av sin skolgång

I carried out six interviews in a "resource-school". The pupils were between ten and fifteen years old and they were all boys with a conduct disorder. The purpose of my study was to find out how the pupils experience school and with that starting point I wanted to contribute to the understanding and the importance of the "resource-school" for the pupils' development. My main questions have been to investigate what the pupils recall from their earlier schools, what they consider to be the difference between their current school and earlier schools, why do they attend this school, do they see it like a punishment or a possibility and how do they see their future.One conclusion I got to in my study was the pupils' relation to the staff. Here they found reliable grown ups with whom they created a positive relation to, which gave them better possiblities to develop and grow stronger.

Jag var hopplös innan, men sen jag började här känner jag att jag förstår varför jag ska lära mig saker : En studie om ungdomars upplevelser om pågående vistelse på resursskola

 In this essay our starting point was the question:? How youth experience their ongoing sojourn in the resource school?? We did a qualitative study with interviews. We interviewed totally eight youth with different backgrounds. The head question was youth´s positive and negative experiences about ongoing sojourn in the resource school compared with their home school. In the result, we came until that most of the youth were pleased with their sojourn in the resource school.

Ungdomar, religion & religiositet En undersökning om ungdomars syn på religion och religiositet

This is a study concern high school student?s view of religion and their religiosity. I dispensed a questionnaire to 124 high school students studying comparative religion in a large high school in Sweden, with the students from different socio-economic backgrounds. The result I came up with is that traditional religion activities have decreased, religion has not disappeared but taken other shapes than before. And I also came up to with the result that more than half of them who answered the survey likes the subject and there are tendencies by them who doesn?t like the high school subject religion that they live in a non-religious family.The study concerns following aspects: sociology, youth, human needs, religion, spirituality and individualization..

Varför finns det soffor i biblioteket? Ett rumsligt perspektiv på barnbibliotekslokaler i Sverige.

The purpose of this study is to examine the physical space of children?s libraries in Sweden, and also to see which influences there are in the literature about the same subject. What ideas exist in the literature about the physical room of children?s libraries? We have studied how and if these influences can be seen in a selected number of children?s libraries. Our theoretical perspective is based on Anthony Gidden?s theory of construction.

Ungdomars upplevelser av skolidrott som motivation till fysisk aktivitet

Övervikt och fetma är idag ett stort problem hos barn och ungdomar, i synnerhet på grund av fysisk inaktivitet och försämrade matvanor. Skolan är en viktig instans i främjandet av barn och ungdomars vanor av fysisk aktivitet. Skolidrott är också viktigt för barn och ungdomars vanor av fysisk aktivitet i ett livslångt perspektiv. Syftet med studien var att belysa ungdomars upplevelser av skolidrott som motivation till fysisk aktivitet. Kvalitativa intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod, följt av innehållsanalys som analysmetod.

Äldre motionärers upplevelser av motionsträning: en beskrivande intervjuundersökning

Title: Older people's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the older peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.

Förberedelseklassen & förflyttningen till den ordinarie klassen : En kvalitativ studie av fyra flyktingbarns skolupplevelse

The aim of this study was to get insight into refugee children?s perception about experience of the preparatory class, the transition to the ordinary class and the ordinary class. To get access to my informant?s perspective and also to get a more profound understanding of their experience, I oriented the study in a qualitative approach. This study will highlight the refugee children?s personal experiences and their point of view regarding the schools preparatory class, ordinary class, together with other pupils behaviour against them in the social interaction.

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