687 Uppsatser om Perioperative documentation - Sida 41 av 46
Ett förändrat förhållningssätt : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av pedagogers syn på att arbeta Reggio Emilia-inspirerat i förskolan
Studien är en kvalitativ, empirisk undersökning som baseras på intervjuer med sex pedagoger som arbetar på Reggio Emilia-inspirerade förskolor. Reggio Emilia-filosofin växte fram i norra Italien efter andra världskriget och introducerades i Sverige under början av 1980-talet. Inom Reggio Emilia anser man att barn är rika och kompetenta och man arbetar kontinuerligt med att utvärdera och utveckla verksamheten genom att bland annat använda pedagogisk dokumentation som arbetsredskap. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och i sådana fall på vilka sätt pedagoger på två Reggio Emilia-inspirerade förskolor anser att deras förhållningssätt förändrats jämfört med deras tidigare yrkesutövning inom förskoleverksamhet. I litteraturgenomgången redogörs för ursprunget till Reggio Emilia-filosofin, hur framväxten av den svenska förskolan sett ut, när och hur Reggio Emilia introducerades i Sverige samt de grundtankar vi funnit centrala inom Reggio Emilias filosofi.
"Bok för bok förändras Guatemala" : En studie av förutsättningar och effekter i ett biblioteksbiståndsprojekt
The main purpose of this Master´s thesis, is to describe and discuss what constitutes the library collaboration between The Swedish Royal Library and the National Library of Guatemala, but also to analyse which effects the support has for public library work in Guatemala. The data consists of interviews and direct-observations during 2 months of fieldwork in Guatemala, Central America. The analysis is based on literature studies combined with the answers from the respondents and other results from the field work. We have found above all three factors to be of importance in the constitution of the collaboration between the National Library in Guatemala and the Swedish Royal Library: the Swedish library discourse, the Swedish aid discourse and the relationship between the people involved with the project. The library discourse in Sweden and in Guatemala emphasizes different aspects of the work.
Vilken roll spelar läsning för patienter på sjukhus? : En intervjuundersökning om sjukhusbibliotek, bokvagn och läsning på Universitetssjukhuset i Malmö
This essay is about reading among patients in hospital. The aim of the essay is to find out what part reading and the library play for patients in hospital. An additional aim is to find out in what ways the collaboration between hospital librarians and hospital staff could be developed. The starting-point of the problem is one main question: What part does reading play for the patient during the stay at the hospital? On the basis of the answers to this question I have also looked for possibilities of enhanced co-operation between hospital libraries and hospital staff.The method for the essay is qualitative and fifteen persons in three different wards at University Hospital in Malm have been interviewed.
En jämförande studie av metadatascheman vid två statliga myndigheter
The purpose of this case study has been to investigate the development and implementation of metadataschemas in two swedish governmental agencies. The interest of metadata in relation to records managment has been significant lately due to the challenges posed by the digital environment. This has been manifesteted in international standards such as TS/ISO 23081 Metadata for records and the MoReq 2 metadata specification issued by the DLM-forum. The extent to which these standard has influenced practice seems less overt however which has been one main motivation for this study. The research questions adressed are: What has been the main purposes for the development of the metadataschemas? Which standards and role-models have influenced the metadataschemas? How has the implementation of the schemas been carried out? The case study has been conducted using a qualitative research method.
Katalogisatörer - vinnare eller förlorare? En analys av huvudargumenten rörande katalogisatörernas förändrade yrkesroll
We were interested in catalogers as human beings and in their reaction to a changed working situation. In the light of the changes which have been made at the libraries during the nineties, we investigated why the very group catalogers reacted with an intense and engaged open debate at the same time as librarians with special competence didn t seem to react in this way. The open debate about the catalogers changed working conditions was held in Sweden, above all at BIBLIST, which is a forum for library-connected questions. This forum uses an email list made particularly for librarians. The situation of the librarians was, to a small extent, also discussed in publications made for the library line of business.
Kvalitetsgranskning av omvårdnadsdokumentation i datoriserad patientjournal
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur omvårdnaden dokumenteras i datoriserad patientjournal på en medicinavdelning i mellan Sverige, genom en journalgranskning med granskningsinstrumentet Cat-ch-Ing. Frågeställningarna var ?Vilka poäng ger Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet avseende kvantitet samt kvalitet?? och ?Kan omvårdnadsprocessen följas i omvårdnadsjournalen utifrån Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet??Metod: Studien är kvantitativ, deskriptiv och retrospektiv. En journalgranskning gjordes med hjälp av granskningsinstrumentet Cat-ch-Ing. Ett systematiskt urval av 100 journaler gjordes och därefter ett slumpmässigt urval av 30 journaler.
Det är något i mig som stretar emot : en essä om Reggio Emiliafilosofin, pedagogisk dokumentation och vår kunskapsprocess
Syftet med denna essä är att undersöka den konflikt som uppkommer när studenter som vi genomgår en erfarenhetsbaserad förskollärarutbildning, där nya teoretiska kunskaper ska samspela med redan beprövad erfarenhet från yrket. De situationer som uppstått i vår praktik har legat till grund för de gestaltningar vi skrivit. Tvivlet, osäkerheten och kritiken vi har burit på har väckt en stark vilja att ta reda på vad dessa känslor bottnar i. Våra gestaltningar har uppstått i en verksamhet där Reggio Emiliafilosofin tycks vara rådande därför vill vi också undersöka vad Reggio Emiliafilosofin står för samt vad verktyget pedagogisk dokumentation är och om det finns olika sätt att förstå detta. Genom att undersöka Aristoteles olika kunskapsformer får vi syn på vårt eget kunnande och kan sätta det i relation till vår kunskapsprocess och pedagogisk dokumentation.
PRESTIGE, KARRIÄR OCH OPEN ACCESS Forskares syn på publicering i vetenskapliga tidskrifter
Dissatisfaction with the current market for scientific publishing, dominated by a few large publishers able to obtain high subscription fees, gave birth to the Open Access movement. One problem for the Open Access movement, which aims at making research results freely available, is that scientists are reluctant to publish in journals that are free on the Internet, so called Open Access journals. This master's thesis aims at showing how scientists reason about their own publishing in scientific journals. It is investigated which factors are important when scientist decide on which journals to send their articles. The aim is to increase the understanding of scientists' views on Open Access.Six interviews were conducted with scientists in Biomedicine at Lund University.
Märks lärares kunskapssyn i bedömningen?
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan några lärares bedömning och olika pedagogiska grundteoriers kunskapssyn samt hur de tillsammans med lärarens egen kunskapssyn påverkar bedömningen. Utifrån uttalanden från 5 stycken utvalda lärare, tillsammans med den litteratur som vi läst har vi försökt att hitta samband. Den metod som användes var enskilda intervjuer, ur vilka uttalanden kopplades till den litteratur och de pedagogiska grundteoriernas kunskapssyn. Vi ställde frågor om hur dessa personer konstruerade sina prov samt hur de bedömer och dokumenterar sina elevers lärande. Hur lärarnas bedömning påverkats av de olika teoriernas kunskapssyn och hur skolväsendet har påverkats av dessa teorier försökte sedan knytas till behaviorism, kognitivism, konstruktivism och sociokulturell teoris olika kunskapssyner.
Granskning av sjuksköterskans journalföring gällande emotionell hälsa hos patienter som genomgått allogen stamcellstransplantation
Enligt Patientdatalagen (SFS 2008:355), 3 kap, 1 § har fastställts att sjuksköterskan är skyldig att föra journal. I varje patientjournal ska upprättas en omvårdnadsplan vilken ska vara utformad enligt omvårdnadsprocessens fem faser: bedömning, diagnos, mål, planering, genomförande och utvärdering. Omvårdnadsdokumentationen har som syfte att beskriva den vård som patienten erhållit genom att den beskriver vilka beslut som tagits, vilka åtgärder som gjorts samt vilka resultat som uppnåtts. Patienter som genomgår allogen stamcellstransplantation (SCT) upplever ofta en hög psykologisk påfrestning och själva transplantationstillfället är i sig komplext med många behandlingsrelaterade biverkningar som påverkar hela den transplanterades tillvaro både fysiskt och psykiskt. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsdokumentation avseende omvårdnadsprocessen gällande patienters emotionella hälsa (EH) från utskrivningsdatum för SCT och ett år framåt.
IT Konsulter : Den Framträdande Strategiska Konsulten
The changed role of IT continuously influences organisational development, the individual and his role in the organization, different kinds of structures, management processes and strategies. One of the big concerns for IT firms is the need for IT consultants with enough experience to effectively and rapidly understand the business procedures of the firm in or-der to become a resource. In the classic IT-consultant role in the early days of IT, quite dif-ferent features were expected from them in their work procedures. The structure of how and which tasks they were expected to handle has undergone an indisputable transforma-tion. Today?s IT consultants are expected to know how to think in business strategic man-ners as well as the IT strategic manners.
Standardisera mera? : Z39.50 mellan enighet och mångfald
Z39.50 is a standard protocol designed to create an interface between diverse computer databases for diverse information needs. Since it has to be adjustable it is also complex and demands a certain degree of expertise when being set. However, the aim of this paper is not to make a theoretical description but to examine certain conditions in practice. From the perspective of Swedish research libraries two principal hypotheses are examined: 1) the implementation of a given technology (Z39.50) is primarily influenced by social circumstances, and 2) the way in which the technology is implemented will bias the results of information retrieval. For this examination we need a framework of theories concerning the relationship between technological development and society, organisational theories and database theories.
Kvalitetsprocesser och mätning av pinnfräsar : ? Empirisk studie av produktionsmätutrustning vid frästillverkning
This master thesis investigates quality procedures and measuring of solid carbide end mills, with the main focus on measuring equipment. The thesis has been written in collaboration with a special production department for solid carbide end mills at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo. The department?s needs and constraints have been the foundation of the project and the main research question is: how to measure end mills in order to ensure good quality of the produced end mills. The project has contained both a theoretical study consisting of a literature review and practical studies in the workshop with the objective to identify an end mill?s main parameters and the relationship between an end mill?s geometry and the manufacturing processes.
Det ryska barnbibliotekets roll och överlevnad i dagens Ryssland : En fältundersökning på barnbiblioteket i Pskov
In an international perspective the Russian children s library is a unique institution, being solely committed to children up to 14 years of age. In Russia of today it is, however, being exposed to hard pressure as the economical and social conditions have changed dramatically since the collapse of the USSR. My interest lies in examining this change of living conditions for the children s libraries and how this in turn affect their work and role in the present state. In order to view this change in a longer perspective, I compare the situation for children s libraries during the time of communist regime with that of today using documents about and from children s libraries. I have studied its legal position and conditions, financial and political state, and how the modern society affects children and youth, especially their daily cultural life.
Utformning av sidoområden med hänsyn till vägens livscykelkostnad
Single vehicle accidents are one of the most common types of accidents that occur on the Swedish road network. Depending on the design of the road, the presence of a crash barrier and embankment on the roadside, the outcome of a roadside collision can lead to serious injuries and even deaths.The aim of this project is to investigate the possibility of improving road safety by designing the optimal roadside area based on the results of a life cycle cost analysis (LCC).The questions that have been answered during the duration of this project are:1) Describe the current technical solutions for roadside area design and the various barrier types used in Sweden.2) Complete an existing mathematical model that has been developed by Hawzheen Karim, for calculating life-cycle costs for various roadside areas.3) Calculate and compare the life cycle costs for the side area with a barrier and without a barrier.By performing an analysis of the documentation on the current guidelines and rules for shaping the roadside, was it possible to describe the current technical solutions for the formation the roadside as well as the current roadside barriers in use today. A mathematical model for calculating the life cycle costs of different barrier types had already been developed by Hawzheen Karim. This model was supplemented so that it could calculate life-cycle costs of the roadside region with and without a barrier. After the model was completed, an analysis was performed to obtain life-cycle costs of a roadside with and without a barrier.The result showed that there is a clear relationship between the slope inclination, fill height, and the rate at which the costs rise.