9514 Uppsatser om Personal approach - Sida 17 av 635
Marknadsundersökning om markägarens val av skogspartner
The driving forces from the forest owners point-of-view was studied on a market where several buyers attend to procure round-wood. It was concluded that forest owners prefer personal contacts to other means of communication, but that it is essential that the initial contact is a personal letter on paper. Furthermore, although price is always important, long standing relations is asked for. The buying companies need skillful experienced buyers that can provide more than just quick closures of deals..
Mat för äldre på särskilt boende
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the elderly people experience the food on a sheltered accommodation.
We will examine nutrition in the food and if the elderly people have an influence on food they gets everyday.
The aim of this study was to examine older persons? everyday experiences of food within the context of homes for the elderly. More specifically, nutrition and the personal experiences of influence concerning choice of food were examined.
Barns inflytande i förskolan : En studie om och hur pedagoger arbetar när det gäller barns inflytande under skogsutflykter
According to pre-school curriculum, the children´s needs and interests from the basis for the design and planning of the educational activities. The curriculum also highlights that all children should have the opportunity to satisfy their increasing ability to influence the content and approach. The purpose of this study is to examine whether and how teachers work in involving children's influence and interest in forest excursions.The essay is based on a qualitative approach in which we have chosen to carry out unstructured observations by a team of three educationalists. The study includes children of 3-5 years of age.The results show that the educationalists take advantage of children's interests and needs foremost in conversations. The children are given the possibility of influence that of which concerns only themselves and nobody else.
Inflytandet av problemrepresentationer för jämställdhetsintegrering
This thesis uses the ?What's the problem?-approach developed by Carol LeeBacchi. This approach studies how the problem that a certain policy is supposedto take care of is represented. Each representation will rest upon certainassumptions and will accordingly support certain solutions while other solutionswill be considered less suitable to the problem as it is represented.The thesis therefore evaluates the competing problem representations forgender mainstreaming in Sweden. The theory chapter explores two developmentpossibilities for gender mainstreaming, based on diversity and deliberativedemocracy.
Examensarbete, G3 i företagsekonomi, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitet, ekonomistyrning, Enterprising and business development, 2EB003, VT 2010Författare: Anna Fransson, Alexander Tatidis och Nils-Petter Nilsson.Handledare: Marja Soila WadmanTitel: Varför hyr företag in extern personal?Bakgrund: Faktorer till varför företag hyr in extern personal från bemanningsföretag har diskuterats livligt under lågkonjunkturen som varit. Det råder delade meningar om huruvida företag säger upp personal för att istället kunna hyra dem från bemanningsföretag.Syfte: Att klargöra varför företag använder sig av bemanningsföretag och i vilka situationer.Avgränsningar: Studien kommer att beröra företag som är baserade i Växjö. Tre branscher kommer att studeras, varav två företag i varje bransch. Teorin berör arbetsrätten samt organisationsteori.Metod: En kvalitativ undersökning i form av semi- strukturerade intervjuer har genomförts på sex personer i tre olika branscher (media & PR, IT samt industri/produktion).
Delaktighet i genomförandeplan : Ur ett personalperspektiv
The study presented here is about how to make the special needs user who has a profound intellectual disability and additional disabilities more involved in their implementation plan. Based on a life story interview the study aims at analyzing perceptions of procedures to enhance special needs users? influence. The method used in this study was a qualitative research approach as an overall approach in order to use a narrative method where life history is the method. The focus has been to study a part of an individual life history - a specific domain in the life of the interviewee?s working career.
Dystopi och jordens undergång : En genreanalys av dystopiska inslag i fiktiv film
This study is a research on how dystopian features are expressed within different genres. The purpose is to discuss films that contain dystopian features in relation to genre and to examine if there are shared conventions in the films that can make dystopia a film genre on its own. The theoretical base includes genre theory and Rick Altman?s semantic/syntactic approach to film genre. Five films from different genres, all produced within the time period of 2000-2010, are analyzed with a semantic/syntactic approach to genre and then discussed in relation to dystopia and prior research.
Kapitaltäckningsregler med valfrihet : en kvalitativ studie om bankers frihet att välja beräkningsmetod för kapitalkravet
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how a bank?s features and internal factors have affected its choice of method in calculating the capital requirement.Theoretical and Empirical Method: The research strategy of this study has been of a qualitative nature with a deductive approach. The choice of method was depth interviews with respondents from a targeted sample of Swedish banks. These respondents were chosen based on the knowledge they possess as key employees in the capital requirement process and their involvement in choosing their banks? method for calculating the capital requirement.
Modus vivendi. : Om könsidentitetens motstånd och beständighet i kvinnodominerade yrken.
The aim for this study was to find out what strategies women use to not react against inequality and sexist prejudice. In the study I used a critical realistic approach through, primary, the social ontology presented by Margaret S. Archer. The study focus on both the women?s construction of femininity and their construction of masculinity and what directions it constitutes for the women?s social orientation.
Varför hyra personal? : En kvalitativ studie om fördelar och nackdelar med att hyra personal.
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en inblick i hur företag ser på rekrytering via bemanningsföretag. Vilka är de bakomliggande motiven till att hyra personal istället för att anställa och dess fördelar/nackdelar?Metod: En förstudie följd av en kvalitativ undersökning med intervjuer. Intervjumetoden blev i ostrukturerad form där respondenterna fritt fick tala utifrån den egna referensramen. En telefonteknik användes vid bokning av intervjuer.Problem: För att uppnå en maximal lönsamhet och samtidigt behålla kvalitet och ha snabba leveranser till kund, försöker företagen att minska på det bundna kapitalet.
Hållbart nyttjande av vattenresurser på Gotland : vision och verklighet
Fresh water has become more and more of a scarce commodity. Water scarcity isn't first and foremost a cause of drought and wasting, but a cause of inequality and mismanagement. This is not only a problem for developing countries, and there can also be variations within countries. The municipality of Gotland has a development program called Vision Gotland 2025, with goals for growth and sustainable development. The aim of this study is to examine whether the use and management of water resources on Gotland and Vision Gotland 2025 is conformed to the Water Framework Directive and the Ecosystem Approach in terms of sustainability.
Bröstcancer och sexualitet
Patients with mental illness experience dissatisfaction with their care due to lack of understanding and ignorance from the nurses. The nurses? approach might influence these patients' experience of their care. The purpose of the literature review was to describe nurses' approach in care of patients with mental illness. The literature review is based on an inductive approach and the result is based on 14 scientific papers, of which eight used a qualitative design and sex used a quantitative design.
Är det värt att behålla personalen? : En kandidatuppsats om personalhanteringen i bemannings- och konsultbranschen
Bemanningsbranschen har de senaste åren fått utstå mycket kritik för sin hantering av personalen. Detsamma gäller dock inte för konsultbranschen, detta trots att man delar grundkonceptet; att hyra ut personal. Personalomsättningen inom bemanningsbranschen är väldigt hög vilket möjligen kan peka på att kritiken mot branschen är berättigad. Men hur hanterar bemanningsföretagen personal som alltid är ute på uppdrag och hur kommer det sig att konsultbranschen som har samma situation ändå fått ett betydligt bättre rykte?Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur hanteringen av personal och personalomsättning inom bemanningsbranschen och konsultbranschen ser ut samt att om det finns likheter som sträcker sig förbi grundkonceptet; att båda hyr ut personal.För att svara på detta har intervjuer genomförts med bemanningsföretaget Uniflex och konsultföretaget Crescore.
"Månntro hon är homo?" : Om lesbiska kvinnors identitetsformering och livsvillkor 1950-1965
The construction of an identity among lesbian women during 1950-?1965 is in focus in this master ?s thesis. My starting point is that identity, such as lesbian or any other identity, is formed in relation to other people and groups, as well as society. This thesis will also examine how lesbian women met and formed bonds with like-minded, and whether these aspects changed, during the defined time period. The empirics is made up by letters written by women to Riksfo?rbundet fo?r sexuellt likabera?ttigande (a Swedish organisation for lesbian and gays) as well as an interview with two lesbian women who were born in 1938 and 1940.
Att vara kvinna och styrelseproffs : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnor i svenska bolagsstyrelser
AbstractThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the professional female members of a board in listed companies. During the 21st century the issue of female quotation into the executive boards was discussed in both the media and politically due to womens underrepresentation in these contexts.The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the professional female members of boards stories of the role models they have, what characteristics have evolved, the views of others, and the self image. In addition, we want to investigate how women perceive themselves in a male-dominated field to identify how the female identity is created at work.Through a qualitative research in the form of personal interviews, we have gathered empirical material that forms the basis of our results. The answers from the interviews have been analyzed with the help of relevant theories and a social constructionist approach throughout the thesis. For our theoretical approach, we primarily chose symbolic interactionism, identity theories, and concepts such as the glass ceiling and gender strategies to analyze the data.The result of the survey shows that there are many elements that play into how women form their identities.