9514 Uppsatser om Personal approach - Sida 62 av 635
Några rehabiliteringspatienters upplevelser av påverkan och kontroll i samband med rehabilitering efter cerebrovaskulär skada
The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of how patients following cerebral vascular attacks percieve personal Control and their ability to influence the course of their rehabilitation. Specific questions relating to the concept of Health Locus of Control such as perception of personal responsibility and own influences as well as the recognition of the influence of outside phenomena such as faith, luck and divine power were asked for. The empirical findings of this study were based upon semistrucutural interviews with five respondents. The results showed that the respondents efforts, together with the efforts of others were a necessity in successful rehabilitation. The influence of faith or luck on the other hand, was not percieved as a factor for success.
Att vinna eller försvinna när alla får varsin dator : En-till-en-satsningar och dess inverkan på delaktighet, självbild och lärande för gymnasieelever i behov av särskilt stöd
The purpose of this study was to investigate how high school students felt that the computer helped or hindered participation and self-esteem in the learning situation and if the students experienced any differences between when they had been relatively alone in using a computer compared to when everyone had their own computer. The starting point was the national one-to-one projects made to give every student access to a personal computer and how it affected students in special educational needs and previous research. The theoretical approach was based on socioculture/activity theory and theories of self-esteem. Ten high school students in grade one at a senior high school that previously had started up a one-to-one project was interviewed. The results showed that the students primarily used the computer to write and to search the Internet, but even as a alternative or compensatory tool.
Rekrytering av IT-tjänster : Handeringen av arbetskraftsbrist i en kunskapsintensiv sektor
Nedgången bland IT-företagen efter att bubblan sprack runt millennieskiftet ledde till att färre studenter sökte sig till de IT-relaterade utbildningarna och många redan utbildade hade svårt att hitta arbete. När konjunkturen vände för bara något år sedan, skapades ett motsatt förhållande. Idag finns det en stor vilja hos företagen att expandera sin verksamhet, men den bristande arbetskraften sätter stopp för utvecklingen. Antalet sökande till landets utbildningar är fortsatt lågt.Arbetet avser att undersöka hur dagens företag marknadsför sig och motiverar den utbildade personal som finns på marknaden. Vi har genom en intervjustudie försökt att se på hur företagen gör för att attrahera och locka ny personal.
Svensk undsättningsförmåga
I takt med att Försvarsmakten ökar sitt internationella engagemang ökar också riskerna för att svensk personal ska bli isolerad, tillfångatagen eller kidnappad. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om svensk undsättningsförmåga är tillräcklig för de insatser som Försvarsmakten genomför internationellt.Det kan konstateras att flera faktorer bidrar till ett behov av en undsättningsförmåga. Försvarsmakten har en moralisk skyldighet mot sin personal att göra allt för att se till att de kommer hem ifall något skulle hända dem. Försvarsmakten har heller inte råd att få personal kidnappad då det genom media och hemmaopinion kan ge ett högt tryck på politiker vilket i sin tur kan leda till att Försvarsmakten tvingas dra sig ur en insats. Förvarsmakten måste även kunna ansvara för sig själv och inte förlita sig på att en annan nation ska lösa problemet när situationen inte kan hanteras.
Vitamin- och mineraltillskott för barn : Utbud, innehåll samt kunskap och attityder kring dessa produkter hos personal vid apotek och hälsokosthandel
Background:Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a complex clinical condition. The higher survival rate after heart attack and other heart diseases, plus aging population, has led to more CHF patients. Symptoms can have negative impact on exercise capacity, ability to perform activities of daily living and quality of life. Heart failure clinics have been established to help better quality of life. Helping to stabilize and maintain patients´ health can reduce the need of hospital admission.
Gränsen mellan aktiv och passiv försäljning. En analys av konkurrensreglerna på marknaden för anläggningsmaskiner
The essay focuses on the blacklisted restriction of passive sales in the block exemption to Article 101 TFEU on vertical agreements. It confirms the authors' thesis that the distinction between active and passive sales do not cause any problems in the theory, but that the reality shows the opposite. The analysis further shows that more detailed guidelines probably would not solve the problem but rather it is the objectives behind the rules and practice that causes confusion.The essay questiones whether the changes in the new guidelines for the block exemption also involves a change in the Commission's approach to the restrictions on passive sales when the same purposes as before lies behind the rules, where the goal of an integrated market is the most important. The impact of the so called "economic approach" within practice since the 1990s, when it was first introduced, suggests that changes are slow. The essay requests a greater openness to the fact that the realization of a single market and the desire to move closer to the commercial reality of companies collide.One proposed solution is given, where the rules would be designed so that 'absolute territorial protection' is prohibited, contractually and de facto, and that it is left open for companies to determine if their actions lead to this.
Lärande organisation ur ett medarbetarperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetarnas uppfattningar om det gemensamma lärandet på en förskoleenhet
The purpose of this essay is to develop knowledge about how learning among employees is perceived to occur practically in a pre-school unit seen as a learning organization. From an employee perspective the intention was to gain an understanding of how they perceive the organization regarding employee learning in the workplace when it comes to in which contexts and what conditions that enable collaborative learning. Because learning organization is mostly a vision from a management perspective thereby it should in this case mostly be viewed as the context in which the employees work in.The essay is based on a qualitative research approach with eight semi-structured interviews. It was based on hermeneutics as method of analysis with the intention to gain an understanding of the employees' subjective perception. It is a case study on a selected pre-school unit in Stockholm.
Nationellt uppdrag och internationellt samarbete ? Nationalbibliotekens bevarandemetadata för digitalt skapat material
The National Libraries task to save and preserve the national cultural heritage has turned to a new challenge in a digital world. The preservation of born-digital material for future use requires not only saving the digital object itself but also information about the object, preservation metadata. This is a relatively new issue and the library community has very little experience in this area. It has become evident that international cooperation is necessary to solve the task and that the development of international standards is of fundamental significance. This thesis investigates what has been done to meet the problems with the fast obsolescence of digital material with the focus on metadata.
Kapitalstruktur i banker, en jämförelse mellan Storbritannien, Sverige och USA
Background and problem: The importance of banks was clearly shown during the last financial crises, when the crises that started in the banking sector spread to the rest of the world. This is one of the reasons that this thesis is focused on banks in particular, one other reason is that a lot of previous studies has chosen to exclude banks because of the fact that their balance sheet differ from non-financial companies. This thesis is a beginning in filling in the gap that exists in the knowledge of banks capital structure. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to prove that it is possible to explain the capital structure in banks and that differences in the capital structure of the banks in Great Britain, Sweden and the United states of America exists. Method: The fact that our study is partly a replication of two earlier studies made a deductive approach most appropriate.
Matematik och flerspråkighet : När invandrarelever lyckas
The aim of this paper is to investigate and analyze practices in multilingual classrooms of mathematics in a compulsory school in Sweden where immigrant students have been known to succeed. The school is situated in a suburban and segregated area outside a major city where pupils come from mainly limited socio-economic backgrounds. The rate of second language learners are 70% of all pupils in this school.By using ethnographic methods, mainly interviews and participant observation, data was collected in four mathematics classrooms which corresponded to consecutive ages of education. The data include field notes and observation of artifacts in the environment as well as interviews and informal conversations with teachers and school leadership. Information from the school website, the authority in charge of quality in Swedish schools (Skolverket) and the municipality were also used.The analysis is based on a socio-political viewpoint that power is relational and reflected within schools.
Förstudie av utbildningshjälpmedel och beslutsstöd för Rules of Engagement inom svenska Marinen
Förstudiens syfte var att kartlägga användarbehov kring ROE inom svenska Marinen och ta fram stöd och hjälpmedel för att underlätta ROE-arbetet. I kartläggningen medverkade personal från olika staber, förband och skolor inom Försvarsmakten. Flertalet deltog sedan också i det iterativa utvecklingsarbetet. Tre användargrupper urskiljdes; Stabs- och fartygspersonal samt personal under utbildning. Några av de svårigheter som identifierades; Tolkningsskiljaktigheter mellan stabs- och fartygspersonal.
Konstruktionen av sverigedemokraternas väljare : En kritisk diskursanalys av svensk nyhetspress i samband med eftermälet till 2010 års riksdagsval
AbstractTitle: Konstruktionen av sverigedemokraternas va?ljareAuthor: Magnus Persson & Max LindbergTutor: Leonor Camaue?rCourse: Bachelor thesis, Media and communication. The aim of this essay is to use a Critical Discourse Analytical (CDA) approach to analyse the construction of the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) voters in news articles to see if and how they are separated as a group from the Swedish democratic community. This aim is broken down into two questions.How are the Sweden Democrats (SD) voters constructed in news articles in Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Aftonbladet (AB) regarding the aftermath of the national elections?What differences are there between the portrayal of the Sweden Democrats voters and the agents that are used as opposition to them?To answer these questions we have used CDA. We have taken our approach from a modified version of Teun Van Dijks CDA model for analysing news articles.
Att arbeta i grupp, är det en bra metod? : En kvalitativ studie av tre lärares syn på och erfarenheter från att arbeta med eleverna i grupp och med grupparbeten i grundskolan
The purpose of this study is to discuss various approaches to group work and the importance of different approaches in relation to group work in schools. The study also looks at the results of the children working in different groups and constellations.This study is based on what previous research, literature and the tree teachers say about the subject group work and group divisions. Issues: Is there any kind of group work that always works? Does the structure of the tasks have any effect on the outcome? Is there any good reason to choose the teamwork approach that? The method I chose is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach to the analysis. Three teachers were interviewed; result is presented in themes and concludes with a brief summary.
I en ny allmänhets tjänst : - En studie om Public Service i ett förändrat medielandskap
ABSTRACT Title: The new Public ServiceAuthors: Hanna Haeggström, Sara Marklund, Madeleine OlssonLevel: Bachelor thesis in Media and Communications Studies Supervisor: Olof HulténLocation: School of Communication and Design, University of Kalmar, spring 2008Language: SwedishNumber of pages: 55There is an ongoing change of the media industry where new types of media emerge as a result of technological advancements. The audience and their use of the media have changed where available range has expanded while the size of the audience has remained the same. For media companies this implies a fight for the audience, where the right approach is vital for keeping as well as attracting new customers. Public service is an issue under current debate and its future role in the media industry has been brought into question. This survey investigates the roll of public service in Scandinavia in a new and changing media industry and how they should act to be important for their audience.
Aktiv Omsorg : Aktiviteter och deras inverkan på välbefinnandet utifrån ett brukar- och personalperspektiv
The purpose of this study is to investigate how activities in elderly care matters to well-being among elderly people, from both user perspective and staff perspective. The study is made out of a qualitative method, this to create a deep-going understanding of how the people participating in the investigation are experiencing the impact of activities on well-being from their unique situation. Personal interviews have been used as method. Six persons were participating, three elderly persons and three persons working as staff. All interviews were made in a ?short-time? ward in the county of Västernorrland.The result of the investigation shows that the elderly people that were interviewed not directly related the participation in activities to feelings of well-being.