

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 7 av 67

Application Lifecycle Management: : En studie av två Application Lifecycle Management system och deras stöd för systemutveckling i projektform

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a genre of computerized systems which allows system development corporations to efficiently and more easily manage, maintain and handle the applications lifecycle. These ALM systems have a wide variety of tools which can be integrated to enable and support collaborative work, while they act at the core of the organisation. Todays ALM systems support flexible system development methods throughout the entire development process. This paper focuses on a case-study of a Swedish business- and technology corporation and their use of two ALM systems with an aim to unravel the differences between these systems and their functionality to serve as a basis for decision making regarding their utilization of best practice with their ALM-Systems. Meanwhile we studied their approach to ALM systems to see if they were using them according to the initial idea of ALM systems.

Kommunikationsgränssnitt för hårdvaruinventering av IS-baserade system : Communication interface for hardware inventory of Integrated Site

The purpose of this thesis was to create a communication interface which insures that all the right hardware is in its right place in the IS-node before Ericsson AB delivers it to their customers. One of the first parts of this work was to make sure it is possible to create such an interface for IS. This thesis then explains how to construct an interface that retrieves information from the IS-node into a C#-application. One important part of this project was to collect information and transform it to an XML output with the purpose of then being used in other applications in the future. The application created within the scope of the thesis exports the information retrieved from the IS-node in an XML-file or a text-file.

Kommunicera med kärnvärden : En studie i produktfotografering

In today?s consumption society, the image and core values of a company have become more important in order to secure the attention on the market. All entrepreneurs have to distinguish themselves in the extremely tight competition.This thesis examines how product photos can reach out to the consumers successfully. Both students have previous experiences from model shoots ? but now want to study the possibilities to sell a product without a human model.The purpose of the thesis is to examine how to convey core values by commercial product photos - how to best capture the attention of a customer.

Miljöklassificering av vägar : Praktisk tillämpning av miljöklassificeringssystemet Greenroads i produktionen

This report gives an overview of applications of the Greenroads rating system whichin turn is an environmental review system for roads. The focus of this report isapplications during the construction phase, ie on solutions which adhere to theentrepreneur's area of responsibility as opposed to the designer's. The study was undertaken in cooperation with Skanska (a global contractor andFortune 500 company) which provided a project suitable for an exemplatory study ofGreenroads. Please note that the project in particular was not specifically designedwith Greenroads in mind. Therefore and because of that the site provided anexcellent opportunity to study effects of application contra non-application. The approach of this study was to first review the system, thereafter to performinterviews with key personel at the site in different roles as to receive different viewsof selected points of application. Selected possibilities of application are cathegorizedand presented with comments and suggestions for adoption. Lastly Greenroads is briefly compared to the rating system which today is the mostwidely used by Skanska, LEED.


MindMe is an aid for people with cognitive memory impairments. The aid is completely new and has beendeveloped within this bachelor thesis, no product of this nature could be found on the market before. Theidea came from Niclas Jarhäll, CEO of Mutual Benefits. Mutual Benefits were also partners in the project.The project was carried out by us in cooperation with Bachelor of Science in Innovation Engineeringstudents Malin Albertsson and Victoria Hedman at Halmstad university. The aid consists of a mobile phoneand a number of tags.

Ta täten i loppet om innovation: Fostran av intraprenörskap i stora organisationer - En studie av Volvos New River Valley-fabrik

This report gives an overview of applications of the Greenroads rating system whichin turn is an environmental review system for roads. The focus of this report isapplications during the construction phase, ie on solutions which adhere to theentrepreneur's area of responsibility as opposed to the designer's. The study was undertaken in cooperation with Skanska (a global contractor andFortune 500 company) which provided a project suitable for an exemplatory study ofGreenroads. Please note that the project in particular was not specifically designedwith Greenroads in mind. Therefore and because of that the site provided anexcellent opportunity to study effects of application contra non-application. The approach of this study was to first review the system, thereafter to performinterviews with key personel at the site in different roles as to receive different viewsof selected points of application. Selected possibilities of application are cathegorizedand presented with comments and suggestions for adoption. Lastly Greenroads is briefly compared to the rating system which today is the mostwidely used by Skanska, LEED.

Navigeringsprogram för postutdelare

This thesis is developed by Posten Åland AB in order to simplify the work of agency staff when distributing mail in rural areas. In my thesis I have developed an application to help automotive mail dispensers. The need for such an application exists, especially during the summer but at other times when ordinary dividend cannot run his route. With the help of a PDA and a GPS the mail dispenser should see where the next stop is and what is to be delivered thereThere already was a directory of mailboxes and the addressees and the coordinates of the mailboxes. Using this, I will implement functionality to retrieve a specific route and plot those coordinates on the map..

Synkronisering med SyncML

The last couple of years the use of mobile devices such as mobile phones and PDAs has increased tremendously. Most of the these devices have their own protocols for synchronising data and this has given rise to a need for a standard synchronisation protocol, SyncML. This thesis compares this protocol against the existing ones. The comparison shows that the preferred choice is SyncML. Also an application using SyncML has been developed.

Silverlight på Incordia AB

The purpose of this report is to outline the development of a dynamic Microsoft Silverlight application, which will be able to present products and be administered in a simple manner. The project has been carried out at Incordia AB, a company that specializes in e-commerce, situated in Helsingborg, Sweden. Although the Silverlight application is customized for a particular site, forMicro AB (an ongoing project at Incordia), the template and the classes that are used to manage information, are developed so that they can be used in future projects for Incordia AB..

MedImagerWeb - Utveckling av webbapplikation för sökning och hantering av bilder ur bilddatabas

1995 startade medlemmar ur Swedish Oral Medicine Society tillsammans med Institutionen förData och Informationsteknik på Chalmers tekniska högskola projektet MedView. Projektets syfte äratt utveckla modeller, metoder och datorbaserade verktyg för att stödja kliniker i deras dagligaarbete och forskning. 2005 lanserades webbcommunityn SOMWeb och projektet gick in i sin andrafas med fokus på nätbaserad kunskapshantering. Den virtuella mötesplatsen togs emot väl och detbeslutades att satsa vidare på ökad funktionalitet via Internet.Denna rapport beskriver utvecklingen av en webbapplikation som möjliggör åtkomst av denmedicinska bilddatabas som byggts upp under MedView-projektet. Som utgångspunkt förapplikationens funktionalitet och innehåll står skrivbordsapplikationen MedImager.

Utredning av Ljussignal som avståndsvarnare i trafiken

In today?s consumption society, the image and core values of a company have become more important in order to secure the attention on the market. All entrepreneurs have to distinguish themselves in the extremely tight competition.This thesis examines how product photos can reach out to the consumers successfully. Both students have previous experiences from model shoots ? but now want to study the possibilities to sell a product without a human model.The purpose of the thesis is to examine how to convey core values by commercial product photos - how to best capture the attention of a customer.

Effekter av "Billigaste väg" för Stora Enso Skogs transportverksamhet :

Transportation constitutes a large part of the forest industry's raw material costs. Transport also contributes a significant proportion of the carbon dioxide emissions. In order to reduce both the cost and environmental impact different types of decision support are required. These, in turn, require extensive information about the road network and correct information on road path selection and transport distances. In the development of national road data base for forestry (SNVDB) a road selection application has been included.

Mobil lösning för intern informationsspridning

Nethouse Sverige AB is an IT consultancy in need of a mobile solution to inform participants of in-house events and distribute news to their consultants working in the field. This report  describes the planning and development of such a solution. The result of this thesis is a three system-solution. A mobile application where it is possible to view news and information about in-house events, and also receive suitable notifications, a web service which assists the mobile application by providing the corresponding information and finally a website to manage the information and notify mobile clients..

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer inom Enterprise Application Integration - en IS-designers syn

Systemintegration är ett omfattande ämne som innehåller en uppsjö av begrepp och teorier, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) är den avgränsning som genomförts inom detta område och fokuserar på en mer praktisk synvinkel av systemintegration. Vidare har det även avgränsats till en designers syn på EAI. Med dessa avgränsningar har en induktiv studie genomförts av tre framstående organisationer som är verksamma inom systemintegration. Genom att genomföra intervjuer med personer som dagligen arbetar med EAI identifierades 17 faktorer. Dessa faktorer analyserades och jämfördes med befintlig teori inom området för ERP och EAI.

Mobil verksamhetsapplikation för Nationell patientöversikt : Implementation och automatiserad testning av mobil applikation

While the technological infrastructure that enables collaboration between municipalities, counties and private health care providers improves, so does the need for health-care providers to gain access to the right patient journal at the right time. For doctors, nurses and other health-care organization employees this goal is achieved by NPÖ, National Patient Summary. NPÖ effectively enables health-care records to be shared across organizational boundaries. This thesis is based on a demand by a mobile application that can give district nurses access to health-care records wherever they are.This thesis describes the development of a prototype of a mobile application aimed for NPÖ. This includes investigating a suitable mobile platform, investigating available card readers for reading electronic identification from SITHS cards and the ability to connect to external services such as NPÖ.

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