

9514 Uppsatser om Personal approach - Sida 18 av 635

Vi i individualismens samhälle? : En studie över fackföreningsorganisationens ställning i det individualistiska samhället

In Sweden, the labour movement historically had influenced both society and politics. In recent times, it is considered a change in society with a stronger employer party while the unions weakened by reduced unionisation. This study aims to highlight the presence of individualistic and collectivistic approaches to the labour market in relation to union density. The different approaches are investigated in the labour market by means of a quantitative survey. The study's survey items are workers in the timber industry.

Vuxnas ansvar - en studie om barns möjligheter till delaktighet och inflytande i utformandet av förskolans miljö

This essay aims to investigate how students raised in Jehovah's Witnesses have experienced their career counseling during their middle and high school education. My main objectives are, based on the testimonies of former Jehovah's Witnesses, to investigate how career counselors can find a strategy to approach these students in a non-threatening way. I also try to take into account the contextual elements which are of great importance when counseling students raised as Jehovah's Witnesses. A qualitative study has been carried out with five informants with a background in the movement. The material has then been analyzed using a qualitative, narrative method.

Arbetsledarens uppfattning om inhyrd personal respektive fast anställda : Skillnader och likheter i arbetsförhållanden och relationen till arbetsledaren

Efter avregleringen av lagarna under 1990-talet öppnas marknaden med uthyrning av personal. Bemanningsföretag anställer arbetstagare som därefter hyrs ut till kundföretag som strävar efter högre flexibilitet i schemaläggningen av arbete. Finns det ingen efterfrågan av arbete blir dessa anställda utan sysselsättning trots att de har anställning i ett bemanningsföretag. Syftet är att beskriva och förklara arbetsledarnas uppfattning om inhyrd personal respektive fast anställda vad gäller arbetsförhållanden och relationen till arbetsledaren. Uppsatsen är utförd som en flerfallsstudie byggd på intervjuer med arbetsledare i företagen Coca-Cola Drycker Sverige AB, Posten Logistik AB, Schenker Logistics AB och Spendrups Bryggeri AB.

Relationen mellan den personliga tränaren och klienten : att marknadsföra ett personligt varumärke inom träningsbranschen med hjälp av digitala medier

Purpose ? The purpose of the study was to examine how to promote a personal trainer in the fitness industry, as a personal brand, with digital media.Method ? To fulfill the purpose, the author have used three different methods. Both literature and quantitative and qualitative data in forms of a digital survey and interviews with two personal trainers regarding marketing and branding.Result ? Based on the collected literature and empirical evidence, facts could identify the importance of having a strong brand as a personal trainer, in order to recruit new clients. The result revealed that digital media is an excellent communication channel to nurture the relationship when you already have existing clients, but not when you want to recruit new customers.Implications ? This study is only developed through empirical data from a particular demography and a certain range, which could give a different result with other respondents.

Prestionsmått : En granskning av tio välgörenhetsorganisationers årsredovisningar

Background and problemThe biggest difference between companies and non-profit organizations are their purposes. Companies? purpose is to generate profit to the shareholders. Non-profit organizations do not have any shareholders and their purpose is to offer service to receivers of benefits.There are a lot of non-profit organizations today and the competition for the donations is rough. Non-profit organizations can influence the publics? decision of who to support by creating a financial reporting that appeal to the public.PurposeThe purpose of this essay is to examine how non-profit goals are measured in non-profit organizations and if there are a practice on the subject.MethodologyWe choose a qualitative approach as we wanted to understand the reality by explaining it with words.

Styrning inom en ideell organisation : Självstyrningens praktik inom Friskis&Svettis

This paper examines the non-profit organization Friskis&Svettis in order to gain insight into whether governmentality is used and if it is being used in what way. Furthermore we analyzed the requirements and consequences that that may have developed out of this governance structure. To get answers to the questions asked in this paper, a qualitative approach has been taken by the use of interviews with officials at Friskis&Svettis Uppsala. The conclusions drawn from the survey is that there are factors that indicate that governmentality is used within the organization by way of the use of guidelines which can be seen as a technique to control individuals and point them in the desired direction, and the follow-ups that can verify that the guidelines are being followed by the officials. The guidelines and the follow-up have also been an organizational requirement.

Styr uppfattningen om dig själv  : En studie i hur chefredaktörer för modemagasin arbetar med sina personliga varumäkesidentiteter

The theory chapter is based on a model about brand identity, ?Brand Identity Prism? (Kapferer, 2008, s.183). This model contains six elements which we have supplemented with theories about personal branding. This because the focus and theory on a person's brand identity is almost non-existent. The purpose of the study is therefore to examine how editors at fashion magazines are working with their brand identity in the personal brand and thereby create an understanding of the identity function.

?Man är ju förälder tills man dör? : - en kvalitativ studie om kontakten med personal på LSS-boenden ur ett föräldraperspektiv.

Syftet med studien var att erhålla förståelse för hur kontakten med personalen till vuxnabrukare vid LSS-boenden upplevs ur ett föräldraperspektiv. Genom att sätta föräldrarnai fokus, önskade vi få kännedom om de handlingssätt som främjar ett bra samspel.Fokuserade områden var kommunikation, samarbete, inflytande och förväntningar.Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med två fäder och tre mödrar varsbarn bor på gruppbostad/servicebostad. De inspelade intervjuerna transkriberades ochanalyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Tolkningen gjordes med hjälp avrollteorin. Respondenterna uttryckte både likartade och skilda upplevelser av kontaktenmed boendepersonalen.

Upplevelser av rektorsrollen : en studie av tre rektorer

 This report is about the principle and his / her role at the school it?s also about how the principle understands the role, its expectations and the demands connected. The facts are based on deep detailed interviews with three different principles. The theoretical approach is coming from ?hermeneutiken? and ?Gadamers? ideas regarding how an individual is creating the world and the surroundings to act within.

Fast Service in Fast Fashion-En kvantitativ studie av kundrespons till självserviceteknik i fast fashion

The success of self-service technology in retail grocery stores cannot be ignored, and the fact is that every other grocery store in Sweden has implemented the self-scanning or self-checkout systems. The trend is that the technique is spreading into other markets with potential to increase productivity for companies and enhance the service for customers. Fast fashion is one branch that is left untouched by the development in payment processes, and despite the leading companies extensive focus on fast service, the concept of self-service technology has not yet been tested. This paper undertake a quantitative, experimental approach to the issue and examines the effect self-checkout would have on Fast fashion- customers. By presenting a scenario with and without self- checkout and afterwards asked about the respondents experience, we can provide the marketing world with new insights.

Spridning av kunskap via inhyrd personal

Bakgrund Bemanningsbranschen växer och det blir allt vanligare att företag använder sig av inhyrd personal. Ett problem som företag kan ställas inför är att viktig kunskap kan spridas vidare till andra företag. Det finns väldigt lite skrivet om kunskapsspridning via inhyrd personal och därför är det intressant att bidra med ny kunskap på området.Syfte Huvudsyftet med studien är att beskriva hur bemanningsföretag och deras kunder ser på kunskapsspridning mellan företag via inhyrd personal. Studiens delsyfte är att beskriva de eventuella åtgärder som kundföretag vidtar för att hindra att kunskap sprids vidare till andra kundföretag.Metod I denna studie har en kvalitativ forskningsansats använts och data har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer. En narrativ analysmetod med inspiration från Burkes pentad har används för att analysera det insamlade materialet.Slutsats Bemanningsföretagen och deras kunder är medvetna om att kunskapsspridning existerar men de ser det inte som ett problem.

Den kvantandliga diskursen : En undersökning av nyandlighetens möte med kvantfysiken

This paper aims to describe and elaborate on a recent discursive change within the new-age movement. Since the seventies and the publishing of speculative popular science books like The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra and The self-aware Universe by Amit Goswami, the idea that quantum physics resonates with spirituality has become the topic of hundreds of books and movies.The quantum-spiritual discourse has three distinct ways to approach quantum physics in its discussion on spirituality: The parallelistic approach which emphasizes the similarities between eastern philosophies and modern physics, the monistic-idealistic approach which tells us that mind is the foundation of matter and the scientific spiritual approach which tries to explain spiritual claims scientifically. In the quantum-spiritual discourse, quantum physical phenomena (e.g. non-locality and entanglement) are being called upon to validate metaphysical statements. The primary assumption of the discourse is that the shift of paradigm due to the establishment of modern physics also is a shift of paradigm of spirituality.With the object to examine the common claims made in the discourse, cross-references between spiritual arguments and facts of quantum physics are being made.

Vinkunskap i matsalen ? nödvändighet eller "nörderi?? : Svenska restauratörers syn på utbildning och sommelierens roll som kunskapskälla

Inledning: Allt fler utbildar sig inom restaurangbranschen samtidigt som branschen präglas av dålig lönsamhet. Flera tidigare studier visar dock att utbildad personal kan leda till ökad lönsamhet. Genom att anställa en utbildad sommelier och genom att utbilda personalen i matsalen i produktkunskap, serveringsteknik och försäljningsteknik bör vinförsäljningen öka på restaurangen.Syfte: Att kartlägga svenska restaurangers användande av sommelierer och utbildning av matsalspersonalen. Studien syftar också till att identifiera restauratörers attityd mot utbildning samt presentera praktiska riktlinjer för utbildning av personal.Metod: Strukturerade telefonintervjuer genomfördes med restauratörer som tilldelats God klass i White Guide. Trettiotvå restauranger valdes utifrån ett stratifierat slumpmässigt urval.Resultat: Svenska restauranger har i genomsnitt 50 procent utbildad personal i matsalen.

Tankar och erfarenheter kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd : Tre röster ur skolans värld

The purpose with this essay is to illustrate what divides and unites three educationalists approach on ?children in need of special support? within the first years of school. Three educationalists with significant positions within the school system have been chosen for interviews. On basis of the results of the interviews three themes has been selected and divided into the conceptions; ?children in need of special support?, ?resource? and ?a school for everyone?.

Kampen för livet : Unga vuxnas hantering av sin cancersjukdom

Patients with mental illness experience dissatisfaction with their care due to lack of understanding and ignorance from the nurses. The nurses? approach might influence these patients' experience of their care. The purpose of the literature review was to describe nurses' approach in care of patients with mental illness. The literature review is based on an inductive approach and the result is based on 14 scientific papers, of which eight used a qualitative design and sex used a quantitative design.

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