

1634 Uppsatser om Performance Indicators - Sida 14 av 109

"Öppna jämförelser"- morot eller piska? : En fallstudie av hur förändrad styrning av sjukvården påverkar läkare i deras yrkesutövning

The governance and control of healthcare organizations has traditionally been run byprofessions inside the organization (Fölster et al., 2003). During the last decades Swedishhealthcare has undergone an institutional transformation where the governance has changedfrom professional governance to a more market like one (Sahlin-Andersson, 2006). Governingof healthcare can however be problematic as professional work is characterized by a highlevel of autonomy and tacit knowledge (cf. Tsoukas, 1997, Freidson, 2001). An expression ofthe new kind of governance is the annually published report ?Öppna jämförelser av hälso- ochsjukvårdens kvalitet och effektivitet?.

Performance management på individnivå : - Bonussystem för ökad prestation inom Swedbank

ProblemPerformance management på individnivå innebär att styra individen utifrån individuella mål som förmedlar organisationens övergripande strategi till medarbetarna. För att förstärka styreffekterna av individuella mål kan en belöning kopplas till måluppfyllelsegrad. Effekten av ett bonussystem ställer stora krav på samarbete mellan chef och anställd då de tillsammans ska ställa upp realistiska mål som syftar till att utveckla den enskilde individen samtidigt som de bidrar till organisationens övergripande mål och resultat. Därmed är det viktigt att undersöka hur medarbetare och chefer påverkas av individuella mål kopplade till bonus och vilka effekter detta får inom företaget. Vilken effekt har målsättnings-, uppföljnings- och utvärderingsarbetet på styrning och motivation bland medarbetare och chefer?SyfteSyftet är att undersöka och öka förståelsen kring hur styrning och motivations-aspekter påverkas då performance management bryts ner till individnivå samt hur en belöningskoppling kan förstärka den eventuella styreffekten.MetodUndersökningen har genomförts i form av en fallstudie där intervjuer använts som främsta empiriinsamlingsmetod.

Digital Airsoftstyrning : DAC Mark.I

The Airsoft Community always search for realism and optimal performance.When the performance and/or the realism in your AEG1 aren?t enough you turn to modifications toimprove the weapon. But to manufacture such modifications isn?t that easy, hence you turn tocompanies that are specialized in creating such devices.The goal with this project is to create a prototype of a modification called ?Programmable MOSFET?and targets optimization of the electrical components within the AEG. This means that you digitalizethe control of your AEG thus entails new functions and more stability to the system that isn?t possiblewith its mechanical predecessor.A prototype has been manufactured and programmed with functions according to requirementspecificationsthen it was tested on an airsoft-gearbox with rewarding results.

Professionell barnteater på folkbibliotek: ?att bli berörd, att bli glad, att få skratta?

This master?s thesis concerns the performance of professional children?s theatre in public libraries. With qualitative interviews I have looked into how four children?s librarians and two theatre consultants appreciate professional children?s theatre, and furthermore I have looked into their view on the importance of theatre for children. My intentions have also been to investigate their views on the function and status of children?s theatre in public libraries and also the relationship between library and theatre activities for children.

Att köra eller inte köra : En studie av miljömedvetna bilisters dissonansreducerande- och identitetsupprätthållande strategier

Att köra eller inte köra is a qualitative study aiming to show how environmentally conscious people who utilizes cars deal with their dissonant behavior, but at the sametime maintain an identity as environmentally conscious. The study is based on the fact that a third of those who drive cars in the municipality of Växjö would like to decrease their use of cars while at the same time having the infrastructural conditions to utilize other means of transportation. The study investigates inner obstacles in the form of habits and lifestyle, but also the different strategies the motorists use to reduce their cognitive dissonance and maintain a green identity. The indicators show that the reason the majority of the motorists continue to utilize cars is part due to inner obstacles (it's adeeply rooted habit, but also a big part of their lifestyles), part due to that the individuals have defenses for their use of their cars, defenses designed to have a dissonance reducing effect. The indicators also show that the motorists value their family higher than the environment, and in this way they can legitimize many of their car uses.

En energiutredning och miljöklassning av Hemsta 12:16

The purpose of this study was to implement an energy analysis and environmental evaluation of the property Hemsta 12:16 in Gävle. Based on two different methods, Energy Balance calculation and Environmental Building, the result of the property's energy use, energy performance and environmental impacts are presented. Except that, measures to reduce final energy consumption are presented.      The proposed measures can reduce energy usage by 100 400 kWh / year, which represents a decrease of 18% of the present energy usage. This would represent a total savings of 63 000 SEK per year. In addition, the environmental performance is improved by adopting the suggested measures..

Business Intelligence i SharePoint

The goal for this thesis work was to develop Business Intelligence (BI) for an IT consultant company.LexiConsult is an IT consultant company in the Lexicon-group which offers expertise within Office (templates, database, spreadsheets, Outlook etc.) but also SharePoint development and services like support, documentation etcetera.We have investigated the functionality in SharePoint and MS SQL Server and have also evaluated which possibilities these platforms offer in terms of creating a BI-solution for LexiConsults needs. SharePoint offers a variety of different tools and services for BI but none of these where available in the Office365-version which LexiConsult uses. Another solution was therefore suggested where the reports should be published on a web hosting company.We have also studied critical success factors when implementing BI in an IT consulting company.The result is a set of BI-reports developed for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), which the staff of LexiConsult can access via their SharePoint site.The reports are designed for monitoring and analysis of the economy with e.g. key Performance Indicators, drill-down of the revenue in different aspects such as by time period, per employee, per customer etcetera. The reports provides vital knowledge that can be used for decision support, e.g.

Varför lyckas inte alla? : En studie på Hantverksprogrammet Frisör och Florist om skillnader mellan hög- och lågpresterande elever.

Our purpose with this study was to investigate whether there was any difference between high and low performing students from selected aspects such as choice of studies, achievement, self-image, motivation, confidence and career choices.A training professional in today's schools requires knowledge of how young people think about their lives for us to help students develop both high-and low-performing students. Students have different conditions, but no matter good or bad conditions, each individual pupil must be allowed to develop.The concepts used in the study are of study, self-image, motivation, achievement in the future and career choices. In the background, describes these concepts through literature study. The method we have used was semi-structured interviews. Which means a fixed structure, but with room for follow-up questions.The results of our study indicate that there were clear differences between high-and low-performing students.

Effektivare röjningssätt med kedjeröjsågen?

After the mandatory rules for clearing was removed in 1994, the clearing area has increased in Sweden. After the storms Gudrun and Per, the areas became planted with new plants, mainly spruce, but also other tree species. Storm areas are now being invaded by naturally rejuvenated birch in the tilling tracks. Since the birch often is initially growing faster than the spruce it is inhibiting the growth and is also damaging the spruce. The purpose of this thesis is to study the new brush saw with chain and compare it with the conventional clearing saw, mainly in terms of performance and ergonomics. The results show that the new brush saw with chain is very good in almost all clearing operations compared to the conventional clearing saw.

Galoppträning och körning med två travare

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether gallop training, rather than regular drive training, is worthwhile for trotters race performance. Another aim of the study was to expand the author?s riding- and driving capacity, and get more practical experience on the impact of interval training on trotters. The sample population in the study was two trotters, one Standardbred, and one cold-blood. Given the small sample population, the results of the study is only indicative on the effects of gallop training on trotters, and not conclusive.

Koffeinets inverkan på prestationsförmågan vid styrketräning ? En systematisk översiktsartikel

AbstractTitle: The effect of caffeine on performance during resistance training ?A systematic overviewAuthor: Amanda Jonsson and Erica BenderSupervisor: Mette AxelsenExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 2015-03-31Background: Products with high content of caffeine has in recent years become popular for optimizing physical performance. Caffeine affects mechanisms in our body which can be beneficial to perform better during exercise, but the theories have not yet been systematically reviewed.Objective: The purpose of this review article, is to examine the acute effect of caffeine intake before strength training on athletic performance with the outcome muscle endurance.Search strategy: A systematic literature search in databases PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane using keywords: ?Caffeine?, ?strength?, ?muscle?, "resistance training", "muscle strength", "strength training", "athletic performance", ?repetitions to failure?, ?muscular endurance? and ?endurance training?.Selection criteria: Healthy subjects, 16-50 years old, with experience in strength training. Studies with a caffeine intake > 5 mg/kg body weight, which participants performed dynamic strength exercises on a weight > 60% of their 1 RM.

Diversifieringsmöjligheter och deras effekt på avkastning : en jämförande studie av etiska och traditionella fonder

Aim: Based on portfolio theory, which highlights diversification, and CSR, which describes the value of social and ethical responsibility of corporations, this study examines whether there is a difference in risk-adjusted performance between ethical and traditional mutual funds. Ethical funds are limited in their opportunities of diversification and should therefore be limited in their potential perfomance. On the other hand, a focus on social and ethical responsibility can be profitable.Method: The study uses a quantitative approach where we used 25 mutual fund in each category, ethical and conventional mutual funds. The mutual funds and their data has been obtained from www.morningstar.se and www.pensionmyndigheten.se. Historical performance between 2009-2013 were processed to obtain the Sharpe ratio and M2.

Skogsbruksplanen - ett hjälpmedel i vattenförvaltningsfrågor? : en intervjustudie

After the mandatory rules for clearing was removed in 1994, the clearing area has increased in Sweden. After the storms Gudrun and Per, the areas became planted with new plants, mainly spruce, but also other tree species. Storm areas are now being invaded by naturally rejuvenated birch in the tilling tracks. Since the birch often is initially growing faster than the spruce it is inhibiting the growth and is also damaging the spruce. The purpose of this thesis is to study the new brush saw with chain and compare it with the conventional clearing saw, mainly in terms of performance and ergonomics. The results show that the new brush saw with chain is very good in almost all clearing operations compared to the conventional clearing saw.

Produktivitetsmodell för en Sverigebaserad NPI & LVHM kretskortsproduktion i världsklass

Vid svåra tider har det blivit allt vanligare att företag outsourcar delar av sin verksamhet. Även om ansvaret för verksamheten faller på en annan part kan grundproblemet till varför outsourcing genomfördes bestå och fortsätta att påverka företaget. För att förhindra ett förhastat beslut om outsourcing, är det därför viktigt att ta reda på hur verksamheten presterar och kan förbättras. Av denna anledning är det av ytterst viktigt att företag mäter sin prestation. Genom att mäta prestationer övervakas företagets aktiviteter, processer och utveckling i önskad riktning.

Terminalisering hos JM AB

During the last decade, the construction industry has focused on improving and optimising its production process. The construction industry is now facing larger changes regarding efficiency in their supply chain for the next decade. Many companies are now trying to optimise its supply chain together with its supplier. JM AB, which is one of the biggest construction companies in Sweden, is looking at different options to improve its own logistics together with their suppliers. One option is to use a terminal between JM and the suppliers to solve problems such as quality, custom service and inventory for the in production.

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