

2076 Uppsatser om Physical Cues - Sida 22 av 139

Överensstämmelse mellan bedömningsinstrumenten Bergs balansskala och Short Physical Performance Battery-Svensk version,utvärderat på strokedrabbade individer, 1-3 år efter stroke

SammanfattningSyfte: Att undersöka hur prestationen av deltagarnas resultat var för stroke drabbade individer,med relativt god gångförmåga, ett till tre år efter stroke, utförda med bedömningsinstrumentenBergs Balanstest (BBS) och Short Physical Performance Battery - svenska versionen (SPPB-S)som mäter bland annat balans och fysisk funktionsförmåga. Samt undersöka hur stortsamband (samtidig validitet) som förelåg mellan SPPB-S och BBS samt sambandet (samtidigvaliditet) mellan delmomentet statisk balans inom SPPB-S och BBS.Metod: Deskriptiv och korrelerande studie som analyserade redan insamlad journaldata frånbedömningsinstrumenten SPPB-S och BBS. Antal försökspersoner bestod av totalt 67personer i åldern 65-85 år med gångförmåga på minst 10 meter, ett till tre år efter stroke.Resultat: Undersökning av prestationen för SPPB-S visade medianvärde 9 av 12 poäng,interkvartilavståndet 3 och lägsta erhållna poäng var 0 och högsta poäng var 12. Prestationenför BBS visade medianvärde 50 av 56 poäng, interkvartilavståndet 7, minimun 6 ochmaximum 56 poäng. Prövningen av samtidig validitet för SPPB-S och BBS visade en starkkorrelation, med korrelationskoefficienten 0,8 (p<0,00).

Fett osynlig? : En undersökning om representation av överviktiga och feta kroppar i två läromedel för gymnasieskolan

This exam paper has examined visual portrayals of overweight and fatness in two swedish upper secondary school textbooks, one in physical education and one in social science. The textbooks were analyzed in regard to numeral representation, interacting social categories such as gender and age, depiction in forms of activities and stereotypes and relation to context close to or far away from a swedish context. The analysis showed an underrepresentation of overweight and fat bodies in both textbooks, but the represention of overweight bodies in the textbook on physical education were nearly nil whereas in the textbook on social science there where representations of both overweight and fat bodies. Combined the both textbooks gave a representation of health and youth as not represented by overweight or fat bodies..

Den självskattade hälsan hos anställda på industriföretag, i relation till användandet av hälsofrämjande förmåner.

This cross-sectional study investigated the use of health benefits in relation to the self-rated health of employees at two medium-sized industrial enterprises in Hälsingland. The method used to investigate this was through a self-designed questionnaire consisting 19 questions about health, lifestyle and health benefits at the workplace. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed in the two companies, hence 50 surveys at each workplace. The response rate was measured to 88 % and 74 %, which means a loss of 6 persons and 13 persons. The results showed that Company nr 1 offers its employees a health benefits consisting of free access to gym in the company premises after working hours and financial contributions to training-cards.

Hälsofrämjande skolans verksamhet påverkan av elevernas teoretiska inlärning

ABSTRACTThe purpose with the investigation was to find if there is a relation between daily health active and too reusing theoretic learning for health promotion school?s pupil. In the investigation I have focused into if the Health promotion school?s student has better result at the nation?s test (NT) in Swedish, English and in mathematic in the fifths grade, than the ordinary school that isn?t health promotion school. The personal feelings of the two schools are that there is a connection between health active and too reusing theoretic learning.

Det intelligenta barnbiblioteket ? Att skapa ett analysverktyg för barnbiblioteksmiljö

The purpose of this master thesis is to create, test and evaluate an analytical instrument for children?s library environment based on a theoretical framework consisting of Howard Gardner?s theory of multiple intelligences and Thomas Armstrong?s pedagogical application of the original seven intelligences. We wanted to investigate whether the environment in Rum för barn stimulated all of children?s different intelligences. We also wanted to identify possibilities and liabilities within the analytical instrument.

Sjuksköterskans stöd till individer med hjärtsvikt vid vätske- och saltrestriktion. -en integrerad litteraturstudie.

Karin Holmkvist (2014) Sleep, meals and physical activity among professional drivers during the day with work and spare time. Master?s thesis in health at work. University of Gävle. Night work and irregular work hours affects social and biological rhythms in activity, eating, sleep and metabolism. Researchshows how theworking conditions andworking hours affect professional drivers´ lifestyle and there is a negative impact on their health.

Interventioner för livsstilsförändring avseende kost och fysisk aktivitet inom primärvården

Background: Ill-health related to unhealthy lifestyle is increasing and despite existing knowledge about healthy lifestyle it is difficult to change behaviour. Counselling in the primary health care is often superficial and without critical elements for behaviour change. Aim: The aim of this paper to elucidate interventions for change of lifestyle with respect diet and physical activity. Method: A literature review was carried out and ten scientific articles were analyzed and compiled in two main categories: design of these interventions and participation in them. Results: Education, decision making, goal setting, feedback, social support and follow-up were identified as critical elements for behaviour change.

Ledarskap på distans : Att arrangera och upprätthålla

This essay aims to create an understanding of how leadership can be arranged in a company that embraces new technology and telework, and how it can be experienced from the employees' perspective. In order to make it possible to investigate this purpose are three questions formed; ?How is the leadership perceived??, ?How does telework into motivation?? and ?How does telework into communication??. A presentation of previous research is given, focusing mainly within different types of leadership, distance, and telework. Based on this, three interviews was made in which respondents? experience of telework was in focus.

Mellan pekpinnar och retstickor : om mobbning bland barn på 1930 och 1940- talet

In what way were children in the 1930s and 1940s mean to each other, in which ways did theytease and bully one another? And what were the adults part, how did they react to thechildrens spite towards each other and did they do anything to stop it?These are the questions which have been addressed in this essay. In the answers given to us,by a survey in which 42 persons born in the 1920s and 1930s were asked, we have learned,that during the 1930s and 1940s when these children went to school, bullying did'nt occure asmuch. Not as they can remember today.We have also learned that it was mostly boys who were bullied, both mentaly and physical,with punches, being pushed, being laughed at and by being forced to do things they did notwant to do, such as stealing.The most common reasons for being bullied was that the children came from poor families,had ragged clothes, where dirty or had a physical disease such as cronical bronchitis.There where not many children who talked about being bullied with a teacher and the surveytells us that they didn't had any supervisors on the school yard.A number of the questioned answered that they thought that teachers had favourite students inthe classroom and they tell us stories in which teachers used corporal punishment, which waslegal at this time..

Att planera för social hållbarhet i ekobyar :

This essay gives the reader an overview of the different problems and issues a landscape architect might meet, in the process of planning and realizing an eco-village. Its aim is to stimulate new ideas, based on the traditional, present and future working field of landscape architects. The essay does not claim to cover all imaginable aspects of social sustainability within an eco- village, but refers to the presented sources for further in-depth reading. Although the original focus has been on physical planning, the interviewees? words have been of big importance, and to a certain extent changed the constitution of this essay.

Hur simträning påverkar hundar

Hydrotherapy is a relatively new area when it comes to treatment and prevention of different problems in dogs, but an area that is growing in popularity. In Sweden, the person who performs hydrotherapy on dogs doesn?t need veterinary education, which is the case in some other countries. What makes hydrotherapy advantageous is that water has an ability to provide an environment where injured body parts can be supported, which means that rehabilitation can start early without the risk of affecting the injury and in the same time relieve the pain for the patient. There are only a few studies of hydrotherapy on dogs and these studies focus on the physical health of the dog.

Beteende på offentliga platser

Several theoretic and environmental psychological models establish a connection between the environment and the reactions of humans and the research support that there is a mutual influence between individual, environmental and behavioral factors. You often assume that a person both can influence and be influenced by the surrounding environment. This is evident, but it is less obvious how a given physical design influence people?s immediate behavior in the city. The aim of this study was to investigate if the physical design of a place influences people in an urban environment and to investigate how the behavior is influenced.

Den fysiska miljöns betydelse i förskolan : Miljöns utformning och barns delaktighet

My intention with this paper was to investigate how the teachers in pre-school thinks about the physical environment in pre-school. Both the significance for the pedagogical activity and the children?s involvement in the design. I have done five interviews with pre-school teachers. The result shows that the pre-school teachers consider that the size of the premises and the availability to the material is important factors for children?s development and learning.

Barns lek och hälsa -ur ett föräldraperspektiv : "Det krävs balans för att få ett tryggt barn i en sund kropp"

Background: Children are different and they live under different conditions, but one they have in common - the desire to play. Children's play is important for their health and wellbeing. The aim: was to highlight the knowledge and issues that preschool children's parents have about young children's health and wellbeing, with a focus on physical activity and play, to promote health. A further aim was to highlight the obstacles and opportunities that parents experience regarding physical activity for young children. Material and Methods: The main study two focus group interviews were used with eight parents of children of preschool age.

Som små astronauter : -En idrottslärares berättelse om specialgymnastik i skolan

The aim of this work is to examine methodologies at remedial lessons for children with weak mobility, in a common Swedish municipal school in an attempt to determine if a connection to theoretical learning exists.Kadesjö describes how difficulties in concentration can arise as a result of problems with mobility and perception, and according to Piaget very young children develop cogitation through physical movements. These connections are not news but always current.At the meeting with Lasse the question was born whether learning problems in school that are a result of concentration difficulties, could be countered with mobility training.By the selection of Life history as method, it?s possible to follow a physical educator's experiences through his 30 years of work, and to some extent even his private life. Experiences and results are notified from a historical perspective from 1976 until 2006.He is bringing us on a journey that shows the changes in methodology and results after his contact with Sensomotoriskt Centrum..

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