

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 50 av 67

De svenska reglerna om budplikt. Fem år efter genomförandet av Takeover-direktivet.

De svenska reglerna om budplikt - fem år efter genomförandet av Takeover-direktivet Uppsatsen behandlar de svenska reglerna om budplikt och hur dessa förhåller sig till Direktiv 2004/25/EG om uppköpserbjudanden (Takeover-direktivet). Budplikt uppkommer när en aktieägare, ensam eller tillsammans med en närstående, uppnår minst trettio procent av rösterna i ett börsbolag. Aktieägaren måste i ett sådant fall lämna ett offentligt uppköpserbjudande avseende resterande aktier i bolaget till övriga aktieägare. Det finns regler om budplikt i den svenska takeover-regleringen. Dessa regler är även föremål för EU-rättslig reglering.

Användbara och säkra mobila banktjänster : en studie med fokus på användaren

Anva?ndandet av internet i mobiltelefonen har o?kat drastiskt de senaste a?ren och detta fenomen inneba?r att ma?nniskor har tillga?ng till internet i sto?rre utstra?ckning a?n fo?rut. De svenska bankerna har tagit tillvara pa? denna trend genom att utveckla mobila bankapplikationer da?r de erbjuder sina kunder mo?jligheten att utfo?ra banka?renden med hja?lp av mobiltelefonen. A?ven om fo?rdelarna med denna tillga?ng a?r ma?nga, finns det a?nda? vissa nackdelar.

En digital publikations skapandeprocess : Dagens funktioner och framtidsvisioner

Detta projekt har haft som syfte att producera och grafiskt formge det kommande numret av tidskriftsapplikationen Scandinavian Architectural Review för förlaget It Is Media Svenska AB i Stockholm. Skapandet har utgått från applikationens tidigare grafiska profil och har ämnat att följa tidigare utseende och funktioner utan nya tillägg. Hela produktionen har skapats genom Adobe InDesigns tilläggstjänst Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. Efter att produktionen färdigställts har en analys gjorts av den färdiga applikationen enligt en heuristisk utvärdering ur ett människa-datorinteraktionsperspektiv, till vilken David Benyons tolv designprinciper har  tillämpats. Till stöd i analysarbetet har ett aktivitetsdiagram skapats för att ge en god överblick över hela tidskriftens disposition.

Ett skenbart anställningsskydd? : En arbetsrättslig studie av förutsättningarna för otillbörligt kringgående av reglerna om företrädesrätt tillåteranställning

The Employment Protection Act (1982:80) provides provisions regarding priority of re-employment. A few cases where these provisions have been subject to examination, have been discussed thoroughly in SOU 2014:55. In these cases the Labour Court has identified the question whether the provisions regarding priority of re-employment can be subject to circumvention in an illegal manner. The Labour Court has stated that it would be incompatible with the sense of justice if the provisions could be circumvented to the detriment of employees entitled to priority of re-employment. However, the Labour Court stated that certain conditions have to be imposed for the assessment.After analysis of the conditions, it is established that they are deemed to cause major difficulties for employees, why it is held that the purpose and the function of the conditions are not achieved. The purpose of the essay is therefore to investigate whether the application of the conditions imposed by the Labour Court, need to undergo modifications to meet the underlying purpose of the creation of the conditions.By reason of the difficulty with the conditions, the essay provides three different amendments in which two of the amendments are ascertained to not contribute to such an improvement that they should actually be applied.

Immobilisering av extremitetsfrakturer inom ambulanssjukvård : Ett pilotprojekt med SAM-splint

Within the ambulance care in Uppsala County a vacuum splint is used to immobilize fractures on extremities. The research available on which method of immobilizing to prefer during pre-hospital treatment is limited. The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the perceptions of the ambulance personal in Uppsala County on the issue of usability of SAM-splint and vacuum splint when immobilizing extremities. The project was also aimed at researching if SAM-splint could be seen as an alternative or a complement to vacuum splint, and to get an apprehension on any evident differences in patients? perceived pain when treated with the two different approaches. A descriptive comparative study was carried out. All patients, regardless of age and sex, with the need of immobilizing supposed fractures, were included.  Patients with suspected femur fracture, collum fracture, or where pre-hospital care was not possible or in question, was excluded.

Prevalence of selected infectious diseases in Samoan dogs

SCA is the largest private owned forest owner in Sweden, with an ownership of 2 million hectares of productive forestland. To manage the planning of such large areas and to fit the traditional organization structure of a Swedish forest company, the planning approach is subdivided into three stages; strategic, tactical and operational. The strategic part, based on a statistic sample of stands, returns a harvest level estimate which should then be implemented at actual sites in the tactical part. This procedure can lead to incompatible solutions as the strategic solution is not necessarily possible to translate into actual sites in the tactical plan. The geographic aspect is important in tactical planning due to the large costs for moving equipment and maintenance of a large number of forest roads.

Elektronisk parkeringsskiva

Mobiway AB är ett Sundsvallsbaserat företag som har utvecklat en tjänst föradministrering och bevakning av elektroniska parkeringsbiljetter. De vill nuexpandera sin verksamhet och skapa en egen parkeringstjänst ? en elektroniskparkeringsskiva. Mitt uppdrag har varit att utveckla och utvärdera enelektronisk parkeringsskiva för mobila enheter byggd i jQuery mobile. För attskapa en så användarvänlig och smidig sida som möjligt kommer alltinformationsutbyte att ske med AJAX kommunikation mot en RESTwebbtjänst.Projektet består av utveckling och utvärdering av en mobilwebbklient, en affärslogik byggd som en REST webbtjänst, en databas för attlagra all information samt en kundtjänst för att administrera tjänsten.Utvecklingen kommer att ske med en agil utvecklingsmetod.

Att översätta idiomatiska uttryck i japansk skönlitteratur : En jämförande studie av olika översättningsstrategier

In view of the difficulty of recruiting staff to care profession and in terms of the increasing need to find ways of ensuring a good language level in the profession, have an interest in language tests been revealed. The purpose of this paper is therefore to highlight the use of language tests for admission to the care courses for adults in Värmland. What provided This is a survey of the prevalence and an examination of the validity of the test. The issue that this study assumed is: How is language test in connection with admission to the certified health and social care courses for adults in Värmland? How well correlates intent of the use of the language test with the test's validity and reliability?The methods used to seek answers to these questions has been a combination of questionnaires and experiments.

Musik i förskolan

The objective of this graduate work is to gain a better understanding in how pre-school educators are able to work with music in their pre-school activity to promote child development. We also want to enlighten possible factors for the development of children based on music and to form our own ideas of whether teachers choose to apply music in their didactic practice or not.The point of this essay has been to attempt answering on what importance music makes for children's development and learning in pre-school, and how teachers could work with music in pre-school in order to promote children?s development. Our data consists of six interviews and two observations realized at a pre-school in Södertälje.We took heed from the theories laid out by Lev Vygotsky's which describe four different levels of development that includes educational development in social interaction between teacher and child. Our choice of this theory is inspired by our seeking deeper understanding of Vygotsky's theory´s application to the aesthetic approach in the interaction in meaning making and learning.The result of our study confirms previous theory and research in that music as a form of expression has a major impact on children's development.

Prototyp för skolapp

The consultancy firm Knowit sought a smartphone application for communication between schools and pupils. Together with the students, it was decided to create the app both for Android and for iPhone. The project would produce a prototype app with limited functionality usable as a proof-of-concept in communication with potential customers.The questions that have characterized the work are; what features would be demanded in a school app, how to program user-friendly functionality and how to use object-orientation to design such an app. A question has also mentioned the differences between development for iOS and Android. The work was done in an iterative process in which the students worked together with planning, programming and testing.

Epoxidised linseed oil as hydrophobic substance for wood protection : technology of treatment and properties of modified wood

Public concern about the release of toxic compounds from wood-based products drives legislation towards enforcing industries to find and use more sustainable solutions for wood treatment. Plant oils are good alternatives to treat wood, minimizing or even neutralizing the impact on the environment. Wood modification with epoxidised linseed oil (ELO) and acetic acid as catalyst has proven a suitable method to impregnate and protect wood. However, the mixture presents a serious inconvenience because of the quick polymerization of the ingredients that limits its practical application. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate an alternative method using a two-step process which bypassed the problem above.

Ny bebyggelse på Almöstrand - Planering av bostadområde i kuperad terräng

Tjörns kommun har planer på att bebygga Almön, en halvö belägen på nordöstra Tjörn intill Tjörnbron. Projektet är avgränsat till området som benämns Almöstrand, vilket är Almöns västra strand, en kuperad sluttning med kraftigt lutande partier som idag till största del består av skogsmark. Syftet är att undersöka hur man på olika sätt kan planera vägsträckningen i området, samt placering och utformning av hus, med hänsyn till en rad olika parametrar. Undersökningen visualiseras slutligen i 3D, i form av renderingar från Revit Architecture samt en fysisk modell.Initialt genomfördes en utredning för att ge beslutsunderlag till projektet. Vidare gjordes en fallstudie vilken har använts som referens och inspiration till arbetet.

Mobiltech AB Webbapplikation

Elektronikföretaget Mobiltech AB i Karlskrona, Blekinge, var i behov av en ny webbapplikation och visade sitt intresse i att låta oss utveckla en ny mer dynamisk lösning åt dem. Deras mål med systemet var att de själv enkelt via ett webbadministrations gränssnitt skulle kunna redigera alla information på deras företags webbsida. Systemet som helhet omfattas av kategorier, informationssektioner samt en erbjudande panel. Som via en lösning av kod struktur och design, som vi från grunden byggt upp för att passa de behov som finns, bildar en administrerbar sida. Vi utvecklade projektet genom att använda oss av PHP5 och MySQL5. Dessa tekniker är något som vi har använt oss av genomgående under våra år på utbildningen. Vi valde dessa tekniker efter att ha övervägt fördelar och nackdelar samt undersökt andra lösningar som vi känner till.

Appar eller ej inom Fleet Management-området

A recent trend in the technological evolution has been to increase the mobility of the end-user. A contributing factor is the fast rate of improvement in the smartphone area. This, in turn, has changed the expectations end-users have on the availability of services, which has allowed mobile applications, apps, to find their place in everyday life.This study has been conducted at Scania?s Fleet Management department that offers a web-based service where haulage contractors can administer, monitor and follow up on their vehicle fleets. The purpose of this study was to investigate if Scania?s existing web service should be extended into the mobile area, and if so, what organizational and technical challenges app development imposes.

Implementation of a Data Handling System for a Scientific  Magnetometer on a CubeSat

Since their invention in 1999, CubeSats have become a widespread standard for small picosatellite missions. CubeSats allow for quick development of satellite payloads and launch in space without the high costs of a normal satellite. Emphasis during the CubeSat design process is placed on use of commercialoff- the-shelf (COTS) components and reuse of previously-designed units.This report describes the interfacing of a scientific magnetometer, the Small Magnetometer in Low-Mass Experiment (SMILE) to such a CubeSat mission, the Space Weather using Ion spectrometers and Magnetometers (SWIM). Design of a complete platform for use in multiple such missions is presented here.Modularity is one of the key aspects followed in the course of the work. A new board containing the analog pick-up and compensation circuitry for SMILE has been designed to fit inside a CubeSat frame.

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