

8197 Uppsatser om Permitting process - Sida 48 av 547

Pedagogisk dokumentation : reflektionens betydelse

The degree project aims to gain a deeper understanding of how pedagogues are working with pedagogical documentation, as well as the significance of reflection in the educational work with children.The survey was implemented on two Reggio Emilia-inspired preschools and is based on a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with open questions, where six pedagogues shared how they view the pedagogical documentation.The study is seen from an epistemological perspective. The results show that pedagogues place great emphasis on reflection as a tool for a visibility of children´s learning and development. Pedagogues respond to children´s questions with a question at issue to challenge the children to develop their own hypotheses for problem solving.Keywords, pedagogical documentation, reflection, learning process..

Ärlighet varar längst : En studie i att bygga varumärke i social media

Social media has changed the way that corporations can communicate with their target groups. Instead of using one?way communications that has been significant for traditional massmarketing, social media has given corporations the possibility to truly interact with their clients and through the interaction build strong relationships. The interaction is an ideal process for corporations to create brand associations and strengthen their brand equity to position their brands in the minds of the consumers. But social media is also a devious medium because everyone are invited to contribute their opinion and news travel fast in social atmosphere, success and crisis can appear fast and out ofnowhere.

Skapande av organisationskunskap i små, unga forskningsintensiva företag : En studie av tre företag i Uppsala

Because of among other things the globalization and a focus on core competencies knowledge has become very important for the companies of today, especially for research-intensive companies. The problem is that the companies become more sensitive to how knowledge is created and spread, that is, how organizational knowledge is created. Especially sensitive are companies who are small, young and research-intensive. The purpose with this thesis is to explore how organizational knowledge is created in small, young and research intensive companies.The theory is based on a five-phase model of organizational knowledge creation and four modes of knowledge conversion described by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995). These concepts constitute the foundation of the analytical model used in the thesis.The study is carried out by qualitative, highly structured interviews with low standardization.

ABB Gate Model : En processledningsmetod för ABB:s produktutveckling

Organisations tend to focus more and more on product and process development to increase their competitiveness. Several major organisations, among them ABB, have developed models aimed to more effectively control and manage product development processes. ABB is using its standardised model ABB Gate Model for this. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how the introduction of ABB Gate Model has affected the outcome of decisions and also the decision-making in the product development process. The study is limited to elucidate the version of ABB Gate Model handling product development projects.

Chalmers University of Technology

The Division of Language and Communication at Chalmers uses a web-based language tool, named EngOnline, to teach English grammar. The language tool suffers from some shortcomings. These include stability problems and an outdated interface but, above all, there is no documentation. Because of the lack of documentation and EngOnline?s need of maintenance, the Division of Language and Communication has decided to replace the language tool with a new and well documented one.The new language tool was developed using an agile work process; detailed documentation was replaced with more efficient communication.


This thesis strives to demonstrate my increasingly phenomenological approach to musical composition in relation to the extensive body of musical works connected in different ways to the poetry collection ORDER by the Swedish author and play-wright Lars Norén. The hand, the touch, the voice, the space (environment) and its philosophical implications are scrutinised from a poetic perspective (my poetics). The question of language (the word), the sign (text), sound/noise/music and its immanent bodily qualities are focused and questioned in my own work as well as in primarily two case studies of the music of Pierluigi Billone (1960-) and Morton Feldman (1926-1987).The text reflects the emancipatory process my music has undergone the last 4- 5 years: moving away from language and text (representation) to body and sound, although preserving and nurturing the extended idea of the sign (as signification of sound and body) as a possible embodied vehicle in my composing and artistic thinking.The reader is invited through the extensive use of sketches and work methods to witness and follow this process as a manifestation of the ?doing? rather than the presentation or construction of an analysis in an academic sense.The thesis offers no solution and it fails to encapsulate all of the so-called ORDER-MUSIC (the music that is connected with Norén's collection of poetry) Instead it proposes a possible way of ?opening? the process to a basically phenomenological methodology inside the musical field of score based chamber music..

Videodistribution och -konsumtion på mobiltelefoner

This report is the result of a master thesis carried out by the author, student at the Royal Instituteof Technology(KTH). The task was performed as a product development process at a companycalled Ameibo AB, located in Stockholm. It is the final task of the studies at the Master'sprogramme Design and Product Realization. The report is structured in a chronological order anddescribes the methods used, the implementation of these methods and a presentation of theresults given from these studies.Ameibo is a company located in Stockholm, distributing films on the internet. The aim of thismaster thesis was to investigate the possibilities of entering the market for portable devices.

Persona : En metod att utveckla och införa persona i en organisation

AbstractIn this thesis we aim to extend the current theories about a concept called persona. A persona is a model of a user, mostly based on qualitative research and made with such accuracy that it to some extent can be used as a replacement of a real user in a development process and as a communicative tool. We will present a way of constructing this persona without meeting the actual users and follow up with interviews from the organization using them. This will lead to a model over the process of introducing personas as a concept in an organization,previously not familiar with the concept. The model is adapted to also work for projects and organizations where the concept is already known..

"It's a very thick closet!" : En kvalitativ studie om asylsökande hbt-personers erfarenheter av att uttrycka sin sexuella identitet eller könsidentitet

The purpose of this study was to highlight LGBT asylum-seekers experiences of expressing their sexual identity or gender identity in the country of origin and in the asylum process in Sweden. By interviewing people who got permanent residence in Sweden because of gender or sexual orientation in Utlänningslagen (2005:716) we have been able to explore their own experiences from expressing themselves. This study analyse these experiences from a social psychological perspective, from this analysis we aimed to obtain a deeper understanding of how the experiences from the country of origin affects on the experiences in the asylum process. This study shows that LGBT asylum-seekers often is facing negative reactions from the environment in the country of origin, these reactions can limit their possibilities to express their sexual identity or gender identity in the asylum process in Sweden. The negative reactions they experience in the country of origin have contributed to that many LGBT people internalize feelings of fear to express themselves, feelings that often stays when they come to Sweden to seek asylum.

Logistik- och kvalitetsarbete vid LKAB, lager UNIO

Detta examensarbete är utfört vid LKAB avdelning PPK (produktion planering Kiruna). LKAB är ett gruvföretag vars huvudsakliga uppgift är att bryta järnmalm för produktion av malmpellets. Vid produktion av malmpellets åtgår det olika tillsatser och det uppstår även restprodukter från denna produktion. Både tillsatserna samt restprodukterna hanteras i Kiruna via lagerområde UNIO. Huvudansvaret för detta område ligger på avdelningen PPK medan det operativa ansvaret ligger på dotterbolaget KGS.

Berg- och dalbanan utan slut?

Bakgrund: Transplantationskirurgin är ett relativt nytt område som hade sin framväxt i Sverige på 60-talet. Transplantationsprocessen är en krävande process som har en stor påverkan på patienternas livssituation. Det finns evidens för att anhöriga till svårt sjuka är en grupp som riskerar att drabbas av ohälsa på grund av den påfrestande rollen som vårdare. När en svår sjukdom drabbar en person stannar familjens liv upp och de anhörigas behov blir åsidosatta. I transplantationsvården är anhöriga ett viktigt stöd för patienten och därför kan det antas att de anhöriga går igenom en påfrestande process och är själva i behov av stöd från vården.Syfte: Att öka kunskapen om personers upplevelser av att vara anhöriga till patienter som ska eller har genomgått en transplantation för att öka sjuksköterskors möjlighet att kunna ge stöd.Metod: Arbetet är ett resultat av en litteraturgranskning där flera sökningar på databaserna Cinahl, PubMed och Scopus gjordes och artiklar valdes ut för granskning.

Förändring genom offshoring - en fallstudie av företaget Autoliv

Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att klarlägga hur en offshoringprocess förändrar en organisation, samt ta reda på huruvida denna process påverkar kärnkompetensen. Denna studie bygger på en kvalitativ ansats i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer och dokumnetstudier. De teorier som använts har varit de fyra Idealteorierna av Van de Ven och Poole samt Prahalad och Hamels teori kring begreppet kärnkompetens. Vi har i denna studie kommit fram till att Autoliv som företag har förändrats av denna process. Autoliv är numera ett mer föränderligt företag och upplevs inte längre som en lika trygg arbetsplats av dess medarbetare.

Lettland-EU medlemskap, etnicitet och identitetskonstruktion

This paper examines whether membership in the European Union has contributed to democratic stability and integration in an ethnic diverse society. By studying the Latvian multicultural society, before and after membership in the EU, the author is looking for evidence of enhanced ethnic stability in the country brought through European integration. The author will analyze what the consequences have been, by adopting European regional policy, for a country that yet has to create a unified national identity. By analyzing different areas of the Latvian society, the author has concluded that the EU has played a small but yet not insignificant role for the Latvian domestic integration process..

?Var är du?? En studie om virtuella kollaborativa designprocesser i en studiemiljö

The design process of an interaction design student is mostly collaborative and computer oriented. Based on this, it?s hard to believe that we have not yet found a tool that will facilitate our needs. With this in mind, which elements do we need to promote collaboration in a virtual design process? This thesis will include design processes, collaboration, creativity and virtual awareness, amongst others.

Automatisk trimning av drivsystemreglering från MATLAB

This master thesis covers the development of an automatic tuning process for the existing speed controller for drive systems. The drive systems are resonant two-mass systems where a motor is used to drive a load connected by a shaft. The developed method relies heavily on system identification and the construction of a complete mechanical model of the process. With this approach, the common problem with poor load speed control that derives from measuring only the motor speed can be addressed and solved for a majority of such processes.The automatic tuning method has along with general test functions been implemented in a complete tool for automatic tuning, testing and performance evaluation and reporting for drive systems..

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