

1634 Uppsatser om Performance Indicators - Sida 40 av 109

Camp Vamp - Att ljussätta en dansföreställning med skiftande förutsättningar

I work on a lighting design for a dance performance to be on tour. A lighting design adapted for three different conditions was made: - One comprehensive where I allow myself a great deal of creative freedom, adapted for the stages with major technical conditions. - One smaller version for stages with less equipment and with less time for preparation on site. - One design for very simple conditions. I also examine the specific differences between typical theatrical lighting design and typical dance lighting design, and the best way to prepare for the hands-on stage design phase..

Staten och socionomen. En kvantitativ studie av social bakgrund och välfärdspolitiska attitydmönster bland blivande socialarbetare.

The North-American sociologist Michael Lipsky has characterized social workers as street-level bureaucrats with a substantial discretion in the relationship between the welfare state and its citizens. Within Lipsky´s theoretical framework social workers appear as a powerful group that socializes the citizens to uphold certain expectations towards the welfare state and its (re)distributional programs. From this point of view, it is important to learn more about social workers and the attitudes they express towards the welfare state. The aim of this study is to analyze how the welfare-political attitudes of future social workers are affected by their social background (e.g. class background and ancestral homeland).

Uppföljning och styrning av lagerproduktion ? Ramverk, mätsystem och individualiseringsmodell

Titel: Uppföljning och styrning av lagerproduktion ? Ramverk, mätsystem och individualiseringsmodell Författare: Peter Gunnarson och Daniel Hallbäck Handledare: Adj. prof. Stig-Arne Mattsson, Institutionen för teknisk ekonomi och logistik. Prof.

Fertility before and after installation of Herd Navigator?

The fertility of dairy cows is of great importance in order to maintain high production. The decline in fertility of dairy cows the latest decades can have several explanations. The large emphasis on high yielding cows and the negative genetic correlation between milk production and fertility traits could be one of the main factors for impaired fertility. To find heats and inseminate the cow at the right time is crucial to receive high conception rate. Delaval has, in corporation with FOSS, developed Herd Navigator which is a management program that measure four biological parameters in the milk; progesterone, betahydroxybutyrate, lactate dehydrogenase and urea.

Belöningssystems komplexitet : sett ur ett svenskt ledningsperspektiv

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att ur ett ledningsperspektiv undersöka vilka belöningssystem småsom gare nämnde nämnde prestation. hur vi kommer in på just ett belöningssystem som främjar. lvis kopplingen emellan prestation företag använder och jämföra detta med företagens tillväxt och de anställdas prestation.Metod: Metoden använder en tvärsnittsdesign med induktiv karaktär. Primärdata består av kvalitativa intervjuer som kombineras med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning ur ett  företagsledarperspektiv. Urvalet baseras på företagens storlek, år de grundades samt  bransch.TeoriUppsatsskribenterna avser att använda agentteorin, Hertzbergs tvåfaktorteori, teorier kring belöningssystem och motivationsteorier som uppsatsen teoretisk ramverk.Resultat: Resultatet visar att fast lön och prestationsbelöningar är mest använt.

Implementering av mjukvarubaserat PLC-system för reglering av magnetiseringen av en synkrongenerator

In order to reduce the price for, and improve the performance of automatic control systems for magnetization of synchronus generators, the possibilities of using a PC based software PLC system, Programmable Logic Controller, has been investigated. The result is a system based on the CoDeSys software PLC with runtime environment from 3S-Software, communicating with external units via Modbus fieldbus. System price is reduced from ?5000 to ?2000 and system processing speed is reduced from 10 ms for a Siemens S7 PLC to 4 ms with the CoDeSys PLC system though unsolved problems with runtime seizure caused by improper settings in the PC BIOS..

Välfärd i ekologisk och konventionell grishållning :

Organic animal husbandry has received a lot of criticism lately. The aim of this literature review was to examine if the rules and principles of organic pig farming give better or worse welfare in comparison to the conventional systems in Sweden. Health, physiology and behaviour have been used as indicators of welfare in this study. This is due to the importance of using more than one indicator in welfare assessments. Studies have shown that organic pigs have more remarks on joints when slaughtered, but these remarks can be reduced by vaccination against erysipelas.

Konstruktion av patientsimulator för anestesimaskiner

A patient simulator for testing anaesthesia machines has been developed at Maquet Critical Care AB, to reduce costly and time-consuming experiments on animals. The device simulates human lungs regarding lung dynamics and volume, uptake of anaesthetic agents and the production of carbon dioxide, heat and moisture. Further demands on the simulator are durability and size; the device shall be compact enough to be moveable.The resulting simulator fulfils the requirements and enables better repeatability and ability to test extreme cases than experiments on animals do.Uptake of the anaesthetic agent is achieved in a active carbon filter and controlled by regulating the flow. The flow is created by a regenerative blower and controlled using a proportional valve. The uptake can be set by the user or by a simple uptake model modified to recursively handle changes in the concentration of anaesthetic agent.Carbon dioxide is fed into the system from a tank by a mass flow regulator.

KONTRASTERANDE V?GAR TILL EKONOMISK TILLV?XT En j?mf?rande studie av utl?ndska direktinvesteringars inverkan i Serbien och Montenegro

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is widely regarded as a significant catalyst for economic development especially in emerging and developing economies. While previous research has found different effects from foreign direct investments in different countries this study aims to explore the varying effects of FDI in Serbia and Montenegro. The study focuses on how FDI influences key economic indicators, specifically GDP per capita and employment rates, in the context of their aspirations to join the European Union (EU). Employing a comparative approach, the thesis examines the differing trajectories of Montenegro and Serbia in utilizing FDI for economic advancement. The research reveals that while Serbia shows significant positive correlation between FDI and both GDP per capita and employment rates, Montenegro displays no significant relationship in these aspects.

Ergi inom kult och magi : under den skandinaviska järnåldern och äldre medeltiden

Syftet med min undersökning har varit att undersöka receptionen kring det ryska konstkollektivet Pussy Riot. Jag har försökt att finna svar på vad det är för omständigheter som ligger bakom uppmärksamheten som gruppen har fått internationellt och i Sverige. Detta har jag gjort genom att utgå från ett genusperspektiv med en speciell inriktning på feministisk konstteori. Med hjälp av internationella artiklar och svensk dagspress har jag gjort en övergripande analys av receptionen kring Pussy Riot och deras konst. Genom materialet har jag kunnat undersöka olika kontexter som Pussy Riots konst har skapat reception inom.

Företagskluster och närhet i Katutura, Namibia : En studie kring småföretag, närhet och klusterfördelar

In Economic Geography, there has been a strong interest of how different forms of proximity impacts businesses. In addition, there is also a strong interest in business agglomeration, as a result businesses cluster together through physical proximity, networks and knowledge. In the development sector, there is a strong interest on how to best support the creations and growth of small enterprises.This essay emphasises on the business cluster formations in Katutura, a suburb to Windhoek the capital city of Namibia. It oversees the impacts of different types of cluster formations and their effects on the businesses. In addition, this essay will identify the main clusters in Katutura and state what makes them unique from each other and what is a common cluster feature.

Silva Quattro-S : Utveckling av träningsprodukt med multifunktion

In the spring of 2009 Silva Sweden AB was contacted for a collaboration within the scope of a MasterThesis project. The company had discussed the possibility to develop a device that monitors usermovement during different types of exercise. The objective of this Master Thesis has therefore been todevelop and design a multi training device that records the user?s physical performance during severalactivities. The purpose of the thesis project has been to use scientific methods for product development inorder to design a multi device that supplements Silva?s range of products.The project followed a product development process divided into four phases; Market Analysis, ConceptCreation, Concept Development and Construction.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy för musikalisk prestationsångest : att lära sig leva med prestationsångest genom ökad psykologisk flexibilitet

Musikalisk prestationsångest (MPA) är ett vanligt förekommande problem bland musiker och kan i vissa fall omöjliggöra en karriär som musiker. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att utvärdera en 5 sessioners behandling med Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) för MPA. Resultatet är lovande, 7 av 8 deltagare fullföljde behandlingen och flera deltagare fick förbättringar på såväl ACT-relaterade mått som på mått för MPA. Resultatet motiverar vidare forskning om ACT för MPA..

Mind the Gap En explorativ studie i hur storföretag verksamma i Sverige stänger gapet mellan strategi och prestation samt vilka paralleller som kan dras till Corporate Performance Management

Bakgrund & Problem: Många studier pekar på att det är stor skillnad mellan den formuleradeföretagsstrategin och den faktiska prestationen. Detta har benämnts som ?The Strategy toPerformance Gap?. En föreslagen metod för att komma tillrätta med detta gap är Gartner GroupsCorporate Performance Management (CPM) initiativ. Stora och internationellt verksamma företagborde ha mest att tjäna på att minska gapet, de torde även vara de som har kommit längst inyttjandet av nya teorier för att nå dit.

Styrketillväxt med hjälp av vibrationsplatta

Abstract 1.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects whole body vibrations on maximal strength, power output and neuromuscular activity in m. pectoralis major during bench press.Participants consisted of 35 male and 9 female military high school students (m=23, 1 years). On the basis of initial maximal performances in bench press the participants was divided into two experiments groups and one control group. Intervention groups performed a specifically designed push up program on a vibrating plate respectively a step board during 12 weeks Initial load at 60 % of 1 RM showed an average of 46, 5 kg. All groups showed an average increase of 13 kg for each person after 12 weeks.

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