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Bokbussens inköp och urval på 2010-talet.

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyzes how the bookmobile librarians approach to purchase and selection and the range of views that may exist. The study is based on a qualitative method using a document study and three interviews included. The document study looking closely at public libraries library plans in Vastra Gotalands county. The qualitative interviews gets a closer look at librarians´approach regarding the purchase and selection and also if there are any similarities or differences between mobile library activities versus the main library.The theoretical framework is based on Sanna Taljas study where she has identified three different perspectives on the library´s music department. These are categorized as the interpretative repertoires and involves three categories of approach to quality.

Platskänslan på en innergård i Göteborg - En jämförelse mellan planerarnas vision och de boendes uppfattning

This case study, ?The sense of place in a courtyard in Gothenburg?, examines whether the city planners? vision correspond to the residents? perception regarding the sense of place and the physical environment in a courtyard in Gothenburg. By carrying out a questionnaire survey, the inhabitants? perception has been explicated, which we have then compared to the total vision for the design of the courtyard that we have gathered from doing interviews with the planning executive, the developer and the landscape architect as well as reviewing the development plan. The study has shown that the vision coincides relatively well with the residents? perception, but it differenciates when it comes to social aspects.

En dag på arbetet: sjuksköterskeprofessionens informationspraktik

The aim of this thesis is to create an understanding of nurses' information practices. To be able to search, find, use and critically evaluate information is important, not just during studies, but also in professional life. This study is intended to deepen our understanding of nurses ' information literacy in a workplace context.The main questions are: What information do nurses need on a daily basis and how do they experience information activities? What factors determine the sources they use? Do information practices vary in the workplace? Do nurses? professional experiences impact on their information practices? Nine nurses were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The interviews have been analysed through a hermeneutic approach.

Real-time rendering of large terrains using algorithms for continuous level of detail

Three-dimensional computer graphics enjoys a wide range of applications of which games and movies are only few examples. By incorporating three-dimensional computer graphics in to a simulator the simulator is able to provide the operator with visual feedback during a simulation. Simulators come in many different flavors where flight and radar simulators are two types in which three-dimensional rendering of large terrains constitutes a central component.Ericsson Microwave Systems (EMW) in Skövde is searching for an algorithm that (a) can handle terrain data that is larger than physical memory and (b) has an adjustable error metric that can be used to reduce terrain detail level if an increase in load on other critical parts of the system is observed. The aim of this paper is to identify and evaluate existing algorithms for terrain rendering in order to find those that meet EMW: s requirements. The objectives are to (i) perform a literature survey over existing algorithms, (ii) implement these algorithms and (iii) develop a test environment in which these algorithms can be evaluated form a performance perspective.The literature survey revealed that the algorithm developed by Lindstrom and Pascucci (2001) is the only algorithm of those examined that succeeded to fulfill the requirements without modifications or extra software.

Ett tyst rop på hjälp : en litteraturstudie om hur sjuksköterskan kan identifiera barnmisshandel

Background: Corporal punishment has been banned in Sweden since 1979. Child abuse is known to exist in all cultures and social classes in our society. Therefore the nurse must be aware of this working with children.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how nurses' can identify signs and symptoms of child abuse.Method: A literature review of ten articles containing six quantitative and four qualitative studies published between the years of 2000 and 2012. A content analysis was performed where similarities emerged in themes and subthemes.Results: The findings were signs and symptoms which concerns physical, psychological and social behaviors seen in child abuse. Additional findings were; an insecurity and lack of knowledge among nurses working with children.

Elever med diagnosen ADHD i skolan : kvalitativ studie om 4 lärares erfarenheter och förhållningsätt till diagnosen i årskurs 1-7

How teachers teach children with attention difficulties. This is a qualitative interview based on the experiences of four teachers. I want this study to examine teachers' experience and views about ADHD diagnosis. I would also like to find out what teachers do and think about the practice which surrounds students with ADHD. How to formulate and think of four active teachers about ADHD? What are the implications of the diagnosis perceive the four teachers interviewed that the diagnosis must for students? Among the measures that consider the four teachers interviewed are most effective for students with ADHD because they provide an equal education? Those questions are addressed to specifically learn about how they proceed in their activities.

Biblioteket som en språkplanerande institution: En studie av språkplanering på färöiska bibliotek.

This thesis is about language planning in Faeroese libraries as seen from the countrys specific situation, with Faeroese as a mothers tongue, but with great dominance of the Danish language within media. The purpose of my thesis is to examine language planning activities within the library, and the consequences this planning has for the system. Different theories about language planning provides a framework for my model of the library as a linguistic eco-system with actors performing status planning, represented by the government with its influence in cultural politics, the librarian with his or her library tasks and the user with his or her needs. The thesis has a qualitative attempt, and the empirical material consists of different documents about the country and materials from interviews made with seven qualified librarians, employed within general libraries in the Faeroe Islands. The analysis shows that the librarian in different ways promotes the Faeroese language within library activities, and because of the attention paid to the user in the public library he/she influences the librarians planning.

Arbetsterapeuters pedagogiska förhållningssätt i gruppverksamhet - en kvalitativ studie

The occupational therapist uses meaningful activities to promote health and accomplish functional progress. The professional role is to support and enable for the client to change his/her life. One way to accomplish this is to use the group as a tool. Knowledge is needed about how learning works and which teaching methods exist to promote learning, so it is adapted after the clients´ personal way of learning. The aim of this study was to investigate which pedagogical approaches occupational therapists use in group activities.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med venösa bensår utifrån ett fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt perspektiv - En litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe patients? experiences when living with a venous leg ulcer in physical, psychological and social perspectives. The articles used to describe this condition were found in the databases: PubMed and Cinahl. Ten articles were included in the result: five with a qualitative approach, two with a quantitative approach and three with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results were presented through three headings: physical, psychological and social.

Ni börjar väl dagen med morgonuppvärmning?! En Fenomenologisk studie om de anställdas upplevelse av friskvården på NCC Construction Sverige AB.

The aim of this study was to get a deeper understanding of how employees at NCC Construction Sverige AB experience health promotion activities. The purpose was to identify and uncover the process of meaning constitution concerning health promotion within each subjective individual. To achieve this deeper understanding the participants were asked to answer a carefully formulated phenomenological question in a self-report. The received reports where analysed according to the method of Meaning Constitution Analysis. The result showed that both office workers and construction workers exclusively refer health promotion to bodily functions even though there where some differences in type of activity they focused.

Projektet att etablera vindkraft : möjligheter och risker med ett förnybart energisystem

This thesis describes the processes of establishing wind farms in Sweden. The workcontains a thorough literature review regarding both the establishing process andproject management, including complex project theory. The main part consists of theexecution of 15 interviews with organizations involved in wind farm establishment.The result of these interviews laid the foundation for a process description identifyingdifferent steps and activities in these types of projects. The outcome was thencompiled in a project model, which includes five phases and four processes.When analyzing the project of establishing wind farms from the theory of complexprojects one discovers that the amount of different requirements and stakeholdersnecessitates a systematical and dynamical project structure. Since projects are in needof different types of competences there are also many consultants and contractorsinvolved.

Förslag till kväverening i Forsåsystemet genom våtmarksetablering

The last hundred years humans have drastically changed the amount of available nitrogen in nature. Today human activities release twice as much available nitrogen as all natural processes are doing together. We also have degraded nature´s possibilities to take care of nitrogen through the draining of wetlands and straightening of rivers. In order to regain the potential of nitrogen retention in the water systems there now requires a reshape of the landscape we live in. A planned expansion of the mining activities in Garpenberg, Dalarna, would double the content of nitrogen in the waters below the mine.

En liten insats med stor betydelse

A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON THE EXPERIENCE OF ESCORT SERVICE UNDER THE ACT (SFS 1993:387) SUPPORT AND SERVICE FOR THE DISABLED The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of escort service under the Act (SFS 1993:387) concerning Support and Service for the disabled (LSS) for self-determination, participation and equality of living conditions. In the results of this study appears that the escort service fulfills its role in breaking the isolation of persons with disabilities. It gives a picture of the escort service is much more than to break the isolation of people with disabilities. The aspects that emerges is that escort service gives persons with disabilities the opportunity to develop their independence, increase their self-esteem and broaden their frames of reference through increased participation in community life. All users report that they experience autonomy in the choice and order of activities within their grant initiatives.

De traditionella könsrollernas betydelse i missbruksvården : Åtta missbrukares upplevelser och erfarenheter

AbstractTitle: The signification of the traditional gender roles in misuse treatment ? the experiences of eight addictsAuthor: Andersson Malin, Gunnarsson AnnelieSupervisor: Lindberg OddThe purpose with this essay is to study if the staff in two LVM treatment facilities do strengthen the traditional gender roles in their daily work and interactions with the clients. The aim was also to study if the staff reconstruct traditional gender roles and if this can be seen as an advantage or disadvantage in the treatment. Finally the aim was to investigate if the staff encouraged the clients to break loose from the traditional gender roles. A qualitative approach using face to face interviews was used.

Experience of quality of life among women who have undergone breast reconstruction after mastectomy

Background: In Sweden around 6500 women suffer each year from breast cancer and during lifetime every tenth women is affected. Mastectomy (removal of part of or the whole breast) is carried out mostly in purpose to remove malign tumours or in prophylactic purpose. The breast can be rebuilt through breast reconstruction. Method: The result analysis was based on nine articles. A Manifest content analysis was used and data from the articles where divided into themes and patterns, on the basis of these categories were created.

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