

1634 Uppsatser om Performance Indicators - Sida 15 av 109

Lärarrollen i förändring : En intervjustudie om lärares inställning till en förändrad lärarroll

During the past twenty years, the Swedish school systems have slowly changed to becomemore and more performance-driven. Private schools have been growing in general and, likeindependent schools and schools managed by municipalities, they profile themselves. Schoolsare becoming more performance and result-oriented, which has changed the roles of teachersin a dramatic way and is in general, still changing.By profiling students based on theirindividual performance, schools are able to help students identify themselves and their owngoals. The process of profiling is a slow one in which some teachers adapt more quickly thanothers, and one that is critical for other teachers to learn in order to keep up with the demandsof society.Schools, like ordinary businesses, are in constant competition with each other to keep up withthe newest and greatest models of teaching and to rank among the best in high achievements.Perhaps the downside of this modern school structure is that it is often difficult to have aschool where both school management and teachers see eye to eye. School management must heavily focus on the school?s results as a whole.

Effekten av avståndsoperatorer samt expansion med synonymer med avseende på återvinningseffektiviteten

This thesis examines the effects of proximity operators and query expansion with synonyms on retrieval performance. The queries were expanded with synonyms and structured with proximity operators where the permitted distance between terms varied from 1 to 3. The expansion terms were selected from the online lexical reference system WordNet. Initial query terms were selected from 28 topics that contained compound words and were chosen on the basis of their expandibility. The English morphological analyser ENGTWOL was used for normalization of query terms.

Miljövärdeflödesanalys av Risifruttiproduktionen : En utvärdering av värdeflödesanalys och miljövärdeflödesanalys

This report is the result of a thesis work carried out on the Risifrutti production at the company Procordia Food AB. The thesis is at a master level and is the final work for the author to receive a Master of Science in Innovative production at Mälardalen University. The thesis comprises 30 credits and has lasted for 18 weeks. The thesis is mainly a research on whether it is possible to perform an Environmental Value Stream Map (E-VSM) in a food processing industry and an evaluation if the tools E-VSM and Green Performance Map (GPM) are useful in this type of industry. An extra part to this research is to use the results from the E-VSM and give Procordia Food AB information on improvement potentials in the Risifrutti production. The author has found it difficult to collect some of the quantitative data to the E-VSM, mainly regarding energy, but by using the Value Stream Mapping (VSM) tool and other Lean tools the author was able to identify and quantify several wastes in the Risifrutti production. Recommendations for improvements based on these wastes have been given to the company. In the research part of this report the utility of the Value Stream Map, Environmental Value Stream Map and Green Performance Map in a food processing industry have been analyzed. The author has found that the Value Stream Map has been a useful tool since waste and unevenness in the tact of the production has been identified. The Environmental Value Stream Map and the Green Performance Map are also great tools when a company wants to analyze their environmental impact and then invest in environmental improvements. However, no profound energy analyzes has been done in the Risifrutti production because of the lack of energy meters for steam, electricity and compressed air in the production lines..

Avståndet mellan styrande och styrda i EU

Performance Management är en process som syftar till att säkerställa att alla inom en organisation arbetar i samma riktning. Detta uppnås genom att öka tydligheten kring organisationens strategiska mål samt koppla dessa till medarbetarens individuella mål. Vidare är det viktigt att kommunicera vad som förväntas av medarbetarna i termer av arbetsprestationer samt hur detta skall uppnås för att lyckas med uppdraget att minska gapet mellan medarbetares arbetsprestationer och ledningens ambitioner (Armstrong & Baron, 2005).Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att undersöka vilka erfarenheter ledare inom det multinationella telekom- och IT-företaget Logica har av att arbeta med Performance Management samt vilka delar av implementeringen som har varit lätta respektive svåra att genomföra. Vidare vill jag undersöka hur organisationen ytterligare kan förstärka arbetet med Performance Management-processen baserat på ovanstående.Den empiriska undersökningen har genomförts med kvalitativ metod i form av tre stycken fokusgruppintervjuer med ansatsen Experiential Focus Group. Som komplement till fokusgruppintervjuerna har analys av interna dokument som beskriver Performance Management-processen inom Logica, genomförts.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att ledarnas upplevelser av Performance Management-processen varierar beroende på vilken typ av arbetsgrupp man är ledare för.

Högbeläggningssystem för frigående värphöns : erfarenheter 2011

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether gallop training, rather than regular drive training, is worthwhile for trotters race performance. Another aim of the study was to expand the author?s riding- and driving capacity, and get more practical experience on the impact of interval training on trotters. The sample population in the study was two trotters, one Standardbred, and one cold-blood. Given the small sample population, the results of the study is only indicative on the effects of gallop training on trotters, and not conclusive.

Bakomliggande avvägningar i hållbarhetsredovisningens nyckeltal ? En studie kring faktorer som påverkar urval av nyckeltal och hur avvägningar speglas i VD-brev

Syfte: Tidigare forskning visar att de nyckeltal som företag presenterar i sina hållbarhetsredovisningar är svåra att jämföra, dessutom uttrycker näringslivet en svårighet vid val av nyckeltal då flertalet motstridiga intressen beaktas. På basis av problemet med jämförbarhet samt den svårighet som näringslivet uttryckt vid val av nyckeltal syftar denna studie till att klargöra vilka typer av avvägningar som görs vid val av nyckeltal. Ändrade lagkrav kommer leda till att 2 000 svenska företag blir tvungna att hållbarhetsredovisa, vilket stärker relevansen för studien. Det primära syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka subjektiva avvägningar som görs vid framtagande av nyckeltal. Studiens delsyfte är att klargöra om redovisningens VD-brev återspeglar de avvägningar som görs vid framtagandet av nyckeltal.

Konstruktion och utvärdering av Current Conveyors

Normally the operational amplifier is used as a component in active filter design. The goal for future components in filter design is large bandwith and the use of low supply voltages. The use of current-mode instead of voltage-mode circuits gets a step closer to the required performance. A component that use current as the signal conveying part is the current conveyor. In this report a comparative study between two current conveyor structures of second generation (CCII) is performed.

Kombinerad bekämpning i strid i bebyggelse

Even though battles have been fought in built-up areas for a long time, there have not been any specific theories connected to it. As the world becomes increasingly urbanized, the problem of not having any complete theories with which to analyze military operations in urban terrain becomes bigger. This essay aims to contribute to the field of military theory by investigating if Robert Leonhard?s theory of combined arms can be used in analyzing such operations and to be able to explaining the outcome of them. The main question posed in this essay is; to what extent can Leonhard?s theory explain the outcome of military operations in urban terrain? The method used to answer this question is a comparative method formed as a case study of two military operations in urban terrain, Operation Vigilant Resolve and Operation Phantom Fury, which both took place in Fallujah during the Iraq war 2004. The intention is to test Leonhard?s theory in both cases by assigning the theory several indicators, which are tested in each case. The result shows that the indicators appeared almost equally in both cases, even though one of the operations was said to be a success and the other a failure.

Cloud Computing - A Study of Performance and Security

Cloud Computing är det stora modeordet i IT-världen just nu. Det har blivit mer och mer populärt på senare år men frågor har uppstått om dess prestanda och säkerhet. Hur säkert är det egentligen och är det någon större skillnad i prestanda mellan en lokal server och en molnbaserad server? Detta examensarbete tar upp dessa frågor. En serie prestandatester kombinerat med en litteraturstudie genomfördes för att få fram ett resultatet för detta examensarbete. Denna rapport kan komma att vara till nytta för de som har ett intresse av Cloud Computing men som saknar någon större kunskap om ämnet.

Om du lyder : En studie av interaktivitetens villkor och verkningar utifrån tre performancebaserade verk

The aim of this thesis is to examine interactivity in the context of performance-based interactive art. The questions asked are: what are the conditions of interactivity, how interactivity happens, and what artistic results it may yield. The method is an analysis based on close studies of three performance-based interactive artworks by applying theories of interactivity, audience participation, and collaboration.First, current theories are outlined, after which, the three artworks are introduced in detail. Next, the artworks are examined, thematically rather than individually, expanding on parameters such as the degree of artistic direction of the artwork, the degree of agency allowed to the spectator in their interaction with the work, and the idea of the ?passive? spectator as being ?activated? by interactive art.

Vandring som tema i videokonst : En studie av Francis Alÿs videodokumenterade performance

Idag anva?nds 1:1 datorer, d.v.s. en dator fo?r varje elev, i svenska skolor. Detta a?mne a?r intressant att underso?ka i va?rt va?xande globala digitalsamha?lle da?r kommuner och skolor stra?var efter att erbjuda en ho?g tillga?nglighet och kompetens till eleverna.

Ökad kapacitet i Stockholms kollektivtrafik - Kan T-Centralen med enkla finansiella medel öka sin kapacitet

By conducting interviews, studies as well as scanning the current scientific landscape, this paper examines the opportunities of increasing current capacity within the public transportation system in Stockholm with simple financial means for the benefit of the travelers. The paper focuses on the central station of the subway system and how adjustments of processes carried out in relation to the turnstiles could increase performance within areas of interest, given the preferences of the travelers. The theoretical framework of the paper includes models from the field of capacity management as well as theories related to the pedestrian behavior. Applying these theories and models to the collected data, the paper derives some main conclusions. First of, people using the public transportations system, and especially the subway, consider speed and dependability as the most important performance objectives for the caretakers of the public transportation system, SL and MTR to master.

Produktionsnyckeltal och ekonomisk lönsamhet i mjölkproduktionen - en studie av 18 norrländska mjölkgårdar

Denna studie utgör en del av projektet ?Mera mjölk i tankarna? vilket drivs av Växa Sverige i samarbete med, LRF Västerbotten, Norrmejerier och LRF konsult för att utveckla och stärka mjölkföretagen i Norrbotten och Västerbotten. Syftet med denna delstudie var att undersöka vilka produktionsfaktorer som har stor betydelse för att uppnå en god ekonomi och lönsamhet i ett mjölkföretag. Därför studerades samband mellan biologiska produktionsnyckeltal och ekonomisk data från 18 mjölkföretag, belägna i Västerbotten och Norrbottens län. Arbetet innefattar dels en litteraturstudie och dels en sammanställning samt analys av resultat från data som erhållits av en produktionsrådgivare och en ekonomirådgivare i samband med gårdsbesök.

Citeringsmotiv och forskningsevaluering inom kardiologisk forskning. En kvalitativ intervjustudie

The issue of using citation based indicators in the evaluation of science is widely discussed. Only recently did bibliometric indicators become one out of many means for the allocation of financial resources for scientific research at Swedish universities. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the issue of using citations when evaluating science. The author studied the issue from the perspective of citers? motives.

Disclosure Tone in Environmental Reports ?A study of companies in the energy sector

Background and problem discussion: Sustainability reporting has recently risen in importance and a rising number of companies choose to issue voluntary stand-alone sustainability reports. Their non-regulated nature increases the opportunity for management to angle the information in these disclosures to their own advantage. Lately the focus has shifted from examining what kind of information is provided in environmental disclosures, to analyzing how the information is presented.Purpose: The purpose is to examine if managers in the energy sector use optimistic tone when issuing sustainability reports. The aim is to find out if the tone applied in environmental disclosures is in congruence with either the environmental or economic performance or if an excessively positive tone is being used to mislead readers.Limitations: This study is limited to information found in environmental disclosures from private companies in the energy sector, issued in 2012 or 2013. Environmental performance is defined as the amount of CO2e emissions and economic performance refers to annual company revenues.Methodology: The quantification of optimistic tone is conducted using a content analysis, relying on a pre-specified wordlist and a pilot study.

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