

2076 Uppsatser om Physical Cues - Sida 23 av 139

What influence does Tai Chi have on the risk for falling among elder?

Background: 2007 there was 42 000 fall related accidents in Sweden and they are expected to increase the next few years. Fall among elders results in both increasing economically costs and suffering, but they can be prevented. For example has physical exercise shown an increasing effect on the risk for falls. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to investigate what influence Tai Chi has on the risk for falling among elder. Method: A literature review was conducted where eleven scientific articles were analysed with inspiration of the content analysis.

Jämförelse av kursplaner i gymnastik/idrott mellan Finland och Sverige

This study is comparing curriculums in Physical Education between Sweden and Finland. The comparison was done based on former curriculums and previous research. Results from previous research showed differences between countries and curriculums. The aim of the study was to find out if and why there were differences between the current curriculums based on goals and sports. The method was a literature analysis.

Sånger från graven: En kartläggning av krafterna som hämnar den digitala revolutionen inom svensk musikdistribution

Songs from the Crypt: Mapping the Forces that Hinder the Digital Revolution of Music Distribution This paper seeks an explanation to the low market share growth of the commercial digital music distribution in Sweden. The analysis identifies a spectrum of obstacles that hinder the digital distribution technology from becoming the main form of music distribution in Sweden. These obstacles make the digital music distribution less favourable in comparison with physical distribution from the consumer?s point of view. The authors suggest that in order for the digital distribution of music to become competitive the digital product would either have to be developed further to offer more customer value or the so called a là carte retail model would have to be replaced by a subscription-based distribution model.

Data och Tv-spel : Data och tv-spels påverkan på ungdomar

The purpose of this study is to investigate in what extension students experience that computer and videogames affect them. I have chosen to focus on the physical, mental and social affect that this activity might bring them. I have also examined how much time the students spends in front of the computer or the videogame and in which social context they play.The method I have chosen to use is a quantitative opinion poll which I used in three classes of the later junior high and I have also conducted five qualitative interviews.The conclusions I have drawn from this investigation are that computer and videogames affects teenagers both physically and mentally. Physically the affects of playing videogames mostly can be derived to the physical inactivity they expose themselves to. The students themselves did not experienced any positive physical affects from their playing.Amongst the mental affects that stood out the most I recognized the social training that online gaming provided and also the intellectual stimulation that certain games offered the player.

Flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling i förskolans praktik : Hur förskolan arbetar genom förskollärares uppfattningar, val av metoder och utformningen av den fysiska miljön

AbstractThe Swedish society has always been monolingual, but has for the past decades transformed into a multicultural and multilingual society. The aim of this study is to investigate if and in that case how preschool teachers work with language development in bilingual and multicultural preschools. The concept of linguistic and cultural diversity includes several different components, not least the social interactions that are of great importance to every individual's development, learning and participation in the world. By understanding the importance of language, language development and the role of mother tongue in second language acquisition, we look into various researches done concerning the effects of the preschool teachers? opinions, methods used to language developmental primarily for children who are multilingual and how the physical environment is shaped to promote language in multicultural and multilingual preschools.The method used in this study is semi-structured interviews with preschool teacher working in multicultural or bilingual preschool settings.

Sambandet mellan kondition och självskattad hälsa

ABSTRACT Background: Health and ill-health are multifaceted concepts. Previous research has shown that physical activity and the level of cardio respiratory are important parts of leading a healthy lifestyle. Possibly, it?s so important that the Occupational Health Service should focus even more on this.Aim: The aim was to investigate if there was a relationship between the level of cardio respiratory fitness and self-rated health, and between the level of cardio respiratory fitness and physical and mental ill-health.Method: The study was conducted using a quantitative method in the form of a cross sectional study. Data was collected from an Occupational Health Service, containing answers to a questionnaire on work environment and health and test values ??from completed cycle fitness tests.

När det otänkbara händer barnet : Fysiska övergrepp mot barn i förskoleåldern. En textanalys om bemötande och åtgärder i en kommunal förskola, kontra ett föräldrakooperativ.

Det här examensarbetet undersöks hur en kommunal förskola och ett föräldrakooperativs bemötande och åtgärder ser ut när det gäller barn som blivit utsatta för fysiska övergrepp. Arbetet utgår från frågeställningarna:Har de två förskolorna riktlinjer för att hantera problematiken kring fysiska övergrepp mot barn?Vilka likheter finns det i riktlinjerna när det gäller bemötande och åtgärder?Vilka skillnader finns det i riktlinjerna när det gäller bemötande och åtgärder?En jämförelse mellan de två förskolorna görs genom en textanalys av två dokument, föräldrakooperativet har en kris och beredskapsplan och den kommunala har ett policydokument som belyser anmälningsplikten. Analyserna kommer att sker ur ett hermeneutiskt synsätt samt i en kvalitativ bearbetning. Arbetet tar även upp anmälningsplikten förskolan står inför när misstanke eller oro uppkommer hos personalen.

"En sko passar inte allas fötter" : En fallstudie kring medlemmars upplevelser av träningskortsanvändande

Physical exercise is a trend that continues to grow, especially at the gym, but there are still members that do not use their training card in full. The overall aim of this study was therefore to investigate infrequent member?s experience of their training card. To answer this, focus was on motives to card purchase and perceived opportunities and difficulties of using the training card. The data was collected at IKSU trough a group interview with four managers within the organization, a questionnaire replied by 39 infrequent members and of those 11 individual interviews.

Motion som egenvård : en studie om personer med erfarenhet av självupplevd psykisk ohälsa och psykiatrisk vård

Backround: Many studies indicate that people with mental illness often suffer from physical illness. Many people with mental illness do not exercise even though they often have knowledge about the benefits of physical activity. Studies suggest that psychiatric patients have the desire to have an everyday life with more content. It is apparent in studies that healthcare professionals believe that it is the patients' own responsibility to keep themselves physically active.Aim: The primary objective with this study is to examine motivation and possible obstacles to exercise for persons with self-perceived mental illness and experience of psychiatric care. The secondary objective is to investigate how psychiatric care may be of importance to people with mental illness when it comes to exercise.Methods: Semi-structured interviews.

Framväxten av korrespondensläran : Swedenborgs esoteriska doktrins filosofihistoriska grund

  The purpose of this paper is to exam the philosophical development of Emanuel Swedenborg's doctrine of correspondence and to note some of the more important parallels between Swedenborg's doctrine and the three contemporary most debated theories concerning the mind-body problem. These three theories was pre-established harmony, its opponent physical influx and finally occasionalism. Especially occasionalism has close connections to Descartes' dualism, but neither pre-established harmony or physical influxus, which in some ways can be dated before Descartes, would have looked the same, if it were not for the Cartesian way of thinking. Also Swedenborg initially inherited major influences from Descartes and that is the first approach in this paper. From there on the paper follows the development of the doctrine of correspondence and the parallels according Swedenborg's more contemporary philosophical writers, until Swedenborg gets to a point where he underwent a profound spiritual crisis and turned his focus on an all together theological approach. .

Riskfaktorer för depression och självmordsbeteende - En kvantitativ studie om människor med missbruksproblem baserad på ASI-intervjuer

The aim of the study was to examine how background factors, such as abuse earlier in life, affect depression and suicidal behavior, amongst persons who abuse alcohol or illicit drugs. The study was performed at the Social Service Center, Södermalm, department for adults. The data used in the study is based on Addiction Severity Index interviews (ASI) and includes 560 observations. The statistic methods used to analyse the data is chi² test and the result is presented in cross tables and charts. The main findings were that experiences of psychological, physical, or sexual abuse, earlier in life increase the risk for major depression and suicidal behavior later in life.

Kostförändring och/eller fysisk aktivitet vid fetmabehandling

The aim of this study was to investigate whether a dietary change, physical activity or a combination of both gave the best result when treating obesity, concerning weight loss and BMI. Excessive weight and obesity are today a big health-issue and it is estimated that 10 % of the men and 12 % of the women in Sweden have a BMI over 30, i.e. are suffering from obesity. The corresponding number for children is 3 %. No one can say for sure what causes obesity but there are many theories.

Kokosvatten och återhämtning/ vätskebalans efter fysisk träning - En systematisk översiktsartikel

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Coconut water and recovery/water-electrolyte balance after physicalexcercise ? A systematic overviewAuthor: Irene Eriksson and Alexandra ÖquistSupervisor: Henriette PhilipsonExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 09, 2014Background: During physical exercise, it is common with dehydration, which affectsperformance negatively. To restore the fluid balance it is optimal to drink fluids containingsalt and carbohydrates. In theory, coconut water should be a good recovery drink because oftheir nutrient content.Objective: To evaluate the scientific evidence available, to investigate whether coconut wateris better than water or sports drinks for rehydration after physical exercise.Search strategy: PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane Library have been used in the literarysearch. Keywords used were recovery, fluid balance, fluid therapy, water-electrolyte balance,rehydration, dehydration, hydration, exercise, physical activity, resistance training, activity,sports, training, coconut water in varying combinations, in order to cover as wide area aspossible.

Kvarnkretssimulering för test av styrsystem

This thesis has been carried out in autumn 2009 at Uppsala University for Boliden Mineral AB. Physical modelling has been used to model a comminution circuit. The model has then been linked to a PLC.When a concentrator is about to become operational Boliden Mineral AB have been looking for a way to test the PLC. The purpose of this report has therefore been to develop models for the subprocess in a concentrator and link these models to the PLC. The subprocess was a comminution circuit in Aitik36.

Valda verkligheter : En studie av svenska och engelska tidningars konstruerande av verklighet i rapporteringen kring Julian Assange

This is an analysis of how the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet and the English newspapers The Independent and The Guardian reported about the sexual molestation and rape charges that were alleged against the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in August 2010. Through a critical discourse analysis, a theme- and proposition analysis and a process analysis this paper aims to investigate how the above mentioned newspapers create reality in their articles. The purpose is to shed light upon with what means the journalists through the inherited structures of the newspaper illustrate actions and events, how they let other people get visible in the text and who is described as responsible for current events.    The results of the analysis shows that Aftonbladet uses a relatively large amount of propositions and speech cues to create an image of the reality that is almost explicitly angled. Dagens Nyheter and The Independent claims a higher degree of objectivity and through micro themes with different perspectives and few explicit statements they create a reality with plenty of room for the reader to make her own conclusions. The Guardian creates an image of the world where the Wikileaks is a great force of democracy and where actions are performed by humans as well as by objects and organizations.   .

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