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Bilden av förskolan genom bilderboken : En studie om hur förskolan skildras i åtta bilderböcker

The goal with this essay is to determine if the image of preschool, in a specified number of picture books, is consistent with the posted goals of the preschool operations in the curriculum of preschool published in 1998 (hereafter Lpfö 98). Besides that the essay is also planned to look at how the preschool?s status have changed after Lpfö 98 was established and if this is shown in the picture books. Therefore this essay will focus on picture books published 1998-2009 because after that a new version of Lpfö 98 was published. Also the picture books chosen for this study are all stories about preschool or kindergarten.The questions that this essay will answer are: How are the activities in preschool described, and how do they match the guidelines in Lpfö 98? In what way has the status of preschool been affected since Lpfö 98 was published? In what way has the teachers? role been affected and how is that shown?In order to answer these questions I will use a quality text analysis of picture books for children.

Kommunala kulturmiljöprogram : strategiska planeringsunderlag för landskapsanalys, kulturhistorisk värdering och utveckling av kulturmiljöer

In 1999 the Swedish Parliament decided about 15 environmental goals aimed to be achieved in time for the next generation. For example physical social planning must be based on programs and strategies how cultural-historical values has been attended, so called programs of cultural heritage. By law the Swedish municipalities are responsible for reaching these goals by creating program of cultural heritage. But only a few of the municipalities have these programs, meaning that many municipalities need to create programs of cultural heritage in the next five years.The aim of this report is to present a model of analysis on programs of cultural heritage in municipalities for preservation and development of cultural environments. By testing the model on the municipalities of Osby and Tomelilla methods on how to create a new program of cultural heritage or how to complete existing documents are formulated.One of the conclusions is that one document, program of cultural heritage, functions as landscape analysis, model of cultural valuation and strategy of developing cultural values.

Matvanor bland 15-åriga pojkar och flickor i Uppsala län

Aim: To describe perceptions about written and verbal information regarding diet and physical activity in women with breast cancer and to study possible differences between ages and perception. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted and consisted of 57 women with breast cancer stages I-III who started adjuvant chemotherapy within a year (2007-2008). A questionnaire, regarding their perceptions about the written and verbal information they had received about diet and physical activity, was responded to three months following treatment completion. Between 67-93 % of the participants responded to the questions. The answers was analyzed with descriptive statistics and Mann Whitney U-test.

Vuxna dyslektikers informationsbeteende en undersökning av hur sex personer med dyslexi hanterar informationsproblem

The aim of this Masters thesis is to describe the information behaviour of six adults with dyslexia with focus on how they handle information problems. The data consists of literature and interviews with six persons with dyslexia. The theoretical framework used in this study is Anders Hektors theory about human information behaviour as well as concepts and theories from the library and information science field. Ten information activities are used to describe the informants information behaviour. Answers are sought to the following questions: · How do the informants describe their backgrounds and their reading- and writing disabilities? · What problems do the informants meet in the context of information in their everyday lives with reference to ten particular information activities? · How do the informants solve these problems? The study showed that the main problems for the informants appeared to be difficulties with reading and spelling, problems with the appearance of the information, lack of time and stress while reading and writing as well as problems with lack of awareness about dyslexia.

Interaktionsfrämjande faktorer i IT-stödd distansutbildning

This thesis focuses on interaction in netbased education. The purpose being to increase awareness about what promotes interaction in netbased education through understanding and categorizing the students? opinions . My method is qualitative with a phenomenographic approach. I have conducted a netbased survey with 21 respondents who have completed a netbased course. Further I have followed up and chatted with 7 of the respondents in the survey.

Vetenskaplig kommunikation inom kemi och ekonomi: ett polskt perspektiv.

This study examines the scholarly communication activities in two scientific fields, chemistry and economics, in a Polish context. The dissertation aims at investigating what characterises the publishing choices of researchers and what supplementary forms for the dissemination of research output are used by scholars. In addition, the paper is looking into what are the views and awareness of open access and institutional repositories within this scientific community. This thesis gives the results of semi-structured interviews and an online survey at two academic faculties at a Polish technical university. As its theoretical framework, the study uses Whitley?s theory of the intellectual and social organisation of academic fields and Latour and Woolgar?s study regarding various motivations for publishing.

Barn i fokus: En komparativ studie av arbetet med barnverksamhet på folkbibliotek i Sverige och Italien.

The purpose for this Master?s thesis is to describe the similarities and the differences of the work at the public libraries? children?s sections, between Sweden and Italy. In order to do that we examine the cultural political presumptions that Swedish and Italian libraries have, such as policies concerning public libraries and children, on a national as well as an international level. We also look at existing attitudes regarding the work at the public libraries? children?s sections, among authors of research literature in our subject.

Att arbeta med ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En kvalitativ studie ur ett personalperspektiv på HVB-hem

The aim of this study is to investigate what kind of support unaccompanied children needs when arriving in Sweden, according to the staff that is receiving unaccompanied asylum seeking children in Sweden. The method is qualitative and is based on interviews and previous research. The result shows that the main subjects who were of interest from the interviews are elementary need, the support offered, security, ?parental gestalt?, education, leisure, obstacles in the work.All the interviewees describe young people's needs very different when it differs from person to person. The support children receive is the most important factor that unaccompanied children need to be developed and get a better and safer life.

Kundnöjdhet trots minskad fysisk interaktion -

Problem: Which factors affect customer satisfaction in a non-physical bank relation? Purpose: The purpose with this thesis is to study what creates customer satisfaction in a non-physical bank relation. We look at this by conducting a case study in which we studied the opinion of customers who uses the e-bank at FöreningsSparbanken. Method: We have used a qualitative data method through which we have received answers from our respondents, these we have interpreted to form information, which we have used in our analysis. In our empirical study we have used a case study in which we have chosen to interview both customers and co-workers to get an answer to our problem.

Dogs' behavioural responses to repeated positive events

Assessing the emotional state in animals is important in order to establish the quality of their welfare, therefore it is important to investigate under what circumstances animals experience these emotions and to find indicators of their existence. The aim of this thesis was to detect possible behavioural indicators for positive emotions in dogs. These behavioural indicators could be helpful to increase both dogs? and humans? overall well-being in today?s society since they could help e.g. dog owners and caretakers to interpret behaviours displayed by dogs and their intentions so they can respond accordingly.The subjects used were 9 research beagles and each dog participated in three different treatments, assumed to be experienced as positive situations, where communicative interaction was initiated with the dog by engaging in 1) physical contact (P), 2) verbal contact (V) or 3) both physical and verbal contact simultaneously (PV).

Hinder och problem med metoden Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) inom primärvården i Bollnäs och Söderhamns kommun. Föreskrivarens perspektiv. - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

The purpose of this study was to examine the obstacles and problems prescribers of exercise on prescription (EoP) in primary care in Bollnäs and Söderhamn experience when using the method. It also aimed at examining if the barriers identified in previous studies also will be found in Bollnäs and Söderhamns municipalities. A qualitative study was made and four interviews with the managers of health centers in Bollnäs and Söderhamns municipalities were completed. The only inclusion criteria was that it would be a licensed health care professional at the clinic who work with, and prescribe the EoP. A content analysis was performed, which categorized the statements made according to their content.

Fysisk planering ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv ? fallstudie i Hjo

Hur samverkar de nationella folkhälsomålen med fysisk planering, och på vilket sätt kan folkhälsomålen beaktas för att förbättra förutsättningarna för ökad fysisk aktivitet hos barn? Denna studie är en fallstudie i Hjo kommun. Studien tar utgångspunkt i kommunens folkhälsoproblematik som visar att det finns en hög förekomst av övervikt hos barn. Intentionen är att undersöka vilka organisatoriska processer som kan underbygga det kommunala arbetet med folkhälsomålen, liksom att ta reda på vilka faktorer i den fysiska miljön som skapar förutsättningar för barns fysiska aktivitet. Avsikten med studien har varit att skapa ett underlag för Hjo kommuns översiktliga planering.

Co-opetition - Rollkonflikter i gränsöverskridande arbetskontexter

This thesis revolves around co-opetition and boundary spanning activities with IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) as research case. The main objective is to through qualitative interviews and a passive observation of email conversations explore how the participants of IETF experience and is affected by a double membership where they sometimes are cooperating with their competitors. Theories states that boundary spanning activities can create role conflicts for these participants when different role-senders, IETF and the employer, send incompatible expectations. We also believe that this can have a negative impact on discussions and the standard development process, which is why we are conducting the passive observations mentioned above.The result shows that the environment of co-opetition is a contributing factor to role-conflicts. These conflicts appear when participants are forced to choose between the role as an employee and the role as an IETF participant.

"Det är som med en kropp" : Pedagogers uppfattningar av lek och lärande i gestaltande lekpedagogiska praktiker

This study started with my interest in drama pedagogy practices. The aim is to investigate the teacher's conceptions of children's play and learning activities in drama pedagogy practices. Basically drama pedagogy means children and teachers creating play worlds together, usually based on various literary works, where they portray and play. Previous research shows that drama pedagogy as a method can enrich and develop children's play. Also, drama can be important for children's linguistic, social and aesthetic development.In this study, overall three interviews and two observations at different occasions was carried out.

Tillämpning av kNN-Sverige i Södra Skogs verksamhet : behovsinventering, databearbetning och förberedelse för praktisk implementering

The digital map product kNN-Sweden contains nationwide data of the country?s forest land. The estimated forest variables are mean age, mean tree height, volume per tree species and total volume. Today Södra Skog?s assessments of timber potentials are mainly based on experience rate and subjective assumptions.

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