

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 3 av 67

Application development for automated positioning of 3D-representations of a modularized product

This thesis presents an application that performs positioning of modules automatically based on given data for every module, and the development of it. The basis of the application is from a previous thesis code. On top of that code, more features and error handling has been added, as well as fixes for various bugs. A stress test has been performed and further development possibilities are being presented.The thesis work was carried out at Toyota Material Handling Mjölby (TMH) and was made in parallel with another thesis by Fredrik Holden who was generating data for the application. For a complete understanding of the theory and background, please also read Holden?s thesis report ?Development of method for automated positioning of 3D-representations of a modularized product?, as well as the former thesis  ?Analysis for Automated Positioning of 3D-representation of a Modularized product??..

Geografiska informationssystem på internet : en webbaserad GIS-applikation för kalknings- och försurningsinformation i Kronobergs län

GIS on the Internet is a rather new phenomenon, which has evolved from the need ofdistributed geographical data. It is also a powerful tool for presenting information on theInternet. This master thesis aim to create a web based GIS application with information onlime spreading and the situation concerning acidification in the county of Kronoberg, Sweden.The web based GIS application will be used by the county administrations in Kronoberg toinform the public and the municipal authorities of current counteracting acidification activity.This report includes documentation on acidifying processes and liming activities, which arepublicised together with the web based GIS application. The web based GIS application wascreated with ArcIMS, a new program in the ESRI family of GIS programs. The programincludes a guided structure, to development of everything from a map to a complete GISapplication, including mapservice and websites.

MeasureApp : Utveckling av en Android-applikation fo?r ma?tning och kartvisning med hja?lp av GPS

The objective of this project was to develop an application for mobile phones using the Android operating system. The main goal was, with the help of GPS, to pinpoint locations, measure distance traveled and illustrate the progress on a map. Functionalities for just showing the map, fetching addresses and saving to a database was also implemented. The result of the work was a proper application, called MeasureApp, that fulfills the goals set in the planning stages of the project. MeasureApp can be used to measure distances where accuracy is not a main factor, i.e walks or runs.

Framtagning av en ny sårhake

Examensarbetet har genomförts i samarbete med innovationsföretaget ProboNova Medical Innovations AB. ProboNova jobbar främst med konceptframtagning av medicintekniska produkter. ProboNova tar sedan en Provisional Patent Application på konceptet och licenserar ut det till ett större företag. Genom att licensera ut koncepten slipper de kostnaderna för kliniska tester bland annat. Examensarbetet grundades i att ProboNova ville ha hjälp med att ta fram ett koncept på en ny sårhake. Projektet har genomsyrats av designprocessen där förstudie och idégenerering har varit de två dominerande delarna. I slutet av projektet presenterades ett koncept som uppfyllde alla krav och detta koncept togs det senare en Provisional Patent Application på. Tanken är att examensarbetet ska ge läsaren en bättre förståelse för hur man kan jobba med designprocessen och lära sig fördelarna med att välja en Provisional Patent Application istället för en Nonprovisional ansökan..

Projektering av passersystem : En studie i användarstöd vid offertarbete för ARX passersystem

To have a tool that guides you when you work with a complex system can be helpful since the complexity of the work can be reduced. In this thesis I explore the possibilities to use a helper application whilst planning installations of access control systems. The purpose of the application is to provide support during the planning and at the same time make the user aware of the limitations that exist in the access control system ARX Access. By combining early user input and the theory of formativity, the result became an application written in Java..

En problemlösningsapplikation för Sveriges schackförbund

The purpose of this project was to investigate whether it was possible to develop a type of application, where users would solve chess problems. The main goal of the project was that there would exist an functional application after the study has ended with which users could solve chess problems on a computer. One subgoal of the project was to create corresponding application for mobile phones. The study was limited to require users to have at least Internet Explorer 9 +. For other browsers, there were no corresponding limitations.

Hur kan en applikation anpassas till Windows Phone? : En studie som visar utvecklingsprocessen för en smartphone-applikation.

The most common types of smartphones in Sweden are iPhone and Android. Development in the IT feld is constantly changing and Windows Phone is a new operating system that has been introduced on the Swedish market in 2010. However, Windows Phone user interface is quite different from iPhone and Android.The numbers of applications for smartphones are increasing, and users are making greater demands on better  usability. Users want the application to be easy to understand and fast to bring into play.  If the application contains a bug or has other user problems, it can ruin the entire experience. If the user does not have a good experience of the application, the user will quickly stop using the application.Companies that do not have any mobile applications would probably begin with an iPhone application.

Utveckling av applikation för android-plattformen : Förenklad medicinering genom ny teknik

The objective of this project was to develop an application for mobile phones using the Android operating system. The main goal was, with the help of GPS, to pinpoint locations, measure distance traveled and illustrate the progress on a map. Functionalities for just showing the map, fetching addresses and saving to a database was also implemented. The result of the work was a proper application, called MeasureApp, that fulfills the goals set in the planning stages of the project. MeasureApp can be used to measure distances where accuracy is not a main factor, i.e walks or runs.

Inbäddade kartor för geografiska presentationer på webbsidor

This is a survey of different techniques that may be used for embedding geographicdata into web pages. Different models of GIS communication are examined and a testsubject in the form of an application is implemented and evaluated.The test application (?StudentKarta? eng. ?Student Map?) lets students submit theirresidential data and shows their position as pins on an embedded Map.An expire date is used to let the pins fade away and disappear.The application uses the popular Google map engines to display the geographicalpresentations.

Utveckling av Androidapplikation för airsoft

An Android-application that is intended to be used during airsoftgames (a gamesimilar to paintball) has been developed. In this application, which is called TactiX,players can join different teams and see their team members on a map. Through theapplication players can interact with one another in a variety of ways. They can send text messages, give orders and send drawings to each other. Players can also make observations of enemy players on the map.

Hybridåterförsäljare-­ ett strategiskt vägval? : En fallstudie av Scandinavian Photo

Bakgrund: Framväxten av Internet hade stor inverkan på många branscher. Det talades både om den potential som E-handeln hade och det hot den utgjorde mot traditionella butikshandlare. Att E-handel har förändrat många branscher är tydligt men också att återförsäljare börjar kombinera E-handel med fysiska försäljningskanaler. Traditionella företag har i många fall öppnat en E-handel för att svara på konkurrensen och en hel del har skrivits om detta i forskningen. Vad som dock fortfarande är relativt outforskat är E-handlare som väljer att öppna fysiska försäljningskanaler.Syfte: Syftet är att studera hur ett E-handelsföretag inom återförsäljning går till väga när det öppnar butiker och skaffar sig en hybrid distributionsstruktur.Genomförande: Vi har valt att göra en fallstudie av företaget Scandinavian Photo som i huvudsak baseras på intervjuer genomförda på deras huvudkontor i Jönköping samt i deras butik i Stockholm.Resultat: Vad som karaktäriserat strategin för fallföretaget är att den verkar ha vuxit fram över tid snarare än yttrat sig som ett rationellt vägval.

Kommunikation med drivlina : Implementering av seriell kommunikation och LabView-gra?nssnitt fo?r DSPer i drivlina

The objective of this project was to develop an application for mobile phones using the Android operating system. The main goal was, with the help of GPS, to pinpoint locations, measure distance traveled and illustrate the progress on a map. Functionalities for just showing the map, fetching addresses and saving to a database was also implemented. The result of the work was a proper application, called MeasureApp, that fulfills the goals set in the planning stages of the project. MeasureApp can be used to measure distances where accuracy is not a main factor, i.e walks or runs.

End-to-End Application Billing in 3G

We have 3G on the doorstep but nothing seems to attract ordinary people to this technology. To attract the mass market the telecom industry must show something beyond high bit rates. They must show how ordinary people can take advantage of this new technology. This is done by showing the possibilities of the new technology and by demonstrating applications that it will handle. The telecom industry must convince the telecom operators to invest in this technology and the only thing that matters to them is how much revenue they can make by adopting the upcoming technology.

It is not all about the money ? A study on factors that have an impact on perceived quality in public sector

The aim of this report is to give the reader insight into the development of theweb-based accounting application SuperBooky. Accounting is a complex task thatmany beginner entrepreneurs struggle with. The development of this application wastherefore focused on making accounting as convenient and as easy as possible. Theend product targets small enterprises and its functionality was designed with this inmind.To make sure that the application was designed in a user-friendly way, polls werecarried out among individuals with basic accounting knowledge. These polls werethen used as a basis when the application was under development, to ensure that itwas well-suited to the target audience.This project was carried out as a bachelor?s thesis for Chalmers University of Technologyand University of Gothenburg during Spring 2015.

Uppgradering av stabilitetsberäkningsprogrammet NYSTAB

This is a report founded on a project by Atlas Copco called NYSTAB.  The application Nystab is a calculation program that can calculate the stability of the rockdrill-rigs made by Atlas Copco. The original version of Nystab is stored in a database from 1997 and the code is made in an old version of Visual Basic. My assignment was to develop the application in to a newer programming environment and make it last better in the upcoming years. The software I decided to use to accomplish this project is C# .NET in Visual Studio and Microsoft Access 2010. All the code is written in C# with some insertions from ADO.NET which helped me to easier connect the code with the database.The coding part was split into two pieces; the first was to develop the application scale done with Windows Forms, the second was to write the code for calculations in the application.

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