

86 Uppsatser om Peripheral nerve blockade - Sida 5 av 6

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Ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv är det viktigt att tänka på att kraven på Hälso- och sjukvård blir allt högre i en tid då det finns allt minskade resurser. Det är angeläget att utnyttja alla resurser och på ett optimalt sätt. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vetenskaplig litteratur med avsikt att få ökad kunskap om vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder som är effektiva för sjuksköterskor att använda sig för att förebygga tromboflebit hos vuxna patienter med behov av perifer venkateter. I denna litteraturstudie genomfördes sökningar i PubMed, CINAHL och Elin. Inkludering av studier styrdes av i förväg uppsatta kriterier och företrädesvis eftersöktes studier med kvantitativ metodansats.

Utveckling av loadlimiter för bilbarnstol

The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.

Smarta Elnät ? Modell och Marknad

The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.

Proviant - sparar hushållets pengar på ett miljövänligt sätt

The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.

Utveckling av metoder att mäta centrering av skruvhål i skär

There have been, in some rare cases, difficulties with clamping of inserts with U-holesin their tool holder. According to the complaints, the inserts could not be properlyclamped or could fracture when clamped. A study has shown that variations inclamping behaviour are mainly depending by the position of the screw hole in the toolholder and the centering of the screw hole in the insert.The focus of this project has been the centering of screw hole in insert. It has beenshown that the screw holes are not always enough centered in the insert. Theproblem may occur after a certain step in the production, i.e.

Glasklart? En kvantitativ studie om en inglasad exponerings påverkan på kunden

Shoplifting is a serious problem due to the fact that about 2 % of a retail store's turnaround dis-appears annually. This paper discusses the problem with shoplifting where a closed retail display of glass can prevent this kind of misbehavior. Hitherto the scientific research regarding how consumers react to a closed retail display is non-existing. With this in mind we want to investigate and enlighten the phenomenon regarding consumer behavior and product appreciation. The study is carried out at a retailer in the beauty industry in Sweden both in stores where the selection of perfumes have been displayed behind glass and in stores in which they have been displayed with open access.

Digital reklamskylt för utomhusbruk, där ett dynamiskt målgruppsanpassat budskap ändras genom fjärrstyrning

The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.

Sekularism och politisk islam. En analys av antagonismen mellan två diskurser i Turkiet - den kemalistiska och den islambaserade

This paper concerns the divide between secularist and anti-secularist groups in Turkey, which is related to a greater antagonism between a Kemalist and an Islamic political discourse, dominant in Turkish politics since the 1980s. The main aim of the paper is to analyse the causes of the conflict using the discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe. The second aim is to analyse the contents of each discourse and identify the main points of conflict between them. The empirical material used in the study consists exclusively of secondary sources treating the topic, and these are analysed using the theory of identity conflicts, which is part of Laclau and Mouffe's theory. It will be argued that the attempts of Kemalism to impose strict secularism by hegemonising the concepts of ?modernity? and ?Islam? led to the creation of an alternative political discourse based on political Islam.

The significance of oxytocin in canine mammary tumours

Oxytocin is a hormone which plays a crucial role in many reproductive and behavioural functions. It affects many organs and the classical peripheral targets are the mammary glands during lactation and uterus during labour. Oxytocin receptors have recently been described in a variety of normal tissues and primary cell cultures, but also in neoplastic tissues and established neoplastic cell lines, as breast cancer cell lines. The signalling pathways and biological effects of the oxytocin/oxytocin receptor system seem to depend on species, type of tissue, physiological versus neoplastic state and receptor location within the cell membrane.The aim of this project was to find out if the cell proliferation in the canine mammary carcinoma cell line CMT-U27 was affected upon stimulation of oxytocin, and to investigate the presence of oxytocin receptors in these cells. The cell proliferation was examined by using an ELISA-kit, where the absorbance measured is relative to the amount of living cells.

Kringtjänster för fastighetsmäklare

The amendment of a law which is expected to come may well have a significant impact on the Swedish real-estate broke market. The law change will probably have an effect in the number of ways real-estate brokers will compete as a result of the increasing variety of services offered. In order to gain competitive advantages brokers must be at the forefront in the development regarding the changing market. To do so requires that the company chooses an appropriate range of peripheral services that are profitable. The problem is to choose the ?right? services to convey. The purpose of this paper is to describe the services that are in demand for transmission and how the agents can work to meet the demand of this new market.

Bankers syn på ändringar av aktiekapital, revisionsplikt och redovisning : En fallstudie av svenska storbanker i Karlstads kommun

The amendment of a law which is expected to come may well have a significant impact on the Swedish real-estate broke market. The law change will probably have an effect in the number of ways real-estate brokers will compete as a result of the increasing variety of services offered. In order to gain competitive advantages brokers must be at the forefront in the development regarding the changing market. To do so requires that the company chooses an appropriate range of peripheral services that are profitable. The problem is to choose the ?right? services to convey. The purpose of this paper is to describe the services that are in demand for transmission and how the agents can work to meet the demand of this new market.

En jämförelse mellan Bobathmetoden och andra interventionsmetoder för Behandling av strokepatienter.

Örebro UniversitetInstitutionen för hälsovetenskap och medicin           Arbetsterapi Arbetes art: Uppsatsarbete omfattande 15 högskolepoäng, inom ämnet arbetsterapi.Svensk Titel: En jämförelse mellan Bobathmetoden och andra interventionsmetoder för behandling av strokepatienterEngelsk titel: A comparison between the Bobath method and other interventions for stroke patientsFörfattare: Maryam Tondkar MogadamHandledare: Marie HolmefurDatum: 2012-05-03 SammanfattningBakgrund: Bobath behandlingsmetod utvecklades i England på 1940-talet för patienter med hjärnskador. I denna behandlingsmetod ska patienter lära sig att kontrollera sina onormala rörelser och muskelspasticitet.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra Bobathmetoden med andra interventionsmetoder för att kunna se vilken behandlingsmetod som har bättre effekt för strokepatienter.Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie gjordes i databasen AMED, PubMed och Cinahl för att ta fram aktuell forskning inom detta område. Artiklarna som kom fram är kvantitativa och Randomiserade Kontrollerade studier.Resultat: Resultatet av studierna visar att Bobathmetoden har positiv effekt för att klara aktiviteter i dagliga livet. Bobathmetoden visar förbättring från akuta fasen till efter behandling i ADL aktiviteter. Studierna visar att Motor Relearning Programme, Arm Basis training och Balance Performance Monitor träning har bättre effekt än Bobathmetoden i ADL aktiviteter.Arm Basis training, Motor Relearning Programme och Bobathmetoden förbättrade handfunktionen över tiden.

Behandlingseffekt av rituximab jämfört med infliximab vid reumatoid artrit

The aim of this study was to compare the effect between the drugs rituximab and infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is an autoimmune disease that affects the peripheral joints and is associated with exacerbations. Various immune reactions in the body cause inflammation of the joints which further results in cartilage and bone damage. The diagnosis is made by the classification system "The 2010 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) / European league against rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis", which is an update of the older system called "The 1987 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for RA". Approximately 0.5-1% of the population is developing the disease, but it varies slightly between different parts of the world.

Palliativ vård : Utifrån anhörigas och sjuksköterskors perspektiv

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sjuksköterskans rutiner i samband med insättande och omvårdnad av perifera venkatetrar samt att beskriva observationer och åtgärder som sjuksköterskan gör för att undvika komplikationer. Artikelsökningen har skett i databaserna: Elin@Dalarna, Blackwell Synergy, EBSCO-host och Elsevier. De sökord som använts i olika kombinationer var: peripheral, intravenous, catheter/line/cannula, handhygiene, nurse, infections, phlebitis, routine och technique. Artiklarna skulle vara vetenskapligt skrivna på engelska och fick inte vara publicerade före år 1996. Sammanlagt inkluderades 20 artiklar i litteraturstudien varav 16 kvantitativa, 2 kvalitativa och 2 där båda designerna fanns representerade.

"En gång till!" : en kommunikationsetnografisk studie om andraspråksinlärares deltagande i förskolan

The aim of the thesis was to better understand how second language learners becomes lingual participants in a Swedish preschool. Using the following research questions: In what situations are SLLs lingual participants at the preschool? What does their emerging language look like? Are the participation any different considering children's time in the new L2 context? What kind of support does SLLs receive at the preschool?Two focal children at the same preschool was studied with ethnography of communication as method. The focal children chosen were one girl (Mandarin L1, 4.0 yrs) who arrived to Sweden and started the preschool two months ago at the time of the study, the other a boy (Serbian L1, 3.9 yrs) who started preschool and learning the L2 one year and two months before the study. Situations where the focal children interacted with other children or adults were analyzed. Results showed that the focal children in interaction with each other understands some of the others intentions before being able to speak about them in the L2.

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