

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 48 av 67

En osäker eller rätt(s)säker organisation? En hypotesprövande idealtypsanalys om gräsrotsbyråkraternas handlingsfrihet inom Arbetsmarknadsverket

Ever since Lipsky wrote about street-level bureaucrats in 1980 the main belief has been that certain characteristics of their jobs make it exceptionally difficult to severely reduce their discretion. However, discretion comes at a price and if public servants abuse their power the legitimacy of government is at risk and ultimately even the democracy.This thesis address this question by analysing the Swedish employment service which in the beginning of 2001 started a project called ?Af Sverige? trying to improve internal rule of law. By comparing two local and fairly equal jobcentres and how the street-level bureaucrats within use their discretion, I seek to find support for my hypotheses that organizing local jobcentres according to the principles of machine bureaucracy plays a significant part in reducing discretion.My findings show that a jobcentre characterised by strict rules, few units, good communications and a forthright manager who delegates formal power to the employees results in a stricter and more uniform application of regulations among the street-level bureaucrats. My conclusion is therefore unambiguous.

Exercise pens as an environmental enrichment for laboratory rabbits

This thesis analyzes the effects of different fertilization strategies on forest management at Holmen Skog in Umeå district. Harvesting volumes, net present values and fertilization intensity are presented for each fertilization scenario. The planning reserve (percentage area older than minimum final felling age) was also analyzed in this study.The thesis covers the analysis of five different fertilization scenarios, varying in fertilization intensity, from no fertilization at all, to fertilization at every harvesting operation (thinning or final felling). A sub-study was also carried out so the reader in detail can see how the different fertilization scenarios affect individual forest stands of different nature. The analysis has been done with the planning tool PlanWise, which is an application of the Heureka analysis and planning system.

Mobiltech AB Webbapplikation

Elektronikföretaget Mobiltech AB i Karlskrona, Blekinge, var i behov av en ny webbapplikation och visade sitt intresse i att låta oss utveckla en ny mer dynamisk lösning åt dem. Deras mål med systemet var att de själv enkelt via ett webbadministrations gränssnitt skulle kunna redigera alla information på deras företags webbsida. Systemet som helhet omfattas av kategorier, informationssektioner samt en erbjudande panel. Som via en lösning av kod struktur och design, som vi från grunden byggt upp för att passa de behov som finns, bildar en administrerbar sida. Vi utvecklade projektet genom att använda oss av PHP5 och MySQL5.

Visualisering av svarstider mellan mobila klienter och datacenter

Rapporten är en sammanställning av gruppens samlade erfarenheter och lärdomar av ett projekt vars syfte var att utveckla ett verktyg som ska visualisera svarstider mellan mobila klienter och datacenter. Genom att använda kontinuerlig prototypning har gruppen kunnat arbeta på ett användarna sätt för att uppfylla kundens verkliga behov. För att uppnå detta användes utvecklingsmetodiken Kanban. Under projektets gång anpassades metodiken för att bättra passa in i arbetet.Projektets användartester har lett till sammanfattande erfarenheter om visualisering av data. Visualiseringar som projektgruppen ansetts tydliga uppfattades inte alltid på samma sätt av användarna.

Patenträtt : En förbränningsmotors patenterbarhet

The Anglo-Saxon trust is not a new phenomenon, but existed as early as in the Middle Ages. The concept is customary among common-law countries, such as England the US,but unfamiliar to civil-law countries like Sweden. The person who creates the trust is called a settlor, the one who holds and administer the property is a trustee and the person who benefits from the settlement is called a beneficiary.In Sweden there is no legislation of how the trust ought to be assessed, but the need to understand it has probably increased with the internationalization.The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court has had a few opportunities to elucidate some of the uncertainties regarding trusts, but chose to abstain. With this The Swedish Tax Panel has very limited guidance from the court when they receive an application of an advance notice.A trust is not a legal entity nor a tax subject. This differs the trust from a foundation and they can not be placed on an equality from a Swedish tax perspective.In an advance notice, 2010-03-23 (dnr 103-09/D) om Inkomstskatt: Inkomst av tjänst ? värdepappersförmån, the Swedish Tax Panel equalizes the trust property with shares when determining how to tax the assets.

Radiotystnad resulterar i fullt kaos : En studie om Malaysia Airlines kriskommunikation

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

?Är det alldeles säkert att jag aldrig, aldrig mera får se honom?? : En studie av hur död och sorg skildras i tre bilderböcker

The aim of this study has been to investigate how the death of a close relative is described in pictures and texts through the eyes of a child character in three picture books. The analysis has also considered how the child character copes with the tragedy and how he or she finds support in the grief process. The books analysed here are Resan till Ugri-La-Brek (1987), Farväl, Rune (1986), and Jättebra Olga! (2010). Since these are works of fiction, this study does not assume that they are an accurate reflection of reality, but the way the child characters act and cope with their grief has been compared with the findings of empirical research on how children react in real situations.The material has been examined by means of a qualitative literary analysis comparing the books according to the research questions. The study finds that the child characters receive evasive explanations from people around them concerning what death means, for instance that the person is sleeping.

Implementeringen av Lagen om valfrihetssystem inom primärvården i Västmanlands län : -Information och styrning

Title: Older people's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the older peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.

Val av plattform för IBM WebSphere Application Server och IBM WebSphere Portal - Microsoft Windows Server 2003 jämfört med Linux med avseende på prestanda ur ett tekniskt och administrativt perspektiv

Idag finns två dominerande teknologier bland operativsystemen på servrar hos företag ochorganisationer. Dessa båda är Windows Server och Unix/unixliknande operativsystem där Linux ärdet vanligast förekommande. Att välja operativsystem kan göras utifrån olika parametrar somprestanda, inköps- eller licenskostnad, driftskostnad och kompetens inom organisationen. IBMWebSphere Portal är en produkt som kan installeras på bland annat Windows Server och Linux.Uppsatsen ämnade att undersöka vilka skillnader som kunde påvisas mellan Linux och WindowsServer 2003 som plattform för WebSphere Portal och därmed också för WebSphere ApplicationServer med avseende på teknisk prestanda och administrerbarhet. Genom en förstudieidenti"erades de viktigaste tekniska prestandafaktorerna till processoranvändning, RAMminnesanvändningoch hårddiskaktivitet.

Barns inflytande i förskolan : Fyra förskollärares erfarenheter av och syn på barns inflytande i förskolan

The purpose of this thesis has been to; based on interviews with four teachers in Stockholm city, get at picture of preschool teacher?s viewpoint on children?s influence in preschool.Research questions: How is the children`s influence looked upon by the teachers in preschool?, In what ways do children?s influence affect their learning, In what ways are the interviewed preschool teachers working with democracy in preschool?To carry out this thesis, I used the qualitative method. In the qualitative method, use is made of the interview method to collect empirical data with interviews. I interviewed four preschool teachers from three different preschools. This thesis is built upon John Dewey?s philosophical thinking as a theoretical base.The result of this thesis shows that all preschool teachers felt that the application of children?s influence in the daily activities, although complicated, is essential in their work.

MyMusic ? e-shop för musik i Flash

This is the end report of my final exam at Medieteknik. It covers the planning, work process and review of a Flash based web application that I set out to do. The goal was to create a user friendly, interactive e-shop with embedded functionality for playing music, displaying rich media content and researching possible payment solutions, to enable buying music files online. The project involved creating the user interface, the programmatic functionality of a Flash client (an SWF file). Also, setting up an Apache HTTP Server and establishing a working ?bridge? between the Flash client and the web server with Flash Remoting components and AMFPHP.

Användarstudie av OpenAL vid ljudstättningen av Clusterball 2

Idag finns en mängd olika ljudkort tillgängliga på marknaden och många av dessa kräver olika instruktioner för samma ändamål. Detta kan leda till stora problem för bland annat spelutvecklare, eftersom det är till fördel om spelet som skall publiceras kan fungera på så många olika datorer som möjligt. Målet med detta arbete är att ljudsätta Clusterball® 2, med OpenAL, Open Audio Library. OpenAL är ett API, Application Programming Interface, som år 2000 introducerades, främst för ljudsättning av datorspel. Detta verktyg används för att skapa realistiska, interaktiva tre dimensionella ljud.

Processorienterad arkivredovisning : Ny arkivredovisningsmodell tilla?mpad i fem svenska la?rosa?ten

The investigation analyzed the implementation and application of the Swedish National Archives' new Process-Oriented Archives Description Model to activities of the hierarchical, function-oriented and decentralized university organizations.The basic reason why a new archive description has evolved is because documents are becoming more and more digital. It requires a new interpretation of how evidence is secured for their reliability and authenticity, and a new way of looking at provenance, for the purpose of describing and searching electronic documents. The new archive description model's logical structure is based on business processes.The relationship between the new archive description and a function-oriented organization's activities can be seen from the different outlooks of processes between archive activities and activities of the organization. It is also reflected in the modification that all universities have made ??of the new archive description model to be more flexible and pragmatic to fit a function-oriented organization.The relationship between provenance and process-oriented archive description is mainly the link between documents and business processes that produce them.

Att integrera ett barnperspektiv: en kvalitativ studie om barnperspektivets status i handläggning av ekonomiskt bistånd

The main purpose of this study was that, in the light of theories of how street level bureaucrats may affect the implementation of political decisions, examine and analyze the social workers interpretations of the child perspective's impact on the handling of social assistance, and what opportunities and/or limitations they feel that the organizational preconditions means for the application. The survey had a qualitative research approach and consisted of eight thematic interviews with a total of ten respondents operating in five different municipalities. Eight of the respondents were social workers dealing directly with social assitance and two had managerial positions. The results of the interviews were then analyzed with the help of an actor-structure approach to implementation and Michael Lipskys theory of street-level bureaucrats and their role as policy makers. The results of the survey showed that the respondents had relatively similar views on the child perspectives implications for work with social assistance.

Mittuniversitetets Android-app : Studentportalen som mobilapplikation

Detta projekt går ut på att skapa en stabil och användbar mobilapplikation utvecklad i programspråket Java. Syftet är att underlätta åtkomsten och kommunikationen mellan Studentportalen och studenterna. Slutprodukten är Mittuniversitetets inofficiella applikation, kallad Mittuniversitetets Android-app. som begränsas i första hand till enheter med operativsystemet Android. Genom undersökningar, gjorda via både Mittuniversitetets studentportal i form av en enkät och fysiskt på Mittuniversitetet campus Sundsvall i form av muntliga intervjuer, utreds vilka områden studenterna helst vill ha i applikationen och det är utefter dessa som applikationen utformas.

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