

86 Uppsatser om Peripheral nerve blockade - Sida 4 av 6


Perifer vaskulär insufficiens innebär arteriell och/eller venös cirkulationssvikt i nedre extremiteter, vilket kan förorsaka bensår. Vaskulär insufficiens i benen är ett ökande hälsoproblem som ofta är ett mycket smärtsamt tillstånd och kan ha stora konsekvenser för den drabbade i dennes dagliga liv. Litteraturöversikt valdes som metod för att besvara syftet; att beskriva forskning om patienters upplevelser av hur perifer vaskulär insufficiens i de nedre extremiteterna påverkar det dagliga livet. Detta utifrån Carnevalis omvårdnadsteori om dagligt liv funktionellt hälsotillstånd. Stora inskränkningar i dagligt liv på grund av sjukdomen identifierades i litteraturen.

Palpationsömhet i perifer nerv och känseltest med sporre på friska försökspersoner

Bakgrund: Smärtor i ben är vanligt förekommande och neuropati (nervskada) är en orsak som troligen är underdiagnostiserad. Bimanuell (tvåhändig/tvåsidig) nervpalpation och känseltest med sporre har visat sig vara ganska tillförlitliga och enkla test för att hitta nervskada men har inte testats på friska individer.Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka om bimanuell nervpalpation i fossa poplitea framkallar smärta/obehag och om det finns skillnad mellan vänster och höger sida vid bimanuell undersökning med sporre på underben hos friska försökspersoner.Metod: Ett bimanuellt palpationstest av nervi tibialis och peroneus i fossa poplitea och även ett bimanuellt känseltest med sporre över dermatomen L4, L5 och S1 på underben genomfördes. Urvalet var ändamålsenligt och totalt deltog 37 försökspersoner. Åldersspannet var 20 till 57 och medianålder 23.Resultat: Vid palpationstestet hade intensiteten av smärta/obehag en median på 1 (variationsvidd 3) på den 11 gradiga skalan. En stor del skattade olika mellan sidorna i både palpationstestet (11 av 37) och känseltestet med sporre (25 av 37).

Det mångspråkiga skolbiblioteket : En viktig fråga i teorin men en icke-fråga i praktiken?

While almost 23 percent of the students in the Swedish upper secondary school are foreigners, only a fraction of the school libraries? collections consists of literature written in other languages than Swedish or English. This study examines how five school librarians experience the task of working with literature composed in foreign languages in the multicultural and multilingual school of today. The results of the qualitative interviews are analyzed in relation to the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries are working by, and also in relation to the theoretical framework of sociocultural theory and the theories on second language acquisition developed by linguist Jim Cummins.The study shows that while multilingualism is discussed as an important matter in the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries work by, the librarians in this study largely view the question of foreign literature as peripheral. Most part of the librarians connects first language reading to leisure-time activities rather than curricular activities, and stresses that the Swedish language should be prioritized in Swedish schools.

Regionen - Räddningen för utflyttningskommuner? En analys av regiondiskursen i två kommuner i Västernorrland

The analysis of regional development and the formation of regional policy have experienced an increasing importance in Europe and in Sweden during the last decades. There is a widespread assumption that the increasing significance of regions is due to the diminishing role of the nationstate in the era of globalization. This essay suggests that there is a hegemonic discourse, heavily relying on the assumptions of New Regionalism, when addressing regional building. Sometimes described as an ideology, New Regionalism, which is derived from research of successful regions, is based on the assumption that regional competitiveness and autonomy creates economic growth. The Committee on Public Sector Responsibilities (Ansvarskommittén) suggests that Sweden requires new regional structure, due to the increasing expenditures facing the welfare state.

Molecular analysis of insecticide resistance in pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus)

The escalating usage of pyrethroids has resulted in an increased awareness about resistance towards pyrethroids in insects. Pyrethroids inhibit voltage-sensitive sodium channels (VSSC) in nerve cell membranes and are composed of synthetic molecules based on pyrethrins present in pyrethrum extracts from Chrysanthemum species. VSSC are transmembrane proteins that are important for electric signalling over the membrane in insects. Mutations in the gene encoding the sodium channel have proved to be a common reason for resistance against pyrethroids. Pyrethroid resistance among pollen beetles is spread all over Sweden and also abroad and is increasing.

Muntlig information till patienter i samband med inläggning av en perifer venkateter

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om sjuksköterskans information till patienter, vid inläggning av perifer venkateter, följde gällande riktlinjer från Handbok för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Författarna samlade in data genom att delta vid 60 inläggningar av perifer venkateter vilka genomfördes av femton olika sjuksköterskor. Insamlingen ägde rum på en dagkirurgiavdelning. Man observerade ett antal områden, resultatet på dessa kunde bli ja eller nej, där ja var det resultat man eftersökte. Antal ja-svar summerades och analyserades med oberoende t-tester för att se eventuella skillnader i yngre/äldre och män/kvinnor, inga skillnader påfanns.

Homestaging : en upplevelse av bostaden

 Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa fenomenet homestaging i teori och praktik, med huvudinriktning på geografisk betydelse. Begreppet homestaging skapades på 1970-talet i USA och har funnits i Sverige sedan slutet av 1990-talet, men det är först på 2000-talet som det har blivit ett allmänt begrepp. Vi har för avsikt att jämföra homestagingens betydelse i ett litet samhälle, en mellanstor stad och en större stad. Då vi även är nyfikna på om det finns en geografisk skillnad, valde vi även att jämföra två likvärda orter i norra och södra Sverige. Vi har gjort enkätundersökningar på tre mäklarfirmors kontor i Ljusdal, Gävle, Stockholm och Vimmerby, för att ta reda på om de använder sig av homestaging och vad de har för tankar kring fenomenet. Vi valde dessa fastighetsmäklarfirmor då de har kontor på samtliga fyra orter vi valt att titta närmare på, och för att de har en relativt stor marknadsandel.Vi har även intervjuat tre kvinnor som arbetar med homestaging för att ta del av deras arbetssätt, syn på yrket och dess framtid. I uppsatsen belyser vi också homestaging som en upplevelse och hur bostadsspekulanter kan påverkas med hjälp av ?upplevelserummet?. Begreppet avdragsrätt och hur tilläggstjänster behandlas skatterättsligt, granskas även i uppsatsen..

Framtagning av normalt referensintervall för RDW och retikulocyter på hematologiinstrumentet ADVIA 2120

Erythropoiesis is a complex and carefully controlled process which is mainly regulated by erythropoietin. Using flow cytometry cells in a blood sample can be analyzed one by one. ADVIA 2120 using flow cytometry for analysis of red blood cells (RBC) and reticulocytes. Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is a component of the RBC method. RDW indicates size variation on erythrocytes and is measured as a percentage of the mean cell volume (MCV). By measuring the RDW anemia can be divided into makrocytic, microcytic or normocytic. Reticulocytes refract light more strongly than red blood cells because they contain some cellular debris. The number of reticulocytes in the peripheral blood reflects erythropoiesis in the bone marrow. The purpose of this project was that by approved methods to establish reference ranges for the parameters, RDW and reticulocyte counts.The individuals who participated in the study, n=124, were considered healthy and had varying ethnicity. Reference subjects had not donated blood the last six months and participation in the study was voluntary.The statistic evaluation includes examination of distribution, and reference ranges for both men and women were established using the 2.5:t and 97.5:t percentiles. The calculated reference interval for RDW was between 12.0 ? 14.3% and the calculated reference interval for reticulocytes was between 38.0 ? 112.8 x109 cells/L. The results showed a significant difference between males and females for the parameter reticulocytes was seen. The difference indicates that different reference ranges should be established for men and women (p<0,0001). No significant difference between males and females were seen for RDW (p=0,74) indicating that the same reference ranges can be used for both men and women. .

Perifer venkateter : förebyggande av komplikationer

Bakgrund: Ungefär hälften av alla vuxna som vårdas på sjukhus erhåller en perifer venkateter (PVK) för intravenöst behandling. Det finns risk för lindriga eller allvarliga komplikationer. Den vanligaste komplikationen är tromboflebit och den allvarligast är infektion. I Sverige är det sjuksköterskan som ansvarar för insättning, skötsel, borttagande och dokumentation av PVK. Omvårdnaden vid handhavande av PVK är eftersatt och sjuksköterskan bör förvissa sig om att deras kunskaper är uppdaterad och evidensbaserad för att minska risken för komplikationer.

Price adjustment and vacancies on theStockholm market ? Estimation of rent levelsdue to office-allocations

The Stockholm office market segment have for a long time been considered a safe havenwhen it comes to withstand negative turmoil in the form of rental compression due toeconomic fluctuation, especially in the CBD demographic. Recently however, a large numberof banks and institutions, amounting to some 200000 square meters, have decided to relocateto more peripheral locations with the aim of cost reductions on rent. This mass exodus isstudied with focus on rental dynamics as the result of increased vacancies. Other variables arestock changes and employment. The method is econometric combined with an interviewseries.

Hyperglykemi hos kor med löpmagsdislokation :

The main interest of this study was to investigate whether there is hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia in cows suffering from abomasal displacement and to evaluate the effect of transport on blood glucose. Thirty-six cows with left- or right-sided abomasal displacement were included in the study together with 17 cows with other diseases for comparison. Fifteen cows with abomasal displacement and 7 cows with other diseases were sampled before transport. One third of the cows with abomasal displacement had hyperglycemia when the transport effects were corrected for. Separating this group in left- and right-sided abomasal displacement we found significantly higher blood glucose and insulin levels among cows with right-sided abomasal displacement. An explanation for this difference may be a strong stress response secondary to the right-sided dislocation.

Kommunikationseffektivitet och kommunikationsstrategier för L1- och L2-talare i referentiella problemlösningsuppgifter

This thesis examines and measures differences in effciency between L1- and L2 language use for solving referential problems. Quantitative measures used in the study were time and error frequency. Qualitative measures, such as how the tasks and the participants own performance were experienced, were measured by an post interview and two questionaires. Two different tasks, a sorting task and a construction task, in which each informant was given the role as a constructor or instructor, were used for data gathering. A total of 20 dyads, divided in two language groups (English and Swedish) participated in the study.


The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.

Trygghet och säkerhet i offentlig stadsmiljö :

To thoroughly think with safety and security in mind is an important issue in planning of public city spaces. Spaces intended to be available to all inhabitants of a city should have a welcoming appearance. Unfortu-nately, this is not the situation in many pedestrian walkways, parks and such spaces, possibly due to lack in safety and security. This master thesis intend to examine questions at this issue ? what makes you feel safe and what causes insecurity in public city spaces. The safety aspect treats the human psychological and sociological ways of perceiving her milieu and other humans in it, and how the physical shape of her surroundings can affect the sense of safety.

Sjuksköterskors kunskap om perifert inlagd central venkateter (PICC-line)

A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line) is a catheter that is inserted through a peripheral vein in the arm and then on to a central vein in the chest. It is used to give injections and infusions and to take blood samples of patients who need treatment for longer periods.The aim of this study was to investigate nurses' perceived knowledge of the care and use of PICC line in wards where PICC line does not occur daily. The aim was also to investigate if the nurses expressed a need and wished for more knowledge to be able to use PICC line, and if PICC line is not used investigate the cause of that.The study was of a descriptive design with quantitative approach. An online survey was answered by 40 nurses from five wards at a university hospital in central Sweden.A large number of the nurses who responded to the survey reported that they lacked knowledge of the care and use of PICC line. Despite this, three-quarters of the nurses usually use PICC line at the infusion / injection / blood tests on patients with PICC line, if they are cared for in their ward.

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