

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 47 av 67

Gödslingsstrategins inverkan på Holmen Skog, Umeå distrikt

This thesis analyzes the effects of different fertilization strategies on forest management at Holmen Skog in Umeå district. Harvesting volumes, net present values and fertilization intensity are presented for each fertilization scenario. The planning reserve (percentage area older than minimum final felling age) was also analyzed in this study.The thesis covers the analysis of five different fertilization scenarios, varying in fertilization intensity, from no fertilization at all, to fertilization at every harvesting operation (thinning or final felling). A sub-study was also carried out so the reader in detail can see how the different fertilization scenarios affect individual forest stands of different nature. The analysis has been done with the planning tool PlanWise, which is an application of the Heureka analysis and planning system.

Anpassad skötsel - exempel på hyggesfritt skogsbruk i Mellannorrland :

Total protection is often the option chosen when protecting forests with high environmental values. An alternative to total protection is application of management regimes that do not interrupt continuity of tree cover. This study focuses mainly on continuous cover forestry (CCF) in forest stands already protected. All objects are situated in the county of Jämtland in northwest Sweden. The purpose of the study was to attain a greater knowledge about CCF practices.

Digital Materia

Med tankar från pedagogen Montessori och filosoferna Platon och Baudrillard har detta arbete behandlat frågor om datorn och dess betydelse för en grafiker. Frågeställningen formulerades efter hand och lydde tillslut: ?Hur kan materia te sig i digital form?? Forskningen resulterade i en hypotes för hur digital materia skulle födas i datorn: genom att blanda två uppsättningar av data, såsom två genuppsättningar tillsammans skapar en ny organism. Under produktionen utvecklades därmed en metod för hur en grafiker ska kunna skapa tillsammans med en dator. Syftet är att ge andra grafiker ett nytt sätt att se på digital grafik.

Manusutveckling av digitala läromedelsapplikationer i matematik : En studie av samtida pedagogisk forskning och utveckling av applikationsmanus för matematikämnet i gymnasieskolan

In a world where digital media is becoming a greater part of people?s everyday and working lives it is plausible to assume that the upcoming generation of pupils expect the teaching media to adapt thereafter. It is this assumption of an increased demand that Natur & Kultur is hoping to be able to meet. This thesis has been a stage in the process of producing digital material in the subject of mathematics for high school students. Specifically the aims of this thesis have been to make a rough description of the largest competitive companies? products within the same market, explore and put together a brief theoretical foundation of contemporary research and produce concrete examples of ideas for digital applications.

Arbetsgivares primära förhandlingsskyldighet enligt 11 § medbestämmandelagen

The employer is obligated to call for negotiation on his own initiative, before he makes decisions in questions, which constitute important changes of the employer?s business or of the worker?s working conditions and terms of employment. The obligation to negotiate is reserved to the organisations, which the employer has collective agreements with. But what does the concept of important changes mean? What areas are included in the concept of important changes, according to legal framework and case law? How extensive is in fact the employer?s obligation to negotiate? The purpose of this report has been to seek answers to the above-mentioned questions, through partly describing how the employer?s obligation to negotiate has developed, and partly describing how the codes of negotiations in the Employment (Co-Determination in the Workplace) Act of 1976 are raised and applied.

Airtours : Slutet för begreppet kollektiv dominerande ställning?

Both the Commission and the Community Courts have on several occasions stated that a concentration that will cause the creation or strengthening of an oligopoly under certain circumstances might cause what?s referred to as a collective dominant position in the market. The concept of collective dominant position has gained a lot of criticism for being poorly defined and thereby create an uncertainty. The Commissions approach when applying the concept has also gained criticism for its lack of consistency. As a consequence of the Court of First Instances (CFI) decision in the case Airtours v.

Upphandling av all inclusive-resor : En studie av researrangörers arbete med hållbar utveckling

All inclusive travel has become a popular way to travel abroad. When tourists pay for everything in advance their need for contact with the local people will be reduced. The consequences of this can be dissatisfaction from the local people as they are left out and do not share the financial benefits created by tourism. During the purchasing cycle of an all inclusive travel, it is possible that the tour operator can influence a sustainable development.The aim of this paper is to compare how a large and a small tour operator in their purchase of all inclusive holidays interacts with local players to create sustainable development, thereby creating a surplus value to the customer. The hypothesis is that the amount of knowledge and application of this knowledge regarding sustainable development differs in the purchase process between large and small tour operators.This paper was carried out as a case study.

Implementering av ESG-kriterier i investeringspraxis : En studie om venture capital-företag i Sverige

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how venture capitalists implement ESG issues internally, as well as before the investment decision and during the investment period.Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework consists of previous studies that identify different driving forces behind the work of the ESG and present a number of different strategies for implementing ESG issues in the investment process.Method: This study aims at providing an understanding of a phenomenon which implies an inductive approach. This thesis applies a qualitative method of data collection in the form of semi-structured interviews. The sample in this study consists of venture capital companies that were members of the SVCA (Swedish Venture Capital Association) during the time of the survey, 2015.Result: The empirical findings in this thesis consist of a presentation of the data that was generated from eleven interviews conducted with eleven different investors in the venture capital sector.Conclusion: This study indicates a lack of written policies regarding internal work with ESG-issues which were offset by the application of the "unwritten" policies. Implementation of ESG-issues during the pre-investment phase was dominated by an avoidance of investments in sectors which lead to a negative impact on society. During the post-investment phase ESG-issues was integrated by monitoring the portfolio companies' operations.

Äldre motionärers upplevelser av motionsträning: en beskrivande intervjuundersökning

Title: Older people's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the older peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.

Barnets bästa i asylprocessen : En kvalitativ studie om asylhandläggarnas tolkning och tillämpning av barnets bästa gällande barnfamiljer

The purpose of this study is to describe and understand how the principle of the child?s best interest in the asylum process for families with children is interpreted and implemented in practice by the asylum bureaucrats at the Swedish Migration Agency. Our questions are:?How is the best interest of the child in families with children interpreted by the asylum bureaucrats at the Swedish Migration Agency??"How are asylum bureaucrats at the Swedish Migration Agency reasoning about the implementation in practice of the child's best interest in families with children?The essay rests upon semi-structured interviews with eight asylum bureaucrats at three different asylum units. The interviews are based on an interview guide together with a vignette, which purpose was to see how the interviewees are implementing the best interest of the child in a specific case of a potential application.

Varumärkning för småföretag

In this degree project a study of the importance of a graphic identity to companies has been done. A questionnaire among small companies in Dalarna has beenmade. From this, three sets of graphic profile-program have been formed andthese are suitable for new companies. Finally a practical application has been made on Greenfield in Mora, a graphic profile has been designed.To cause an identity is to prove that someone or something exists by individualizingand distinguish. Every individual or company has its qualities or charasteristics.The way to a desirable identity is going by a corporate identity-program that containsthe companies strategies, people, products, buildings, trademarks, graphic design.

Design av PID-regulator baserad på kommersiell processormodul

The idea to develop  a platform for a PID-controller came from the need to control the temperature in  an espresso machine in a more exact way than a thermostat could perform. In discussions with Syntronic AB the idea developed into PID-control for industrial use. Syntronic AB suggested that the platform should be based on a commercially available processor module to shorten the development time. The suggestion included the use of the microcomputer Raspberry Pi, which supports USB, HDMI, memory card and Ethernet.The work began with establishing a schedule for the 10 weeks of the projects duration, and after that a system specification listing all functions, implementation and limitations was made. When the foundation of the system specification was done, a preliminary system design took shape.Because of the Raspberry Pi´s lack of Analog-to-Digital converter, a circuit board containing Wheatstone bridges, differential amplifiers and a two channel Analog-to-Digital converter was fabricated.

Tillsats av biokol till en svensk sandjord : effekter på lustgasavgång, kväveretention och andel vattenfyllda porer

In a column experiment the effect of three different biochars on nitrous gas emissions, nitrogenretention and water filled pore space (WFPS) were studied in a Swedish sandy soil, classified as aCryopsamment. Ammonium retention was positively correlated, while KCl-extractable ammoniumwas negatively correlated, with the specific area of the biochars. The question was raised whether thenegative correlation between extractable ammonium and biochar specific area reflects the amount ofammonium present in the soil or its extractability from the biochar, and whether methods forextracting soil mineral nitrogen, like KCl-extractions, have to be modified for application on biocharamended soils. There was a tendency of increased nitrate retention and KCl-extractable nitrate withbiochar and KCl-extractable nitrate was positively correlated with the specific area of the biochar. pHwas higher for all biochars compared with control, although the differences were not significant, andWFPS was lowered by biochar addition, significantly in one case.

Karaktärisering, utvärdering och avsättning av Stena Metalls magnetiska fines

With a growing population on earth the amount of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) and other scrap steel increases. The European Directive 2000/53/CE? requires a minimum of 95 % reuse and recovery and 85 % re-use and recycling no later than 1 January 2015, for end-of life vehicles. This imposes a need for more efficient recycling and recovery. Despite this shredder residue (SR) is commonly land filled.This report investigated the magnetic fines residue generated at Stena Metall shredder facility in Halmstad, Sweden.

Teknisk och ekonomisk analys av en bränslekonvertering vid SIA TallOils pelletsfabrik :

At SIA TallOil's pellets factory in Latvia wood shavings and saw dust are dried with flue gases from a gas burner. TallOil wants to replace the gas with a biofuel that is available at the pellet plant. The reason for this is the unstable gas market in Europe in combination with the fact that TallOil wants to improve its profile as supplier of renewable bio fuels. In this project the technical and economical possibilities for a fuel conversion to ether bark powder, wood shavings or wood powder have been investigated. These fuels should be burned in one of the following applications: TPS BioSwirl, VTS Multifuel burner or Saxlunds bio fuel combustion plant Due to the fact that the fuel alternatives available are relatively common except for bark powder, the work has mainly been focused on bark powder.

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