

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 51 av 67

Har du ens l?st domen? ? Domstolshandlingar som k?lla till samtida svensk prostitution

Prostitution has for a long time been an understudied field in economics. Due in part to a lack of quantitative and empirical material, itself largely a result of the illegality or semi-illegality of the activity in most countries, the factors that explain the prevalence of, and pricing in, prostitution have remained largely undiscussed. In the last 20 year, this have begun to change: new theories ? notably by Edlund & Korn (2002), Rao et al (2003) and Della Giusta et al (2009) ? have been formulated and the rise of internet based escort sites have made large scale quantitative studies possible. This thesis examines if, and in what way, court documents can help expand the understanding of the economics of prostitution in Sweden.

Att visualisera en utställning på Internet i Flash : - ett arbete för Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter C

SammanfattningSyftet med detta examensarbete har varit att, genom att kombinera kunskaperna inom interaktionsdesign med kunskaperna inom visuell kommunikation, ta fram en designlösning åt Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter C som presenterar innehållet i deras utställning ?Att visa det man inte kan se? på deras hemsida.För att nå detta syfte har utvalda teorier och metoder använts och i uppsatsen beskrivs designprocessen steg för steg - hela vägen från uppdragsbeskrivning, genom teorier och metoder till den färdiga designlösningen.Teorierna i denna uppsats handlar om interaktionsdesign, gränssnittsdesign, användbarhet, visuell kommunikation och teknik. Metoderna för att få reda på användarnas åsikter behandlar användartester, Card sorting, LoFi- och HiFi-prototyper.Resultatet av rapporten beskriver hur Adobe Flash kan användas för att skapa en interaktiv design för en webbsideapplikation med kontroll över interaktion, visuell kommunikation och användbarhet.Resultatet visar också hur användarnas återkoppling under användartesten påverkade slutresultatet. Resultatet visar även att en designprocess är olik från gång till gång men att det finns vissa riktlinjer som kan hjälpa en designer genom processen på ett kontrollerat sätt..

Extra! Extra! En studie i urval och nyhetsvärdering av push-notiser

This case study aims to find out whether the promotion of Swedish news through push technology, and the selection process behind it, obeys the traditional criteria of news values.A months-worth of push notifications, sent out by the mobile phone applications of newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Expressen, were analysed through the application of a number of taxonomies meant to determine their newsworthiness.These taxonomies were, however, based on 20th century media, and do not necessarily adapt well to analysis of digital news publication forms. The purpose of this study is therefore to find out which criteria are still relevant to the news selection behind a digitalformat such as push notifications; and which have become obsolete.The basis of this study is the criteria of news values originally designed by Galtung and Ruge in 1965 and revised by Harcup and O?Neill in 2001; as well as the model of assessing front page news proposed by Hvitfelt. The content analysis was conducted in a manner as similar to that of Harcup and O?Neill?s own study as possible, so as to constitute a re-revisal ?revamped for the digital age.Our results show that the criterion of ?frequency? ? that is the conformance between the time-span of an event and the publication frequency of a medium ? has acquired an ambiguous importance.

Personaliserade rådgivare ? en studie om relationer i bankernas Internettjänster

Problem: Den svenska bankmarknaden befinner sig under förändring. Och i takt med att världen med hjälp av tekniska innovationer blir mindre, blir det också lättare för globala storföretag att etablera sig på nya marknader. Konkurrensen tenderar att öka bland Sveriges banker och det kan leda till att det blir enklare för bankkunder att välja en annan bank. Nu är det upp till bankerna själva att erbjuda tjänster och produkter som motsvarar kundernas krav. Syfte: Uppsatsen ska undersöka attityder samt belysa vikten av relationer och förtroende till personliga rådgivare i banker.

Balansgången mellan forskning och praktik : En kvalitativ studie av familjebehandlares kunskapsinhämtning- och tillämpning i evidensbaserad praktik.

AbstractAuthors: Carolina Magnusson and Johanna MagnussonTitle:  The balance between research and practice. A study of family therapist?s knowledge retrieval and the application of evidence-based practice.Supervisor: Jan Petersson Assessor: Peter HultgrenDuring our research we discovered that a very small amount of research had been conducted about the effect of the social services. It inspired us to fulfill this study. The aim of the study is to describe and analyze what knowledge family therapists in two Swedish municipalities use in family therapy work.

Det beslöjade partiet : En diskursanalys avsverigedemokratiska texter

The Veiled Party: A Discourse Analysis of Sweden Democratic Texts aims to further the understanding of the underlying ideology of the Sweden Democratic party, by revealing whether or not there is any ideological content that include race, racialization, and racism in the party?s political texts. The study offers a background description of the discursive change in the social and political climate of debate in Sweden, which opened a policy window for xenophobic agenda setting. In addition, the study delivers a presentation of the public debate regarding the Sweden Democrats, as well as statements by party representatives.Through a social constructionist and discourse analytic framework, the study aims at understanding how the application of racial ideas are done and mapped. The core of the theoretical framework is a critical race and whiteness theoretical approach.

Flickors kroppsuppfattning och måltidsmönster : Förändring under pubertet och moderns betydelse

Within the ambulance care in Uppsala County a vacuum splint is used to immobilize fractures on extremities. The research available on which method of immobilizing to prefer during pre-hospital treatment is limited. The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the perceptions of the ambulance personal in Uppsala County on the issue of usability of SAM-splint and vacuum splint when immobilizing extremities. The project was also aimed at researching if SAM-splint could be seen as an alternative or a complement to vacuum splint, and to get an apprehension on any evident differences in patients? perceived pain when treated with the two different approaches. A descriptive comparative study was carried out. All patients, regardless of age and sex, with the need of immobilizing supposed fractures, were included.  Patients with suspected femur fracture, collum fracture, or where pre-hospital care was not possible or in question, was excluded.

Investigating the bond between research dogs and a familiar person and validation of the Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP)

In the dog-human relationship humans are the ones who provide the dog with safety and comfort. Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP), which was originally developed in humans to study the relationship between mothers and infants, has been modified to investigate the emotional bond research dogs have to a familiar person. Twelve research dogs were tested to investigate whether the dogs performed any behaviours indicating a secure-base effect, such as more exploration and play in the presence of a familiar person and proximity-seeking behaviours when this person is or has been absent. In the ASSP the dog enters a room with a familiar person, is introduced to a stranger, is left alone for a short period of time and experiences moments of separation and reunion. A second variation of the ASSP was added where the familiar person was replaced by another, to the dog, unfamiliar person.

Fostran som pedagogiskt projekt : Bilden av ?problembarnet? i statens offentliga utredningar

Titel: Fostran som pedagogiskt projekt. Bilden av ?problembarnet? i statens offentliga utredningar. (The bringing up of pupils as an educational project. The image of ?the problem child? in governmental committees).   This study focuses on the image of the problem child as it appears in two texts (from the 1940s and 1970s) of governmental committees on Public Health (SOU) and the new school law (Ds 2009:25, will be implemented in July 2011).

Mobil Portal bland hantverkare : En studie av implementering av en mobil applikationslösning bland hantverkare

Ibyggbranschen i Sverige idag strävas det efter att fortsätta utvecklingen av eneffektivisering gällande miljö, kvalitet och styrning.Samhället och byggbranchen har utvecklats och digitaliserats enormt de senasteåren, dock har vissa mindre delområden avstannat och det är bland annatdigitala metoder för arbetsordrar och registrering bland hantverkare.  Studien som är gjord syftar därför till att undersöka ifall det går atteffektivisera och digitalisera metoder gällande arbetsordrar och registrering.Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka ifall det går att effektivisera styrningen,miljöpåverkan, kvaliteten och ekonomiska delar bland byggföretag med hjälp aven mobil applikationslösning.I studien har jag valt att använda mig utav teori gällande miljö, kvalitet,styrning och finansiering där jag fördjupat mig i delar som är påverkningsbarmed hjälp av ett digitalt verktyg i form av en mobil applikation och dessfunktioner.För ett införande av applikationslösningen krävs det en invänjning och enmotivation ifrån hantverkarna eftersom att det innebär en stor förändringjämfört med den manuella metoden som använts under en längre tidsperiod. Detframgår att arbetsbelastningen för vissa delar i arbetet kan minska blandtjänstemännen vid  ett fullständigtinförande av den mobila portalen eftersom att vissa led försvinner när detgäller bland annat arbetsordrar och registrering. Jag kan konstatera att enförbättrad och förenklad version av applikationslösningen krävs för att få ettfullständigt införande bland hantverkarna..

Vägen till att bli en geisha : En jämförande litteraturanalys mellan romanerna Memoirs of a geisha och Shibazakura

In view of the difficulty of recruiting staff to care profession and in terms of the increasing need to find ways of ensuring a good language level in the profession, have an interest in language tests been revealed. The purpose of this paper is therefore to highlight the use of language tests for admission to the care courses for adults in Värmland. What provided This is a survey of the prevalence and an examination of the validity of the test. The issue that this study assumed is: How is language test in connection with admission to the certified health and social care courses for adults in Värmland? How well correlates intent of the use of the language test with the test's validity and reliability?The methods used to seek answers to these questions has been a combination of questionnaires and experiments.

SAB-SYSTEMETS AVDELNING Y : Dåtid, nutid, framtid

This Master's thesis concerns the classification of compact discs according to the Swedish classification system, SAB. The purpose of this thesis is to critically study and discuss category Y of the SAB-system and its application in Swedish public libraries. The classification system has undergone great changes from the first edition in 1921 until today. In 1921 there were no musical recordings in Swedish libraries, today they are responsible for a large part of the loans. We discuss how the system's category Y has corresponded with the musical development.

Variationer av klor, svavel och aska i havrekärna : odlingsfaktorernas inverkan på havrens bränsleegenskaper

The increasing oil prices during the last years have made it profitable to use cereal grains as a fuel. When compared with wood, cereals contain higher amounts of Cl, S and ash. The Cl and S content makes the gases from cereal combustion more corrosive than gases from wood combustion. The goal of this master thesis was to find out the variation of Cl, S and ash content for oat grain grown under different conditions. Oats was chosen because in Sweden it's considered as the cereal with the best fuel qualities.

MyMusic ? e-shop för musik i Flash

This is the end report of my final exam at Medieteknik. It covers the planning, work process and review of a Flash based web application that I set out to do. The goal was to create a user friendly, interactive e-shop with embedded functionality for playing music, displaying rich media content and researching possible payment solutions, to enable buying music files online. The project involved creating the user interface, the programmatic functionality of a Flash client (an SWF file). Also, setting up an Apache HTTP Server and establishing a working ?bridge? between the Flash client and the web server with Flash Remoting components and AMFPHP.

Allt som finns kvar : Om personarkiv hos föräldrar som förlorat små barn

The object of this two years master's thesis has been to study a specific genre of personal archives by examiningthe archives of nine parents who have lost one or several infants. Using internet-based methods, (e-mail, Skypeand digital photographs), I have conducted qualitative research using a general interview guide technique. Usingresearch from archival theory as well as other fields, my material has been arranged and analysed according tothemes and recurring thoughts picked up from my informants during the interviews.My main theoretical aid has been that the role of parent who has lost a child is the starting point for the creationof the personal archives. Another important theory is my definition of the term ?document? as not dependent onmedium and format, but on usage: if an object has been used as a part of an archive, it is a document.

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