9514 Uppsatser om Personal approach - Sida 40 av 635
I klass med alla andra - två fallstudier om grundskoleplacerade särskoleelevers upplevelser av sin skolvardag
The number of students in the program for pupils with intellectual disabilities has drastically increased over the last decades. Most of those pupils, but far from all, are attending special classes. Today approximately 22 % are attending classes in compulsory school. The purpose of this paper is, from a social psychological perspective, to increase the knowledge and understanding of how pupils with intellectual disabilities, partly or fully attending the compulsory main-stream school, experience their school-days. This paper is composed of two case studies for which the empiric material has been collected through interviews and observations.
Tankar om pedagogrollen : en vetenskaplig essä om vad som utmärker en god pedagog i dagens förskola
In this essay I reflect on what makes a good preschool teacher today. I discuss the importance of education, the importance of experience and practical knowledge, but also the importance of capacity for self-reflection and listening. I bring up examples from my workplace, where some think more about their limitations than on what and how much they actually can. Others are more satisfied by what they can and see less of their limits. Some are also lack of the will to see differently and to do changes.
Arbetsklimatet i IT-företag
I detta arbete har jag undersökt hur anställda på IT-företag uppfattar arbetsklimatet i dagens IT-företag och hur de önskar att arbetsklimatet egentligen skulle vara. Anledningen till att IT-företag skall satsa på ett bra arbetsklimat är flera. Ett bra arbetsklimat ger dels en konkurrensfördel vid rekrytering av kompetent personal och dels finns det en koppling mellan lönsamhet och ett bra arbetsklimat.Jag har gjort denna undersökning genom att intervjua personal vid olika IT-företag och fått fram information om deras uppfattningar om arbetsklimatet. Arbetsklimatet har jag delat upp i flera delar vilka alla har gåtts igenom och undersökts. Svaret på dessa delar har varit positivt men med vissa negativa aspekter som bör ses över.
Produktivitetsmodellen : Hur kan detaljhandelsbutiker arbeta med produktivitet och lönsamhet med hjälp av denna modell
The store manager can make great benefits of having an eye on how the staff works towards the customer, because the personnel is an important tool when competing with other stores. This paper is focusing on the part that relates to the staff in the store, which is one of the key tools in the competition for customers after the customer made it to the store. Many stores have guidelines which the staff should follow when they meet with customers. If the staff is too tightly controlled by these guidelines, customers can perceive the first encounter with the staff as artificial and as if the genuine friendliness does not exist. It is important that the staff looks at the individual customer and treat every customer in a personal way and that the staff can see the customer?s needs.
?När man gick därifrån så kände man det här äklaranamma!? : fyra föräldrars upplevelser av Råd- och Stödsamtal
The aim of this study was to increase our knowledge about how the ?Conversational-contact with the social services? is experienced by the parents who attend it. The research was based on a qualitative method consisting of four individual interviews.Main issues of the study:? The parents experience of the content of the meetings with the social workers? Do the parents experience that the conversational-contact has contributed to some changes in their lives?Results indicated that all parents were positiv to the conversational-contact. Afterwards they felt more secure and stable both as persons and in their role as parents.
Arbetsmotivation och sammanhållning : -En studie om motivationsfaktorer och uppfattad sammanhållning bland personal inom serviceyrken.
Syftet med studien var att få kunskap om vilka motivationsfaktorer, inre och yttre, som är viktiga hos personal inom serviceyrken. Vidare studerades den uppfattade sammanhållningen inom målgruppen. Av speciellt intresse var att studera korrelationer mellan sammanhållning och inre/yttre motivationsfaktorer samt om kontroll i arbetet och socialt stöd inverkar på dessa faktorer. I undersökningen deltog 88 individer, 38 män och 50 kvinnor, i åldrarna 18-65 (M=34,63 Sd=12,40). Datainsamlingen skedde med hjälp av ett frågeformulär baserat på QPS Nordic och Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ).
Barnbibliotekariers förhållningssätt till barns läsning: en jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Litauen
The purpose of this master?s thesis is to investigate children?s librarian?s perspectives on children?s literature and reading of fiction books. This is a comparative study of Swedish and Lithuanian librarians. The main questions to be answered are how children?s librararians at public libraries motivate their selection and purchase of fiction for children and what kind of considerations there are behind the purchases.
Att stärka individer och tillvarata resurser : -en studie vid Samhall ur ett arbetsledarperspektiv
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.
Den nationella värdegrunden inom äldreomsorgen:några enhetschefers intryck
The aim of this text is to study how sectional managers in the care of the elderly work so as to promote basic human values. Semi-structured interviews generated qualitative data from five sectional managers. A hermeneutical approach was applied for interpreting the interviews. The result shows that the respondents are conscious of the fact that it takes a lot of long term work before a change in current procedures will happen. Also, the common everyday principles of work and basic values will continue to be part of the care of the elderly.
Ledarskap för att främja hälsa hos medarbetare : En fallstudie om hälsoarbete på linjechefsnivå
The author?s common interest for healthy employees, brought reasonto study how line managers can manage and develop this withsupport from HR. Previous research highlights that knowledge ofhow health is promoted is missing. Line managers have a key role inworking with contributors´ health. The aim of the study is toinvestigate how managers are working for the well-being ofemployees and which aid dedicated to line managers from the HRfunction, and how support and the work with employees? health canbe developed.
Typografins gränsland : Om genusnormer i förändring
The earlier studies of how gender is visually constructed in lifestyle magazines have mainly been done on photographs. But, photographs are only one part of the entire magazine Therefor3, we saw the importance in examining one of the other big parts, typography.We have been studying if gender can be constructed in lifestyle magazines through the shape and color of typography and the color context. It is important to point out that we have not been studying the written word but only the shape and color of the typography.The study has been conducted through a qualitative content analysis with a comparative process of the selected magazines. The analysis began with a semiotic analysis of selected parts of the magazines. The result was then analyzed with a feminist theoretical approach.The result of the study shows that gender can be constructed through typography in a number of different ways.
Papperslösas tillgång till hälso- och sjukvård : Kunskap och uppfattningar hos personal inom öppen hälso- och sjukvård i landstinget i Uppsala län
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kunskap och uppfattningar om papperslösas tillgång och rätt till vård hos personal inom öppen hälso- och sjukvård i Landstinget i Uppsala län. Ett ytterligare syfte var att undersöka om information kring handhavandet av papperslösa finns på arbetsplatserna, vad personal i så fall anser om detta, samt vad de önskar för information. Studien är av en deskriptiv design med kvantitativ ansats. 86 anställda vid vårdcentraler i Uppsala län besvarade enkäter med frågor angående kunskap och uppfattningar om lagstiftning samt tillgång till och önskan om information gällande papperslösa. Insamlad data har sammanställts i Microsoft Excel och presenterats i tabeller och diagram. Resultatet av studien tyder på att det finns en kunskapsbrist bland personal inom öppen hälso- och sjukvård angående lagstiftningen om papperslösas tillgång till sjukvård. Enligt de medverkandes vetskap finns ingen information tillgänglig på arbetsplatsen gällande papperslösa, och så gott som alla önskar information av något slag.
Jämställdhet på olika villkor : en kvalitativ studie om mäns syn på feminism, genus och jämställdhet mellan män och kvinnor
This essay focuses on men?s construction of feminism and gender and views on equality between the sexes. The purpose of the essay is met through interviews with eight men on their thoughts and constructions of these issues. The answers from the interviewed men were analysed with a radical feminist and gender perspective approach. The sources used in the analysis of the material, in the aspect of gender, were from the work of Judith Butler, Robert W.
Närståendes behov av stöd vid palliativ vård
Background: Relatives are those persons who are closest to the patient, regardless of relationship and included into the patient´s life world. When a person is in a palliative stage this affects not only the patient but also the relatives, as it implies such a big change in life for all. The nurse has an important role for both the patient and the relatives. Aim: The aim is to highlight the relative´s needs of support for palliative care. Method: A literature review based on previous research. Ten articles were found, nine with a qualitative approach and one with both qualitative and quantitative approach. Results: The analysis resulted in six themes, these were the result of the study. The six themes were, ?to be seen an confirmed?, ?good communication?, ?continuous information?, ?availability and continuity?, ?to participate? and ?to share responsibility with the staff?. Conclusion: As a nurse we come in contact with relatives of patients in a palliative setting in any form.
?Vi och dom? - inhyrda konsulter och ordinarie personal inom bemanningsbranschen
Syftet med uppsatsen var att behandla förhållandet mellan inhyrda konsulter och ordinarie personal. Förhållandet avsåg att mäta skillnaderna mellan dessa två anställningsformer i förtroende för de inhyrda. Målet var sedan att se om förtroendet kunde förklaras med hjälp utav upplevelsen av tillhörighet eller upplevelsen av hot. Undersökningen utfördes med en kvantitativ ansats och resultatet togs fram med hjälp av SPSS, genom en linjär regression som gjordes på sekundärdata gjord av en samling forskare på Mittuniversitetets samhällsinstitution. Urvalet bestod av 137 svarande på en enkät som skickats till sammanlagt 237 personer, vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 50,2%.