

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 8 av 67

Säkerhetsaspekterna i Application Service Provider (ASP)-lösningar

Bakgrunden till denna undersökning är den växande ASP-marknaden samt säkerhetsproblematiken som finns i en ASP-lösning.Syftet är att utreda de säkerhetsaspekter som bör beaktas vid en Application Service Provider (ASP)-lösning. Olika aspekter har samlats in dels från litteraturen och dels med hjälp av intervjuer. En uppdelning har gjorts med avseende på mål, hot och kontroll. De mål som först och främst behandlas är de som berör integritet, konfidentialitet och tillgänglighet. De hot som tas upp och som delvis är specifika för en ASP-lösning är ASP-företagets ekonomi och personal samt kommunikationskanalen mellan ASP-företag och ASP-kund.

Scilla-släktets användningsmöjligheter i Sverige : med utgångspunkt i ståndort, egenskaper och historia

This study investigates the main question ?How can the small, blue spring bulb genera Chionodoxa, Puschkinia and Scilla be used in Swedish outdoor settings, with main focus on the genus Scilla?? This is done by answering four sub-questions: Which of these Scilla-species are hardy in Sweden? Which are their characteristics and habitats? What does their history of application look like? What is commercially available today? The aim of the work has been to make a survey of hardy and available Scilla-species, their character-istics, field of application and history. The purpose is to create a tool in the work with geophytes in different outdoor settings in Sweden, and to contribute to the discussion of new fields of application for bulb plants, such as Chionodoxa, Puschkinia and Scilla. The questions are answered through literature studies and discus-sions with knowledgeable persons in the field. First, an investigation and a survey of Scilla-species hardy and commercially available in Sweden, will be presented, where information of appearance, charac-teristics, habitats, varieties and historical and present application of the species will be found. With this background, a discussion around all the questions, today?s use and also new fields of application, has been carried through. The conclusions made from this study, are that there are today 15 Scilla-species commercially available and hardy for the Swedish climate.

GeoAnalys i Flashmiljö

There exists a great need among companies and other organizations to be able to visualize statistics. It?s also increasingly common to ask for web-based solutions for increased flexibility and accessibility for users. This paper describes how large amounts of geovisual data, for a large number of regions, can be visualized in an interactive and well-presented manner. The paper let?s you walk through two application scenarios, developed in a Flash environment, using the GeoViz component library for visualization. The first application has been developed for Statistics Sweden (SCB), to give a solution on how to visualize statistics for Sweden?s zip code regions.

Testramverk för distribuerade system

When developing software that is meant to be distributed over several different computers and several different networks while still working together against a common goal there is a challenge in testing how updates within a single component will affect the system as a whole. Even if the performance of that specific component increases that is no guarantee for the increased performance of the entire system. Traditional methods of testing software becomes both hard and tedious when several different machines has to be involved for a single test and all of those machines has to be synchronized as well.This thesis has resulted in an exemplary application suite for testing distributed software. The thesis describes the method used for implementation as well as a description of the actual application suite that was developed. During the development several important factors and improvements for such a system was identified, which are described at the end of the thesis even though some of them never made it into the actual implementation.

Evaluering av Secure Connection Manager : med fokus på användarvänlighet och effektivitet

In today?s computerized society more and more companies choose to utilize new applications that can ease the way of handling the information. For many of us is imperative that the process as efficient as possible if one takes in consideration the size of savings that this new application can bring.The developer of the evaluated system is SYSteam AB Huskvarna and they are the ones that gave us this assignment. The application that we evaluate is SCM (Secure Connection Manager). It is already used today by big companies such as Telia and Ericsson to search for errors in telephone servers placed all over the country.

Utveckling av mobilapplikation

The company System Andersson is developing systems for controlling materials and production in industries. They want to add a new service, where parts of those systems are accessible through cell phones.In this paper we are investigating which technology are best suited for this kind of application. And then we describe how we are developing a prototype fort this application, based upon that technology. After investigating technologies such as Java ME, Microsoft Silverlight, and web applications we settled upon building the system as a web application, customized for a mobile environment.To build a web page which is readable by many different cell phones we use the markup-languages which are developed for cell phones. We put much effort in reading about the standards and recommendations for the mobile web, produced by the organizations W3C and OMA.

"I had to become my own hero" : En utvärderande studie av träningsapplikationen RunKeeper

Being physically active plays an essential role in ensuring good health and well-being. Motivation is a key factor for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and together with the help of today?s modern technology, facilitating new innovative approaches has made it easier to motivate people towards regular physical activity. This study aims to examine how a training application can increase motivation and how behavioral change occurs when using a training application. Qualitative data collection methods such as interviews and observations have been used in this study.

"Lets Play!" : En studie av kunskapsöverföring mellan digitala spel och musikinstrument.

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if users of digital music games may acquire skills from the games that may be of use in learning to play a real instrument, that is a non-digitally simulated instrument like an acoustic piano. We have used Gee?s theory regarding a possible interconnection between different semiotic domains, and how this connection may enable a transfer of skills between related domains. In this thesis we examine possible skill transfer between the domains ?digital games? and ?non-digital instruments?. To examine our question formulation we chose to conduct a pilot study from which we collected both quantitative and qualitative data.


The PhonePages of Sweden is a company that develops software for mobile units, especially cell phones. This thesis treats the development of, and contingencies for, a mobile phone directory, using the limited resources found in a mobile unit. The project was implemented and executed at The PhonePages with the intention of creating a product to sell to a third party.By studying different solutions, their benefits and drawbacks, an abstract picture of the product was constructed. Problems covered include compatibility problems caused by todays platform diversity as well as problems with saving, organizing and presenting data.The main goal was to create a phone directory which does not make external information retrievals. The service should contain both company and personal information, with name and phonenumber.

Application development for touch-screen interfaces

The way we interact with computers will soon change dramatically. The input interfaces are becoming more and more intuitive and one of the latest technologies is a touch screen interface capable of dealing with multiple inputs simultaneously. The tools we use to communicate with the computer - such as the mouse and the keyboard, will slowly disappear and be replaced with tools more comfortable and more natural for the human being to use. The purpose of this project was to create a basic framework for future projects dealing with this interface, as well as creating some example programs. This report describes my work and my experiences with this new interface..

IAS 40 : A study of the consequences on annual reports due application of IAS40

Purpose: The main purpose of the thesis is to examine the consequences of applying IAS40 on the Swedish real estate companies? annual reports. How does its application affect the companies? stockholders? capital and how do the companies solve the problems that occur due to the application of this standard.Method: The authors use both the qualitative and quantitative approaches to process the thesis. The primary data comprises of hard data in form of annual reports and the secondary data consists of the soft data as direct interviews and email interviews.Theory: There aren?t any theories on the subject.

Från engagemang till intention - En kvantitativ studie om sambanden mellan engagemang och konsumenters intention att använda detaljisters smartphone-applikationer

Smartphone applications, or apps, are an increasingly important part of omnichannel retailing. While the adoption and usage of apps for communicating with consumers has grown exponentially over the past few years, there is little academic research in this area. The primary purpose of this thesis is to describe how the involvement in a product category affects consumers' intention to use a retailer-branded smartphone application during their shopping trip. Drawing upon recent IS-literature with models TAM and UTAUT, our results indicate that product category involvement constitutes an important factor on the intention to use a retailer-branded smartphone application. By viewing involvement as a multidimensional construct, our study shows that the degree of hedonic and expressive value a product cateogry provides consumers with has important effects on intention, and these relationships are not moderated by consumers' age.

Kravanalys och arkitekturell design av en budgetplaneringsapplikation

This thesis presents the theory behind prototyping and user interviews as parts of requirements analysis. It further discusses how these were used in the development of a budget planning application. The implemented Web-based solution uses a new component-based design rooted in a Model-View-Controller architecture. The application is used today with complete success at the Department of Computer and Information Science at Linköping University..

Excel-baserad beräkning och dokumentation av distansskyddsinställningar

This is a master thesis work carried out at the Department of Energy and Environment atthe Division of Electric Power Engineering. The master thesis work describes the theoryof distance protection relaying in 130 kV meshed distribution networks. The main aim ofthe thesis was to construct an Excel application for calculation and documentation of thesettings for distance protection relays. The program is based on general methods forcalculating settings of the different zones for the distance relay and presents the settingsin simple graphics using quadrilateral characteristics.The reason for building an Excel based application is the great variety of distanceprotection relays in live networks. The manufacturers of distance protection relays makeprogram for documentation available, however, they are based on the typical settings forthe specific relays.

Designlösningar i ett affärssystem ur ett kognitionsvetenskapligt förhållningssätt

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if there where fallacies in the design solutions for the business system IFS Applications from a user perspective, and if so, correct these from a cognitive science approach.Data collection consisted of three main portions. These where; workshop, individual interviews and observations. The collected data was analyzed and resulted in identification of two main areas in the application that where found lacking.The result of the study showed that the usability for processing large amounts of data and the lack of customization where the main flaws in the application. Two low fidelity prototypes where created with the purpose of rectifying the underlying flawed design solutions that where identified from the collected data..

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